South Africans Boycott Spur Restaurant for Banning White Man (Hake News, Mon, Jul 1, 2019)
NOTE: Our stream dropped a few times due to technical issues with one of our computers in the first and second hours. See other parts of the stream in videos embedded below!
TOP OF FIRST HOUR NEWS: Monday, July 1, 2019
(Drudge) TOGETHER AGAIN! (NBC News) Crossing the 1953 armistice line separating North and South Korea, Trump became the First sitting US leader to enter NKorean territory; 'Great friendship'... he said, as he joined Kim for a roughly 50-minute meeting, (AP) securing an agreement to restart nuclear talks that he himself had walked out on in February during his last summit with Kim in Vietnam.. 'Big moment, big moment, big progress'... Politico quotes Trump as saying to reporters, “This was a great day. It will be even more historic if something comes out…” “It is good to see you again,” Kim said through an interpreter. “I never expected to meet you in this place.” Trump said Kim then asked him if he would like to cross into North Korea. Trump said he would be honored and walked about 20 steps into the country. History or just photo-op? AP’s Foster Klug says it was probably a little of both.
(Nick Wadhans writes for Bloomberg via Yahoo News) Trump helps bring shunned authoritarians back in from the cold… At the G20 summit, Trump said Turkey’s leader was a “tough cookie” and Saudi Arabia’s crown prince a “friend” who has done a “spectacular job.” Trump said he had a “tremendous discussion” with Russia’s Vladimir Putin. China’s President Xi Jinping was “one of the great leaders in 200 years.” (Yeah, like Ireland’s homosexual leader’s any good, or NZ’s female PM who lived with her partner, or Angela Merkel who gave the Germans Rapefugees. SMH, Liberal Media!)
(Bloomberg via MSN) Kim has conceded nothing on nukes… (THAT’S OK!) Decades of U.S. Presidents followed roughly the same playbook: Peer through binoculars at North Korean border guards. Look stern. Warn Pyongyang that provocations won't be rewarded. BUT! Kim got an invitation to the White House…!! the two agreed to visit one another’s countries “at the right time.” “I would invite him right now to the White House,” Trump said, to which the North Korean leader responded that it would be a great honor if Trump visited Pyongyang.
BTW: Ivanka plays prominent role in the Asia trip… throwing off some of the “leaders.” She too crossed into the DMZ. At the G20 summit, video of Ivanka Trump talking with British Prime Minister Theresa May, French President Emmanuel Macron, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and International Monetary Fund chief Christine Lagarde at the G-20 also went viral over the weekend. Melania stayed home. Whatever!
BTW: Press secretary Stephanie Grisham roughed up by NK security guards… 'All Out Brawl'... (Fox News) Grisham suffered bruises when a scuffle broke out Sunday between North Korean security guards and members of the media trying to get close to President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un as they met at the Demilitarized Zone. The new press secretary was reportedly pushing back against the guards, trying to help members of the White House press corps position themselves to cover the historic moment between Trump and Kim. Several reporters tweeted about the clash between the guards and the media — a CNN reporter said she shouted, "Go! Go!" as she created a path for press to join the Trump-Kim meeting. (Grisham is 42 and just replaced Sarah Sanders.)
Also: Hell on earth: The horrors of Kim Jong-Un's torture camps… (NZ Herald) Beatings, rape, starvation and sick public executions are a daily reality for thousands of North Koreans, according to years of witness testimony. The death of Otto Warmbier has brought fresh scrutiny to the regime's brutal torture camps. The 22-year-old student passed away from mysterious brain damage suffered as a prisoner there. He succumbed to his injuries just six days after being released from North Korea back to his parents in a vegetative state following 17 months in custody. Warmbier's doctors in Cincinnati said that the student had suffered 'extensive loss of brain tissue in all regions of his brain' consistent with oxygen deprivation for a prolonged period. There are some UN drawings that are pretty crazy. He’s imprisoned as many as 120,000 citizens.
Happy White History Month! We gotta wake up, y’all.
TOP OF SECOND HOUR NEWS: Monday, July 1, 2019 –
Speaking of hell on earth… (Drudge) Boycott by Whites of SAfrican Restaurant Reflects Growing Sense of Grievance… (NY Times) There was a popular restaurant chain that resided in white areas during apartheid, but that has slowly been taken over by black clientele. The chain banned a white man who almost got in a fight with a black mother who was also cussing at him and wouldn’t shut up. They didn’t do anything to the mother, so the whites boycotted, and one location had to close! The chain, Spur Steak Ranches, is slowly recovering two years later! The NY Times plays up the supposed “injustices” against blacks, the outrages and brutalities” of the Apartheid days, but downplays the injustices against whites today. They even talk about how “complaints about white marginalization...lead to ‘an eye roll’ among many blacks,” and they barely mention land confiscation without compensation, no mention of farm murders or the hateful ways the radicalized blacks act toward whites. (NY Times is a communist sympathizer, anti-white paper.)
