Kamala Still Cries Racism, Homophobia; Illegal Aliens Galore! ("JLP News," Fri., Feb 22, 2019)
Friday, February 22, 2019 – Women’s Forum last night. Church Sunday.
(Drudge & Variety) Jussie Smollett is BACK ON SET after posting bail, & Fox is struggling to decide his fate. (Deadline) A statement on his behalf said he “'FEELS BETRAYED' by a system that apparently wants to skip due process.” He trashed police yet again, and said he’s innocent. Police: Smollett Staged Attack Because He Was ‘Dissatisfied With his Salary’. (The Sun) Smollett allegedly sent himself a letter saying 'you will die, black f**'... [slang for homosexual]. (Grabien) Chicago police say the Scratches he had were likely Self-Inflicted…. Trump tweeted: JussieSmollett what about MAGA and the tens of millions of people you insulted with your racist and dangerous comments!? #MAGA
(Fox News) Dem. Sen. Kamala Harris reacts to Jussie Smollett arrest: 'Sad, frustrated, and disappointed.' The former CA AG had called his supposed attack a “modern-day lynching,” using the exact same words as Sen. Cory Booker. Now that Smollett’s the one facing charges for apparent fake hate crime, she tweeted a statement, saying that “We must speak truth: hate crimes are on the rise in America.” She said, “I will always condemn racism and homophobia.”
(Breitbart) Watchdog Documents 50 Hate Crime Hoaxes on College Campuses. The College Fix has compiled more than 50 hate crime hoaxes perpetrated on U.S. college campuses during the last seven years since 2012. From 2012 and 2014, they reported nine such campus hate crime hoaxes, and another 11 hate crime hoaxes in 2015.
Two black students at Montclair State University complained of hateful and threatening graffiti on their dorm room saying things like “Black B— you will die.” But police discovered that the students had written the graffiti themselves.
A female Muslim student claimed she was “stalked and threatened by a guy with a gun.” She had fabricated the entire incident.
Three “nooses” discovered hanging near the hall where Black Lives Matter had a meeting were actually “remnants of paper lanterns.”
In 2016, Elon University students were appalled by graffiti saying, “Bye Bye Latinos Hasta La Vista” after the presidential election. It was learned that a Latino student wrote the note.
December 2016 a Muslim female Baruch College student complained she had been assaulted on a New York subway by “three drunk white men” who were shouting, “Donald Trump!” Police later arrested the woman herself for having made up the story.
In 2017, a group of liberal students had hung posters with the message “Report Illegal Aliens; America is a White Nation” in an effort to incriminate conservatives.
A black Air Force Academy cadet confessed that year to writing “Go home ni**er” on black students’ dorm room doors.
In Kentucky, a black man filed a false police report about N-word graffiti and a threat painted on his car near Kansas State University. Investigators learned the man himself had written the note.
A threat on social media targeting black students at a Maryland high school last March turned out to have actually been written by a black student.
Anonymous ABC Staffers Defend (lesbian) Robin Roberts for her 'Incredible Interview' of Smollett... from before this all came out (Buzzfeed), in view of the “Bad Optics” Of Her Jussie Smollett "GMA" Interview. One staffer insisted “there’s not really a spirit of regret about the Jussie interview... no one feels that Robin got duped. Taken advantage of, yes, but not duped…. who could have seen any of this coming as we see it today?... “He never flinched. He looked right into the camera and lied to everyone.”
(Fox News) Kamala Harris gave awkward response Monday when asked about Jussie Smollett claims
TOP OF FIRST HOUR: 32-34 Periscope, 28-31 FB, 24-39 Stream.me, 750-969 YouTube
Jesse reports on amazing week including Women’s Forum last night. God does NOT love you as you are. Jesse got a letter from a 13yo out of San Fran.
Ken of ID says there are no “races.”
Jesse responds to Kendall on FB: God does not love you as you are.
(Drudge) Former CBS / 60 Minutes foreign correspondent Lara Logan talked to Sean Hannity. (Mediaite) The MEDIA DEFECTOR says she’s BEING TARGETED FOR SAYING the PRESS LEANS LEFT! She originally told military veteran and Breitbart podcaster Mike Ritland that she was committing “professional suicide” by admitting the media is “mostly liberal.” She called out some media figures by name for going after her — including CNN’s Brian Stelter! “They smear you personally. They go after your integrity. They go after your reputation as a person and a professional.” Logan quietly departed CBS last year.
