The Hake Report

Live Mon-Fri 9-11 AM PT – Call-in 1-888-775-3773

A live call-in show with James Hake on Jesse Lee Peterson’s network

Fake beliefs, fake values, fake AI people! | Fri 7-12-24

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Callers on Christianity, belief in God, the Bible, sin, and women. Miss AI a Moroccan SJW in a hijab! DEI vs MEI and Elon Musk! 

The Hake Report, Friday, July 12, 2024 AD 


  • (0:00:00) Topics on my mind: Miss AI

  • (0:03:08) Hey, guys! Orange Henley, s/o Hassan 

  • (0:06:15) STANLEY, CO, 1st, Christianity, Belief in God? Free will 

  • (0:18:43) STANLEY: Coincidences 

  • (0:28:56) STANLEY: Socialist church, family 

  • (0:31:23) STANLEY: Are all going to heaven? 

  • (0:34:48) DAVID, FL: Born again sinner, fighting 

  • (0:49:33) DAVID: Ye are gods? You no longer sin 

  • (0:53:00) JIMMY, MN (formerly Jaime) Mormons 

  • (0:59:20) JIMMY: "You people" Christians, Bible 

  • (1:03:22) JIMMY: People in Hell, lied to, guilt 

  • (1:07:33) Supers: Lin Yen Chin, Intellectuals, Biden impression, Anger 

  • (1:16:10) Miss AI, a fake gal with fake values from Morocco 

  • (1:26:01) SERG, TX: Women stuff, practical to pick a woman? 

  • (1:42:31) SERG: Bible 

  • (1:43:16) WILLIAM, CA: Dean Martin, Zebra killers 

  • (1:49:14) WILLIAM: Catholic, Maturity, Joe Biden 

  • (1:52:47) Ending: DEI or MEI: Merit, Excellence, Intelligence: Elon Musk 

  • (1:54:23) Jacky Cheung - 只想一生跟你走 I just want to follow you all my life 



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Hake is live M-F 9-11a PT (11-1CT/12-2ET) Call-in 1-888-775-3773 

VIDEO  YouTube  -  Rumble*  -  Facebook  -  X BitChute  -  Odysee*  

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HAKE NOTES | Fri 7-12-24

Jacky Cheung - Just want to follow you all my life 只想一生跟你走

1 John 3 King James Version 

Nasty values: Miss AI crowns Moroccan lifestyle influencer Kenza Layli | CNN  — promote diversity. 

The libs also mad b/c it’s “fatphobic” etc. — NEED TO CENSOR RUNNERS-UP pics… 

Source: CNN Thursday AM 

(CNN, not theSkimm Thu 7-11-24) 

“AI isn’t just a tool; it’s a transformative force that can disrupt industries, challenge norms and create opportunities where none existed before.”

— Moroccan influencer Kenza Layli, after she was crowned the world’s first AI beauty pageant winner. Notably, Kenza Layli is entirely generated by artificial intelligence, from her striking appearance to her buzzword-filled acceptance speech.