Asian-white High Schooler Opens Fire on Others and Himself (Hake News, Fri 11/15/19)
HAKE NEWS, Hour 1, Friday, November 15, 2019 -
If you’re in the Bay Area on SATURDAY (Nov 16), go see Jesse Lee Peterson speak at the Content of Character Series at South Bay Community Church in Fremont, CA. It’s a day-long event 9-4, several speakers — good topics including the so-called Equality Act (and Gender Fluidity), Voter Fraud. Registration at 8 AM. to purchase tickets (or call 1-888-725-8654).
THEN: Church on Sunday 11 AM PT back here at BOND in Los Angeles.
Photos of suspected Saugus HS shooter Nathaniel Berhow, who allegedly opened fire on his birthday at age 16, and shot himself in the head. He was in grave condition. Two students died, a 16-y-o girl, and 14-y-o boy.
SPEAKING OF CHARACTER — lack thereof in the following case… (Drudge) At least 2 are Dead in a California High School Shooting… on the Suspect's 16th Birthday… People called 911 at 7:38 AM PST over the incident at Saugus High School up in Santa Clarita, CA (40 mins from here w/o traffic). (L.A. Times and CNN) Suspect Nathaniel Berhow who appears to this reporter to be a mixed white/asian kid, allegedly pulled a .45 caliber pistol and shot at five students on the campus quad before turning the gun on himself, shooting himself in the head with his last round, emptying the gun. Police arrived within two minutes of the calls, and found victims on the ground, one of whom turned out to be the suspected perpetrator. A 16yo girl died at the hospital, then a 14-year-old male died during the day. The suspect was reported in grave condition at the hospital. An authority said the suspect’s mother and girlfriend were at the hospital too. Police and FBI were involved — officials searched the suspect’s home yesterday.
USA Today said people described the suspect as an Asian male student, a quiet, normal boy, a “good kid” who did his assignments. He ran track and cross country, while his girlfriend was on the swim team. One teammate who ran track and went to parties with him said he was "the sweetest kid you'll ever meet." HMM... Authorities have not determined a motive but don't believe he was acting on any ideology.
FAMILY: The boy's father died in December 2017 from a heart attack, according to obituary information and a Facebook tribute. Next-door-neighbor Jared Axen, 33, said the teen was reestablishing ties with his father prior to his sudden passing. Although his father had owned guns, the neighbor said he didn’t think the boy viewed them in an unhealthy way. Though the teen was sometimes a little sad, the neighbor said he didn't come off as depressed. But CNN said after his father’s death, he leaned heavily on his mother and sister for support. His parents divorced in 2016. The father, Mark Berhow (HE WHITE), reportedly had a history of chronic alcoholism (Heavy). The mother Mami Matsuura had family in Japan.
(Drudge) IMPEACHMENT DAY 2… This will be with ex-Obama ambassador (as Don Jr described her on Twitter) to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch (AP) The president had fired Yovanovitch months before the July 25 “perfect” phone call as Trump described it. QUOTE: “The former ambassador from the United States, the woman, was bad news,” Trump said, according to the rough transcript of the call with Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskiy. “She’s going to go through some things.” LISTEN TO THE FAR-LEFT EXTREMIST FEMINIST ANTI-TRUMP ASSOCIATED PRESS: the president has a long history of denigrating women who stand up to him, especially those of his generation in positions of power. (She’s 61, born in Canada, supposedly a naturalized American citizen since age 18; her parents supposedly fled the Soviet Union and later the Nazis.[3] She’s been in the State Dept since at least 1998. She was Ambassador to Kyrgyzstan under W. Bush, then Ambassador to Armenia under Bush and Obama, and finally ambassador to Ukraine appointed by Obama, lasting 2016-2019, TOO LONG! SO SHE WAS DEEP STATE / ESTABLISHMENT. Far-left extremist Wikipedia claims she “was subjected to a conspiracy-driven smear campaign, amplified by President Donald Trump and his allies.” SO YOU KNOW SHE WAS BAD NEWS.)
Marie Yovanovich, Obama’s ambassador, as Don Jr. called her. She was reportedly very anti-Trump.
Fri, Nov 15, Hour 1:
Jesse tells a story of a black man telling him he’s watched over 100 of his videos. And he finally realizes what Jesse’s about. He realized Jesse wants him to be responsible. This man said he never saw himself as an individual — he’d always seen blacks as a group.
Report on the school shooting yesterday at Saugus High School by the mixed-race Asian / white boy.
Waunias from Alabama is a black Israelite. He can’t answer questions or communicate straight. Biblical Question: Was Jesus Christ created?
Earl from Michigan calls Jesse Mr. Know-It-All. Earl tells him to stop with his 2-year-old rant.
More cool stuff including Joel’s rap promo and super chats.
Ingrid from Orlando, FL, gets her man Travis a b-day shoutout.
Jesse talks about the Entrepreneur Academy and people needing to own land, men. You don’t need a degree.
