HAKE NEWS 09/28/21 Tue. R. Kelly Railroaded in #MeToo Kangaroo Court
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Hake News for The Jesse Lee Peterson Show, Tuesday, September 28, 2021
End of Hour 1: Biden admin lied, American soldiers died! — in Afghanistan. Senate hearing today with Mark Milley, Lloyd Austin, and Frank McKenzie. // R. Kelly got railroaded! Federal jury finds him "guilty" of racketeering, and other trumped up charges related to sexual stuff amid the #MeToo madness. //
End of Hour 2: Murders went up 30% last year! "Reasons unclear," according to dishonest experts blaming "an increase in gun purchases," ignoring BLM and commie shutdowns. // John Hinckley, Jr., the Reagan would-be assassin, was let off strict restrictions by a Clinton "judge" Paul Friedman who hates Trump. // The UK supposedly suffers a gas shortage, and the liars are blaming Brexit. // Sleepy Joe Biden got his booster shot on-camera, a cringe flex! //
After JLP, catch The Hake Report.
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