Far-Left 'Scientists' Blame 'Climate Change' for Bad Hurricane (Hake News, Wed, Sep 4, 2019)
James reads news at the top of each hour for The Jesse Lee Peterson Show, then hosts the fourth hour as The Hake Report.
TOP OF FIRST HOUR NEWS: Wednesday, September 4, 2019 – Men’s Forum TOMORROW, Thursday, Sept. 5th, 7 PM at our current location for BOND, 6146 W Pico Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90035. Go to rebuildingtheman.com/event NOTE: These are not recorded, so they’re totally private. It’s gonna be AMAZING. (Always is!)
(Drudge) PARADISE LOST In FREEPORT, Bahamas (AP) — Relief officials described utter ruin Tuesday in parts of the Bahamas, dealing with a humanitarian crisis after Hurricane Dorian, the most powerful storm on record to hit the islands. At least seven deaths were reported, with reportedly “a lot more dead,” but no confirmed numbers. Winds and muddy brown floodwaters destroyed or severely damaged thousands of homes, crippled hospitals and trapped people in attics.
Slow-crawling Dorian is a new kind of threat… (AFP via Yahoo News) Hurricane Dorian stormed into the record books on Sunday when its maximum sustained winds of 185 miles (300 kilometers) per hour tied it in second place with 1998's Gilbert and 2005's Wilma as the most powerful Atlantic hurricane since 1950, according to Colorado State University's Tropical Meteorology Project. From its peak as a Category 5 on the Saffir-Simpson wind scale, it has weakened to a Category 2 storm, but the US National Hurricane Center (NHC) has warned Americans to not take it lightly. That's because wind speed is only one of a number of factors that make hurricanes destructive, including the storm surge and rainfall potential, as well as how long it stalls over one spot. Dorian stalked the Bahamas for a highly unusual 18 hours, during which time it dumped in excess of 24 inches (60 cm) of rainfall, according to NASA data. (And NASA never lies, Flat Earthers!) While over the Bahamas, Dorian's forward motion was at times just one mile per hour, heightening its destruction and making it harder for forecasters to predict its future path.
OH HERE’S THE PROPAGANDA… Kristy Dahl, a presumably female so-called “climate scientist” with US leftist anti-Trump activist group the Union of Concerned Scientists, claimed hurricanes that stall for a long time are becoming more common, and recent studies show the phenomenon could be linked to man-made climate change. Even more propaganda, there’s so-called “consensus” (an unscientific keyword) that global warming is supercharging storms — hurricanes are increasingly undergoing "rapid intensification" over a short period of time, with the scientists linking the phenomenon to man-made climate change. Activist Kristy Dahl said, "The percentage of Atlantic hurricanes that have experienced rapid intensification has tripled since the 1980s, it's not something that we can explain by natural climate variability." BTW: This news reader looked into it, and according to her Twitter and Facebook, Kristy Dahl was a Hillary supporter and but she voted for Obama over Hillary, yet cried during Hillary’s 2008 concession speech. She even put a Hillary shirt on her daughter.
Dorian battered the Abaco Islands and the northern Bahamas on Sunday and Monday, and destroyed as many as 13,000 homes. Florida rides emotional roller coaster after week of warnings and waiting… They don’t seem like they’re sure WHERE NEXT? — for this storm — it’s headed toward the southeastern U.S. I heard yesterday afternoon the winds have slowed down to 110 MPH, whereas a couple days ago it was 165 or 185 with 200 MPH gusts, then slowed to 120-125, but 110 is still flyin’! I reported yesterday about Desperate calls for help in Grand Bahama… (AFP via Yahoo News) Pleas for help went out on on Twitter and by text.
Liberal “climate scientist” woman dressed her daughter up in a Hillary t-shirt.
Wed, Sep 4, Hour 1:
Black Mayor Michael Tubbs of Stockton, CA, age 29, thinking like a liberal female, introduces universal basic income, giving people others’ money. Black people don’t build. They destroy. Tubbs says poverty is antiquated. (Andrew Yang, is he an anchor baby? Born to immigrants from Taiwan. He pushes for free money.)
Jackson from FL is black and country, and ddebates with Jesse about the Biblical Question, and whether it applies to the Bible.
