The Smearing of a Normal Kid ("N-word" Drama) Sun, May 26, 2019
Talking about Kyle Kashuv, Tony Robbins, etc., the N-word controversy, and unity vs division.
Also some texts from Thursday about "reproductive rights" and real Christians who started America.
A little more biblical basis for what Jesse's about. People falsely accuse him of being "false prophet." "You shall know a man by his fruit." And what is the fruit of the Spirit?
A few notes on White History: It's not "we" — the whites today aren't the whites who made the country great. Also: Who benefits more today from past slavery in the US?
If time: A little about the hullabaloo over the wall. Also if time: Fake Christians and liberal fake Christians.
My longer notes:
Texts from Thursday that I’d like to read:
Text from Mark: Women complain about their “reproductive rights” the women make the decision to end a pregnancy that required both man and woman to create. The reality is the woman is violating the MAN’s right to reproduce. If they’re both in on it, they’re violating the unborn child’s right to life.
BGTG: Real Christians crossed the ocean and founded the greatest country with freedom and justice for all and science as a result, blossomed in America.
N-word drama:
The smearing of a normal kid… now an adult with a platform. (Kyle Kashuv, friends, trash SJW sites, blacks who helped him, apologies, deplatforming, division / unity)
Self-help guru, motivational speaker, personal responsibility, icon. Betrayal. (Tony Robbins)
White House photo of Kyle Kashuv meeting with President Trump and First Lady Melania.
False accusations of “False Prophet”
You know a man by his fruit: The fruit of the Spirit… vs. pride, anger, backbiting, division, etc.
White History Month:
White History is not “we.” (I forgot to mention the “not we” part.)
Just like “we were enslaved” is not true, or “we only had rights 60 years” is a lie for anyone under 60.
A fortune is gained or lost (sometimes both multiple times) in a lifetime. “You know what they say about money: Easy come, easy go!” Lotta blacks like easy money: Hence: Sell drugs.
Blacks today can reap the rewards from slavery then, much more than whites. Some do — those with any sense.
The Wall: Hullabaloo over the “only 2 miles built” Fake News from Drudge!
It makes sense to tear down and rebuild where barriers already existed because they were ineffective and if there’s barriers there already that means they’re opportune places where people would normally try to cross if they could. Which until now they could.
Liberal “Christians”:
(Drudge) COLBERT Gives CBS First Late-Night Ratings Season Win In 20 Years… Stephen Colbert’s supposed to be a Christian. Liberal.