The Hake Report

Live Mon-Fri 9-11 AM PT – Call-in 1-888-775-3773

A live call-in show with James Hake on Jesse Lee Peterson’s network

Apostle Paul's FAKE? Hake INCITEMENT? | Thu 2-8-24

Calls: Apostle Paul deniers! Incitement laws! Civil War, insurrection, and pro-aborsh FACE Act. NF gang member on crime. La la la = 666? 

The Hake Report, Thursday, February 8, 2024 AD 


  • (0:00:00) Topics: Gang life clips. La la la is 666? 

  • (0:01:47) Hey, guys! Better…Not Bitter. (BOND tee) 

  • (0:03:27) JAIME, MN: Flat Earth? who cares? 

  • (0:07:29) JAIME: I'm a Paul denier. Saul / Paul 

  • (0:11:08) DAVID, FL: Paul… 

  • (0:12:57) DAVID: He who endures to the end will be saved 

  • (0:16:58) DAVID: Rapture, reading the Bible wrong? 

  • (0:20:06) DAVID: Endure to the end? Love. 

  • (0:23:44) JOE, AZ: Trump in courts. 

  • (0:25:52) JOE: JLP's message 

  • (0:31:09) JOE: Incitement HR350 (Alex Jones) 

  • (0:37:23) AARON (Of Air N' Sea), UT: Incitement, Brandenburg v Ohio 

  • (0:41:36) AARON: Alex Jones, controlled opposition 

  • (0:46:44) DENNY: Controlled by emotions 

  • (0:51:15) ex-Nuestra Familia gang member: Violence, 3-strikes law

  • (0:59:08) Stephen Wiley - "Intro Rap" and "Heroes" (1988, Rap It Up

  • (1:05:08) Super: Evil Is Real on Paul vs Jesus in Bible 

  • (1:07:48) Supers: Phony border bill, Hake dancing 

  • (1:10:54) Super: Obama, BLM, Hake, Roof  

  • (1:17:17) DANIEL, TX: Joe sassy, evil 

  • (1:19:21) DANIEL: Civil War freedom in Confederacy, Union, draft 

  • (1:25:26) DANIEL: Insurrection? Slave rebellion liability 

  • (1:33:15) Sorry, Mark! 

  • (1:33:29) WILLIAM, CA: Freedom, Obama, Dolton, IL, Tiffany Henyard

  • (1:37:42) MARK, CA: Trump SCOTUS, HR350 

  • (1:42:01) MARK: Pro-life woman convicted? FACE Act 

  • (1:46:50) Super: Respect mom? Right about Justice System, unfalsifiable? 

  • (1:48:31) La la la = 666 low key (blue)? (I disavow!) 

  • (1:50:25) "Ain't No Monkeys in My Family Tree" - Knights of the New Crusade (2004, My God Is Alive! Sorry About Yours.

Hake is live M-F 9-11 AM PT (11-1 CT / 12-2 ET)  Call-in 1-888-775-3773  (Also see Hake News on The Jesse Lee Peterson Show  


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HAKE NOTES | Thu 2-8-24


Stephen Wiley - "Intro Rap" and "Heroes"  (1988, Rap It Up

Gang life again: Clips…

Hake saw this report / interview edit from Insider YouTube (covered Monday, I think? lol) 

SOURCE: How US Prison Gangs (Nuestra Familia) Actually Work | How Crime Works (Insider - YouTube) 

PARTIAL DESCRIPTION: John "Boxer" Mendoza is a former high-ranking member of the Nuestra Familia. He was part of the organization from 1994 to 2007 and was incarcerated at various California prisons, such as San Quentin, Pelican Bay, and Corcoran.

He was a member of the Nuestra Raza before rising to the rank of commander in the Nuestra Familia. Mendoza speaks with Insider about rivalry with the Mexican Mafia and Aryan Brotherhood, corrupt prison guards, attacks and uprisings, weapons, and yard fights. He also talks about life inside the gang, from rules to prison tattoos and methods of communication in jail. 

CLIP 11ab: Violence and then 3-strikes laws… 

La la la (666) per BitChute comments

Yes, The Hake Report is on BitChute!