The Hake Report

Live Mon-Fri 9-11 AM PT – Call-in 1-888-775-3773

A live call-in show with James Hake on Jesse Lee Peterson’s network

About Hake

James Anton Hake discusses “news” and takes your calls weekdays on The Hake Report, part of Jesse Lee Peterson’s Network.

He regularly appears on The JLP Show as an Expert and Hake News journalist.

You may have seen Hake’s appearances on Modern-Day Debate, the Killstream, The Krypto Report (RIP Azzmador), Dylan Burns’ Hippy Dippy Roundtable, and elsewhere.

He debates the likes of Destiny (Steven Bonnell), Vaush, Stardust, and others.

He interviews people like Richard Spencer, Jason Köhne (No White Guilt), and Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) — and talks with people from Mexico, South Africa, and across the world, callers like you! 😀

Hake also produces Church with Jesse Lee Peterson online at BOND, Jesse Lee Peterson’s nonprofit organization. Highly recommended!

Thanks to the JLP Network, BOND Entrepreneur Academy, callers, the “snake pit” (Live Chat), comment section, and supporters for helping make the show!

Let me know what you think!

Disagreement, questions and criticism welcome! (No gossip and slander — it’s a family-friendly show!)

Call-in live: 1-888-775-3773 (try via Google Voice overseas), M-F 9-11am PT* (11-1 CT / 12-2 ET)

*Los Angeles is GMT-7 (during PDT, Pacific Daylight Time) from March-November…

and GMT-8 (during PST, Standard Time) from November-March.

COMMENT YouTube  | BitChute | Instagram | FB | Telegram

CONTACT via BOND office (323) 782-1980 |  DM via X  | Email**

MAIL James Hake c/o BOND, P.O. Box 35090, Los Angeles, CA 90035

**Follow-up if you contact Hake and need to hear back… he’s sometimes REMISS in not checking / responding!

Support Hake

Super Chat via BuyMeACoffee, Ko-fi, Streamlabs, Rumble, Odysee, or tip via PayPal, CashApp

Shop Hake’s Store(s) – T-shirts, mugs, stickers, etc… (also see JLP/BOND tees, books, etc.)

Support Hake monthly via Substack, SubscribeStar, or Locals.

Buy a “Cameo” (personal shoutout video) from Hake!

Donate to BOND, JLP’s nonprofit, Rebuilding the family by rebuilding the man — donations to BOND are tax-deductible.

  • Mail check/money order to BOND, PO Box 35090, Los Angeles, CA 90035

  • Call BOND 323-782-1980, or 1-800-411-BOND (2663)

  • Donate to BOND online:

Crew / co-hosts / Characters:

Joel Friday (YouTube / IG), Nick the Anchor Baby (YouTube / Rumble), Derrick (JLP’s new producer), Sean (JLP’s former producer), Hassan (former board operator)

Hake’s special guest co-host Bigg Bump (rapper, JLP’s “Stand Up” remix) on Twitter, YouTube, etc.

Hake’s former de facto producer Dielawn (Dylan Volk), author of Bad Choices Make Good Stories, a former intern and guest booker for JLP and The Fallen State

Originally “The Hake Report with Joel and Esteban” — JLP says the latter two got fired! 😆 … Joel now hosts Joel Friday TV. Like Hake, Joel and Esteban participated in the BOND Entrepreneur Academy.

Hake Music / Art

The Hake Report: LA LA LA (profile pic graphic by Lock Your Door

Lock Your Door made Hake’s “LA LA LA” graphic

“The Hake Report” original theme song* (played Fridays) by AJ Gallardo of 10Fingers11Toes; See AJ’s personal Instagram (may be private).

Alt. version “The Hake Report”* (played Mon-Thu) by Trevor Wesley, popular singer-songwriter; | YouTube | Instagram

“The Hake Report” theme song (both versions) appear on Jesse Lee Peterson Remixes & Intros + Hake Report (Various Artists, March 2019).

