Conservatives Brainwashed with Anti-White Bias Over Hate (Tue 10/1/19)
The Hake Report, 9 AM PT Tuesday, October 1, 2019 - live in Hour 4 of Jesse Lee Peterson’s streams (including YouTube, Periscope, DLive, and Mixer) and
'Conservatives' in-fighting after some cave to far-left
RWW covered the story of some conservative young woman getting ousted from her position on a prominent conservative group after she took a photo alongside a white Hispanic Alt-Right type of host, the ex-Alt-Right guy Baked Alaska (dunno where he stands ideologically now), some Asian young conservative woman, a black-and-Arab guy Ali Alexander (decent guy trying to bring people together to talk), and others. Some more standard mainstream conservatives condemned the group photo as fraternizing with “racists” and “anti-semites.” The young alt-right guy said something nasty about some standard conservative a month ago. Whatever.
Group pic that’s “controversial” because one guy in the pic is supposedly “racist,” and another an “anti-Semite” who’s said nasty things about Jews and others. One woman in this pic was fired from a high profile conservative group over this.
We’re kind of outsiders. I’m kinda glad for that.
Blood boiling after vengeful black official insults cop
I watched that story of the black commissioner abusing his position and smearing a “white” police officer. That is pure evil. How do you deal with that as an officer in the right way??
Here’s the story, stolen from Jesse’s producer, Nick:
(Daily Mail) Florida City Commissioner Ambushes Deputy At Ceremony
A Florida politician couldn't resist the urge to confront an officer that he says booked him on false charges four years ago, right when the officer was getting an award for excellence in policing.
CLIP: Gelin smears cop
The arrest report states the officer 'advised Gelin to move back” and that Gelin wouldn’t comply.
All charges were dropped on Gelin.
Caller Log, courtesy of Jesse’s producer, Nick
Vincent from North Carolina asks James if he supports an ethnostate. James says yes. He asks if he supports America becoming white again. James says yes, majority white at least. They touch on propaganda and James talks about the different ways an individual can combat the mainstream media. James touches on the anger Vincent holds for Jews is the same as any anger and it undermines those on the side of good.
Steve from Los Angeles, CA wants to touch on a story that James reports on about a woman that got ousted for being part of a conservative group online. She attended a dinner with some people that are allegedly white nationalist and anti-semites and she is facing backlash for it, even from conservatives.
Christopher from California wants James to clarify his comments on the ADL. Christopher says that James said ADL is anti-jewish and james explains why. He mentions how these organizations that are supposedly for minorities, such as the ADL the NAACP, etc. are actually the worst thing for those groups of people.
Stupid liberal opinions on impeachment
Fake News
Meanwhile, back in America… (Drudge) TRUMP ASKS AUSTRALIAN PM TO HELP DISCREDIT MUELLER… THANK YOU! (NY Times via MSN) President Trump pushed the Australian prime minister during a recent telephone call to help Attorney General William P. Barr gather information for a Justice Department inquiry that Mr. Trump hopes will discredit the Mueller investigation…. Mr. Trump’s discussion with Prime Minister Scott Morrison of Australia shows the president using high-level diplomacy to advance his personal political interests (JAMES ADDS: IT’S ACTUALLY THE COUNTRY’S INTERESTS).
The discussion with Mr. Morrison shows the extent to which Mr. Trump views the attorney general as a crucial partner (CERNOVICH TWEETED AN OLD HOLDER QUOTE CALLING HIMSELF OBAMA’S WINGMAN): The president is using federal law enforcement powers to aid his political prospects, settle scores with his perceived “deep state” enemies and show that the Mueller investigation had corrupt, partisan origins. (WHICH IT DID! DUHHHH!) BARR RECRUITS FOREIGN OFFICIALS… (NY Times via MSN) Barr personally asked foreign officials to aid inquiry into CIA and FBI activities (bunch of liberals!) THAT THE AMERICAN ANTI-AMERICAN SPIES WERE DOING in 2016.
