Terrorism, Fake Religions, and Suicidal 'Christian' Pastors! (Wed, 9/11/19)
The Hake Report, 9 AM PT, Wednesday, September 11, 2019 - live in the fourth hour of Jesse Lee Peterson’s streams (including YouTube, DLive, Periscope, and Mixer) and audio on jlptalk.com
Tomorrow I’m scheduled to talk with a Skype guest. Liberal guy.
That photo for my Hake Report splash screen is from Santa Monica, that I took
Terrorism, Trauma, and Brainwashing
9/11 was our fault — for training those foreigners! Diversity is a false imitation of the Kingdom of Heaven. It’s the kingdom of Satan.
They got us to become what we hate, and embrace our enemies.
New Yorkers still get emotional about it when I bring it up to them.
“Islam is a religion of peace.” In words maybe, but not in deed. False religions often say the right things.
They got us infighting: Jew-blamers, America-blamers, hysteria over “Islamophobia”...
We even kissed up to the Muslims with a Ground Zero Mosque!
(Wikipedia) Park51 (originally named Cordoba House) is a development that was originally envisioned as a 13-story Islamic community center and mosque in Lower Manhattan. The developers hoped to promote an interfaith dialogue within the greater community. Due to its proposed location two blocks from the World Trade Center site, it was widely and controversially referred to as the "Ground Zero mosque".[6]
The project would replace an existing 1850s building of Italianate style that was damaged in the September 11 attacks.
Nat’l Suicide Day / Week
It’s “National Suicide Prevention Week.” (Wikipedia) Since 1975, NSPW awareness events are held throughout the week corresponding to World Suicide Prevention Day, which is recognized annually on the 10th of September.
(Religion News Service via Christianity Today) Pastor and Mental Health Advocate Jarrid Wilson Dies by Suicide.
Fox News shares his wife’s and head pastor Greg Laurie’s IG posts.
I’d remembered him because Daily Wire and a bunch of others shared a viral tweet and hashtag by him last month in response to Alyssa Milano’s pro-abortion statements. She said she wouldn’t have had great joy had she not had her two abortions in 1993. She’s all about so-called “choice.” So he had everybody share pics of their children and call them #GreatJoys.
Before his death, he tweeted, “Loving Jesus doesn’t always cure suicidal thoughts.”
Cropped family photo of the pastor, father, and husband who committed suicide: Jarrid Wilson
The news of Wilson’s death comes on Suicide Awareness Day, September 10, and follows a number of high profile suicides among pastors and the mental health community, including by 30-year-old Andrew Stoecklein, a pastor in Chino, California, who often preached about mental illness.
Caller Log, courtesy of Jesse’s producer, Nick
Nick from Florida asks if you can enter the kingdom after suicide?
Chris from Arizona relates with James’ story about not feeling anything when she saw the towers go down on 9/11. They touch on the platitudes people said about Jarrid Wilson. They remark on how suicide prevention week gives suicide so much attention.
Dan from Phoenix, AZ recounts his life growing up when he decided to throw himself in a river while drunk in an attempt to kill himself. He ended up not dying and went on to win money on who wants to be a millionaire in Britain. He would never have experienced a lot of things in his life if he had died.
Steve from Los Angeles, CA saw the video James put up of an interview Jesse did with Molly Munger regarding affirmative action.
Jerry from Torrance, CA feels that all the suicide talk is promoting suicide.
Getting Back to Reality / Nature Helps ‘PTSD’?
(Drudge) Veterans with PTSD and anxiety turn to beekeeping for relief… (Medical Xpress) One guy has battled PTSD after serving nearly 40 years in the military including two tours in Iraq, didn't seem bothered by the bees swarming around his head or crawling all over the entrance to their hive. Instead, the 57-year-old logistics expert said the several hours spent working on the two hives each week at the Manchester VA Medical Center in New Hampshire was a respite of sorts from his anxiety and depression. Known as an apiary, the hives are located next to a lilac garden off a busy street. "I'm in this program to help me get out of the thought process of all those problems that I have," said Ylitalo, who has struggled since leaving the Army in 2017. "It helps me think of something completely different. ... I'm just thinking about bees."
Researchers are beginning to study whether beekeeping has therapeutic benefits. For now, there is little hard data, but veterans in programs like the one in Manchester insist that it helps them focus, relax and become more productive. The programs are part of a small but growing effort by Veterans Affairs and veteran groups to promote the training of soldiers in farming and other agricultural careers. INTERESTING.
Thanks, y’all!