Kanye Gets 'Over 1,000' Accepting 'Jesus' at 'Alter Call' (Hake News, Mon 11/04/19)
HAKE NEWS, Hour 1: Monday, November 4, 2019 - Just about 6 AM PST! - Men’s Forum this Thursday, first Thursday of the month, November 7, 7 PM at BOND (our current location) in Los Angeles. Announcement is up on rebuildingtheman.com/events
Photo from Instagram of Kanye West “Sunday Service” event in Baton Rouge, LA
(Drudge) KANYE FLOCK PRAISES CHRIST OH GOSH… (DISRN) “Over 1,000” commit lives to Christ at Kanye West’s Sunday Service in Baton Rouge: according to a pastor. Curvine Brewington, a pastor at Crossroads Church in Lafayette, Louisiana, attended the event and posted on Instagram:
“Tonight, @candacebrewington (that’s his wife?) & I got to experience Kanye West’s Sunday Service at @bethany_church in Baton Rouge. If you’ve ever doubted the legitimacy or spiritual impact of this #sundayservice project, simply look at this incredible shot taken...during the altar call. YES, I said ALTAR CALL. 😲 ….
In a crowd of 6,000 people from all walks of life... i witnessed over 1,000 people respond to The Gospel by raising their hands to accept Jesus as their Lord & Savior! 😱🙌🏾 Say what you want, & think what you want.... [He goes on and quotes Bible verses, etc.] Isaiah 43:19 “Behold I do a NEW thing. • 1 Corinthians 1:27 “But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. • #excited #inspired ...”
Kanye West, with debt piling up, thanks God for $68 million tax refund… HAHA. Cute. (MarketWatch) Kanye West has a reported net worth of $240 million. He told CBS host James Corden during an “Airpool Karaoke” segment, ‘Last year, I made $115 million and still ended up $35 million in debt. This year, I looked up and I just got $68 million returned to me on my tax returns.’ He went on: “People say, ‘Oh don’t talk about these numbers,’ ” he said. “No, people need to hear that someone that had been put into debt by the system talk about these kind of numbers now that they’re in service to Christ.” Carden asked if his spiritual awakening gets credit for his success. He said, “Absolutely. [God’s] showing off. He’s just showing out,” West said. “Yeezy worth $3 billion ... Kanye West works for God.”
(Drudge) FOXNEWS POLL: 49% WANT TRUMP REMOVED… NBCNEWS POLL: 49% WANT TRUMP REMOVED… MSN POLL: 52% WANT TRUMP REMOVED… HALF THE COUNTRY’S BRAINWASHED! (Fox News) Nearly half of voters want President Trump impeached and removed from office, according to a new Fox News Poll (NOTORIOUSLY ANTI-TRUMP!). In addition, 6-in-10 believe the president did ask foreign leaders to investigate political opponents -- and two-thirds say that action is inappropriate. WEAK!
Forty-nine percent want Trump impeached and removed from office, 4 percent say he should be impeached but not removed, and 41 percent oppose impeaching Trump. That’s about where things stood in early October, when 51 percent said impeach/remove, 4 percent impeach/don’t remove, and 40 percent opposed altogether.
(Drudge) NYPD Vehicle Covered In Cracked Eggs, Garbage In Latest Case Of Police Disrespect… SHAMEFUL! (CBSNewYork) — An NYPD vehicle was deliberately covered in trash Halloween Night in Brownsville. In a cell phone video, a small group of residents laugh, some of them taunting two officers cleaning up, one saying “trick or treat” followed by a slur (SOUNDS BLACK!). The officers show restraint as they clear trash filled boxes, broken eggs, and other rotting food. “A lot of people call 911 in this neighborhood. They’re holding us up,” one officer replied. The two officers were responding to a domestic dispute call in a nearby building and were upstairs long enough for their vehicle to be messed up like that. A witness who works at a bodega witnessed it and said they were adults, but didn’t describe them. He said that before the cell phone video started, the officers walked up to find some of the trash burning. There at least five water dousing incidents caught on video over the summer.
Trump tweeted about it Friday when he said he was moving from NY to FL: “Our great police are being disrespected, even with water dumped on them, because a mayor and governor just don’t have their backs,” the president declared. “New York’s Finest must be cherished, respected and loved.”
Screenshot from CBS New York report on trash being left on a NYPD vehicle
Mon, Nov 4, Hour 1:
James and Joel tell Jesse about the Kanye West Sunday Services, and people responding to an alter call. THEN: James, Joel, and Nick, Jesse’s experts, answer Jesse’s Biblical Question: What is the American Dream?
