NEWS 12/03/20 Thu: Detroit Shenanigans; RIP Walter Williams; Covid Scare
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Hake News for The Jesse Lee Peterson Show, Thursday, December 3, 2020
End of Hour 1: Allegations of shenanigans in Detroit came out last night! BTW: Smartmatic employees mostly donated to Democrats! (James gets cut-off at the end.)
End of Hour 2: RIP the great Professor Walter Willaims, PhD, who was on the board of JLP’s nonprofit, BOND. The Covid Scare driving libs even more nuts than they already are! According to a child psychiatrist Mark McDonald in Los Angeles.
After JLP, catch The Hake Report.
12/03/20 Thu. Hour 1
Allegations of shenanigans in Detroit came out last night!
BTW: Smartmatic employees mostly donated to Democrats!
End of Hour 1, Thur, Dec 3, 2020
Stay tuned for Hour 2
Corrupt and incompetent blacks overcounting ballots!
Thousands of [the same] Ballots Were Scanned Numerous Times in Dominion Machines: Contractor Witness
(The Epoch Times) Melissa Carone, a freelance IT worker assisted Dominion at Detroit’s ballot-counting site at TCF Center — Election Day and the following day.
That’s that pretty blonde lady with the obnoxious bratty voice and cute messy hair (a liberal blue-checkmark she/her on Twitter described her as “drunk” — the radical homosexual website Raw Story was all over that, saying Rudy Giuliani tried to calm her down when challenged by liberals questioning her).
Melissa Carone
She testified before the Michigan House Oversight Committee yesterday, Weds. Dec. 2, that she witnessed at least 30,000 ballots counted numerous times in Dominion machines. “I observed numerous employees, city workers, running batches of ballots through the tabulators countless times, without discarding them first,”
Tabulating machines would jam two to three times an hour. The proper way to scan ballots when there’s a paper jam is to reset the count on the machine — discard the count, and rescan all of them with the jammed paper on top.
“Instead of discarding, they were just rescanning, rescanning, rescanning,” Carone said. “Counting ballots nine to 10 times.”
There were 22 to 24 tabulating machines where she worked, and she observed the malpractice “thousands of times” while she was at the site.
A head honcho at Dominion didn’t care!
She alerted her manager Nick Ikonomakis about the issue (he’s one of the Dominion patent owners, 2005, 2012, 2018)
She said, “I called my manager to a specific tabulating machine and I showed him a number on it that was over 500. They shouldn’t be over 50—ballots come in batches of 50.”
“He [Nick] said, ‘Melissa I don’t want to hear that we have a problem, we are here to assist with IT, we are not here to run their election,’ and at that point I was really frustrated and upset, I could tell what was going on,” she said.
“He was in on it. They were cheating. It was very, very apparent,” Carone said. “It was apparent that he was in on it. When he caught on to me knowing that he was in on it, he just wanted nothing to do with me.”
Other witnesses?
Asked why more witnesses don’t come forward, Melissa Carone said, “My life has been destroyed because of this. I’ve lost family...friends, I’ve been threatened, my kids...threatened, I’ve had to move...change my phone number...get rid of social media—nobody wants to come forward. ...can’t even get an actual job any more, because Democrats like to ruin your lives. That’s why.” THAT’S DETROIT!
(A second witness, a Republican poll challenger, stated the same thing. She said, “I could tell most of these people didn’t have enough training, and they were just mindlessly doing their job.”)
Whistleblowers call into question over 1 million ballots…
(Revolver / The National Pulse) The Amistad Project has gathered whistleblowers and sworn declarations, saying completed ballots were shipped across state lines, postal service workers told to prioritize Biden mail, and that officials tampered with Dominion systems to prevent an audit… with 300,000 ballots at issue in Arizona, 548,000 in Michigan, 204,000 in Georgia, and over 121,000 in Pennsylvania.