T-shirts from Jesse Lee Peterson Teespring store. Go to JesseLeePeterson.com and find the T-shirts for Sale ad, or go directly to Teespring.com/stores/jesseleepeterson Stop having sex out-of-wedlock. Never x7, ever x7, But never, ever x3, tell a woman your problems. “The Great White Hope” with President Trump’s Twitter profile pic. “That’s Amazin’” with Jesse’s face. “Big Mama” with Michelle Obama dancing.
BOTTOM OF FIRST HOUR: 24-41 Periscope; 31-40 FB; 40-43 Stream.me; 1,066-1,303 YouTube
Jesse continues with Matt of Norway, who says Jesse’s prayer is like Eckart Tolle (spelling?) whom Jesse doesn’t know about. You’re not your thoughts. He’s married to his mother in a sense. It’s secular and getting more socialist there. Don’t tell your wife your problems! Beta! Love God with all your heart, soul and might. Do the Silent Prayer for a week. http://silentprayer.video
James reacts to Smollett fake hate crime story.
“Lesbian” from Canada talks about how she was raised by a weak father and mother, so like 2 lesbians. She says it’s true trauma prompts it.
(Drudge & CNN) Duke basketball star & potential top NBA pick Zion Williamson blows out his shoe, injures his knee, and NIKE gasps in horror… (Market Watch) As he stepped to the side, his foot broke through the shoe and he went down — the whole side of the show broke and ripped open from the side of the sole. His knee twisted and he went sprawling — just seconds into a key game. He left the game Wednesday and did not return. Duke said it was just a mild knee sprain. The 285-lb. 18-y-o is reportedly the top college basketball player in the nation and one of the best NBA prospects in the past decade. (CBS News) The Footwear fail costs $1.1 BILLION! — in stock value.
Church with Jesse Lee Peterson live Sunday 11am PT (1pm CT / 2pm ET) rebuildingtheman.com/church – WE DO OFFER AUDIO PODCAST of Church, on iTunes, TuneIn, Spreaker, Stitcher, & SoundCloud. (Somebody asked.) Silent Prayer also there on the BOND Church page. YouTube video found via SilentPrayer.video — still available on iTunes & SoundCloud, I happen to know.
(Drudge) Obama judge, Trump judge, Clinton judge to hear border wall emergency challenges… (Wash. Examiner) The action has already drawn five lawsuits. New York’s attorney general, who is part of the highest-profile challenge, said the president has created a “constitutional crisis.” Trump declared a national emergency to free up funding for the much-needed border wall. Those against protecting us include a coalition of heavily Democratic states led by California. Also the Sierra Club and American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). Yet more against the wall are a group of Texas landowners and a coalition of environmental groups.
(Drudge) ROGER STONE BANNED FROM TALKING ABOUT CASE… (Daily Mail) 'I’m not giving you another chance!' Obama Judge Amy Berman Jackson imposes total gag order on Roger Stone despite apology for posting 'sinister' image of her with rifle crosshairs near her head – and says she'll throw him in JAIL if he defies her. 'I am kicking myself over my own stupidity,' Stone said on the witness stand in a Washington, D.C. courtroom, 'but not more than my wife is kicking me.' Stone (Daily Caller) Unexpectedly took the stand… IN the HEARING OVER his CONTROVERSIAL INSTAGRAM POST. He admitted to making an “egregious, stupid error” in the post that called Mueller a “Deep State hitman” and criticized Jackson over her handling of a case against former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort. She’s the judge who ordered Manafort to jail pending his trial.
(Drudge) STUDY finds that: 15 minute jogs reduce one’s depression risk… (if you didn’t already know). A recent study by Massachusetts General Hospital looked at more than 600,000 adults to find “That exercise itself, no matter who you are, can reduce the risk of depression.” In 2016, an estimated 16.2 million adults in the U.S. had at least one major depressive episode, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. At least hopefully doctors will prescribe fewer pills now.
(Drudge & Independent) University researchers found LESBIAN & bisexual women more likely to be overweight… while homosexual males are more at risk of being underweight. Lead researcher & British psychologist Dr Joanna Semlyen said, “We know that sexual minority groups are more likely to be exposed to psychosocial stressors, which impacts on their mental health and their health behaviours such as smoking and alcohol use…. These stressors include homophobia and heterosexism, negative experiences that are experienced by the lesbian, bisexual and gay population as a result of their sexual orientation identity and are known to be linked to health.” She said “We hope that policymakers and clinicians will be able … to provide better healthcare and ... interventions for lesbian, gay and bisexual people.” (NOTE: This woman is anti-Brexit, FYI…)
TOP OF SECOND HOUR: 21-35 Periscope, 32-46 FB, 34-40 Stream.me, 1,314-1,409 YouTube
Clip: Jussie Smollett lied, says Chicago police superintendent. Shameful. He talked to a lesbian.
