Fake Christians...Pete Buttigieg; REAL Stephen A. Smith (Thur., April 4, 2019)
Today’s the first day I did The Hake Report show on a Thursday morning on Jesse’s stream (right after Jesse’s show, starting after 3 hours). Took a lot of great calls — Vincent, Martin from Holland, Grant, and several others — thank you.
Here are my notes:
Fake Christians – Liberals. SMH.
Pete Buttigieg – soooo fake. “My interpretation…”
Stephen Colbert – Relevant Magazine.
All my APU friends
Jim Wallace, APU, 40 years
Fake Christians – Conservatives. SMH.
TBH we’re not conservatives if we have anger – we serve libs’ interests, Satan.
Both sides saying Trump’s not humble. Even people I wouldn’t call RINOs. EVIL LIE.
Losers. Socialism gaining.
BLM kiss-ups. InterVarsity. & IVP aren’t they the ones who translated the NIV?
Both sides kiss up to women. If not politically, in their personal lives they do. SMH.
Twitter profile pics of Pete Buttigieg and of Stephen A. Smith (from unrelated stories)
How easily influenced are you? It’s hard to tell.
I’ve watched people say stuff they hear pretty blatantly. They agree with what they hear.
I suggested there’s no such thing as thinking for yourself. (I suppose there is such thing as knowing for yourself.)
I’ve imitated people I admire and been embarrassed about it later. Even in the midst of it on my trip I hide it from the person I’m imitating.
I truly believe that’s how my friends became pro-gay. Influenced.
ESPN is total SJW, right?
They forced Stephen A. Smith to apologize for saying women shouldn’t provoke wrong action (so-called “domestic violence”).
But they see he’s their most valuable talent. He’s a real guy,
not a SJW weak guy like Skip Bayless. They’d have interesting political/social commentary discussions.
But Stephen A. was more like a real guy.
Shannon Sharpe is now on Fox Sports vs. Skip.
Why are sports commentators liberal? I guess they’re the do-nothing journalists, a la
Evan Sayet: Libs don’t do anything.
REALNESS IS ENTERTAINING. Trump is entertaining — he’s REAL. (Tucker in Politico said the truth is THRILLING. Trump tells the truth.) Jesse is entertaining — he’s REAL.
The only criticisms I get in YouTube comments are when people think I’m not REAL (also a little bit of stuttering and jumping around).
Beta Male culture has become common, but like one person said, if you go with the flow, everybody drowns. And drowning is a distinctly individual and isolating suffering. O.M.G.
Porn is being promoted as normal. I was shocked years back when a friend asked isn’t porn normal. I told him it’s typical but not right. Porn Hub openly has a twitter account. People act like it’s cute.
I saw a meme that it’s considered Nazi or far-right extremist to reject porn and degeneracy, and to be into fitness, nature, health, working out, reading classics, etc.
I mentioned Sunday victim groups: MGTOW, Incels, MRAs, Alt-Right, Conservatives, Christians… Yes all those people have been wronged, but we’re not victims. You became what you hate: Feminists / liberal women / women are “victims.” Pathetic. We’ve become women. LESBIANS!
Now everybody’s maturing OLD. A 35-y-o caller actually considered donating sperm to a lesbian and not being a father and getting married to a normal woman. 35! A Christian!