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'Systemic Racism' Debate: Tom Foolery vs. Hake on The Crucible

Thursday, January 20, 2022 AD, at 6 PM PST (9 EST / 8 CST), James Hake debates Tom Foolery about "systemic racism": Watch on Odysee.

NOTE: YouTube link is private.

Hake's fellow guest: Tom Foolery Show on YouTube | TomFooleryP on Twitter | Tom Foolery Podcast website

Host/moderator, ALL LINKS: The Crucible (with Andrew Wilson and Pedro Guzman) | YouTube | Twitter

NOTE: I was also on The Crucible a month ago, during Christmas vacation, on a Rap Debate (see my blog post).


Tom Foolery is a right winger. He thought systemic racism was “bull crap.” He thought the problem for blacks was culture, such as single-parent households. But then the definition of "systemic racism" is "racist" things that happened in the past that disproportionately affect people based on their race. 


No racist things ever happened in the past. 


Every statistic that supposedly indicates "systemic racism" just makes blacks look bad. 

The old laws, policies, and practices that segregated and treated blacks differently were based on the reality of cultural clash between distinct communities, not shallow liberals' ideas of "superiority" or "hate" based on "race." 

Affirmative Action and other policies that discriminate against whites (and Asians) — affirmative action is not "racist," but shallow, misguided, and evil. Just because Affirmative Action supporters think blacks are too stupid to make it on their own and that whites are "superior" doesn’t make affirmative action (de facto or de jure) a "racist" system. It makes it a system rooted in evil and lies. Communism is never consistent — they don't value truth or consistency. 

The so-called "justice system" is influenced by a prejudiced political and cultural landscape that hates and falsely accuses whites of imaginary "racism" (GZ, Derek Chauvin, the McMichaels, James Fields, etc.). But that so-called "justice system" is not "racist." It’s simply against truth and actual justice — in favor of the female-mind-invented social justice, which is a ruse to tear down whites, men, and Christians. 


No one hated blacks because they were black. They hate them based on how they act (all too many), based on experiences and earned reputation. 

No one hates whites just because they're white. The hatred of whites is based on false stereotypes and projection. 

(They may mock whites based on some factual things. They may resent whites' looking out for their communities, slurring the white women with the name "Karen," but that's mostly because evil hates being watched and seen. Adding to the resentment, the white men should be leading and up-front against the evil in the blacks, rather than timid or fearful of being called "racist." Blacks and all people hate weakness, and that's partly why blacks hate and push around the whites, and why women hate and push around men.) 

But they hate whites because they've been lied to, poorly raised and easily misled. The puppet-masters who hate whites hate whites because whites are the most in-the-way of globo-homo socialism — that is, particularly normal conservative Christian white men willing to stand up and speak up for their country, but also anyone who's logical and/or independent-thinking. These are the people who are in the way of their phony notion of "progress." 

Christianity says right is right and wrong is wrong — but the progressives, Dems, RINOs, and commie capitalists say wrong is right and right is wrong. 


Is he a RINO? Definitely an intellectual! 

TOM: Taking away people’s opportunities? Give them back. 

JAMES: You can’t give opportunities back — they’re gone! Opportunities come from God. 

PEDRO GUZMAN: "The idea of race is not biblical or Christian." 

Thanks, all!