Idiots Kissing Up to Black Victimhood (Thur, Jun 20, 2019)
The Hake Report, streaming on Jesse’s 4th hour (last hour here on YouTube)
James talks a little about the Reparations hearing by Congress, which is ridiculous, and sort of compliments the Democrat writer Coleman Hughes.
Everybody’s the same. Blacks who hate Jesse for telling them not to hate whites. Whites who hate Jesse for telling them not to hate Jews. The rest of us who are judging the judgmental.
(Drudge) Confederate monuments across the South under attack by vandals… Yeah, they’re called DEMOCRATS (a euphemism for blacks and Antifa! Including RINOs)... (Charlotte Observer) More than a dozen Confederate statues vandalized around the country so far in 2019. That doesn’t include the vandalism and riots last year around the University of North Carolina’s Silent Sam statue in Chapel Hill which attracted international attention. In the years since deadly clashes in Charlottesville, Virginia over the removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee in August 2017, scores of Confederate memorials have been taken down around the country (NY Times). Many more have been vandalized over the past two years.
Here are some of the cases so far this year:
This week, police accused two people of splattering “a red paint-like substance” on the Confederate Defenders of Charleston monument in South Carolina (The State).
On Monday, someone painted “They Were Racists” and splashed red paint on a Confederate monument in Nashville, Tennessee (Nashville Public Radio).
Earlier in June someone spray painted the word “racists” on a Confederate memorial at the Texas Capitol grounds in Austin (KWKT).
A monument to Confederate soldiers in a cemetery in Bardstown, Kentucky, was vandalized in May (WLKY). Someone poured red paint on the statue, similar to what happened to another Confederate monument that was defaced in Louisville, Kentucky.
Paint thrown on the Louisville monument in May marks the fifth time the Confederate soldier statue has been defaced in two years (The Louisville Courier Journal). A city commission had just voted to remove that statue.
In April, someone smeared what appeared to be cement on the plaque for a Confederate monument in a Durham, North Carolina, cemetery (The News and Observer). This was the second time the monument had been defaced.
In March, police said two people poured yellow paint on a Confederate statue in Salisbury, North Carolina (The Charlotte Observer).
Also in March, this time in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, someone spray painted the words“murderer” and “coward” in pink on a monument outside the Historic Rutherford County Courthouse (WZTV).
Statues were also vandalized in Tyler, Texas, Dallas, Wilkesboro, North Carolina, and other cities.
In one case of suspected mistaken identity, someone defaced a statue of World War II Gen. William C. Lee, not Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee, in Dunn, North Carolina (CBS17).
And idiot Dems & RINOs kiss up to these trash people! They’re like ISIS (Jesse’s right!). Commies with their fake history and fake ethics.
(Screenshot of video from 2018 when idiots at UNC toppled Silent Sam statue — from Charlotte Observer)
Caller notes, courtesy of Nick:
Ryan from California
John from Washington wants to know why he can’t type the pledge of allegiance in the chat.
Maze from Dayton, Ohio, asks who put up the Confederate monuments? Maze asserts they were all put up by bigots. She wonders why James cares if they were put up 100 years ago. If you know about history why would you want them taken down, asks James. You are dehumanizing blacks by saying whites can’t talk about them remarks James. There's a few conservatives awake but no liberals are awake.
Scott from Colorado is ok with paying reparations… paying for blacks to move to africa.
Micah from Indiana wants to talk about the democratic nominees. James bets whoever wins the nomination that they are gonna feel so inflated and great but they are all shrimp. James recounts the story of a person who voted for Trump in the class election and his explanation was that he saw him on TV and liked him. Micah talks about Trump being talked about all over rap music but suddenly in 2016 he’s sexist and homophobic.
Craig from Illinois talks about how blacks are hated for all their complaining. He grew up in a rough area of Chicago. James clarifies if his father walked out on him. James asks maybe he walked out on your mother.
Dylan from Iowa wants to work on a jingle for the Hake Report.
David from Kentucky wants to know if James believes in the 10 commandments.
Javien thinks James makes more sense when not around Jesse.
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Exclusive: Jack Cashill notes what happened when 'the mob' no longer had presidential support
Jack Cashill (WND Author) an Emmy-award winning independent writer and producer with a Ph.D. in American Studies from Purdue.
Published: 16 hours ago (6-19-19 Weds.)