(Drudge) Plan to Start Building Wall Crumbles… (Wash. Examiner) Federal judge blocks Trump from using $2.5B in military funds for border wall. EVIL! U.S. District Court Judge Haywood Gilliam of California (HE BLACK! Appointed by Obama!) ruled to permanently block the $2.5 billion after issuing a temporary injunction in May to stop the administration’s use of the funds. The ruling stymies several construction projects in California, Arizona, and New Mexico. Gilliam ruled in two lawsuits on Friday. The first, brought by the American Civil Liberties Union on behalf of the Sierra Club and the Southern Border Communities Coalition, came in response to Trump's national emergency declaration transferring $6.7 billion in military funds to border wall construction. Gilliam’s decision halted the use of funds meant for Defense Department counter-drug activities. (IMPEACH THIS JUDGE! All of a sudden he cares about “separation of powers”! RME!) A female Sierra Club attorney said, "Walls divide neighborhoods...destroy lands and wildlife, and waste resources that should instead be used on the infrastructure these communities truly need.”
(Drudge) Illegals hiring smugglers off CRAIGSLIST… (Quartz) A man was arrested for smuggling “immigrants” (illegal aliens) after answering a Craigslist ad looking for a driver — he was hit with federal charges when his passengers turned out to be “undocumented immigrants” who snuck into the country moments earlier! The man Christopher Brian Egbert was trying to evade police in his black Toyota Prius. (Had to be a Prius!) When they tried to pull him over, he went into alleys and side streets, before giving up and stopping. 7 illegals had tried to jump a 15-ft fence June 2nd, 5 made it, and this liberal picked them up — caught on surveillance video. He was arrested on “alien smuggling” charges, but claimed he was just doing a job he’d gotten on Craigslist!
Quartz claims “immigration” (meaning illegal crossings and system-gaming) on the southern US border has been marked in recent years by an increase in individuals and families seeking asylum. Quartz claims, without evidence, that these illegals are “mostly fleeing violence and other harsh conditions” in Central America. Quartz is trying to blame the Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” policy for tens of thousands of asylum seekers “languishing” in federal custody, stretching immigration processing and detention centers beyond their limit. (No, it’s not the illegals and wannabe refugees overrunning the system with the help of Dems, media and cartels! /sarcasm!) Quartz is LIBERAL! Just lyyyin’!
(Drudge) In the AZ Desert, Elite Border Patrol Unit Responds to Desperate Cases… (WSJ) Twelve children have died crossing the U.S.-Mexico border so far this year, and rising summer temperatures are increasing the risk. Agents Timothy McNeil and Jason Pope are part of an elite Border Patrol Search, Trauma, and Rescue team handling 911 calls from illegals getting left behind and abandoned and separated from their groups! SMH. We need a wall!
White South Africans boycotted a restaurant chain called “Spur” after a white man was banned from the restaurant after a 2017 incident in which he nearly fought with and supposedly “threatened” a cussing black mother. The black woman was not punished. (Footage on Multimedia LIVE YouTube)
TOP OF THIRD HOUR NEWS: Monday, July 1, 2019 –
(Drudge) Recreational Drug Use Surges Worldwide… SMH! They want you on POT! (Bloomberg) Some 271 million people globally, or more than one in 20 of the population aged 15 to 64, used recreational drugs in 2017, according to newly released data from the United Nations World Drug Report. That’s a 30% increase from 2009. The use of cannabis, cocaine, amphetamines and prescription stimulants are at post-recession highs in the U.S. And although the use of prescription opioids has dipped recently, the number of overdoses has increased. More than 47,000 deaths were recorded there in 2017, many of them attributed to synthetic opioids such as fentanyl. The most popular drug globally continues to be cannabis, with an estimated 188 million people having used it in 2017. Pot is most prevalent in North America, where there are an estimated 56.6 million users, followed by Asia with 54.2 million. One-third of Israeli men ages 15-to-64 and 28.5% of those in Jamaica used cannabis at a greater frequency than all other countries measured. American men (or should I say BETA MALES!) followed at 21.4% while Canadians and New Zealanders rounded out the top five with 19.1% and 18.6%, respectively. Seizures of weed by authorities have slumped 77% since 2010.
Near death experiences felt by one in 10 people… (Telegraph) One in 10 people has had a near death experience, in which they report strange phenomena such as out-of-body sensations, or distorted time, a new study has found. Although it was previously thought such incidents were rare, researchers from Denmark and Norway found evidence that many people across 35 different countries have experienced unusual physical and spiritual symptoms in life-threatening situations such as heart attacks, car crashes or near drownings. Some women even experienced out-of-body experiences while giving birth, with one 37yo woman saying, “I felt like I just died, and I went to heaven. I heard voices, and I was sure I would not come back to my life. It was weird….”
(Drudge) Taylor Swift 'Sad and Grossed Out' by Scooter Braun's Acquisition of Her Catalog… Bieber Defends… And although they are all pushing evil, she is a worse offender of late, so I am happy. She’s been pushing homosexuality, abortion, brazenly. That is evil. (Wikipedia) Scooter and George Clooney are behind the March Against Our Lives anti-Second Amendment rally, so he’s a useful idiot too, he’s a month older than me. He married a woman who started the organization “F— Cancer” after he mother got cancer. SMH. But let’s just say they’re not Christians, they can’t help it. Scooter had pitched Bieber to Usher and Justin Timberlake before he got big.
