Men vs. Emotional Liberals (Fri, Aug 2, 2019)
The Hake Report, 9 AM PT Friday, August 2, 2019 – live in the fourth hour of The Jesse Lee Peterson Show streams (including YouTube). Podcast goes up on after the show.
Men’s History Month
I’m Jesse’s ‘Lackey’...
...according to Earl from Michigan. When people ask shallow questions and Jesse gives a deep response, and they continue with shallow questions, I call them blind. This happened with Skip who’s into facts and information, sometimes missing the truth. When I called him blind, he asked me that if he doesn’t agree with Jesse on everything, does that make him blind? I said yes.
We were talking about whatever issue it was, not about “everything.” But I went ahead and said yes, since I can’t think of anything important that Jesse’s actually wrong about. There are dumb nitpicky things, just like with Trump, that people falsely call “lies.” But Jesse tells the truth, just as Trump does.
This Is Outrageous:
(CNN) An NYPD judge recommends that the officer involved in Eric Garner’s death be fired, a source says.
I hate judges.
I don’t put stock in judges and what they say, unless they say something wise like Justice Clarence Thomas does, or Judge Roy Moore.
Caller Log, courtesy of Jesse’s producer, Nick
Kris from Arizona gives a special shoutout to an officer from Arizona. James remarks on the areas in America that you’re advised not to go to because of the the illegals in the area. Shameful! It’s clear that this is a national emergency. Kris brings up the fact that there are millions of ongoing asylum cases. She calls on her sister's behalf who works for an agency that transports illegals. According to Kris, the VA is the one footing the bill to bring illegals to America.
Nathan from Arizona wonders what comes first; knowledge, wisdom or understanding. They get into his personal life and his kids. James is wary of teaching your children all this stuff about “knowledge vs. understanding”. You don’t have to analyze and describe everything like that. It’ll drive you nuts! James makes the point that these things come naturally kind of like how kicking a ball or shooting a basket can be analyzed but is more effective when done naturally.
SKIP MCBURNEY from Georgia has a bet for James. He bets that for a whole month he can refrain from talking about Jews. He credits Joel for “putting a Viking” in him and inspiring him.
Benjamin from Florida comments on the democratic debates. James does not care at all. Benjamin remarks on whites starting to blame Jews for everything. For James, that’s one of the reasons he like Jesse’s message. He mentions how he forgave and doesn’t get angry anymore.
Austin from Virginia has some comments on the Eric Garner. He remarks how where he lives it's common to find illegal cigarettes. James wonders why people don’t call out these blacks that escalate the situation with the police. They remark on how homelessness is rewarded in cites nowadays.
Alex from San Antonio has a thought. There is no such thing as “poor people’ or “rich people” those are just terms used to control people into voting for someone.
Michael from California comments on Jesse’s advice on forgiving your parents.
Fake Christianity
(Drudge) DC's new Catholic archbishop slams president for 'diminishing our national life'... Sounds like a LIBERAL. RME. (Wash. Post via LMT Online) The District of Columbia's new Catholic leader - the country's lone black archbishop - on Thursday issued his first public statement since his installation, lambasting President Donald Trump's recent tweets about members of Congress of color as "diminishing our national life." He mentioned "President Trump's tweets on some members of Congress, deploring Baltimore and related matters."
Wilton Gregory, who came to Washington in May, is known through his long, prominent career for being nonconfrontational on hot-button issues in public, but working quietly behind the scenes - a model similar to the man he replaced, Cardinal Donald Wuerl.
"I have stressed that I am a pastor and fellow disciple of Jesus, not a political leader. There are, however, sometimes, when a pastor and a disciple of Jesus is called to speak out to defend the dignity of all God's children," he said in the statement.
The country’s only black Catholic archbishop, it turns out, is pro-LGBT! (I didn’t realize this until after the show!). This is the man trashing Trump for hurting national life or something, by telling the truth about black and POC Democrats and the horrible home areas that they neglect while criticizing decent Americans.
Thanks, y’all!