Callers talk to Jesse — one caller answers it great! Joel reads Super Chats.
A young woman thanks Jesse for turning her husband from beta to alpha after he forgave his mother.
A regular caller Ryan from Concord, CA, says he “slipped up” and had sex with a woman. He stopped doing the Silent Prayer. Jesse holds him over to the second hour.
HAKE NEWS, Hour 2: Monday, November 4, 2019 -
Photograph tweeted by NBC News back in January 2019, showing a test done by the government (DHS) showing that the border wall can be sawn-through.
(Drudge) Smugglers are sawing through new sections of OUR border wall! WHAT THE… (as Joel would say)... (Wash. Post, reporting from San Diego Saturday) Smuggling gangs in Mexico have repeatedly sawed through new sections of President Trump’s border wall in recent months by using commercially available power tools, opening gaps large enough for people and drug loads to pass through, according to U.S. agents and officials with knowledge of the damage. The breaches have been made using a popular cordless household tool known as a reciprocating saw that retails at hardware stores for as little as $100. When fitted with specialized blades, the saws can slice through one of the barrier’s steel-and-concrete bollards in minutes, according to the agents, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly about the barrier-defeating techniques.
After cutting through the base of a single bollard, smugglers can push the steel out of the way, creating an adult-size gap. Because the bollards are so tall — and are attached only to a panel at the top — their length makes them easier to push aside once they have been cut and are left dangling, according to engineers consulted by The Washington Post.
(Politico) The President Defends the wall’s design and Integrity… Trump said Saturday that "you can cut through any wall." He said, "We have a very powerful wall. But no matter how powerful, you can cut through anything, in all fairness. But we have a lot of people watching. You know cutting — cutting is one thing, but it's easily fixed. One of the reasons we did it the way we did it, it's very easily fixed. You put the chunk back in,” Trump told reporters at the White House. Ronald Vitiello, former acting director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, told the Post, “The bollards are not the most evolved design; they are the most evolved that we could pay for. We never said they would be an end-all, be-all.” Acting Customs and Border Patrol Commissioner Mark Morgan told reporters Tuesday that officials have completed 76 miles of new border wall in 2019 and that he expects 450 new miles of barrier by the end of 2020.
(Drudge) A Record number of non-Mexican so-called migrants (REAL WORD ILLEGAL ALIENS) have been arrested at San Diego border… during the 2019 fiscal year. “San Diego sector realized its highest number of apprehensions from countries other than Mexico in the history of tracking statistics for this population with a total of 27,255 arrests,” said a female acting chief patrol agent for San Diego sector. To put that number in perspective, Border Patrol agents arrested 11,509 non-Mexicans during the 2018 fiscal year. Between 2009 and 2015, the average number of non-Mexican border apprehensions were 1,500, records show. The majority of non-Mexican nationals apprehended came from Central American countries like Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador. Historically, migrants caught crossing the border illegally have been single men from Mexico. But over the last few years, Border Patrol agents have seen a rising number of unaccompanied supposed children and so-called families at the southern border. For example, the Border Patrol agents arrested 16,174 family members at the border in the 2019 fiscal year. That was nearly four times higher than last year’s total. Officials call it an “unprecedented crisis along the southwestern border.”
The majority of women and children caught at the border claim to flee from gang violence in Central America, where gangs extort local businesses to pay what is locally known as the, “war tax,” teenagers are recruited to join gangs, and those who refuse to join are threatened with death. Many of those fleeing from gang violence plan to request asylum in the United States. NO! So now the pretense is that the Border Patrol have to act like they’re a so-called humanitarian organization. SEND THEM BACK!
Mon, Nov 4, Hour 2:
Jesse gets back to Ryan from Concord, CA, and tells him he overreacted to doing wrong and having sex with a woman. When you overreact, you find yourself doing it again. Don’t judge yourself.
Jesse talks with other great callers including Scott from Phoenix, AZ, whom he holds over to third hour.
