Giving Can Do More Harm Than Good. (Mon, Aug 19, 2019)
The Hake Report, 9 AM PT, Monday, August 19, 2019, from the fourth hour of Jesse Lee Peterson’s video streams (including YouTube, find via Audio recordings go up after the show on The Hake Report podcast.
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Entrepreneur Update: Hake, Aug 2019
One of the first things we learned in the Entrepreneur Academy at BOND is this: Your job is your business. So what you put out represents you. If you go, “Ehh, good enough for government work,” but you know it’s not right, then you’re doing a disservice!
(BOND is a great nonprofit organization under Jesse Lee Peterson, by the way—committed to: “Rebuilding the Family by Rebuilding the Man.” How can you not be inspired by that? Unless you have a heart of stone… Get your T-shirts at BOND: Rebuilding the Man Teespring store, different from Jesse Lee Peterson or The Fallen State. Find link via
I’m James Hake, and this show, The Hake Report, is my business! I started two years ago with Joel and Esteban, then on my own Christmas 2017 weekly on YouTube and audio podcast. Now, as of July 2019, I host 6 days a week, Sunday through Friday! (M-F on Jesse’s stream in his fourth hour, Sundays on my channels.)
By the way, I also read news during Jesse’s hourly breaks—we eliminated a lot of breaks, so I’m happy! I have both Jesse’s and my show streaming on multiple video platforms — YouTube, Periscope, DLive, and Mixer, plus Twitch and Facebook when we can. As promised, we’ve made improvements on both shows! (I’m also putting out a lot of Jesse’s archive content from the 1990s, 2007-2008, TV, Sunday Service, and radio, some great interviews and discussions! Very enlightening!)
I’m looking to get some guests to interview, maybe add more hours, and get out of the studio sometimes. Get on Instagram more. Perhaps get an intern or producer. And put out some cool t-shirt designs! (And of course get healthy, and stop having a beta back!)
You should’ve seen me when I started, I was “sugar water”! (Or so Jesse claims.) I’m still growing, and appreciate the feedback, criticism and support. Thanks, y’all!
Obamacare Is Evil!
It’s Men’s History Month, and Obama is keeping grown adult men “kids” until they’re 26! That’s insane! The world is messed up because people are not having babies, so we’re bringing in illegal aliens, legal immigrants, and so-called refugees working. Meanwhile black unemployment has been consistently double the national average. We have minimum wage laws, women working, all driving up the cost of living (and school, and medicine, and insurance), driving down the value of money. We have frivolous lawsuits driving up costs of insurance. Family courts are a racket. Social spending is through the roof.
So young people supposedly can’t afford housing because of all this ill-gotten gain, this corruption. We have Asians coming in paying cash, buying up our land.
Giving Can Do Harm
I learned a lesson from Jesse’s Sunday Services, and from The Seven Guaranteed Steps to Spiritual, Family, and Financial Success guide. It’s that giving can sometimes not be good. In giving, sometimes you do more harm than good. People spoil easily. This is one reason why liberals are evil. But it goes on in all our personal lives.
But there is a time to give, and sometimes give a lot.
Caller Log, courtesy of Jesse’s producer, Nick
Stewart from Massachusetts has a bone to pick with Jesse but first he sugars him up. He has an issue with the police. He has an issue with them because they protect the things conservatives are fighting against like single mothers and the public school system. James responds and says cops only enforce the law, even if they are bad laws.
Mike from San Antonio, TX has an idea why whites are blaming the Jews. James wants to call out all of Satan's children which includes whites, jews, everybody. Where the alt-right goes wrong is that when they speak out on the Jews they don’t call it out with love, it’s out of frustration and hate. Mike wants people to stop giving Jews a pass.
Lewis from Austin, TX — thank you!
Logan from South Carolina wants James take on gun laws and what they should be. James doesn’t want any new laws. Owning guns should be freer and we need logical men back to handle these weapons. Logan ruins what might have been a good conversation by yelling out obscenities.
Alan from Kentucky gives James the story of his upbringing. Blacks were portrayed positively for him. Alan is tired of being called a racist when he grew up never caring about the race thing. James totally gets it and agrees.
Peggy from San Antonio, TX wants James thoughts on Joe Collins who is running against Maxine Waters. James doesn’t think he has a chance.
Steve King Attacked for Common Sense
Rep. Steve King (R-IA) defended being against abortion in the case of rape and incest. People mad.
(I reported this Thursday, August 15, 2019, TOP OF SECOND HOUR NEWS)
(Drudge) Rep. King incites furor with abortion, rape and incest remarks… (Des Moines Register headline) U.S. Rep. Steve King: If not for rape and incest, 'would there be any population left?' The Republican from Iowa was defending his position of not allowing exceptions for rape and incest in the anti-abortion legislation he tried to pass in Congress. Congressman Steve King said, "What if we went back through all the family trees and just pulled those people out that were products of rape and incest? Would there be any population of the world left if we did that?" He spoke from Westside Conservative Club at Urbandale, IA. "Considering all the wars and all the rapes and pillages taken place and whatever happened to culture after society? I know I can't certify that I'm not a part of a product of that."
King, who is Catholic, said, "It's not the baby's fault for the sin of the father, or of the mother."
Democrats trashed King for defending innocent life that came from rape and incest.
He talked about the New York Times misquote about white nationalism, white supremacy, and Western Civilization from January, when he was removed from his House committee assignments by House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy. Later in January, the House passed a condemnation of white supremacy and white nationalism. He was told by political insiders that there was a plot to take him out of power.
Reddit Liberals Dislike My Commentary
Yesterday (Sunday on my channels) I talked about victim-blaming being good and important. Well, over the weekend I read about a collision of two liberal “victims” — a young black male and a helpless white woman.
I went on Reddit… A black male talked about encountering a white female alone on the street. He was all worried that she might feel threatened by her, but she just asked him directions. He felt so relieved, and guilty that he’d assumed she’d be intimidated. His Reddit post was titled, “I stereotyped a stereotype. And I was wrong…” So he told his story, but in the end he was happy.
In response I talked about rape, false accusations, and how he shouldn’t have felt bad. If anything, she was wrong to be out on her own late at night. She should be smart, not taking dumb risks. I said maybe he should have scolded her, and also recorded the incident so she couldn’t accuse him later! Lol! People didn’t like it, including the original poster. One liberal had NO idea that blacks committed rape disproportionately, and called “B—S—.” Ignorant!
Personal Question
Are you out-of-control? I notice when I’m most passionate (and wasting time) in disagreeing with people, I’m also the most out-of-control. It’s so self-righteous! So self-defeating! Anyone relate?
Reddit thread: “I stereotyped a stereotype and was wrong,” superimposed on a graph of Juvenile Arrest Rate Trends for rape by race, 1980-2012, from the DOJ's Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
Thanks, y’all!