HAKE NEWS, Hour 2, Friday, November 15, 2019 - Go to if you’re in the Bay Area and want to see Jesse speak up there on Saturday. Then Church back down here in L.A. on Sunday
(Drudge) Pelosi: This 'makes what Nixon did look almost small'... IT WAS SMALL! (CNN) Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said President Trump has "admitted" to bribery. QUOTE: "what President Trump has done on the record in terms of acting to advantage his — a foreign power to help him in his own election, and of the obstruction of information about that — the cover-up — makes what Nixon did look almost small, almost small," Pelosi said. MAN SHE IS NUTTY AND NERVOUS! Also about the phone call, she said, “The President has admitted to and says it's 'perfect.' I say it's perfectly wrong. It's bribery.” EVIL WOMAN! She also said the first day of the televised shenanigans was a "successful day for truth." WHAT’S SHE KNOW ABOUT TRUTH? SHE’S A WHITE-HATING DEMOCRAT. OH, LISTEN TO THIS: "We must be defenders of out democracy," (OUT DEMOCRACY? OUT AS IN OPENLY GAY? ) she said. "We go forward sadly, prayerfully."
Rudy says Trump will stay loyal to him -- but jokes he has 'insurance'... (The Guardian) There’s speculation that Republicans will seek to paint him as a rogue actor.
MAG: Why not naming whistleblower bad for mainstream media… NICE. Jack Schafer writes an opinion piece in Politico (he’s their senior media writer) He writes that “all this press coyness—giving this much information and no more—puts the country’s top publications at risk of losing the trust of their readers.” ALREADY LONG GONE!
FOX DOMINATES RATINGS… for this hearing stuff… CONGRATS!
THERE WAS A TRUMP RALLY IN LOUISIANA YESTERDAY… (Drudge) Trump, in 3rd Visit in Month, Tries to Boost Republican in Louisiana Governor's Race… (FiveThirtyEight) On Saturday, Louisiana will choose between incumbent Democratic Gov. John Bel Edwards and Republican businessman Eddie Rispone for governor. (Roll Call) Trump went after “small-necked” Schiff, trying to paint the California Democrat as physically and intellectually tiny. “What size shirt do you need?” the president said, mimicking a tailor talking to Schiff, whom Trump then said would reply: “Um, size 9.”
(Drudge) Bill Clinton offers impeachment advice to Donald Trump… (Wash. Times) In an interview with CNN Thursday, Mr. Clinton said Mr. Trump should just ignore the goings-on on Capitol Hill, something he himself largely did in 1998. “My message would be, look, you got hired to do a job,” Mr. Clinton said. “You don’t get the days back you blow off. Every day is an opportunity to make something good happen.” AW, HE’S SO LIKABLE! EVIL THOUGH. HIS WIFE IS MUCH WORSE. MORE QUOTE: “I would say, ‘I’ve got lawyers and staff people handling this impeachment inquiry, and they should just have at it,’” Mr. Clinton said. “Meanwhile, I’m going to work for the American people. That’s what I would do.”
Those last sentences almost exactly mirror Mr. Clinton’s closing line during the notorious press conference where he lied about having “sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.”
TRUMP’S ALREADY DOING THAT. The day before, Trump said, “I haven’t watched for one minute,” when asked about the hearings at a joint press conference with Turkish President Erdogan. “I’ve been with the president [of Turkey], which is much more important … I’d much rather focus on peace in the Middle East,” Mr. Trump said dismissively.
Fri, Nov 15, Hour 2:
Greg from Dallas, TX, talks about his wife not wanting to help him with the children, but trying to usurp him as is said in the Bible. Jesse talks about not being passionate.
Clip of John Kennedy at the Louisiana Trump rally.
Jesse plays a clip of Trump saying “rebuilding the guy” — proof he listens to JLP!
Sean from South Africa, first-time caller, says he forgave, and tells an amazing story.
Joel reads Super Chats.
Jason from Long Island, NY, says he forgave his parents, but is still doing things he doesn’t wanna do, lusting, smoking pot.
HAKE NEWS, Hour 3, Friday, November 15, 2019 - I host Hour 4 as The Hake Report, and Sunday on my Hake channels
BTW… (Wash. Times) Mrs. Clinton (as in CROOKED HILLARY) was asked earlier in the week whether she would unequivocally impeach Trump today, and she replied “based on what I know, yes.”
(Drudge) TRUMP PETITIONS SUPREMES TO SHIELD TAX RETURNS (CNBC) Attorneys for President Donald Trump asked the Supreme Court on Thursday to let him keep his tax returns secret, setting up a case that could determine whether any president has blanket criminal immunity while in office. If the justices agree to consider the case, it will pave the way for a landmark dispute over the reach of presidential immunity in the midst of the 2020 presidential campaign and a historic impeachment battle in Congress.
(Drudge) THE CONWAY SHOW: GEORGE SAYS KELLYANNE is IN A 'CULT'... NO THAT’S HIM. and Kellyanne Blows Up at Blitzer for Saying 'There Are Issues' With Her Marriage… UH-OH! (Vanity Fair) Trump complains, and Jared Kushner wants her out, as George Conway keeps smearing the president and parties with TDS sufferers like filthy Kathy Griffin and Paul Krugman. But he still loves Kellyanne, sources say. “He’s going through a tough time,” says one. “George gets all his power from you,” Trump told her recently, according to an anonymous Republican briefed on the conversation. Another anonymous source close to Kellyanne says Melania Trump remains a loyal ally and wants her to stay in the administration.
