Beta Generation and How James Came to Work for BOND and Jesse (Thur., Apr. 11, 2019)
Here’s my second Thursday stream, starting after the end of Jesse’s third hour on his stream (Sunday show is on The Hake Report channel).
THURSDAY (4/11/19) – James’s story – Christian/Church/Jesus Club, Music, Bible HS, Decapolis, Lukewarm Generation, APU, roommates (“real”...BETAS), radio/dad, Sunday Service, Men leading & speaking up, You can change, Job offer Feb 2007, speaking 10:30-11, working elsewhere, volunteer, 20th Anniv. 2010, radio listener, second job offer Oct 2013.
Kyle Guy’s parents are each divorced and remarried. Mother & Stepfather listed first.
3 bros, 2 sisters. (FULL? Hm).
Great grandpa was an Indiana High Schools bball and football hall of famer.
He has a mixed black fiancée (maybe she’s Creole), he’s white… side note.
(Wikipedia) Kyle Guy, NCAA star basketball player
Mom —> Friends/Mom —> Bible —> Dad —> Pastor —> Counselor —> Friends —> Church...
My bro respected my dad. I respected that about him.
JP Show 90s Husband-Wife Relationships Part 2. Counselor outer source. Not higher power. It’s within. Know from within.
It’s not about what you know that makes you awake, so much. That does help a little. But a little goes a long way, in that, what you need is not a whole lot.
knowing about Jesse’s teachings no good if ur arrogant and repeating it.
Knowing about Joe Biden, or thinking you know and getting puffed up judging one another. No good.
Knowing about the Jews, or flat earth, or moon landing, or 9/11, or WWII, or… all for naught. Even building up body, well that’s useful.
It’s how you are.
Pete Buttigieg is annoying.
And representative of the downfall of the American white male.
Caller Log:
D out of Virginia -
Christian out of North Carolina - Wanted to make a comment about alphaness
Andrew, first time caller, Washington D.C. - Thank the JLP team
Derrick, first time caller, Oklahoma - ask what Hake thought about vegans
Joe Kenyon from Arizona - comment about stereotypes (WATCH 11-min. CUT)
John, first time caller, Illinois - Why do black people supports Hispanic
Maze from Ohio - Wanted to welcome James