Mississippi Betrays Southern Heritage, Removes Confederate Emblem from Flag (Hake News, Mon 6/29/20)
See also The Hake Report after JLP.
End of Hour 1, Mon, Jun 29, 2020
Stay tuned for Hour 2.
Catch Church with JLP if you missed it, or listen once more via podcast if you caught it live and want to go back. rebuildingtheman.com/church
(FUNNY! ...But he didn’t do that Nazi sign, he raised his fist like a champ!)
(Far-left pro-gay TMZ) Donald Trump approves a rally with a supporter screaming, “White power!” They describe a bizarre demonstration/counter-demonstration ... a line of golf carts traversed streets around Sumter County, Florida with Trump supporters, as Trump protesters lined the streets. You hear demonstrators, mostly seniors, boil over in anger ... there's no physical contact, but it's intense. The liberals were cussing and being nasty, especially the middle-aged women. One liberal woman blocked the path of a golf cart before finally getting out of the way. It looks like a retirement community.
The leftist old folks (mostly females) are calling the decent conservative Trump supporters racists, Nazis, and F-you, etc. One guy responds by raising his fist and saying, “White power!” And the dumb gullible liberals feel justified, including dishonest reporters who pretend he meant it. Saner voices in the mainstream media were pointing out it was obvious sarcasm.
Trump retweeted the video, saying, "Thank you to the great people of The Villages. The Radical Left Do Nothing Democrats will Fall in the Fall. Corrupt Joe is shot. See you soon!!"
TMZ claims Trump “loves his white supremacists” and is “not even masking it anymore.” No author is named in the article.
Associated Press falls for it too
Far-left AP News headline: “Trump tweets video with ‘white power’ chant, then deletes it”...
But that’s fake news because a chant has to be repeated more than once, right? Beyond that, it’s misleading because there’s no indication that the “White Power” shout was or even could have been ironic. Dishonest dummies! This iss an article by Zeke Miller who went to Yale University (wasted degree, huh?).
Zeke Miller is same guy who falsely “reported” in 2017 that President Trump had removed the bust of the late civil rights figurehead Martin Luther King Jr. from the Oval Office. The news became well known. It was not true. Zeke offered an apology on Twitter to his colleagues (apparently not to the President), saying he’d looked for it twice and didn’t see it.[7] Then-Press Sec. Sean Spicer accepted his apology.
“There’s no question″ that Trump should not have retweeted the video and “he should just take it down,” Sen. Tim Scott, black RINO-S.C., told CNN’s “State of the Union.” Scott is the only “Black” so-called Republican in the Senate.
“I think it’s indefensible,” he added.
Shortly afterward, Trump deleted his quote-tweet that shared the video. A White House spokesman said in a statement that “President Trump is a big fan of The Villages. He did not hear the one statement made on the video. What he did see was tremendous enthusiasm from his many supporters.”
The White House did not respond when asked whether Trump condemned the supporter’s comment. GOOD, they shouldn’t!
Joe Biden, the presumptive Democrat presidential nominee, condemned Trump. “We’re in a battle for the soul of the nation [a common cliché by Biden] — and the President has picked a side. But make no mistake: it’s a battle we will win,” the ex-Obama vice president tweeted.
Mississippi to lose the rebel emblem from its flag…
Mississippi politicians Phillip Gunn, white Republican Speaker of the state House of Representatives, black Democrat state Rep. Robert Johnson III, and Republican Gov. Tate Reeves, all support removing the Confederate battle emblem from the MS state flag.
I heard it’s a mostly Republican government too. RINOs! (Drudge)
(The divisive AP News) Mississippi lawmakers voted Sunday to surrender the Confederate battle emblem from the state flag, more than a century after white supremacist legislators adopted the design a generation after the South lost the Civil War.
Spectators cheered and applauded after the historic votes in the House and Senate.
Mon. 6/29/20, Hour 2:
GUEST: Joseph Imperatrice, Head of Blue Lives Matter NY…
Ronnie (he black) thinks blacks and whites commit murders of their own race at similar rates, which is not true!
End of Hour 2, Mon., Jun 29, 2020
Stay tuned for Hour 3. After JLP, catch The Hake Report.
Supreme Court is pro-abortion!
SCOTUS blog tweeted that the Supreme Court, by vote of 5-4, strikes down Louisiana law requiring doctors who perform abortions to have right to admit patients at nearby hospitals.
(NBC News) The decision struck down a law passed by Louisiana's legislature in 2014 that required any doctor offering abortion services to have admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles. Its enforcement had been blocked by a protracted legal battle.
Two Louisiana doctors and a medical clinic sued to get the law overturned. They said it would leave only one doctor at a single clinic to provide services for nearly 10,000 women who seek abortions in the state each year.
The challengers said the requirement was identical to a Texas law the Supreme Court overturned in 2016. With the vote of then-Justice Anthony Kennedy, the court ruled that Texas imposed an obstacle on women seeking access to abortion services without providing any medical benefits.
(USA Today) Chief Justice John Roberts (a RINO) joined the four liberal justices in the majority.
Russian bounties: fake news?
(Drudge) NYT: Russia Secretly Offered Bounties to Kill US Troops… according to anonymous sources… WHICH JOURNALIST BILL O’REILLY SAYS ALWAYS HAVE AN AGENDA, NOT ALWAYS KNOWN TO THE REPORTER. NY Times reported it Friday, and it was all over the news Sunday.
Spies and Commandos Warned Months Ago… of Russian bounties, according to far-left anti-American outlet NY Times.
It resulted in deaths… supposedly! Twenty Americans were killed in combat in Afghanistan in 2019, but it was not clear which killings (IF ANY) were under suspicion. So they have no specifics! (Far-left Wash. Post) This is according to SO-CALLED intelligence gleaned from U.S. military interrogations of captured militants in recent months.
White House denies knowledge… (Far-left Reuters) Trump says he was not briefed about SUPPOSED Russian efforts to pay bounties to Taliban-linked militants to kill U.S. troops in Afghanistan. SOME ARE SAYING THIS IS FAKE NEWS AND OBVIOUSLY COUNTER TO RUSSIA’S INTERESTS, SIMILAR TO THE CRIMEA SITUATION IN WHICH THE PEOPLE SUPPOSEDLY VOTED TO BE ANNEXED BY RUSSIA!)
"Nobody briefed or told me, @VP Pence, or Chief of Staff @MarkMeadows about the so-called attacks on our troops in Afghanistan by Russians," Trump tweeted, calling on the newspaper to name its anonymous source. "Everybody is denying it & there have not been many attacks on us."
In a separate tweet late on Sunday, Trump added: "Intel just reported to me that they did not find this info credible, and therefore did not report it to me or @VP."
Biden slams Trump…
Of course — Biden who served as Vice President to the co-founder of ISIS, President Barack Hussein Obama, under whose watch the U.S. military bodycount rose above even Bush’s.
Biden says: “The truly shocking revelation that if the Times report is true... the commander in chief of American troops serving in a dangerous theater of war, has known about this for months, according to the Times, and done worse than nothing.” I NOTICE BIDEN IS HEDGING WITH THE POSSIBILITY THAT THE NY TIMES “REPORT” MAY NOT BE TRUE!
See also The Hake Report after JLP.