Corona-Madness! + Re: Ralph vs Vaush, Nazis vs Commies (Sun. 3/15/20)
The Hake Report, Sun. 3/15/20
Caller Log, courtesy of Jesse’s producer, Nick
Jason from Los Angeles, CA responds to James’ point that Trump and Jesse Lee Peterson follow truth not facts. He calls in to ask James what one should do during this virus panic.
Craig from Illinois is shocked at the panicking people, and their response to the virus. They touch on the response by the media and the comparison to Obama’s handling of swine flu.
Rick from Maine has some calming words for people freaking out about coronavirus.
Hot Computer Smell from Virginia calls in about Bandy Lee’s recent assessment of Joe Biden’s mental health.
Hector from North Dakota calls in about coronavirus. Hector considers himself a “prepper” and finds it interesting that everyone is a prepper during a crisis.
Robert from Kansas ??? He talks about debt and buying property. He also brings up the Bloomberg ad. Corona-Madness!
I stopped by Target and Staples (way out in Ontario, California), and noticed toilet paper and paper towel shelves EMPTY! (I took a couple pics!) I didn’t know that California was just like UK and Australia!
That makes me think of how JLP says people are hypnotized. All of a sudden everyone’s a prepper! Or a scammer/entrepreneur, buying up stuff and selling it at a higher price!
Good/bad habits
Some people have very good habits to protect themselves and people around them from germs.
My friend used to freak out and cover his face with the front collar of his shirt when someone sneezed — even across the room. And he’d be like “that’s crazy” if you sneezed in the room or car with him. I would be like, I covered my mouth! He’s Chinese btw. (I was taught to cover my sneeze with my hand, then wipe it off on my pant leg, and maybe wash your hands or something if you think of it — not sneeze into the inside of my elbow. How are you supposed to wash that! But it does make more sense. And some people have sneezing fits. What a mess.)
Some people just plain take care of themselves by their eating right, sleeping, exercising, praying, not drinking, etc. It’s what you should do anyway.
World events over coronavirus
Supposedly, President Trump tested negative for COVID-19 (however it’s written) — according to his doctor!
TMZ said Dr. Ben Carson coughed and touched his face. (How are you not supposed to touch your face! That just makes my face itch thinking about it!)
Some more countries and places are closing down! (Fox News) France declared all restaurants, cafes, and non-essential stores will be closed Sunday. How are you supposed to eat! Lots of my friends don’t keep food in the fridge or cabinets! What the…!
(Fox News) Georgia postponed its presidential primaries over coronavirus fears, the second state to do so. (Dunno the first.) It was scheduled for March 24.
Justin Trudeau’s wife Sophie got it. Tom Hanks and his actress wife Rita of 30+ years with a different last name got it and were in a hospital in Australia. Bolsonaro tested positive, or did he? His son Eduardo reportedly said both things: that he did test positive in a preliminary test, awaiting further testing, and that he never did! Some officials in Iran, China, and elsewhere have died!
That was FUNNY when Trump announced in the Rose Garden on Friday that Google will make a website that will work well and be done quickly, unlike other websites of the past (I immediately thought of the failed, “glitchy” Obamacare site!).
(Breitbart) Dem Rep. Ayanna Pressley Calls for Prison Sentence Commutations, Clemency for Some in Wake of Coronavirus Epidemic. EXPLOITATION! (She has alopecia, and so she shaved her head bald. Also, I didn’t know Al Sharpton was still hosting a show on MSNBC!)
I told you about ACLU warning ICE that they should let illegal aliens go free so they don’t catch coronavirus in detention. SMH. EXPLOITATION!
Do you trust Fauci?
Italians are singing.
Are you scared, concerned?
I am not scared about it. I’m probably under-concerned in that I don’t have the healthiest habits, and dropped my prepper habits years ago.
Some guy in the live chat on JLP’s channel said that by my reading Drudge and other news headlines about the thing that I was spreading “FEAR.” Which is not true. I’m not afraid of it, and the info I read isn’t disturbing stuff. It’s just news. I try to stick with what has actually happened as opposed to speculation. I do get that the media’s run by scared, evil, manipulative people. Reporters are mostly pathetic liberals. Maybe that guy was joking about me.
Just be healthy! Be wise.
Are you embarrassed to protect yourself? I saw this funny meme from Cernovich who’s being cautious and considerate of others who may be more at-risk. It is: The Virgin “Too Afraid to Wear a Mask In Public” versus: The Chad [good-looking/winner] Hazmat before it’s Socially Acceptable.” And it’s has details and quotes about each one… pretty funny.