More great callers, thanks!
Joel gets roasted for sleeping on the job yesterday.
TOP OF SECOND HOUR NEWS: Wednesday, September 4, 2019 – Subscribe to the BOND mailing list – rebuildingtheman.com/subscribe (also donate)
Buy books, etc. via the BOND store – go to bondinfostore.org or call 800-411-BOND (2663)
Trump tweeted! The incompetent Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, was bothered that I played a very fast round of golf yesterday. Many Pols exercise for hours, or travel for weeks. Me, I run through one of my courses (very inexpensive). President Obama would fly to Hawaii. Kahn should focus on.... ....”knife crime,” which is totally out of control in London. People are afraid to even walk the streets. He is a terrible mayor who should stay out of our business!
(Drudge) WALMART steps back from gun sales… No more handgun ammunition… NRA slams… (CNBC) Walmart plans to dramatically step back from ammunition sales after ‘horrific’ shootings. Walmart said Tuesday they’re discontinuing sales of short-barrel rifle ammunition such as the .223 and 5.56 calibers, discontinuing sales of handgun ammunition and discontinuing handgun sales entirely in Alaska. It’s also asking shoppers at Walmart and Sam’s Club to no longer openly carry firearms in stores, in states where “open carry” is allowed, unless they are authorized law enforcement officers. CEO Doug McMillon announced the changes following two deadly shootings at Walmart stores over the summer. (Open carry legislation is currently on the books in more than 26 states.) The beta CEO thinks that’s “helping to make the country safer.” Walmart ALSO called on the government to quote-unquote “act” (meaning kill the Second Amendment). Beto O’Rourke praised Walmart, but wants more. Elizabeth Warren said “good start — but it’s not nearly enough. Walmart can and should do much more. And we need real gun reform, now.” Bernie Sanders tweeted: “I applaud the brave Walmart workers who called on the company to stop selling guns. This is a good step, but we still have a gun violence crisis.” Last month, Walmart said it would be pulling violent video game displays out of stores following the shootings.
The National Rifle Association of America, a gun rights advocacy group, responded to the announced changes by saying, "It is shameful to see @Walmart succumb to the pressure of the anti-gun elites. Lines at Walmart will soon be replaced by lines at other retailers who are more supportive of America’s fundamental freedoms. The truth is Walmart’s actions today will not make us any safer. Rather than place the blame on the criminal, Walmart has chosen to victimize law abiding Americans. Our leaders must be willing to approach the problems of crime, violence and mental health with sincerity and honesty.”
The move by Walmart was enough to spur grocery chain Kroger on Tuesday evening to announce it will also be asking customers to no longer openly carry firearms in stores. “We recognize the growing chorus of Americans who are no longer comfortable with the status quo and who are advocating for concrete and common sense gun reforms,” said Jessica Adelman, Kroger’s group vice president of corporate affairs. (Liberal women don’t have common sense!) KROGER stores include: Food 4 Less, Fred Meyer, Fry’s, QFC, Pay-Less, and Ralphs
Walmart in the 1990s stopped selling handguns in the U.S. with the exception of Alaska. In 2015, it stopped selling semi-automatic weapons such as the AR-15 rifle. Following the mass shooting at a high school in Parkland, Florida, in 2018, Walmart stopped selling firearms and ammunition to people under the age of 21.
(Drudge) BREXIT BUST: Boris loses first round of epic battle against rebels… He’s no Trump! But we’ll see… (The Sun) BORIS Johnson two nights ago demanded a snap general election after rebel MPs pulled off an extraordinary coup to allow a block on Brexit until next year plunging Westminster into outright chaos. Twenty one Conservative MPs - including NINE ex-Cabinet ministers - sided with (far-left) Labour to seize control of Parliament’s agenda.
The hot potch cross-party majority of 27 will today attempt to ram a new law through the Commons in just four hours. It will force the PM to extend Article 50 talks as well as Britain’s EU membership for a THIRD time until January 31. The alliance insisted the move was vital to halt the threat of a calamitous exit without an agreement in just eight weeks time. But in tense Commons scenes yesterday, livid Mr Johnson branded the move “Corbyn’s surrender bill”, and insisted it would rip up his negotiating bid to win a better deal from Brussels. Refusing point blank to accept the new delay, he thundered: “It means running up the white flag”. Instead, the PM demanded voters should decide whether Britain should leave the EU on the current timeline of October 31 with a snap general election, probably be held on October 15.
