The People Don't Heed Corona Rules, Party for Memorial Day! (Hake News, Tue. 5/26/20)
Catch The Hake Report after JLP today!
Tues. 5/26/20, Hour 1:
Jesse gives a nice monologue and talks about mess going on with coronavirus stuff.
(Periscope) Franco Nero asks: Jesse, should I see Jesus like a holy thing? Even though he was a son of God just like you and me? (Answer: Jesse’s not sure what “holy thing” means!)
End of Hour 1, Tues, May 26, 2020
Stay tuned for Hour 2
“Political reporter Allan Smith” writes in far-left NBC News that the method for counting COVID-19 deaths varies by state.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, SUPPOSEDLY the nation's top infectious disease expert (NOT!), said the actual number of people who've died as a result of the pandemic is "almost certainly" higher than what's been counted. HE’S A LIBERAL TOO, LET’S FACE IT. AND HE’S BEEN WRONG BEFORE, I HEAR!
Some supposed examples…
Georgia officials apologized and corrected a "processing error" that wrongly showed a downward trend in the number of new daily infections in the state.
Georgia was among the first to reopen. Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp, a Republican, said the state on Tuesday recorded its lowest number of hospitalized patients since it began tracking such data in early April.
In the neighboring state of Florida, which also reopened swathes of its economy, officials directed a Department of Health data manager to remove data from public view that showed Florida residents had reported coronavirus-associated symptoms before cases were officially announced.
The manager Rebekah Jones SUPPOSEDLY complied with the order but said it was the "wrong call." She was removed and went to the media, saying she refused to "manually change data to drum up support for the plan to reopen" Florida. WHAT AN EVIL WOMAN.
Last week, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, a Republican, said Rebekah Jones was under "active criminal charges" for cyber stalking and cyber sexual harassment. WHOA!
There’s a discrepancy in the coronavirus death toll on a list from the state’s medical examiners versus the numbers released by the Florida state officials. Liberals pretending deaths were being hidden.
QUOTE: "The government has one mission; academics and scholars have a very different mission," Dr. Dean Hart, a so-called expert on viral transmission and former Columbia University professor (RED FLAG!) who has run for the New York State Assembly as a Democrat (OF COURSE), told NBC News. "As a scientist, I'm looking for the truth, the heck with who it hurts politically," he added. PHONY!
Another guy Dr. Tom Frieden, who ran the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention under former President Barack Obama, is also running his mouth.
The virus has hit nursing homes exceptionally hard — I heard states were putting covid patience INTO nursing homes! RIDICULOUS! Arizona officials argued they should not reveal the names of facilities with outbreaks because it could give those nursing homes a stigma (YOU THINK?) and could lead to discrimination against them (RIGHTLY SO!). Pennsylvania had the same problem!
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, an evil Democrat, his administration ordered in March that nursing homes must accept coronavirus patients. That order was reversed earlier this month after much backlash and many deaths.
SUPPOSEDLY about 100,000 people have died due in part to coronavirus. SUPPOSEDLY.
(Drudge) PACKED PARTY! Birx alarmed over crowd scenes…
Missouri officials slam 'irresponsible and dangerous' behavior… of partiers at Lake of Ozarks pools and patios. They urge people to self-quarantine… and issued a travel advisory for them.
Still from a video tweeted by one Mark Elliott who appeared to complain about parties while the Covid death toll rose.
Local govts were stunned by raucous festivities… around the country. HA!
(MarketWatch) For Memorial Day weekend, tons of people went to the beaches. Parking lots full. Hundreds of deputies in one county patrolling the beaches to ensure people didn’t get too close.
On the Sunday talk shows, Dr. Deborah Birx, coordinator of the White House coronavirus task force, said she was “very concerned” about scenes of people crowding together over the weekend. “We really want to be clear all the time that social distancing is absolutely critical. And if you can’t social distance and you’re outside, you must wear a mask,” she said on ABC’s “This Week.”
Tues. 5/26/20, Hour 2
Eid, the end of Ramadan, Muslims not social distancing! Or are they? This was in Bridgewater, IL.
Yes, we are having Church on Sunday!
Devon from Seattle, WA, is still alive but barely breathing.
End of Hour 2, Tues, May 26, 2020
Stay tuned for Hour 3. After that, The Hake Report!
(Drudge) Husband of ReOpenNC leader says he's 'willing to kill people' to fight govt control…
STEVE WISEMAN writes in the Charlotte Observer that Ashley Smith, a ReOpenNC organizer, was arrested outside of the executive mansion in Raleigh, N.C. on April 28, 2020, during a protest against the COVID-19 coronavirus restrictions.
“Are we willing to kill people? Are we willing to lay our lives down? We have to say yes,” Adam Smith said in a Facebook Live video posted on Friday.
Later in the 17-minute video, he said, “If you bring force, we’re gonna bring force. If you bring guns, we’re gonna bring guns. If you’re armed with this, we’re gonna be armed with this.”
Video got taken down, and put back up
Smith, husband of ReOpenNC founder Ashley Smith of Morganton, took the video down after it was first reported by the EXTREME-LEFT radical homosexual-run Raw Story website. But Ashley Smith reposted the video Sunday afternoon on the ReOpenNC Facebook page.
“Maybe you agree with him and maybe you don’t, but we have nothing to hide,” Ashley Smith wrote on Facebook. “This group is built on the Constitution and that includes free speech and the second amendment. He is simply stating to protect his family and our freedom he is willing to take up arms like our forefathers did.”
Ashley Smith said her husband is an ex-Marine who remains “willing to die for all of you too,” as he was when he was enlisted.
Background on Adam Smith...
Adam Smith was also present along with other armed Blue Igloo demonstrators in downtown Raleigh on May 16. Blue Igloo is likely a play on the word “Boogaloo,” which the un-American Anti-Defamation League (REALLY THE PRO-DEFAMATION LEAGUE) describes as a slang term for a coming civil war.
The ReOpenNC group formed on Facebook on April 7, quickly growing to its current 78,900 members. The group has held numerous protests in downtown Raleigh, near the Legislative Building and the Governor’s Mansion, in opposition to Gov. Roy Cooper’s executive orders SUPPOSEDLY aimed at slowing the coronavirus spread.
Adam smith called police thugs for arresting his wife for walking on the sidewalk, was his description.
He also said: “It is a test run to see how much liberty we’re willing to give up without a fight,” Adam Smith said. “Boy, you know what I say? Not an inch….”
(Drudge) Compton Pastor Says the Holy Spirit Will Direct Him When to Reopen Church, Not Newsom…
(Anita Bennett writes in UrbanHollywood411) Compton Pastor Ron C. Hill of Love and Unity Christian Fellowship talked to the outlet. He said: “People are suffering financially and emotionally and they need the support of the church to feed them the word of faith, the word of love, and to be that support system.”
The pastor was one of more than 1,200 so-called spiritual leaders across the Golden State who signed a letter to Gov. Gavin Newsom, saying they plan to resume in-person services on May 31, with or without the governor’s approval.
“I can’t say that I’ll open up on the 31st or not,” Hill explained during an interview at his church. “The same God that told me to shut down, can be the same God that tells me to open up. But I think that pastors ought to have the freedom to open up the way they feel that the Holy Spirit is directing them.”
Attorney Robert Tyler wrote the letter to Newsom, which he called a “Declaration of Essentiality for Churches.”
President Trump has the backs of the churches…
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Catch The Hake Report after JLP today!