Shapiro on Jesus, Fuentes on Ovens, Kirk on Gays, Crenshaw on Trump, Fri 11/8/19
The Hake Report, Friday, November 8, 2019 - 9 AM PT, Hour 4 of Jesse Lee Peterson’s stream.
Quick item: I have pics of Glenn Greenwald getting slapped in a fight in Brazil. I told about it in top of Hour 3 news on JLP show.
Ben Shapiro on Jesus, Nick Fuentes on Holocaust...
Clip 11 TBA (YouTube from Moreno James) Ben Shapiro: "I think [Jesus] was a rebel who got killed for his trouble"...0.55
Originally streamed April 3, 2019: Joe Rogan Experience #1276 - Ben Shapiro (PowerfulJRE)
It’s an intellectual answer. It’s a made-up assumption. It’s a lie. It’s to be expected. Is it blasphemy? It’s consistent with his bad takes that sound reasonable to snooty blind mockers. (“You’re not into in zombies?” SMH… Rogan is a pro-atheist kiss-up to Richard Dawkins.)
Earlier this week I showed a clip of nationalist Vincent James confronting Daily Wire writer Matt Walsh, who’s Christian, for working for Ben who initially retweeted attacks on the Covington Catholic kids (Shapiro said yesterday he helped them behind the scenes afterward).
I did see some of Ben Shapiro’s speech last night. He was answering the famous Q&A questions of Nick Fuentes’s Groypers to Charlie Kirk and others. He’s more conservative than Charlie Kirk, yet he wants the government out of marriage altogether. And he called the America First people Alt-Right and garbage human beings or something. So I guess these guys are bad people? The Democrats are garbage human beings.
BTW: I finally got this for you guys to hear, those who haven’t:
Clip 14 - Nick Fuentes on the Cookie Question (Whole Foods Market on YouTube) ...2.15
Ben Shapiro quoted this last night. That’s the clip some guy shared to smear him as a “Holocaust denier” (who cares) and “anti-Semite” (doesn’t exist). And so that mainstream guy Sebastian Gorka, and evil ZOA, wanted Fuentes banned from Twitter. Nick says he’s been banned from PayPal, same with Owen Benjamin.
Call me a disinterested millennial, but neither of these are particularly outrageous. WHO CARES.
Charlie Kirk kisses up to Dave Rubin and gays! What the…!
Clip 12 (Tweet from SenecaRoca) User says: the leader of the most well funded & influential conservative youth organization has no problem with gay marriage. in fact, he thinks its cool that gay people can get married & adopt children this was a position barack obama considered too radical & far left in 2008 #CultureWar...0.23
the leader of the most well funded & influential conservative youth organization has no problem with gay marriage. in fact, he thinks its cool that gay people can get married & adopt children
— ً (@SenecaRoka) November 6, 2019
this was a position barack obama considered too radical & far left in 2008#CultureWar
Originally from a January 18, 2018 release: Millennial Conservative on Trump, Social Issues, & Religion | Charlie Kirk | POLITICS | Rubin Report
Caller Log, courtesy of Jesse’s producer, Nick
Earl from Michigan wants to school baby hitler (James Hake) on Trump and who he really is. Earl is sure that Trump is a buffoon and challenges James on believing everything he says. Can you blame James? The man is right about everything!
Chris from Arizona calls in because she wants to read something off 7 Guaranteed Steps, a book written by Jesse. Chris touches on the Popeye’s chicken craze and James warns her to be careful!
Samuel from South Carolina calls people who justify homosexuality BETA! James asks people to stop pretending to be compassionate by justifying the worst in people
Johnny from Tennessee asks James if he think Jesus was a white nationalist. The reason he asked is because of some comments James made. Johnny acts incredulous but James calls him out for the waste of masculinity considering Johnny isn’t even voting Trump. James reminds him that America is being taken over by evil.
James from Texas has some comments about tax rates.
John from California calls in about the topic James has been talking about; Dan Crenshaw and groypers, etc.
Dan Crenshaw is nice (i.e. RINO)...
We had the warning signs… even within the Face the Nation clips from November 2018. We (I) have (had) very low standards for our Republican politicians and the relatively weak stances they take.
Clip 13 (Face the Nation) Dan Crenshaw agrees with Dems not liking Trump’s language...1.39
Crenshaw and Ben Shapiro like to shush people from calling the other side bad people or a bad person, but the left ARE bad people, and so are most of the right. Yet he called people garbage human beings for being so-called racist or so-called anti-semitic.
Crenshaw Is a Politically Correct Trump Hater, and Weak on Christianity
BTW: Before I get into this next topic, reporter and activist Vincent James of Red Elephants says that in 2015, Congressman Crenshaw (R-TX?) said, “The worst thing modern Christianity stands for is anti-homosexual marriage...” (According to the Houston Chronicle, he was comparing it to Islam — the full line is: “The worst thing modern Christianity stands for is anti-homosexual marriage, which is a far cry from sex slaves, sharia law and beheadings.”)
HE’S WORSE EVEN WITH MORE CONTEXT… (CRTX News - Conservative Republicans of Texas News) In that same Facebook post, Crenshaw said, “Trump’s insane rhetoric is hateful”; he goes on to say, “On the one hand you have idiots like Trump…” and then he complains, “The rest of us in the middle are getting sick of it.” THIS INTELLECTUALISM IS WHAT I CALL FAKE-REASONABLE. FAR-LEFT RADICALS DO THIS, PRETENDING TO BE CALM AND SANE VOICES. CLASSIC EXAMPLES: PIERS MORGAN VS ALEX JONES, DON LEMON VS SHERIFF DAVID CLARKE.
Dan Crenshaw Facebook post, Dec 8, 2015 with quotes: “…The worst thing modern Christianity currently stands for is anti-homosexual marriage, which is a far cry from sex slaves, sharia law, and beheadings. Trump’s insane rhetoric is hateful, yes. … On the one hand you have idiots like Trump, and on the other you have equally ignorant liberals…. The rest of us in the middle are getting sick of it.”
Dan Crenshaw reply on Facebook from the Dec 2015 post: “… I am the last person to advocate for trump style xenophobia….”
I heard a lot of his Joe Rogan podcast interview a few months back, and he sounded so “reasonable.” That’s the deception of weakness, softness, intellectualism, RATIONALIZATION.... (Rationalizing is a word I learned from the book Making Gay Okay, by Catholic author Robert R. Reilly.)
Dan Crenshaw won’t even explain the USS Liberty incident! What the…!
Clip 15 (Tweet from 18yo NightHawk) User says: I've obtained exclusive footage of Congressman Dan Crenshaw's Q&A at UT Austin, courtesy of Marty ScorchedEarthse#6788 on discord. Groyper barely asks a question before the mic is taken away! Unbelievable. @NickJFuentes...0.19
Just take the question! SMH.
Thanks, y’all!