Talking About Whites (Truthers, Interracials, Antifas) (Thu, Jul 18, 2019)
The Hake Report, Thursday, July 18, 2019, 9 AM PT (Los Angeles), in the fourth hour of The Jesse Lee Peterson Show video streams (YouTube, Periscope, DLive, Mixer…) and Look out for audio recordings on podcast via afterward.
I was challenged to go a week without talking about black people, by a guy who’s called my show. And it is White History Month, so maybe I’ll give it a whirl. He promised he’d donate to my channel if I do that. So I’ll let Jesse keep telling the truth to everyone, and I’ll just talk about whites and nonblack POCs, if I can help it. I’m starting today. So here goes...
Whites today are so blind, even and especially those who think they’re all about quote-unquote “truth.” Then they’ll turn around and lie and slander people! Then they’ll invoke “Christ.” But they’re into outside knowledge
BTW: I forgot to tell you, the Antifa guy carried an illegal weapon and encouraged other Antifa members to carry their own, disregard the law, break the law, and get illegal guns in order to push their communist agenda against so-called “fascists” like police, Proud Boys, immigration enforcement, and beckies, to take out ICE facilities.
I had an Asian friend who was told by Mexicans to “Go back to your country!” Nobody likes anybody, and even the whites don’t get along with each other!
Trump tweeted: Most of the MS-13 Gang members indicted & arrested in L.A. were illegal aliens, 19 of 22. They are said to have killed many people in the most brutal fashion. They should never have been allowed in our Country for so long, 10 years. We have arrested and deported thousands.... ....of gang members, in particular MS-13. ICE and Border Patrol are doing a great job!
Caller Log, courtesy of Jesse’s producer Nick
Jo from Texas speaks on America and her enemies. The crisis at the border and the influx of people are putting a strain on American clinics and hospitals. James recounts something his coworker said about L.A. roads being less congested after ICE raids started… interesting! No jalopies on the road either. They touch on Tommy Robinson and his unlawful arrest in UK by white people, and how that’s coming to America.
Sean from Washington suggests that we should start celebrating Patriarchy History month. They touch on victims and James mentions whites deserve what they get for being afraid. Trump won because he is a fighter and a winner.
Dylan from Iowa remarks on Jesse’s quip “I'm black and slow.” They speak on the crime in cities and the people fleeing from them to the south.
John from Chicago recounts a story of when he was pulled over and the cop gave him a break for what he suspects is being on good behaviour. John wants to know why James isn’t married with kids.
SKIP from Augusta, GA, wants James report on the Epstein story. Skip is surprised that James isn’t that into the story.
Chris from California has comments on yesterdays topic of interracial marriage. He is in an interracial marriage. James wants Chris’ thoughts on the idea that marrying outside your race is a rejection of your parents. Chris believes you marry who you love. James speaks on people turning on you for not supporting wrongdoing.
Carson from Texas has some rapid-fire facts on the border for James.
Mark from San Diego wonders what is good about homosexuality? He asked that to someone who just could not respond. With this Mark wonders, why would we encourage homosexuality? Mark touches on the way America gained California. He has an interesting point on the Mexicans that ended up on the American side of the border. They never attempted to return to Mexico and on top of that gained rights they didn’t have before.
Thumbnail from today’s show, Thursday, July 18, 2019 – “Talking About Whites”
Thanks, y’all!