Boring Dem Debates, Filthy Left-wing Attacks on Right-wingers (Thu, Jun 27, 2019)
The Hake Report, live after Jesse’s show on his stream in the fourth hour, 9am PT Thursday, June 27, 2019. Watch hour-long clip above, or listen to audio recording below:
The first night of Democrat debates (Wednesday) was awful. Trump tweeted “BORING” right as I was thinking it. Tulsi Gabbard wasn’t as bad and petty as the others. They were like cartoons, speaking Spanish for the illegals, kissing up to baby-killing radical feminists, pushing the fake ideas of free healthcare and healthcare being a human right, raising the minimum wage, pretending to care about families and families being separated. Just shallow, predictable mess. Thursday night (tonight) will be even worse, with weak Bernie, Biden, and Kamala: “kekekeke.”
The biggest and basically only pro-Trump subreddit r/The_Donald was quarantined by far-left Reddit social media site. The hate group Media Matters Against America did a hit piece on them with false accusations of calls for violence. Media Matters are the most hateful and dishonest lowlife people, kept up by unhappy liberal women and beta males. Just the worst, most disgusting cowards you can think of, like they celebrate death and evil. They go after whites, men, conservatives, Trump and his supporters, anyone who’s semi-decent, anyone in their way. They have zero credibility; they’re like ACLU, SPLC, PPFA, ADL.
The Donald’s account on Twitter pointed out how responsible they are. They remind me of the Tea Party, clean and self-policing, while filth and crime thrive on the rest of the liberal website.
You never hear the dirty women of Media Matters going after Antifa who provoked an accident that killed a woman in Charlottesville.
Caller Log, courtesy of Jesse’s producer Nick:
Ryan from California
John from Washington wants to know why he can’t type the pledge of allegiance in the chat.
Maze from Ohio asks who put up the Confederate monuments? Maze asserts they were all put up by bigots. She wonders why James cares if they were put up 100 years ago. If you know about history why would you want them taken down, asks James. You are dehumanizing blacks by saying whites can’t talk about them remarks James. There's a few conservatives awake but no liberals are awake.
Scott from Colorado is ok with paying reparations… paying for blacks to move to africa.
Micah from Indiana wants to talk about the democratic nominees. James bets whoever wins the nomination that they are gonna feel so inflated and great but they are all shrimp. James recounts the story of a person who voted for Trump in the class election and his explanation was that he saw him on TV and liked him. Micah talks about Trump being talked about all over rap music but suddenly in 2016 he’s sexist and homophobic.
Craig from Illinois talks about how blacks are hated for all their complaining. He grew up in a rough area of Chicago. James clarifies if his father walked out on him. James asks maybe he walked out on your mother.
Dylan from Iowa wants to work on a jingle for the Hake Report.
David from Kentucky wants to know if James believes in the 10 commandments.
Last point, not sure if I got to it! Congress is not going to do the right thing. Some of them interviewed Google.
Thumbnail from Thursday, June 27, 2019: Democrat Debates and Censorship of Trump supporters