Kamala Harris cackling about smoking pot. Her divorced father is ashamed.
Robin Roberts is a lesbian who wanted to be duped by Jussie.
Caller from NY talks AOC
A caller Ethan who grew up in Christian schools recommends Psychedelic drugs to Australian caller yesterday in Japan, who was atheist/agnostic. People don’t believe in God because their fathers failed them. Ethan is married and has a kid. He had sex while engaged before marrying her.
(Drudge) Schools cereal tests positive for pot; 28 students were hospitalized… from Sandtown Middle School in Atlanta last week after eating Valentine’s Day treats. (The Atlanta Journal-Constitution) The school district claims a student or students brought the drug-laced edibles to school. A Fulton school police incident report indicated that some of the sickened students had eaten Rice Krispy treats and heart-shaped lollipops, among other snacks. The Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) said in a statement, “Test results of one of the items that has the appearance of cereal has revealed the presence of THC,” which is the drug found in POT that gets you high.
(Drudge) Maduro closes Venezuela’s border with Brazil… (AP) US envoy Elliott Abrams is heading to neighboring Colombia to send food and other emergency supplies to Venezuela. (Yahoo) Marco Rubio says that Soldiers Have Begun Disobeying Orders… Rubio does NOT believe rank-and-file military will “violently suppress aid workers.” (Daily Mail) Guaido to personally help bring in US aid… Juan Guaido, age 35, proclaimed himself acting president of Venezuela in late January, and more than 50 countries have recognized him.
BOTTOM OF SECOND HOUR: 23-29 Periscope, 41-36 FB, 38-46 Stream.me, 1,376-1,435 YouTube
Joel reads Super Chats
Caller asks about video games and brings up watching TV. He’s 31, and plays video games. He’s too busy with a career to marry and have kids. He plays an hour a day maybe. But you don’t want to be seduced by video games. Would he pick a woman’s name like Destiny for his screen name. James straightens Jesse out on it.
Another caller was on headset.
TOP OF THIRD HOUR: Friday, Feb 22, 2019
(Drudge) Trudeau popularity plunges after scandal… Canadians vote in October, and Trudeau’s re-election seems at-risk after claims his aides pressured former justice minister Jody Wilson-Raybould to ensure construction firm SNC-Lavalin avoided a corruption investigation. The 47-year-old insists there was no wrongdoing but 41 percent of Canadians disagreed, and just 12 percent believed he hadn’t done anything wrong. For the first time since the 2015 general election the Conservatives are ahead of Mr Trudeau’s Liberals, according to a poll saying 36% say they’d vote for the Conservative party, while 34% would still support Liberals.
(Drudge) LGBT Sports Group Drops Navratilova Over Objections to Trans Athletes… Athlete Ally, a group advocating LGBT inclusion in sports, has severed ties with the LESBIAN tennis legend Martina Navratilova despite her longstanding advocacy for so-called “gay rights.” She tweeted last December: "You can’t just proclaim yourself a female and be able to compete against women...." She wrote last week in an op-ed, “Letting men compete as women simply if they change their name and take hormones is unfair…. A man can decide to be female, take hormones if required by whatever sporting organization is concerned, win everything in sight and perhaps earn a small fortune, and then reverse his decision…” Athlete Ally said, “Martina Navratilova’s recent comments on trans athletes are transphobic, based on a false understanding of science and data, and perpetuate dangerous myths that lead to the ongoing targeting of trans people through discriminatory laws, hateful stereotypes and disproportionate violence…. trans women are women, period. They did not decide their gender identity any more than someone decides to be gay, or to have blue eyes…. allowed to openly compete in the Olympics since 2003, and yet no transgender athlete has ever gone to the Olympics.”
(Breitbart) Klobuchar Mimics Jeb Bush: ‘Immigrants … Built this Country’ She told a Town Hall meeting hosted by CNN on Tuesday: “We have always been a country that is built by immigrants, right? … I believe that immigrants don’t diminish America, that they are America.” She said that “70 of our Fortune 500 CEOs...were immigrants. Twenty-five percent of our U.S. Nobel laureates were born in other countries.” Jeb Bush too in 2015 pushed to favor H-1B skilled foreign labor and so-called DREAMers over citizens — which studies show only hurts working Americans, and those looking for work. Reportedly Trump pushed a 'Hire American' policy that “allowed job switchers to win a 4.6% wage gain in 2018. … CEOs & investors are pushing him & Congress to flood the labor market with immigrants.”