Wed, Sep 4, Hour 2:
Great calls, thank you!
They’re taking the guns!
Ryan from Concord, CA, talks about his mother’s spirit leaving him.
A guy talks about chemical imbalance depression.
TOP OF THIRD HOUR NEWS: Wednesday, September 4, 2019 – Men’s Forum tomorrow!
(Drudge) A fired former Conversion therapy leader comes out as gay… (NY Post) The founder of one of the nation’s largest conversion therapy programs has announced that he’s gay — and disavowed the “harmful” practice. McKrae Game, who led the faith-based conversion therapy group Hope for Wholeness in South Carolina for nearly two decades, came out of the closet this summer at 51, The Post and Courier reported Saturday (he appeared in a short edited video for them). (Heavy) He said he was kind of out between 19 and 22. Now he’s going through middle age crisis, maybe. He claims he never called himself “straight,” but was always “authentic.” But Game told paper, “Conversion therapy is not just a lie, but it’s very harmful. Because it’s false advertising.” The revelation came two years after Game was abruptly fired from Hope for Wholeness as a result of his watching gay pornography. In the interview, the former crusader called for the dissolution of conversion therapy groups. The supposedly widely discredited practice, which is intended to suppress or change a person’s sexuality through counseling or religion, is currently banned in 18 states, including New York. Game said, “I was a religious zealot that hurt people. People said they attempted suicide over me and the things I said to them. People, I know, are in therapy because of me. Why would I want that to continue?” Game is still married to a woman, Julie Game, who he says knows he is gay. The couple have two adult children. His Facebook status is listed as, “it’s complicated.” In a Facebook post last week, he wrote a lengthy apology, saying: “I WAS WRONG! Please forgive me!” Game said he still believes in God, although he no longer considers himself Southern Baptist.
(Drudge) Vegan demands neighbor stop cooking barbecues… (9News.com.au) In Australia, a vegan from the city of Perth, the capital of Western Australia, has taken her neighbours all the way to the Supreme Court, demanding they stop smoking, bouncing balls and even cooking barbecues in the backyard. Cilla Carden, from Girrawheen, in Perth's northern suburbs said she's fed up with the smell of meat cooking on the barbecue next door. "They've put it there so I smell fish, all I can smell is fish. I can't enjoy my backyard, I can't go out there." Ms. Carden, a massage therapist, is also furious at cigarette smoke wafting into her yard and the sound of children playing with basketballs next door. "It's been devastating, it's been turmoil, it's been unrest, I haven't been able to sleep," she said. But one neighbour invited 9News into the backyard, to show that he's removed the barbecue and told his children to stop playing basketball. Ms Carden is so upset she has taken her neighbours to the State Administrative Tribunal and the Supreme Court. "It's deliberate, that's what I told the courts, its deliberate." But a Supreme Court Judge and the State Administrative Tribunal have sided with her neighbours, dismissing her case. Her request to appeal the decisions has also been refused. Ms Carden says she won't give up on her fight and will return to court soon.
(Drudge) Oprah Launching '2020 Vision' Speaking Tour… (TIME Magazine) The former talk-show host and OWN television network chief announced Wednesday that the “Oprah’s 2020 Vision: Your Life in Focus” tour will begin Jan. 4 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. She is working in conjunction with Weight Watchers Reimagined to offer a full-day of wellness conversations during the nine-city tour. The tour will conclude in Denver on March 7. She will also make stops in Los Angeles; San Francisco; Atlanta; Dallas; Charlotte, North Carolina; Brooklyn, New York; and St. Paul, Minnesota. It’s her first speaking tour in five years. She’ll have high-profile guests TBA. She said she hopes “to motivate others to let 2020 be the year of transformation and triumph — beginning first and foremost with what makes us well. This is the year to move forward, let’s make it happen in 2020.” Prior speaking tours included “Oprah’s Life Class” in 2012 and “Oprah’s The Life You Want Weekend” in 2014.
