The White Scare: Fear-mongering About 'Racism,' Scapegoating White People! (Wed, Jul 24, 2019)
The Hake Report, Wednesday, July 24, 2019, 9 AM PT, the fourth hour of The Jesse Lee Peterson Show video streams and live audio on – audio podcast comes out later on
I have Hake News intro for Joel to play from Dylan who’s called the show. The artist name is Shaw-krow däshsabè (pronounced Sh-ah-kr-O duh-s-ah-bay). Website below:
He recommends checking out the track “Liquid Iron.”
A caller Onyx from TX yesterday told me about this:
(Heavy) Francisco Erwin Galicia: 18-year-old supposedly Dallas-born anchor baby, detained by Customs and Border Protection and detained for three weeks despite presenting his state ID and social security card, so his attorney told The Dallas Morning News.
He was traveling with his 17-year-old brother, Marlon Galicia, who is “undocumented,” and a group of friends. only had a school identification card but Francisco Galicia had a Texas state ID and other documents. Both brothers were detained and Marlon signed a voluntary deportation form after two days of detention.
Activists have been tweeting, including AOC. They’re crying “racial profiling,” even though his family members are all illegal, including his brother and mother. Galicia was detained over suspicion that his documents were fraudulent because others in the car did not have proper ID, according to attorney Claudia Galan.
He says he signed the voluntary deportation so he could talk to his mom.
Galan told The Washington Post that Galicia’s case has been delayed because his mother took out a US tourist visa in his name while he was still a minor, falsely stating he was born in Mexico.
His mother, Sanjuana, said CBP discovered the visa after fingerprinting Francisco. Galan said the document fueled suspicions that Galicia’s documents were fake. She said she obtained the visa because she believed it was the only way for him to cross the border to visit family in Mexico. His mother, who is “undocumented,” said she could not obtain a passport for her son because she used a different name for herself on his birth certificate.
“All of the abuse he has gone through pains me,” she told The Post. “I can’t sleep thinking that they are going to harm him because they think he is lying about his citizenship.”
Yesterday’s caller Steve from Vancouver, WA was right in his complaints.
Meanwhile whites are attacked, the alt-right, white nationalists, and so-called white supremacists are scapegoated. And the idiot “conservative” RINOs are kissing up to the hate-mongering / fearmongering / violence against so-called “Nazis.”
It’s like the red scare. Now we have a white scare. McCarthysim. (US Sen. Joseph McCarthy was right.) They’re doing unto others worse than what was done unto their communist forefathers. Like how homosexuals and their “allies” (really their enemies) boycott businesses and discriminate against and hate Christians the way Christians supposedly did them.
Caller Log, courtesy of Jesse’s producer Nick
Ken from New York wants to know if James mocks Jesse when he speaks like him. Ken accuses Joel of taking Jesse’s personality and James allows the once disgraced ex co-host, Joel, to defend himself.
Joseph from Washington wants to know where James gets his views from. James responds and touches on the influences his family, his faith and his life has had on his views. Joseph moves on topics and attempts to diagnose Jesse with some sort of behavioural or emotional issue. Joseph keeps trying with the emotional trauma angle. He is very sure of his assumptions and refuses to take his own advice.
Jose from Pennsylvania wants to know if James sees Trump's tweets as racist. Jose is pretty sure it was racist. James is surprised Jose is nitpicking so much considering he claims he voted for Trump. Jose goes on to say all sorts of ridiculous things but the craziest was “AOC is more American than Trump”
Ryan from California comments on a previous caller's points about left brain and right brain. Ryan remarks on how people just believe the things “experts” say. Ryan wonders if leftists just argue to win an argument like the sophists.
X from Virginia is outraged at all the beta males around him. He talks about his life a bit and his time in the military and jail. It was there that he became aware of personal responsibility which started to turn him on to be a conservative.
Josh from Texas wants James to know the meaning of the fringed flag in the studio. He says America is a corporation, and we’re watching basically WWE (performance pro wrestling) in D.C.
Square thumbnail from today’s show, Wednesday, July 24, 2019: WHITE SCARE: Scapegoating White People
Thanks, y’all!