(Breitbart) On Saturday, a Half-Ton of Meth was Seized at a South Texas Border Checkpoint worth more than $12M, the drugs allegedly concealed within a commercial shipment of frozen strawberries from Mexico. 350 packages of apparent methamphetamine, about 906 pounds, and the driver, a 42-year-old Mexican male were turned over to Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) agents. About a week prior, another half-ton of methamphetamine was seized at the same South Texas point of entry, valued at $14 million. Officers also seized 86 pounds of methamphetamine worth more than $1.7 million during two separate vehicle inspections elsewhere.
(Breitbart) Congressmen Call for U.S. Designation of Mexican Cartels as Terror Organizations that ‘undermine our national security with a relentless attack on our border.’ Reps. Chip Roy (R-TX) and Dr. Mark Green (R-TN) drafted a letter for Secretary of State Mike Pompeo requesting certain Mexican cartel factions be designated as Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs) — such as the Reynosa/Los Metros faction of the Gulf Cartel, the Cartel Del Noreste faction of Los Zetas, the Jalisco New Generation Cartel offshoot of the Sinaloa Cartel. They point out the terrorist tactics, and their participation in drug & human trafficking, forced labor and sex slavery. Designating them as Foreign Terrorist Organizations would make it unlawful to knowingly provide “material support or resources,” & make it illegal for them to enter the United States.
TOP OF THIRD HOUR: 27-28 Periscope, 37-40 FB, 49-53 Stream.me, 1,356-1,417 YouTube
(Daily Mail) Report: Man and woman with 4 boys renewed vows at 10-year anniversary — but as “same-sex partners,” because the man turned transgender! All he had to do was forgive his mother. A therapist that specialized in LGBTQ told him to be transgender.
Declan of Australia talks about sending his kids to schools. Hate crime hoaxes keep popping up, against white men.
Steve of L.A., CA, agrees with everything except one thing.
(Breitbart) Potentially Half a Million Illegal Aliens Projected to Enter U.S. this Year. Trump signed a spending bill that devotes $1.3 billion to a border wall — while also declaring a national emergency — but expanded Catch and Release and gave an amnesty pathway to illegal aliens who have ties to Unaccompanied Alien Children (UACs). Princeton Policy Advisors researcher Steven Kopits projects that in 2019, there will be anywhere between 260,000 to 500,000 illegal aliens at the southern border who successfully cross into the U.S. undetected by Border Patrol agents. Possibly close to 400,000 illegal aliens crossed into the country undetected by Border Patrol last year, assuming about 55 to 60 percent of illegal aliens are apprehended when they attempt to cross the border. Last month there were nearly 48,000 border crossing apprehensions — an increase of about 22,000 crossings compared to the same month in 2017. (Mass illegal and legal immigration diminishes wages and job prospects for American workers, especially black Americans who are more likely to compete for U.S. jobs against cheaper, foreign workers.)
(Breitbart) Christian Schoolgirl Captured by Boko Haram Still Held for Refusing to Convert. The Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP pronounced “I swap”), a breakaway faction of Boko Haram, marked one year of holding 15-year-old Nigerian schoolgirl Leah Sharibu hostage after her abduction, refusing to free her because she would not renounce her Christian faith and convert to Islam. February 19 of last year, the jihadis kidnapped 110 girls from a school in northeast Nigeria’s Dapchi region. In October 2018, ISWAP declared that it would hold Sharibu and another Christian captive — a mother-of-two United Nations worker Alice Ngaddah — as “slaves for life,” as reported by Open Doors, a group that monitors the mistreatment of Christians.
BOTTOM OF THIRD HOUR: 25-19 Periscope, 33-30 FB, 40-34 Stream.me, 1,382-1295 YouTube
Steve of L.A., CA, continues — he thinks the purpose of men is to make children, and to bring God’s order to the planet. But that’s not our purpose. It’s God’s purpose for us. His primary purpose is to create love through us. We do nothing but become a living being.
Daniel of somewhere says he likes sex.
Joel reads Super Chats, including about praying without ceasing, and from Human Girl about abortion and contraceptive. Jesse sings “Love Hangover” by Diana Ross. Jesse would love to interview rapper T.I.
Matt of IN, 1st-timer, asks Jesse to box up and send the Coon Train award to the Congressional Black Caucus, Maxine Waters, etc.
Mathew (or Matthew) of Boston, MA, 1st-timer, used to smoke weed. He says the church is the ultimate red pill. He warns against godless people in the Alt-Right. Have children.