Men’s Forum TOMORROW, first Thursday of the month, Sept. 5th, 7 PM at BOND in Los Angeles. Go to rebuildingtheman.com/events
Wed, Sep 4, Hour 3:
Jay from PA, from second hour, talks more about depression, chemical imbalance, and the symptoms of the spirit of his mama!
The Hake Report, 9 AM PT, Wednesday, September 4, 2019 – live in the fourth hour of Jesse Lee Peterson’s stream.
Thank you to Jesse for guest-hosting yesterday. I may have him do it again this week, we’ll see.
Far-left No Longer Considered That Liberal
How far we’ve slidden. Yesterday on my show, Jesse got a call from an anchor baby who denied being an anchor baby!
He also said he’s not a liberal, because he doesn’t go for the transgender thing. But he’s for quote-unquote “single-payer healthcare.” He wants socialist health insurance, and for us to be as miserable as Canada or Europe.
Yet far-lefties claim we’ve gone to the right.
Conversion imposter stays homosexual
(Drudge) A fired former Conversion therapy leader comes out as gay… (NY Post) and disavowed the “harmful” practice. McKrae Game led the conversion therapy group Hope for Wholeness in South Carolina for nearly two decades, announced he’s full-on homosexual this summer at 51 Saturday (The Post and Courier, and edited video). (Heavy) He said he was “kind of out” between ages 19 and 22. He never called himself “straight,” but was always “100% authentic.” But Game said, “Conversion therapy is not just a lie, but it’s very harmful.” This is two years after Game was abruptly fired from Hope for Wholeness as a result of his watching gay pornography. He called for the dissolution of conversion therapy groups. NY Post calls it a “supposedly widely discredited practice,” intended to suppress or change a person’s sexuality through counseling or religion. It’s currently banned in 18 states, including New York.
Game said, “I was a religious zealot that hurt people. People said they attempted suicide over me and the things I said to them. People, I know, are in therapy because of me. Why would I want that to continue?” (NOW HE’S A RADICAL HOMOSEXUAL ZEALOT!)
Game is still married to a woman, Julie Game, who he says knows he is gay. The couple have two adult children. His Facebook status is listed as, “it’s complicated.” In a Facebook post last week, he wrote a lengthy apology, saying: “I WAS WRONG! Please forgive me!” Game said he still believes in God, although he no longer considers himself Southern Baptist.
MY POINTS: The conversion therapy people many of them I’m sure do it wrong. But ALL liberals do acceptance wrong.
Suicide is not just because of fake Christians.
Caller Log, courtesy of Jesse’s producer, Nick
Samuel from Sweden is having some love trouble. He wonders if a man should marry a woman that hater her father.
Carl from Chicago asks James about when he forgave his parents. James recounts his experience with his father and mother and how he told them what bothered him and why anger was wrong. He then realized he was no better and he went to them to tell them that.
Kevin from Connecticut wonders how the Odessa shooter got his hands on a gun. James says it goes deeper, he wonders what it is in society that’s causing people to do such degenerate things. James corrects the notion that it’s too late for men.
Mike from San Antonio, TX figures that people who keep trying to disprove Jesse are making Jesse their God. His reasoning is that they hate watch every day trying to disprove him so that they can feel better for being wrong. They touch on people that are celebrating the decline of whites and how they are blind that the country will decline as white people do.
Ryan M. from Concord, CA recounts his story of letting go of his girlfriend and finally being free.
Rob from Florida agrees with previous caller Ryan about numerous things. He remembers going to church but it never helped. All his churches would justify sinning. He comments on homosexuals and how they are no different from whore mongers.
Dan from Phoenix, AZ has some comments on Wal-Mart and their decision to ban handgun ammo. Dan also claims that he might be James’ perfect listener.
Walmart continues to betray America and our Second Amendment
(Drudge) WALMART steps back from gun sales… No more handgun ammunition… NRA slams… (CNBC) After ‘horrific’ shootings, Walmart said Tuesday they’re discontinuing sales of short-barrel rifle ammunition such as the .223 and 5.56 calibers, discontinuing sales of handgun ammunition and discontinuing handgun sales entirely in Alaska (the only state they were still selling handguns).