The Daily Beast quotes Wolf from CNN: “I just have a final question, a sensitive question, and it’s a political question, it’s a substantive question,” Blitzer warily asked. “I don’t want to talk about your marriage. I know that there are issues there.” She cut in, “Did you just say there are issues there?” she exclaimed. “You don’t want to talk about—why would you say that?!” Wolf pretends George is a “legal scholar.” She calls CNN a bunch of “gossip girls,” and says she used to look up to Wolf Blitzer. At the end he says she’s always welcome. “You’ll stay in my prayers,” Conway replied.
(Drudge) 'HOMELAND SECURITY' CONFIRMS NO NEW BORDER WALL YET... All 78 miles built under Trump are replacement… (Wash. Times) The administration still has yet to fence in any new miles of border with President Trump’s wall, a top Homeland Security official acknowledged Thursday — though he said that’s not the right way to look at the problem. Acting Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Mark Morgan told reporters that 78 miles of wall has been erected under Mr. Trump, but all of it has replaced outdated fencing or barriers that had previously existed. None of it has blocked off a portion of the border where there wasn’t previously some type of barrier. But he still said, “Every mile of wall that’s being built is a new mile of wall.” He said ground has finally been broken in Texas on a section of land where no barrier exists right now, which will be brand new wall that protects a currently unfenced area.
Feds preparing to take over private land in Texas? (NBC News) The Trump administration is preparing court filings to begin taking over private land in Texas to build a border wall as early as this week, say officials.
Fri, Nov 15, Hour 3:
Great call from John I think from last hour.
Jesse plays a preview of The Fallen State with LA Times writer Michael Hiltzik (sp).
A caller Nemo from New York wants to become a cop despite catching hate from the cop-haters and the beta mayor.
Black football player Myles Garrett (sp) takes a white player’s helmet off and hits him over the head with it.
David from Miami, FL, talks about men and the order of God. He’s recently divorced. He talks about needing to be a man for his son. His dad’s dead. His son plays with girl toys.
Great hour, thank you!
The Hake Report, Friday, November 15, 2019 - 9 AM PST, Hour 4 of Jesse Lee Peterson’s stream (YouTube, etc.)
Roger Stone found guilty by biased jury on all counts. OF WHAT! SMH.
Asian-white boy murders two, and tries to kill himself.
Shoutout to Noah and Catch for diamonds and ninjaghinis… and bubbz for the memes.
And scottyandjenny on IG. Don’t be so sensitive! for speaking engagement tomorrow. for Church Sunday.
About the wall…
I’m hearing all sorts of different numbers. Homeland Security said 78 miles. Others have said over 100 miles….
I remember them talking about places that were VEHICLE barriers, but people could easily cross. There are also places where the fence is damaged and people can also easily cross.
(Drudge) County Morgue Overwhelmed with Dead Migrants… WALLS SAVE LIVES! (Breitbart) LAREDO, Texas — A border county medical examiner’s office is now packed beyond capacity with the remains of migrants who died while or shortly after crossing from Mexico. Webb County Medical Examiner Dr. Corinne Stern told Breitbart News Tonight that her storage facilities are now packed beyond capacity following the deaths of at least 155 migrants in 2019. The deaths occurred in a 12-county area serviced by her office. Dr. Stern said Webb County officials are very supportive of efforts to provide humanitarian services to the surviving families of the deceased.
Review: United States of Trump (Bill O’Reilly)
As you know Jesse Lee Peterson interviewed Bill the other day.
Fair. Boomers. Old School Men. Real journalists.
Trump’s life as a kid. He said he was the perfect child.
Some points...
He doesn’t drink or smoke. (Neither does O’Reilly. He wants a clear mind.)
Quick to forgive…
More about accusations about Trump’s “lies.” Bill gives his take.
Anonymous sources are propaganda… always a hidden agenda.
Media delight in breaking humans.
Trump moves on (except with McCain)
No doubt, no fear, no apologies, no retreat…
Trump: Heal our divisions.
Vs Obama’s social justice
Law and order guy
Mueller, evil, stronger
Mueller achievement
Media corrupt
Trump example to Baron
(other interesting side notes)
Caller Log
Mike from San Antonio, TX, talks about older women who lose their outer beauty and hit the wall going nuts and mean. He accuses Maze of just wanting to be famous.
Donning Armour from CA bashes Trump especially on immigration stuff. He accuses Trump of not loving America, which James says is false! He credits Trump for being unlike other politicians and for the way evil people reacted to him. That’s how he became a white ethnonationalist. He likes Tulsi Gabbard, and isn’t sure he’s gonna vote Trump!
Maze from Dayton, OH, accuses Mike of not loving himself.
Rick from Hampton, VA, asks his recommendation on how to spend time with one’s kids.
Thanks, y’all!