Meme found on
NOTE: We ARE having Church with Jesse Lee Peterson today. If you’re old, weak, sickly, or sick, and you don’t wanna come, you wanna stay away to protect yourself and others — the rest of us — that’s fine! If you’re young, healthy, energetic, and clean, then you can come on over for Church! If you don’t want to handle the mic that other people have been touching you can bring a hanky like Gretchen and Bubbzlove did! Haha, that’s cool. Or our mic guys can hold the mic for you! |
What’s your commute?
I was out looking for some land to own. A house to buy. I was looking in San Bernardino and Riverside. There were a couple of places in El Monte which would have been awesome.
My beta back is not ready for that commute!
How do people commute so far? My commute is really short right now. It’s been as much as 35 minutes coming and an hour and a half going home. Before that it was about 18-25 minutes at my prior job. But I’ve known people who live way out in the boonies, then work in Pasadena or Los Angeles.
I like driving but of course traffic triples the commute time, and that just seems ridiculous! Of course what are you doing with your life while you’re not driving that’s so important? Best not to stress over it.
Some people fly for their commute! That one black radio host who just retired — he flew like daily or multiple times a week, for years! Hosting radio shows from two different cities?
Ralph Vs. Vaush
I listened to a chunk of Ethan Ralph of The Ralph Retort (he calls his show The Killstream) versus Vaush (he calls him Vowsh, while Vaush calls himself Vosh, like Josh, only with a V, bae chica!). This was last night on my drive home.
The Ralph Retort and his co-hosts on The Killstream talked to Dick Masterson and Jesse Lee Peterson some time back (Feb 18, 2019). Actually Soph got in Ethan’s discord and asked Jesse some Q’s. That was my introduction to Soph — a young girl and video creator who’s smart. Ethan is pro-America, ok with the pro-white people, and likes to get others’ opinions.
Vaush was interviewed by Jesse on The Fallen State, and then by me on The Hake Report. He’s a liberal.
“Nazis” and other female-type accusations
Vaush is interesting because he gets all high and mighty about “Nazis” and how they hide what they’re about, while he doesn’t hide that he’s a commie. All of his attacks were really low and female — you’re a nazi, you’re a drunk, you’re a coward, you’re not admitting to be what I say you are! You’re kissing up to the Nazis who are your listeners! Nazis are immoral (meanwhile he’s a pro-abortion pansexual commie. Being for killing babies is no less evil than wanting genocide against Jews. Being a Jew genocider is like being a wife beater. The Jews didn’t do anything! The woman didn’t do anything! Well, yes they did, and yes she did. We have to deal with all evil in the right way. I think JLP has found that right way. I think Joel is on his way. A lot of you guys are. Vaush is interesting but wrong).
Which is worse: Commies or Nazis?
BTW: Chat pointed out during their stream that Communism killed many times more millions of people than Nazism did. And that’s something Dennis Prager in a PragerU vídeo pointed out. Dennis pointed out that liberals are intellectuals, and intellectuals are addicted to words. And nice words and ideas are more important than reality, than actions, than actual outcomes. And because Nazism supposedly appears more “hateful” than communism, the liberals deem it worse than the one that’s actually worse — the one that actually gave rise to Nazism, if I’m not mistaken! That’s right, Nazism was a reaction against communism — perhaps an overreaction. Overreactions are ineffective and don’t work.
(But Vaush is also weird because he’s a communist anarchist who wants The Syndicate [worker super unions] to run things! He doesn’t realize that the workers are as evil as, if not more evil than, the bosses! And Unions don’t represent the workers, they take their money and push socialism and Democrats! And what he described is already happening in America! I’d love to talk with him again.)
I’d love to interview Ethan Ralph, hear more about his life if he’d be open to that. But their debate/argument was hosted by Drunken Peasants, who’ve also had JLP on before this. I’d never heard Ralph so combative, but Vaush brings that out of people like a snake-ish female. Extremist radical behind an intellectual facade.
Gossip and mess
Sarah Palin’s a MESS! Hahaha. Is Todd Palin alpha or beta? Hahaha. One son had community service for being a criminal. Christian families, SMH. Stuff going on in some cases not behind closed doors enough! Keep that mess in the closet! Amiright?
Everybody can relate to the problems experienced by that family. Or in Trump’s family too — poor Don Jr. (Or poor Don Jr’s kids), but don’t feel sorry for him/them! He has a great Twitter feed and IG feed, I hear.
Alex Jones fake DUI
Jordan Peterson almost died from something after he was hooked on benzodiazepines or other psycho drug.
Dog the Bounty Hunter — is he engaged again?
These actors and actresses are a mess.
Heads up
(Drudge) TONIGHT: Biden-Sanders Debate… WHOA. What about Tulsi? HAHA.