The Hake Report

Live Mon-Fri 9-11 AM PT – Call-in 1-888-775-3773

A live call-in show with James Hake on Jesse Lee Peterson’s network

Hake knows nothing. Aborsh theory! | Mon 1-29-24

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Hake doesn't know foreign policy. Lame callers' potshots. Immigration point. Death penalty lead to repentance? Extended Aborsh story! 

The Hake Report, Monday, January 29, 2024 AD 


  • (0:00:00) Topics: Immigration, Death Penalty, Aborsh!!

  • (0:02:47) Hey, guys! Boulder City, NV tee

  • (0:04:23) Biden got us droned! Trump exploits crisis! -CNN

  • (0:09:41) KEITH, IL: Biden war against America

  • (0:14:39) KEITH: No wars under Trump! Ukraine, Afghanistan, Crime

  • (0:18:40) America gone anyway, but point to what's right

  • (0:19:17) Supers: Normal white? Hake midwit? CAPTCHA pronounce?

  • (0:23:50) Supers: Black gals' hair, CJ's call (Lin Yen Chin), Joel built

  • (0:28:36) WILLIAM, CA: I don't look like Joel; Maze is nasty!

  • (0:32:03) WILLIAM: Hair, Israel war with Hamas

  • (0:36:29) WILLIAM: No, Frederick! Nasty beards. Top Ramen. 

  • (0:39:31) FREDERICK: Israel, William, declaring victory

  • (0:46:15) Tucker: Immigration can be good or bad

  • (0:51:49) Death Penalty may prompt repentance!

  • (0:58:11) Soul-Junk - "The Peacemaker" (2000, 1956)

  • (1:02:15) Supers: Burger King, Noodles/Ramen, Normal white / black?

  • (1:07:00) Wash Post: Allie Phillips aborsh story

  • (1:18:59) Wash Post CLIP: Allie Phillips cussing, TikToking

  • (1:23:51) Hake's conspiracy theory: obstinate lib Doctors!

  • (1:29:30) Miss Japan is Ukrainian?! Karolina Shiino 

  • (1:31:50) MR PINK: Pro-life rally report; Echo chamber 

  • (1:40:07) Oops more Allie Phillips/WaPo: JUSTIN PEARSON

  • (1:47:19) Super: Will you say "not normal blacks"? 

  • (1:49:51) No Megyn Kelly/Actress beef. Joel Friday next! Sean later? 

  • (1:51:13) Menomena - "Cough Coughing" (2003, I Am the Fun Blame Monster)

CLIPS | Mon 1-29-24

Theory: Obstinate Liberal Doctors Purposely Don't Function (Aborsh) (5-min)  YouTube  |  Rumble  

Death Penalty: Repentance vs Mama Libs Saving You (5-min)  YouTube  |  Rumble  

Hake is live M-F 9-11 AM PT (11-1 CT / 12-2 ET)  Call-in 1-888-775-3773  (Also see Hake News on The Jesse Lee Peterson Show  


PODCAST / Substack

VIDEO  YouTube  |  Rumble*  |  Facebook  |  X BitChute  |  Odysee*  

PODCAST  Substack  |  Apple  |  Spotify  |  Castbox  |  Podcast Addict  

*SUPER CHAT on platforms* above or  BuyMeACoffee, etc.  

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HAKE NOTES | Mon 1-29-24

MUSIC  Soul-Junk - "The Peacemaker" (2000, 1956)

Menomena - "Cough Coughing" (2003, I Am the Fun Blame Monster) 

Evil Joe and Commie Nonsense vs Our Greatest President

“We Shall Respond,” Biden says after US troops killed in the Middle East [SM_H]...  Live updates: Middle East drone attack kills US soldiers, nations cut UNRWA funding 

Then: Trump was quick to exploit a crisis facing Biden for political gain —  Article headline: Trump seizes on US troops killed and border crisis to sell general election message | CNN Politics Analysis by Stephen Collinson, CNN 


Forgot to mention: Tucker on immigration, not necessarily good, not necessarily bad. So simple I forgot. 

The fake argument is that one immigrant or great grandson of an immigrant shouldn’t oppose other immigrants coming in. They’d trained me by strawmanning me so much I believed my position was the straw man. I am for a pause by and large. Very strict. And a rejection / deportation, very aggressive. It’s tough but it’s right. We all need the pain of doing right — it’s a good kind of pain. 

Death Penalty speculation

Death penalty: Sean the producer called Anchor Baby Friday nickstream — no free will, allow for repentance. Mama protects you from repentance. Imagination: I imagine I’d repent (or at least cry) were I facing the death penalty, and less so if I only got life in prison. (I never cried.) God forbid I ever deserve the capital punishment. 

Also the courts are anti-white and political. AG Loretta Lynch (keyword LYNCH) wanted Dylann Roof executed for being white. Stupid “hate crime” enhancement. Evil Feds getting involved where they don’t belong, making things worse, encouraging division and resentment of imaginary racism — blaming whites. 

Farrakhan: “he got a hamburger” (who even likes Burger King??) RME. 

Aborsh story

28yo mother/TikToker cussing and running for Congress or something. 

Washington Compost via  //  Allie Phillps' tiktok:   

“Bans off our bodies… stay the H-E-DOUBLE-TOOTHPICKS out of our… [blah blah blah]” 

Crying on TikTok 

Molly Hennessy-Fiske 

Mantel to the dead daughter, find purpose, not died in vain, so she’s pushing evil… 

My conspiracy theory: The doctors have an agenda and they’re just being obstinate / difficult unnecessarily. You sabotage your job if the powers that be aren’t letting you do things your way. 

NOT READ: Ugh, actress mess

smh… ‘The Boys’ actress Erin Moriarty leaves Instagram because of ‘verbal abuse’ after Megyn Kelly’s comments | CNN