Trump Calls out Bush's Phony Call for 'Unity' (Hake News, Mon. 5/4/20)
Catch The Hake Report after JLP…
End of Hour 1, Mon, May 4, 2020
Stay tuned for Hour 2.
Make sure you catch Church with Jesse Lee Peterson, available on BOND: Rebuilding the Man YouTube channel (DIFFERENT from JLP or TFS; Jesse has 3 official YouTube channels). You can listen to Church recordings on audio podcast (which requires LESS internet data usage FYI) on Apple Podcasts, CastBox, Spotify, Podcast Addict, TuneIn, Stitcher, look for “Church with Jesse Lee Peterson” on your preferred platform… links and info on
(Drudge) BUSH CALLS FOR UNITY PHONY BUSH, GO AWAY! The far-left outlet Politico promoted George W. Bush’s little promo video that vaguely cites, quote "how small our differences are in the face of this shared threat. In the final analysis, we are not partisan combatants. We are human beings, equally vulnerable and equally wonderful in the sight of God. We rise or fall together." WHAT A LIE, HUH? The cute emotional black-and-white slideshow video with emotional music was put out in a Tweet by George W. Bush Presidential Center on Twitter. PSH. He pretended, without evidence, that the country was united after 9/11 — not true, just phony shallow emotionalism amongst RINOs and Dems and females. It was a two-minute-and-40-some-second video. He said, "Let's remember that the suffering we experience as a nation does not fall evenly. [It’s] especially important to care ... for the elderly, the ill and the unemployed," Bush said. SMH. More than 30 million people have filed for unemployment in the last six weeks, as the economy has largely shut down to combat the pandemic. AND SCUM LIKE THESE GUYS LOVE SWOOPING IN WITH THEIR PHONY GOVERNMENT “SOLUTIONS.” So that’s Bush’s phony call for unity.
(Drudge) TRUMP ATTACKS BUSH YES, THANK YOU! MAN AFTER MY OWN HEART. (The apparently far-left, anti-American DNYUZ pretended to dismiss the scandal in which the Obama administration spied on then-candidate Donald Trump’s campaign.) Real Donald Trump tweeted: ‘.@PeteHegseth [says,] “Oh bye (sic) the way, I appreciate the message from former President Bush, but where was he during Impeachment calling for putting partisanship aside.” [from] @foxandfriends. [Trump says of Bush…] He was nowhere to be found in speaking up against the greatest Hoax in American history!’ THAT’S RIGHT! Real Donald Trump also retweeted David Harris Jr. who claims: “Evidence has surfaced that indicates Barack Obama was the one running the Russian hoax.” Trump retweeted Harris Jr. again who claimed: “Adam Schiff hides important transcripts from the American people.” The president also tweeted that as polls go, things are “Going well despite the Fake News!” And DNYUZ is acting like these things are not “unity” — him literally defending himself (and by extension, the country) while idiots like THEM attack and nitpick and try to diminish and destroy him! INTERESTING!
(Drudge) Inside Trump's Frantic Push to Re-Open… The liberal media acting like this is a bad thing!
Cropped screenshot from George W. Bush’s website showing him and Laura.
End of Hour 2, Mon, May 4, 2020
Stay tuned for Hour 3. After JLP catch The Hake Report 9 AM Pacific, Sunday-Friday
(Drudge) SNITCH HOTLINE EXPOSED SMH, EVIL SNITCHES GOT DOXXED! HA! (Daily Mail) More than 900 Missouri residents who 'snitched' on lockdown rule-breakers fear retaliation after their details are leaked online. St. Louis County had urged the community to share details of anyone not following guidelines in response to the coronavirus pandemic in March. After more than 900 submitted tips, 29 businesses were reprimanded. SMH. Many tipsters reported their own jobs for not following social distancing rules. SMH x2. One black female so-called tipster (SNITCH) said, 'I'm worried about someone showing up at my door, showing up at my workplace or me getting fired for doing what is right.' THAT’S NOT WHAT’S RIGHT. She has lupus and her family has autoimmune diseases yet she says she’s not even worried about COVID, but about getting fired. SMH.
So some guy named Jared Totsch shared the file of complaint emails in a Facebook group and wrote: ‘Here ya go. The gallery of snitches, busybodies, and employees who rat out their own neighbors and employers over the Panic-demic. A tiny few look like they have legit beefs. Most do not. But it’s all public record and you make the call.” He wrote, “This is the result of my Sunshine Law request initiated after St. Louis County Gov’t asked for info to enlist soldiers in its war on small business for lack of any other solution. What’s shocking (or not so shocking) is that these people were notified ON THE FORM that their complaints would be made public.”
Totch, who has the Constitution in the header of his FB profile, also wrote: “If they are worried about retaliation, they should have read the fine print which stated their tips would be open public record subject to a Sunshine request, and should not have submitted tips in that manner to begin with. I released the info in an attempt to discourage such behavior in the future.” [END QUOTE] HMM… Asked by the media about it, he wrote, “I'd call it poetic justice, instant Karma, a dose of their own medicine. What goes around, comes around. They are now experiencing the same pain that they themselves helped to inflict on those they filed complaints against.”
As of Sunday there have been at least 8,437 cases in Missouri and 376 deaths. 3,433 of these cases have been in St Louis County and there have been 177 deaths there.
(Drudge) Inside Trump's Frantic Push to Re-Open… (The extreme-left Wash. Post, whose writers [Philip Rucker, Josh Dawsey, Yasmeen Abutaleb, Robert Costa, Lena H. Sun] and owner Amazon founder Jeff Bezos absolutely hate the president, spreads rumors shared by MSN) Trump had economic advisors on the case, and Wash. Post is pointing out that they have no background in infectious diseases, as if they need to. SMH. They did hope the number of deaths would be about 60,000 in the end — while the SUPPOSED number of deaths at this point is CLAIMED to be 67,000. These EVIL people claim, without evidence, that Trump’s decision-making has been guided largely by his reelection prospects. They also put out a dumb video supposedly of Trump “contradicting himself,” just nitpicking and being phony, useless intellectuals. They don’t care about truth, or they’d be supporting the president, honestly. Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner is involved, and called the administration’s response a “great success story.” Keep fighting, Donald! Some states are re-opening even today!
In attempting to attack the president, the wicked Wash. Post quoted the disgraced woman Kathleen Sebelius, a former Kansas governor and so-called health secretary in the Obama administration! She’s the one who oversaw the failed and extremely expensive Obamacare website! (SHE COULDN’T EVEN PUT A WEBSITE TOGETHER.) The extreme liberal NBC News back in 2013 pointed out that Sebelius led an HHS (U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services) fully in favor of a woman’s so-called “right” to abortion (killing unborn babies in the womb). THIS woman is trying to criticize Trump for allowing the states to make decisions on how to handle things. Pretending that’s not “leadership.”
Wash. Post quotes former NYC Mayor and Trump personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani who defended Trump, sayin, “If you think about how he’s handled it, it is tough, it can be humbling.” But the arrogant post claims that Trump “managed to avoid revealing much humility.” They also claim “the president voiced little compassion for the tens of thousands who have lost lives or the tens of millions who have lost their jobs.” PLEASE. SMH, HE’S NOT YOUR MAMA, AND YOU’RE NOT BABIES. HE’S THE PRESIDENT. AND HE’S BEEN PUSHING TO ALLOW BUSINESSES TO OPEN UP AGAIN. AND THE WASH. POST HAS NO LOVE FOR THE “VICTIMS,” BUT AS WEAPONS TO ATTACK THE PRESIDENT WITH.
Catch The Hake Report after JLP…