The Hake Report

Live Mon-Fri 9-11 AM PT – Call-in 1-888-775-3773

A live call-in show with James Hake on Jesse Lee Peterson’s network

Libs Crying 'Racism' When the Hatred Is Against Whites! (Fri 5/22/20)

The Hake Report, BLOG: Call in! 888-775-3773, live Sunday through Friday 9 AM (Los Angeles) Str...

The Hake Report, Fri 5/22/20: Trump says: “I tested positively toward negative…” Germany makes burning the EU flag and others punishable by 3 years in jail. CA to give $500 to “undocumented immigrants” as COVID-19 relief. “Racism declared a public health crisis” in Ohio’s most populous Franklin County. Crayola announces “Colors of the World” crayons, which gets Joel talking. 

CALLERS: Maze from Dayton, OH, wishes JLP a happy b-day! She asks about people getting away with crimes. Robert from Pasadena, CA, on the decline of Europe and USA. Art from OH talks about the big Christian guy with the big Reverend wife (from Monday show) — they caught coronavirus. Earl from MI is happy that Roddy got arrested in the Ahmaud Arbery case, RME.

See also Hake News from JLP — we did replays the first two hours… Hake didn’t really read any news, but only announcements…

CLIP 11: (Drudge) Trump says: 'I tested positively toward negative'... HAHA I LOVE THIS MAN. (Daily Mail) Trump said: 'And I tested very positively in another sense. This morning,' Trump said. 'Yeah, I tested positively toward negative, right? So I tested perfectly this morning. Meaning I tested negative.' RIGHT ON. 

I forgot to tell you about Germany yesterday! 

Germany makes burning of the EU flag punishable by up to three years in jail. 

(BBC World News Tweet / BBC) Germany has made public burning of the EU flag or that of another country punishable by up to three years in jail, classing it as a hate crime.

The vote in the Bundestag (parliament) on Thursday makes defiling foreign flags equal to the crime of defiling the German flag.

The same applies for the EU anthem, Beethoven's Ode to Joy theme.

The move followed Social Democrat (SPD) complaints about protesters' burning of the Israeli flag in Berlin in 2017.

Justice Minister Christine Lambrecht, a member of the centre-left SPD, said "burning flags publicly has nothing to do with peaceful protests". She said it stoked up "hatred, anger and aggression", and hurt many people's feelings. 

The new law also applies to acts of defilement besides burning, such as publicly ripping a flag up. Public display of the Nazi swastika and other Nazi symbols is already banned in Germany.

The far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) has condemned the new law as "excessive interference in free speech and artistic expression".

The act of defiling the Union Flag in the UK is not a crime, but France has made desecration of the tricolour punishable by a fine of up to €7,500 (£6,600; $8,000) or six months in jail. 

Spain, Italy and Greece also have laws banning desecration of the national flag.

Tips from My Second de-facto Producer, Spoiler Alert

Beginning on May 18, California is apparently giving $500 to illegal aliens, as a COVID-19 stimulus: "Disaster Relief Assistance for Immigrants" (CA Dept of Social Services) <---- Note that legal immigrants are not eligible, although their taxes will be used to pay for the program.

"Racism declared a public health crisis in Ohio's most populated county" (ABC News) // Here's the resolution they passed: ( Document

Crayola Announces New "Colors of the World" Crayons To Help Advance Inclusion Within Creativity" (PR News Wire) // stand-alone pics: 

Caller Log, courtesy of Jesse’s producer, Nick

Maze from Dayton, OH wishes Jesse a happy birthday. She also makes a comment about the black community and black crime. 

Robert from Pasadena, CA talks about the decline of Europe, Germany, UK, America, Texas… 

Art from Ohio remarks on a moment on the Hake Report that cracked him up. 

Earl from Michigan talks more about the Ahmaud Arbery case — Roddy got arrested for “murder”! 


Thanks, y’all!