The Hake Report

Live Mon-Fri 9-11 AM PT – Call-in 1-888-775-3773

A live call-in show with James Hake on Jesse Lee Peterson’s network

Blame the suckers not just the deceivers! | Mon 6-17-24

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Juneteenth crime! Economy over Hake's head! "Alpha" tweets wife left him! Supers: DuBois, Booker T, U-Turns, China blame, Hake "single" 

The Hake Report, Monday, June 17, 2024 AD 


  • (0:00:00) Topics: Juneteenth shooting(s); "Alpha" broken man 

  • (0:02:50) Hey, guys! All thoughts are lies JLP tee 

  • (0:04:48) Juneteenth mass shootings, 2023-2024 

  • (0:13:41) Crime went up! 

  • (0:17:22) JOE, AZ: Fed overnight federal funds rate 

  • (0:21:10) JOE: Who controls economy? Recession. 

  • (0:24:49) JOE: Haves vs Have-nots 

  • (0:28:55) JOE: Why don't you have children? "Middle Class" 

  • (0:34:31) WILLIAM, CA: Round Rock, Juneteenth, shooting, Tulsa 

  • (0:41:44) WILLIAM: rent too high, "justice," spoiled, bitter 

  • (0:46:11) ERIC, AZ: Trump tax vs Biden-Obama, DREAMers, Dem 

  • (0:50:44) Dave's wife "left" him and autistic daughters, he posted on X 

  • (1:04:23) DANIEL, TX: Slavery wasn't going away: Not peacefully! Fort Sumter 

  • (1:13:56) DANIEL: Trump, Harriet Beecher Stowe, East-West 

  • (1:15:52) JAIME, MN: 2008, deregulation, housing, irresponsible loans (Obama) 

  • (1:20:58) JAIME: Mortgages, derivatives, evil, mama spirit 

  • (1:24:00) JAIME: College loans 

  • (1:25:23) Coffee: Read W.E.B. Dubois, Booker T Washington (know)  

  • (1:34:08) Coffee: Gascon, Silver Lake U-Turn signs 

  • (1:37:50) Super: Charlie Church on China fentanyl blame 

  • (1:43:27) STEVEN, MD: God, Satan, thoughts, aborsh, adoption 

  • (1:49:27) RICK, VA: Caitlin Clark vs liberal "values" 

  • (1:52:05) Supers: Married vs single, First slave / owner 

  • (1:53:32) "Agnus Dei" - Psalters (feat. Sepideh Vahidi) 



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Hake is live M-F 9-11a PT (11-1CT/12-2ET) Call-in 1-888-775-3773 

VIDEO  YouTube  -  Rumble*  -  Facebook  -  X BitChute  -  Odysee*  

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HAKE NOTES | Mon 6-17-24

Mass shootings Juneteenth… 

Loved my wife, says alpha on X 

There was a mass shooting last Juneteenth 2023 too! Juneteenf! 

2023-06-Jun-18-25 (CNN Mon. 6/19/23) QUOTE: “Gathering for a holiday celebration should be a joyful occasion, not a time where gunfire erupts and families are forced to run for safety.” — Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker, sharing condolences after a mass shooting in Willowbrook, Illinois, on Sunday at a Juneteenth celebration killed one person and injured at least 22 others. Also over the weekend, two people were killed in a shooting in Washington, and at least one juvenile was killed in a separate shooting in St. Louis. There have been more than 310 mass shootings in the US so far this year, according to the Gun Violence Archive.