The Hake Report

Live Mon-Fri 9-11 AM PT – Call-in 1-888-775-3773

A live call-in show with James Hake on Jesse Lee Peterson’s network

Viscerally irritated by Hispanic accents | Mon 5-6-24

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We're two-faced! Cinco de Mayo. 24yo black died in NY! Sadiq Khan 3rd term London Mayor! FE debunked by globe! Hispanic accents! 

The Hake Report, Monday, May 6, 2024 AD 


  • (0:00:00) Start 

  • (0:02:55) Hey, guys! Life w/o thinking (BOND tee) No beach stream (yet) 

  • (0:06:30) Hake didn't get snake footage! 

  • (0:09:23) BRETT, NV: People changing face seemingly 

  • (0:14:40) BRETT: San Onofre beach, dogs, CA beaches (Newport, HB) 

  • (0:18:20) Nodding, greeting people, diversity 

  • (0:19:59) Cinco de Mayo, mostly American Mexican, crime 

  • (0:27:25) American Indians, more European than Asian? ("Native American") 

  • (0:28:14) 24yo Daequan Buckley shot in NY. "Family" talks. (15yo charged.) 

  • (0:41:16) 24yo black man's past, family situation, culture, coverage 

  • (0:44:35) Sadiq Khan 3rd term London Mayor (beat Susan Hall) 

  • (1:03:12) Sadiq background (mamas hate dad's "hate") 

  • (1:06:56) LN - "Forgotten Ships" - (2002 album Novel

  • (1:12:17) Rumble: EvilIsStillReal vs Kevin Howe, Kids; Carnivore Diet 

  • (1:16:56) Coffee: Truck Driver, T-Rex-Chicken Evolution, FE debunked by globe! 

  • (1:23:27) JAIME, MN: FE; "liberal" Christian group discussion, they like me! 

  • (1:33:03) DANIEL, Texas pronunciation (Hispanic accent), Nevada 

  • (1:35:36) DANIEL: Mama spirit leaders, watch people fight, nice to enemy 

  • (1:41:15) DANIEL: Skills, national security, being dishonest, poker face 

  • (1:42:38) DANIEL: FE, don't like getting into labels, Sean producer globe smash 

  • (1:44:33) Hispanic accents in America, are they evil? 

  • (1:46:20) Coffee: PopcornsThumpKeg on SEEING homeless 

  • (1:48:20) Coffees: Black or white? Principal Hake? Lamps (Rest of supers tmrw!)

  • (1:49:43) Soul-Junk - "Horse Posing as Unicorn" (2002 album 1957


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Hake is live M-F 9-11a PT (11-1CT/12-2ET) Call-in 1-888-775-3773 

VIDEO  YouTube  -  Rumble*  -  Facebook  -  X BitChute  -  Odysee*  

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HAKE NOTES | Mon 5-6-24









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LN - "Forgotten Ships" - (2002 album Novel) 

Soul-Junk - "Horse Posing as Unicorn" (2002 album 1957) 

Mexican celebrations and traditions on May 5th

Brave AI: Cinco de Mayo yesterday (

Cinco de Mayo is a Mexican holiday that is celebrated on May 5th every year. It commemorates the Mexican army’s victory over the French Empire at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862. The battle was a significant event in Mexican history, as it marked a major defeat for the French, who had invaded Mexico in 1861.

In the United States, Cinco de Mayo has become a popular cultural event, often celebrated with parades, music, and traditional Mexican food and drink. Many cities and towns across the country host Cinco de Mayo festivals and events, which often feature live music, dancing, and traditional Mexican cuisine.

However, it’s worth noting that Cinco de Mayo is not a major holiday in Mexico, and it is not widely celebrated there. In fact, the holiday is more widely celebrated in the United States than it is in Mexico, where it is seen as a regional holiday that is mainly celebrated in the state of Puebla, where the battle took place.

Despite this, Cinco de Mayo has become a significant cultural event in the United States, and it is often seen as a celebration of Mexican-American culture and heritage. Many people celebrate the holiday by attending festivals and events, trying traditional Mexican food and drink, and learning about the history and culture of Mexico.

Here are some interesting facts about Cinco de Mayo:

  • The battle of Puebla was a significant event in Mexican history, as it marked a major defeat for the French, who had invaded Mexico in 1861.

  • The Mexican army was led by General Ignacio Zaragoza, who is still celebrated as a hero in Mexico today.

  • Cinco de Mayo is not a national holiday in Mexico, but it is celebrated in the state of Puebla, where the battle took place.

  • The holiday was popularized in the United States in the 1960s and 1970s, as a way to celebrate Mexican-American culture and heritage.

  • Cinco de Mayo is often celebrated with parades, music, and traditional Mexican food and drink, such as tacos, tamales, and margaritas.

  • The holiday is also often associated with the Mexican flag, which is a symbol of Mexican independence and patriotism.

Overall, Cinco de Mayo is a significant cultural event in the United States, and it is often seen as a celebration of Mexican-American culture and heritage.

15-year-old charged with gun possession after Brooklyn man fatally shot in BMW 

(nydailynews) What a MESS! Crazy… 

Black voters won a big victory in Louisiana. Some White voters said it violated their ‘personal dignity’ | CNN Politics

What kind of a TheBlaze type headline is that??! … pulled me in, though … (cnn, 5/6/24) 

Sadiq Khan becomes first person ever to win third term as Mayor of London ...

(Far-left foreign, May 4, 2024, By John Stevens) Sadiq Khan RME 

X replies… 

woman opponent for Tories SM_H… but she is a trump supporter. Article details INTERESTING (to me) 

Only been a mayor of London since the year 2000?! So “first ever,” not that remarkable, MIRROR EDITOR(S)!