It’s also asking shoppers at Walmart and Sam’s Club to no longer openly carry firearms in stores, in states where “open carry” is allowed, unless they are authorized law enforcement officers. (Open carry legislation is currently on the books in more than 26 states.)
CEO Doug McMillon announced the changes following two deadly shootings at Walmart stores over the summer. The beta CEO thinks that’s “helping to make the country safer.”
Walmart ALSO called on the government to quote-unquote “act” (meaning kill the Second Amendment).
The move by Walmart was enough to spur grocery chain Kroger on Tuesday evening to announce it will also be asking customers to no longer openly carry firearms in stores. “We recognize the growing chorus of Americans who are no longer comfortable with the status quo and who are advocating for concrete and common sense gun reforms,” said Jessica Adelman, Kroger’s group vice president of corporate affairs. (Liberal women don’t have common sense!) KROGER stores include: Food 4 Less, Fred Meyer, Fry’s, QFC, Pay-Less, and Ralphs
More background on Walmart and Response
Last month, Walmart said it would be pulling violent video game displays out of stores following the shootings.
Walmart in the 1990s stopped selling handguns in the U.S. with the exception of Alaska. In 2015, it stopped selling semi-automatic weapons such as the AR-15 rifle. Following the mass shooting at a high school in Parkland, Florida, in 2018, Walmart stopped selling firearms and ammunition to people under the age of 21.
LIBERALS: Beto O’Rourke praised Walmart, but wants more. Elizabeth Warren said “good start — but it’s not nearly enough. Walmart can and should do much more. And we need real gun reform, now.” Bernie Sanders tweeted: “I applaud the brave Walmart workers who called on the company to stop selling guns. This is a good step, but we still have a gun violence crisis.”
NRA: The National Rifle Association of America responded to the announced changes by saying, "It is shameful to see @Walmart succumb to the pressure of the anti-gun elites. Lines at Walmart will soon be replaced by lines at other retailers who are more supportive of America’s fundamental freedoms. The truth is Walmart’s actions today will not make us any safer. Rather than place the blame on the criminal, Walmart has chosen to victimize law abiding Americans. Our leaders must be willing to approach the problems of crime, violence and mental health with sincerity and honesty.”
The Real Issue with Shootings Is Spiritual
These people offer NOTHING to make people moral again.
(Drudge) Texas killer called police, FBI before mass shooting began… He Was on a long spiral of going down… (AP) A neighbor 36-y-o deceased suspect who killed seven people in West Texas described him as “a violent, aggressive person.” Rocio Gutierrez said her family lived near Seth Aaron Ator the past five months. They were afraid of him. Gutierrez says Ator would go out at night and shoot at animals, mostly rabbits. She also says Ator recently came over and knocked on their door around 4 a.m., but they didn’t answer because it was “frightening.” Gutierrez says “I know it sounds bad” but she’s relieved “because now he’s dead.”
Ator was killed by police outside an Odessa movie theater on Saturday after opening fire on state troopers during a traffic stop and then fleeing, shooting at random passers-by and vehicles.
FBI special agent Christopher Combs said Ator “was on a long spiral down” before he was fired from his job on the day of the shooting. He lived in “a strange residence” and the conditions “reflect what his mental state was going into this.”
Gov. Gregg Abbott tweeted that Ator failed a previous gun background check and didn’t go through one for the weapon he used in Odessa.
But stupid Beto cusses, and shows off his cussing, “This is F—d up.” SMH, he’s not fooling anyone.
The story of what happened in the shooting
Ator was fired Saturday morning from his job at Journey Oilfield Services and made phone calls to both the 911 and the FBI afterward — making “rambling statements about some of the atrocities that he felt that he had gone through.”
(AP) Fifteen minutes after the call to the FBI, a Texas state trooper unaware of the calls to authorities tried pulling over Ator for failing to signal a lane change. That was when Ator pointed an AR-style rifle toward the rear window of his car and fired on the trooper, starting a terrifying police chase as Ator sprayed bullets into passing cars, shopping plazas and killed a U.S. Postal Service employee while hijacking her mail truck.
Thanks, y’all!