(Variety) Taylor Swift Paints Scooter Braun as Manipulative Bully as Big Machine Sells Her Catalog. Another liberal singer woman Halsey says she's "standing with" Swift, saying "it turns my guts" that female stars are "still susceptible to someone coming along and making you feel powerless out of spite." Swift posted her impassioned reaction in a Tumblr post (OF COURSE!), saying she learned that he bought her masters in the news. She complained about “ incessant, manipulative bullying I’ve received at his hands for years.” She said she does not own “Music I wrote on my bedroom floor and videos I dreamed up and paid for from the money I earned playing in bars, then clubs, then arenas, then stadiums.”
Some other former male client of Scooter Braun trashed his former associate, saying “He is an evil person who’s only concern is his wealth and feeding his disgusting ego. I believe he is homophobic & I know from his own mouth that he is not a Swift fan.” That’s a trashy thing to say!
(Drudge) Tensions between trans women and gay men boil over at Stonewall anniversary… Amazin’! (Reuters via Yahoo News) A black transgender woman (meaning a male trying to be a woman) wanted to be heard, but the white men wanted to celebrate. The scene at New York City's Stonewall Inn on Saturday, as reported by multiple witnesses on social media, showed how long-simmering tensions between transgender women (really males) of color and white gay men have boiled over during the celebration of World Pride and the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall uprising. The unidentified woman (really a male) wanted to address the crowd inside the Greenwich Village gay bar where patrons fought back against police harassment 50 years ago, birthing the LGBTQ movement. She (really he) arrived unannounced and disrupted a drag show, drawing an unfriendly response at first. The crowd eventually warmed and she was given the microphone and spoke for 12 minutes. "She (he) read the names of the black trans women who died. Facts about them. Their obituaries. She called on everyone in the bar to help. I would like to say the audience was respectful, but there was quite a bit of chatter and a few jeers," witness Aspen Eberhardt, finance manager of the gay rights group PFLAG, wrote on Twitter.
The Hake Report streams live at 9am PT on The Jesse Lee Peterson Show channels right after Jesse’s show, on YouTube, Facebook, Periscope, DLive, and Mixer… Twitch has us suspended until the 22nd or so of July.
Today is White History Month: When I think of white history, I think of George Washington, the father of our country, also Donald Trump, who’s like a father to many. In 2008, a Mexican friend said Obama’s election would be “historic.” So dumb. His election meant America was history. Well, Trump proved me wrong, and so did the young people who are coming to. Trump’s a lot like Honest Abe Lincoln. He’s willing to fight to reunite our country, perhaps bending the rules a little to do so.
I also of course think of Confederate General Robert E. Lee, a great man who’s being falsely maligned by communists and brainwashed useful idiots, mostly intellectuals and liberals. I always say he’s a better man than anyone who wants his statue taken down. He was honorable, loyal to the state of Virginia, and respected by both North and South. I heard he was instrumental in post-Civil War Reconstruction. And reportedly he didn’t want monuments in his name, which makes him also great, because if that’s the case, then he was truly humble, like Trump, which is rare today.
We used to be about white Christian men of good character, as our immigration policy. (Not me, but the founders.) And it only makes sense! Forced diversity is worse than forced segregation! In the “Kingdom of Heaven” there is neither black nor white, but there is character. In Satan’s hell, there are likewise all races, and NO character: But only evil. That’s what we’ve adopted in America today.
I’ve been saying every month anti-white history is taught.
Super Chats from The Hake Report Sunday… Jimmy Morgan: They act like what they fight against! (talking about Antifa). DMartinTheThird, thank you! Dennice_ theMANace: James, he white! Give a thumbs up 4 his whiteness! Giovanni A: Good afternoon fams! Keep up the great work Hake
Yesterday I mentioned the imaginary universe of liberalism, in which “racism” exists and is so bad. RME.
Quartz media is an example of ALL the MSM (AP, Reuters, CNN, Wash. Post, NY Times) distorting the truth of what’s going on at the border.
Quartz claims “immigration” (meaning illegal crossings and system-gaming) on the southern US border has been marked in recent years by an increase in individuals and families seeking asylum. Quartz claims, without evidence, that these illegals are “mostly fleeing violence and other harsh conditions” in Central America. Quartz is trying to blame the Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” policy for tens of thousands of asylum seekers “languishing” in federal custody, stretching immigration processing and detention centers beyond their limit. (No, it’s not the illegals and wannabe refugees overrunning the system with the help of Dems, media and cartels! /sarcasm!) Quartz is LIBERAL! Just lyyyin’!
I notice they take the illegals’ word for things (and Obama’s), but always try to scrutinize Trump’s words! They accuse him of lying, even and especially when he’s telling the truth!