Dramatic Hake News intro (on JLP) by Shaw-krow däshsabè (Sh-ah-kr-O duh-s-ah-bay) — Dylan from Iowa recommends “Liquid Iron.”

Artwork: Lock Your Door: Twitter: @_LOCK_YOUR_DOOR // Instagram: @_lockyourdoor_ // NOTE: LYD’s social media accounts may change due to censorship.

Adriana Bevacqua Baixinha Forte wrote and sang “Listen to Hake News” and other great songs you may have heard, including “Ego Let It Go” (original and cleaner versions).

Many others have contributed art, T-shirt ideas, slogans, and original music… Thank you!

Hake plays mostly “Christian music” and other lesser-known stuff (from high school / “college” days) during breaks on the show.

Select Prior Guests

Updates / History of The Hake Report

Sunday, September 3, 2017, James, Joel, and Esteban’s first show (before Church, one hour, YouTube live)

Sunday, December 24, 2017, James’s first solo show, interviewing a friend AJ in Big Bear

Thursday, April 4, 2019, James started doing Thursdays in addition to Sundays, 1-hour.

Monday, July 1, 2019, James started doing Monday through Friday plus Sunday, 1-hour.

(Late March 2020, Hake moved his podcast feed to PodBean from SoundCloud.)

In July 2020, Hake started doing two hours weekdays, and quit Sundays.

Since November 2021, Hake has appeared on interviews/debates more frequently!

(January 2022, Hake moved his podcast feed to Substack, away from Podbean.)

Since March 2022, Hake has added outside videos (sometimes exclusive).

August-November 2022, Hake was mostly OUT due to surgeries, etc. (Don’t ask!)

Monday, July 15, 2024, Hake started mostly running his own show without a board operator!

*Censorship Log:

Partial log… YouTube perhaps the most egregious, violating offender!

• On Fri. 11-24-23 (day after Thanksgiving!), YouTube gave Hake a “Hate Speech” strike during the show! within 30 minutes! discussing Irish reaction to an Algerian immigrant allegedly stabbing children and a woman.

• On August 6, 2023, Hake’s umpteenth (not all are listed) YouTube strike: “Medical Misinformation” re: COVID-19 vaccines on 7/17/23 Mon. show. Hake doesn’t even talk about the vaxx. 🤷‍♂️

• On May 6, 2022, Spotify issued a Takedown notice for 04/15/22 Fri. Evil Disney Women!… This is the second Spotify censorship notice (taking down three episodes total) I’ve noticed for my show.

• On 03/15/22, Patreon removed Hake, JLP, and The Fallen State’s pages, and deleted our accounts “for violating our Community Guidelines regarding Hate Speech” (not true / also no such thing).

• On 09/21/21, Trovo “blocked…forever” numerous accounts including James’s “due to [supposed] violation of Trovo Terms of Services.”

• On 06/24/21, Spotify emailed a Takedown Notification for two episodes, 06/02/21 Wed. and 05/19/21 Wed. This is the first audio podcast censorship I’ve noticed for my show.

• On 6/11/21, YouTube issued a Community Guidelines strike, for Tue. 6/8/21 stream, for purported “spam, deceptive practices and scams policy" (not true), 1-week suspension.

• On 10/8/20, YouTube issued a second Community Guidelines strike, for 8/13/20 stream, crying “spam, deceptive practices or scams.” (not true) 🤷‍♂️ 14-day suspension. One more strike, I lose my channel.

• On 10/6/20, Twitch issued a Community Guidelines strike supposedly for “Engaging in hateful conduct against a person or group of people” (not true) in my channel profile. 🤷‍♂️ 14-day suspension

• On 9/14/20, YouTube issued a Community Guidelines strike for 8/14/20 stream. The supposed offense was “Impersonation,” then later changed to “Spam, deceptive practices or scams.” 🤷‍♂️