The Hake Report

Live Mon-Fri 9-11 AM PT – Call-in 1-888-775-3773

A live call-in show with James Hake on Jesse Lee Peterson’s network

Inflation is gov't taxing us! | Mon 10-28-24

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Milton Friedman on inflation. Joe: Told you! Trump economy? McDonald's! "Unhinged!" Caller can't stop blowing money! 

The Hake Report, Monday, October 28, 2024 AD 


  • (0:00:00) Start 

  • (0:01:04) McD's, Jeff Bezos 

  • (0:04:37) Hey, guys! Green shirt 

  • (0:07:29) Milton Friedman on inflation 

  • (0:17:35) JOE: Fed wants 2-percent inflation; Wilson 

  • (0:32:23) Economy 

  • (0:33:39) JAIME: Covid stimulus; Trump economy 

  • (0:38:37) JAIME: Bipartisan border bill; critical thinking 

  • (0:43:00) Trump McDonald's… bitter language 

  • (0:52:09) MARK: Trump at MSG. Haiti. Economy. 

  • (0:57:37) MARK: Trump NY? Covid economy. 

  • (1:02:17) CNN on Trump rally, Democrats project "Unhinged" 

  • (1:04:41) Coffee: Trump on Rogan; Dennis Quaid, Coachella 

  • (1:09:29) Coffee: Work at McDonald's. Starbucks? Adopt? 

  • (1:17:10) ANDREW, Scotland: Blowing money 

  • (1:30:17) ANDREW: Giving money gifts to family 

  • (1:38:21) Coffee: Civilian deportation force? Supers 

  • (1:45:03) MAZE: Ban people? Giuliani 

  • (1:47:53) LN - "Softly and Tenderly" - 2002, Novel 



PODCAST / Substack 


Hake is live M-F 9-11a PT (11-1CT/12-2ET) Call-in 1-888-775-3773 

VIDEO  YouTube  -  Rumble*  -  Facebook  -  X BitChute  -  Odysee*  

PODCAST  Substack  -  Apple  -  Spotify  -  Castbox  -  Podcast Addict  

*SUPER CHAT on platforms* above or  BuyMeACoffee, etc.  

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HAKE NOTES | Mon 10-28-24

Milton Friedman (sp) 

Milton Friedman (sp) tears down inflation myths, elon musk posts 


McDonald’s didn’t give Trump permission to serve fries. It didn’t need to | CNN Business

Trump thrusts McDonald’s into the political arena in final days of campaign | CNN Politics 

The Bitter Skimm Trump Sells Shirt to Commemorate His Staged McDonald’s Shift (NY Mag “Intelligencer”) — anybody got a Trump Bible? 

Mon 10-28-24 HAKE NEWS 

(CNN Sunday or AP Sun 10-27-24 CNN or theSkimm or AP or Morning Brew Mon 10-28-24) 

News Hr 1:  Paycheck-to-paycheck at $150K. Would Trump concede? Projection: "Unhinged!" Middle East: Till after election. McD's selling Quarter Pounders again. 

News Hr 2:  McD's: FDA still not sure source! Bezos Wash Post won't endorse! Blue Origin space deal. Toxic smog in India, Pakistan in time for Diwali. School back in Ashville, NC. Kids' walking pneumonia.