(Drudge) RUDY SUBPOENAED… (AP) — At one end of Pennsylvania Avenue, the president raged about treason. At the other, the methodical march toward impeachment proceeded apace. (OH GOSH, AP’S WRITING IS RIDICULOUS! THIS IS WRITTEN By JONATHAN LEMIRE, MATTHEW V. LEE, MARY CLARE JALONICK and EMILY SWANSON. BETA MALES AND LIBERAL WOMEN!)
Fake Opinions
Some person writes WIRE: Why Impeachment Wouldn't Lead to 'Civil War'... TRYING TO BRAINWASH YOU TO GET YOU USED TO THE IDEA! Ramesh Ponnuru writes in Bloomberg Opinion (shared by Yahoo News) President Donald Trump warns that removing him from office would “cause a Civil War-like fracture in this Nation from which our Country will never heal.” He is quoting Robert Jeffress, a prominent evangelical supporter, who also says that Democrats are trying to remove Trump from office because they know they cannot defeat him in an election. But this effort, Jeffress predicts and Trump affirms, will fail. Two-thirds of senators would have to vote to convict Trump in an impeachment trial to end his presidency. That high bar explains why no president has been removed from office that way, and only one has resigned rather than face impeachment and a Senate trial. All the Senate’s Democrats and independents, and 20 of its Republicans, would have to vote against Trump for this to be the first such presidential ouster. The pastor says that impeachment and removal would “negate the votes of millions of Evangelicals.” Ponnuru claims: If 67 senators are prepared (SHOULD BE “WERE PREPARED”! BECAUSE ITS HYPOTHETICAL! GRAMMAR!) to vote for something, it almost certainly would mean that many millions of evangelicals approve of it. (I SAY: THAT’S A DUMB POINT! WASTE OF TIME READING! WE WOULD NEVER APPROVE OF THAT!)
Trump’s Impeachment Plan Is the Opposite of Clinton… Far left David Frum in The Atlantic writes: During the Lewinsky scandal, Clinton focused on doing his job. Trump isn’t even pretending, SO FRUM CLAIMS. OH PLEASE! TOTALLY DIFFERENT SITUATIONS. TRUMP IS FIGHTING BACK AND DOING MORE.
WASH POST fantasizes: President Pelosi?
Still not falling for the Hong Kong protesters
(Drudge) HONG KONG TURNS WARZONE PROTESTER SHOT Summit News has VIDEO (Daily Mail) A 'Schoolboy' Hong Kong protester is in 'critical' condition after being shot in the chest with a live round by police as activists stage violent 'Day of Grief' rallies to defy Communist rule on China's 70th National Day. Debris from the bullet was lodged only 3cm from his heart. Footage shows a police officer shooting a protester at close range while being hit by the rioter with a baton. (I WATCHED IT, THE NARROW SHORT BAR GRAZED THE COPS SLEEVE AS THE COP SHOT HIM. BROUGHT IT ON HIMSELF! OPEN YOUR EYES HE HAS A GUN!) The anti-riot squad fired another two live warning shots in Yau Ma Tei as they tried to disperse demonstrators.
The rioter was said to be disoriented as he was taken to Princess Margaret Hospital after being hit in the left chest during rallies in the city's Tsuen Wan district. The footage was taken by the The Hong Kong University Students' Union. (Daily Mail has a photo of him in a breathing mask on a stretcher, and you can see the wound is dressed.) There’s also a video circulating on Facebook of him right after being shot asking onlookers for help. He said: 'Send me to hospital. My chest is hurting. I need to go to hospital.' He was shot at around 4:10pm on Hoi Pa Street and was taken to hospital about 20 minutes later. BTW: some officers sustained bleeding on the head, according to Hong Kong's Now TV. Another male rioter in Wong Tai Sin was shot in the left eye by what's believed to be a bean bag round, reported 01HK.
Thanks, y’all!