Smartmatic a bunch of Democrats and in-crowders
Smartmatic claims it prohibits political donations but 86 percent of staff gave to Dems…
Soros-linked Smartmatic chairman admits technology is licensed from Dominion…
More on The Hake Report — I got cut off here!
12/03/20 Thu. Hour 2
Jesse talks with callers.
RIP the great Walter Willaims
The Covid Scare driving libs even more nuts than they already are!
End of Hour 2, Thur, Dec 3, 2020
Stay tuned for Hour 3. After JLP, catch The Hake Report.
Walter Williams: RIP…
(Revolver / Red State) Walter E. Williams, Ph.D. died early Wednesday morning, Dec 2 (oops, I guess it was Tuesday, Dec 1st). He was 83. Dr. Williams was the more firebrand side of a group of Black intellectuals (which includes Shelby Steele and Thomas Sowell).
He was on the board of Jesse Lee Peterson’s nonprofit BOND!
People associate him with conservatism and libertarianism.
He’s said “I believe that people have the right to engage in discrimination on any basis that they want. That is, you can discriminate as far as race, or sex, or criminal background, etc. etc. But you don’t have the right to use government to force other people to concur with your discrimination.”
He decried “the massive power that Americans have given to their federal, state and local governments to regulate our lives in the name of protecting our health. Taking back that power should be the most urgent component of our recovery efforts.”
Walter Williams
His last column… or few appeared Nov 5 in Anniston Star, titled, “Blacks of yesteryear and today”
He said: “The out-of-wedlock birth rate among Blacks in 1940 was about 11%. Today, it is 75%. Black female-headed households were just 18% of households in 1950, as opposed to about 68% today.
“In fact, from 1890 to 1940, the Black marriage rate was slightly higher than that of whites. Even during slavery, when marriage was forbidden, most Black children lived in biological two-parent families.
“In New York City, in 1925, 85% of Black households were two-parent households. A study of 1880 family structure in Philadelphia shows that three-quarters of Black families were two-parent households.
[But nowadays…] “It is not uncommon for 50 Black people to be shot over a weekend in Chicago -- not by policemen, but by other Black people.”
Another article, ‘Black Education … Then and Now’ … appeared in CNS News Dec 1st.
“Discrimination and Prejudice” … appeared Nov 26 in the Daily Journal.
More praise
Blogger James Bovard writes that Professor “Walter Williams brought a personal toughness honed as a Philly cab driver” to fighting for freedom for more than 40 years. He did not flinch when he was vilified for taking unpopular positions. Instead, he kept smiling and explaining and helped legions of folks recognize the folly of trusting government to save their A—. He recognized that the Constitution intended to leash politicians, not vex Americans in perpetuity with elected dictators.
Oddly, Drudge did not seem to cover Walter Williams’s death all day, even though he lists Walter Williams as a reference. That’s odd!
The Corona Scare!
California Psychiatrist Claims Americans Are Suffering a 'Delusional Psychosis' About CCP Virus
(The Epoch Times) So much misinformation and exaggeration about the lethality of the CCP virus—also known as the novel coronavirus—has been broadcast by government officials and the media that many Americans are suffering from a “delusional psychosis,” according to Los Angeles child and adolescent psychiatrist Dr. Mark McDonald.
What began as fear of a then-unknown disease called COVID-19 has since evolved into what McDonald described to The Epoch Times on Dec. 1 as a national condition in which “there is a delusional psychosis that has taken over where people are impervious to rational thinking.”
NOT READ: “They don’t want to give up the mask, they don’t want to give up the social distancing. [People] are impervious to reason, to logic, to education at this point. They are psychotically managed by their fear.”
McDonald says the condition is most prevalent in Los Angeles, where he practices, and New York, places that he described as “ground zero for this.”
The government-imposed controls that were initially temporary in March have been repeatedly extended for months and have now “become social controls exercised by us,” he said.
“It’s actually coming from us, our parents, our children, our neighbors; it’s coming from businesses, corporations.”
12/03/20 Thu. Hour 3
After JLP, catch The Hake Report.