HAKE NEWS, Hour 3: Monday, November 4, 2019 -
(Drudge) NFL player tweets threats, racial slurs after loss… GO SIT WITH COLIN KAEPERNICK! (Yahoo Sports) Shortly after the Browns lost to the Denver Broncos on Sunday, Cleveland safety Jermaine Whitehead went on a profane Twitter rant that included so-called racist language (NO SUCH THING AS RACISM) and death threats. The tweets were targeted at Twitter users critical of his and the Browns’ performance with one aimed at Browns TV and radio broadcaster Dustin Fox after Fox tweeted that “Whitehead’s tackling today is a joke.” Whitehead responded with a slur and a warning to Fox not to “get smoked.” Jermaine Whitehead tweeted a reply to that journalist: “Come get it in blood B— made A— lil boy. I’m out there with a broke hand .. don’t get smoke F— A— cracker.” (So I guess his tackling was a joke because he broke his hand.)
Fox wasn’t the only Twitter user in Whitehead’s sights. He responded to several other critics with tweets that included a death threat, a place to meet (that guy goaded him) and another use of the slur he used against Fox (WHAT, CRACKER?). His Twitter account was suspended shortly after the outburst. Reportedly, Whitehead was still wearing his uniform when he was sending the tweets and that a team public-relations staffer separated him from media in the postgame locker room, where Whitehead did not speak with reporters.
The team said, “Jermaine Whitehead’s social media posts following today’s game were totally unacceptable and highly inappropriate. We immediately spoke with Jermaine upon learning of these comments. The Browns in no way condone that type of language or behavior. This matter will be further addressed internally.”
(Drudge) PATRIOTS 'Schooled' By RAVENS' 22-Year-Old QB… Good for the Ravens I guess.
(Drudge) Ronan Farrow calls for 'revisiting' Clinton allegations… 'Credibly accused of rape'... by Juanita Broaddrick RONAN IS A MESS! SO’S BILL AND HILLARY… Ronan Farrow’s reporting on Harvey Weinstein started the #MeToo movement. HORRIBLE MOVEMENT. He won a 2018 Pulitzer Prize. Farrow was talking with HBO’s “Real Time” host Bill Maher about far-left bisexual Democrat Katie Hill resigning over her sexual mess coming to light. In 1999, Ms. Broaddrick came forward with a claim that Mr. Clinton raped her in her hotel room in Little Rock in 1978 (21 years prior! 41 years ago!), when he was Arkansas attorney general and running for governor. He has denied the accusation through attorneys. Farrow said, “I’m heartened by the fact that people now routinely express outrage about Bill Clinton, and particularly those more serious allegations about him.” He’s author of “Catch and Kill: Lies, Spies, and a Conspiracy to Protect Predators.”
Mr. Clinton was impeached after being charged by the House with lying under oath and obstruction of justice stemming from a sexual harassment claim brought by Paula Jones and his affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky, but the Senate acquitted him on both counts.
Juanita Broaddrick tweeted, “All Democrats in Congress refused to read my interview with [independent counsel] Ken Starr during the impeachment process … and of course, NBC’s Andy Lack held my ‘Dateline’ interview until impeachment was over.”
(Drudge) TRUMP GETS BOOS AT Madison Square Garden when he appeared at a UFC FIGHT… LOSERS ARE HATERS! He also got cheers. (The Hill) He got heavy booing from the crowd. DON JR: 'BULL—'... Don Jr. tweeted: “Despite the bull— from blue checkmark Twitter, when we walked into the arena it was overwhelmingly positive. @danawhite said it was the most electrifying entrance he seen in 25 years of doing this.” Eric Trump tweeted: ‘At #UFC244 - chanting “Donald Trump, Donald Trump... USA USA”’ (Mediaite) Trump retweeted his two sons tweets that evening. Honest people said it was a mix of cheers and boos.
Mon, Nov 4, Hour 3:
Back to Scott from Phoenix, AZ, from second hour, who got into drugs, fought with his brother, and talks about forgiving his father and being afraid of his mother. He’s 34 and is back living with his mama!
Jesse plays a couple clips from the young men confronting Charlie Kirk and Rob Smith of TPUSA on promoting homosexuality as fine in conservtism.
More great calls, thank you!
The Hake Report, Monday, November 4, 2019 -
Hake talks about the word “irreverent.” Nick Fuentes was irreverent in discussing the Holocaust.
James touches on Kanye West’s “Sunday Services” and 1,000 people supposedly responding to an “alter call.” Reminds James of the phony conversions seen in Harvest Crusades with Greg Laurie, or Billy Graham’s revival / great awakening type preaching events.
Some great calls, including one person who said a little black boy dressed up in drag to look like black lesbian Mayor Lori Lightfoot! HORRIBLE! DISGUSTING!
After calls, James talks about disrespect for police, and about illegals coming here from Mexico and Central America — including so-called “families.”