Happy Beta-Commie Day! (Labor Day, Mon, Sep 2, 2019)
The Hake Report, 9 AM PT Monday, September 2, 2019 — live in the fourth hour of Jesse Lee Peterson’s video streams (including YouTube). Find Jesse’s show via jlptalk.com and my podcasts via TheHakeReport.com/podcast
Labor Day, Commie Day
It’s Labor Day, a socialist holiday, celebrating the unions, pretending to celebrate workers. Unions are trouble, corrupt, spoiling. They force people to pay them dues and then they support Democrats and everything evil. They take too many breaks, get overpaid, they’re lazy, and some of them, I assume, are good people.
I respect workers and employers. I respect the regular union members if they’re respectable people. Just as Trump does.
(I liked Newsies but it was pro-union propaganda. And that Batman actor who played Dick Cheney, Christian Bale is dumb and liberal — he played a Newsie. So’s Russell Crowe BTW, who played Roger Ailes to trash Fox News. And probably Joaquin Phoenix, who brags he WENT MAD TRANSFORMING INTO 'JOKER'... like dead Heath Ledger. But the main problem was he lost a bunch of weight. Just side notes.)
But Joe Biden prizes himself on appeal to unions. Joe Biden is the scum of the earth, white-hating, Christian-hating, pathetic, cowardly, fake, lying, sleazy, kissing up to the worst in blacks.
Caller Log, courtesy of Jesse’s producer, Nick
Craig from Chicago calls in to discuss labor day and unions. Craig is black and admits he would rather work with whites than blacks. They touch on how Mexicans and Blacks like to watch out for their own and James brings up a story of a black man suing roscoe's chicken and waffles for favoring Mexicans.
Sal from Denver wants the viewers to remember that Biden enacted gun free zones in schools.
Tim from Twin Cities, Minnesota has a story for James about this illegal who finds an underage girl to sexually abuse.
Duncan from San Francisco, CA works for a Union and tells viewers how the Union pushes pamphlets and propaganda to vote a certain way. Duncan isn’t afraid to go against this and has even made people think about what they believe.
Justin from Little Rock, Arkansas seriously respects James and Jesse for saying it how they feel it. Justin admits to not supporting Trump and James wants to know why. Justin admits his man was Bernie and James brings up moments of weakness that might make Justin rethink his position.
Christopher from California brings up Joel Schumacher.
Kevin from Connecticut calls to corroborate the story of a previous caller about Biden starting gun free zones.
Proxy from Seattle, WA wants James to clear up some comments that Jesse made about Israel at the straight pride parade. He is sure that Trump is putting Israel first and James asks him to justify that claim.
Ryan M. from Concord, CA wants to elaborate on the Jew hate. Ryan remember watching a movie called “the greatest story never told” which really pushed him to hate since he started believing them. Ryan criticizes his own ancestors for allowing themselves to become corrupt. If the Jews are really that bad then we must have been worse to allow that! James recounts the time when God warned Israel about being overtaken by people worse than them.
In 1953, California had 276 homicides. 26 years later, in 1979, nearly 3,000 homicides, six times the rate per-capita. Incidentally, the Crips founders were born in 1953, and started the Crips in 1969, the same year of the Charles Manson killings.
Facts taken from The Antidote: Healing America from the Poison of Hate, Blame and Victimhood
Excerpt from The Antidote:
Fatherlessness was taking its toll on more than just South Central. Charles Manson arrived in Southern California just before I did. The fatherless product of a seriously screwed-up home, Manson nurtured the suppressed anger of a colony of lost youth. They too came from broken homes. In 1969, the year California introduced no-fault divorce, Manson turned that anger outward in a pair of brutal mass murders that shocked affluent California into a state of high and understandable anxiety.
In South Central, the violence was less spectacular but steadier and deadlier. The same year as the Manson killings, a pair of sixteen-year-olds, Raymond Washington and Stanley Tookie Williams, launched a lethal neighborhood association called the Crips. So violent were the Crips that unaffiliated gangs in the area felt the need to band together to protect themselves. And so began the incredibly pointless war between the Crips and the Bloods. More young Americans, virtually all of them black, would die in this war than died in both Gulf wars combined.
I should add that South Central, at least when I arrived, did not look like a “ghetto” is supposed to look. My aunt and uncle, like many people in the neighborhood, perhaps most, had their own home and took care of it. The neighborhood was not crowded or noisy or poor, at least not in material things. When my aunt arrived, it was still peaceful. In 1953, the year both Washington and Williams were born, the state of California had only 276 homicides, and South Central was scarcely more dangerous than any other parts of town.3 That would soon change.
In 1979, Washington was shot dead, and Williams killed four innocent people, which led to his eventual execution by lethal injection. That year, nearly three thousand Californians were murdered, ten times more than in 1953 and a stunning six times more per capita. South Central was now at the epicenter of that violence. The question black leaders and the media refused to ask was, what happened between 1953 and 1979? The answer should have been obvious. As it happened, moved largely by guilt, the Feds in 1960 changed the Aid to Dependent Children program to the Aid to Families with Dependent Children, or, more realistically, Aid to Moms with Dependent Children. A working dad at home just got in the way of the gravy train.
Excerpt from: The Antidote, by Jesse Lee Peterson (iBooks)
Mugshots of killers Charles Manson, Stanley Tookie Williams, and Raymond Washington.
The Washington Post is Trash
(Drudge) Trump aides claim victory, but others see incompetence and intolerance… (Wash. Post article re-posted on Greenwich Time, writers Philip Rucker and Ashley Parker described Trump’s Independence Day "Salute to America" as a July 4 salute to himself. These people are self-absorbed, not Trump. They claimed:
“Trump leveled racist attacks against four congresswomen of color dubbed "the Squad." He derided the majority-black city of Baltimore as "rat and rodent infested." His anti-immigrant rhetoric was echoed in a missive that authorities believe a mass shooting suspect posted. His visits to Dayton, Ohio, and El Paso, Texas, after shooting massacres in those cities served to divide rather than heal. Trump's economy also began to falter....”
Blah blah blah. Telling the truth as Trump does means he’s “racist,” so claim these “journalists.”
These people are not objective. They’re dumb. These people are brainwashed liberals in their mid to late-30s. As dumb as me or dumber. Philip Rucker’s a 35-y-o Pulitzer Prize-winning “reporter.” Ashley Parker is a 37-y-o Pulitzer Prize-winning White House “reporter” who goes on MSNBC, married last year.
Side note, Katy Tur is an MSNBC anchor, age 35, married a couple years ago, and daughter to a media helicopter pilot who turned transgender. (That’s Bob Tur, who calls himself Zoey, SMH.)
Thanks, y’all!