Hake Takes on More Blacks from the Snake Pit! (Tue. 12/17/19)
Black male in the vault! (I got pics)
Bible verses on forgiveness! Jesse even remembered one that I didn’t realize!
Wicked Witch Maxine Waters and Nervous Nancy Pelosi under a Trump 2020 sign — is this real?
NOT SURE THAT I GOT TO THIS, BUT… LIZ CHENEY NEEDS TO BE PRIMARIED! (BTW: Her younger sister Mary Cheney, age 50, is a conservative lesbian if there is such a thing — there’s not.)
Caller Log, courtesy of Jesse’s producer, Nick
Samuel from Sweden called in after James mentioned Samuel on Sunday. He gives the proper pronunciation of Greta Thunberg.
Louie from Idaho comments on the report James made on JLP about the baby tourism. It struck him and hit close.
Steve from Los Angeles, CA calls in to debate James on socialism. Steve describes scandinavian countries but James disputes their success. They speak on the homogenous scandinavian nations that are now dealing with mass immigration.
Joe K. from Phoenix, AZ calls in to continue an ongoing conversation with James. Joe has been trying to prove that Jesse just wants to denigrate blacks but James challenges him by describing what Jesse actually does. Jesse spends most of his time counseling blacks and others so James can’t accept Joe’s accusation.
Ms Dani from Niagara Falls - SNAKE LADY can’t be honest!
David from Poland calls in challenging James. David claims that people shouldnt be required to speak english to be American.
Scott from Colorado was prompted to call after a caller on JLP was sure he was alpha while living with his girlfriends parents.
Lou from Florida calls in regarding the verse Mark 11, verse 29 or whatever and asks James regarding something Jesse said about sin. Lou thinks he knows what sin is, and tries to pretend Jesse’s explanation is unbiblical.
Christine from New Jersey wants James’ take on the time that God said he wouldn’t flood the world again.
I FORGOT TO GET TO THIS… Dirty women pushing MESS (See Hake News from Hour 2 today, Tue. 12/17/19). How do the males go along with it? Maybe some of us would too.
Thanks, y’all!