Hake News 09/01/20 Tue. Covid Toll Overblown; President Denounces BLM!
Hake News, Tuesday, September 1, 2020:
End of Hour 1: Covid numbers overblown, per CDC! Revolver says: Shutdown’s doing more harm than good!
End of Hour 2: Trump visiting Kenosha, NOT Jacob Blake “family” / lawyers. Trump denounced Black Lives Matter too.
After The Jesse Lee Peterson Show, catch The Hake Report.
09/01/20 Tue. Hour 1
Jesse Lee Peterson gives a great monologue: It’s about right or wrong, good or evil. The children of the lie use words to manipulate people.
Covid numbers are overblown!
And the shutdown’s doing more harm than good, OBVIOUSLY!
Remember: Men’s Forum this Thursday 7 PM at BOND in Los Angeles, for men only! rebuildingtheman.com/events
End of Hour 1, Tues, Sep 1, 2020
Stay tuned for Hour 2.
Virus numbers way overblown!
Drudge says the US death toll is currently 183,601.
(The New American) An opinion tracker from late July indicates people think 9% of the US population has died! In reality it was five hundredths of one percent (0.05%) of the U.S. population, and Covid was the sole factor in the deaths of a mere 0.003% (three thousandths of one percent).
CDC: Fewer Than 10,000 Americans Have Died From COVID-19 Alone
(The New American) Only six percent of Americans who have died with COVID-19 died strictly from the virus and not from other causes, according to new numbers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
The CDC’s latest COVID-19 provisional counts, covering February 1 through August 22, say that 164,280 Americans have suffered deaths “involving COVID-19.”
That, of course, can mean anything from having had a recent positive COVID-19 test (which may or may not have been accurate) to having tested positive months earlier to simply having been declared positive based on symptoms (with hospitals facing strong financial incentives to claim COVID-19 deaths).
Pretending their numbers are accurate, the CDC calculates that just six percent of them, or 9,857, were caused solely by COVID-19. “For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death,” the agency says. In other words, 94 percent of those who died with COVID-19 already had two or more other serious health issues such as hypertension or diabetes.
On top of that, age was a major contributing factor. Ninety-two percent of deaths involving COVID-19 occurred among individuals aged 55 and older. Persons 75 and older accounted for 58 percent of such deaths.
22 percent of COVID-19 deaths occurred in nursing homes and long-term care facilities. That number is considerably higher in states that ordered these facilities to accept COVID-19 patients and would be higher still in New York if that state had not changed its counting method to disguise the order’s deadly results.
LewRockwell.com blogger Michael Rozeff suspects that “if it had not been for COVID-19...otherwise seriously ill and elderly people … would still be alive. … But ... several other comorbidities [were] present ... like heart disease or emphysema.”
The cure is worse than the disease!
Revolver Exclusive Study: COVID-19 Lockdowns Over 10 Times More Deadly Than Pandemic Itself — They explain it all in a long article, talking about the health effects of unemployment, and the ridiculous overreaction to the virus.
Phony Joe Biden told ABC host David Muir: “I would shut it down; I would listen to the scientists,” to stop the spread of COVID-19, in his first joint interview alongside his female mixed-black-Indian anchor baby running mate, @KamalaHarris.
Collage, Joe Biden with a stethoscope, President Donald Trump, and headline: Perception vs reality – the impact of Covid-19: People think coronavirus is much more prevalent than it is – and that many more have died than in reality
President Trump’s RNC speech draft stated: “The cost of the Biden shutdown would be measured in increased drug overdoses, depression, alcohol addiction, suicides, heart attacks, economic devastation, job loss and much more. Joe Biden’s plan is not a solution to the virus, but, rather, it’s a surrender to the virus.” [Politico]
(Drudge / far-left AP) Pandemic (CORRECTION: SHUTDOWN) brings hard times for farmers, worsening hunger… in the world. And the scum-of-the-earth UN is pretending to help.
ZOOM Thanksgiving? Summer could give way to bleaker fall… FEAR–MONGERING!
TheHakeReport.com for my stuff | JesseLeePeterson.com for JLP
09/01/20 Tue. Hour 2
More calls, and Nick shows two of Arnold’s sons, one raised by his father, the other raised by his mother.
Trump’s visiting Kenosha, but NOT the black criminal’s relatives because of their sleazy lawyers!
The President also rightly denounced Black Lives Matter
AND he defended Kyle Rittenhouse’s presumptive innocence!
End of Hour 2, Tues, Sept 1, 2020
Stay tuned for Hour 3. After JLP, catch The Hake Report.
Trump in Kenosha today
As you know, there were crazy riots last week after cops seemingly justifiably shot an armed black male (Jacob Blake) who was resisting arrest and apparently holding a knife. A taser had not stopped the criminal suspect. They shot him in the back (4 times, ABC falsely says 7 times. 7 shots were fired but 4 hit him, according to Ben Crump) as he reached into an SUV.
Authorities reportedly removed handcuffs on Jacob on his hospital bed a few days ago, vacating his felony warrants, maybe because someone paid his bail, so cops could leave his hospital room.
There was talk that Trump may meet with Blake’s relatives; Blake’s mother paid some lip service respect for Trump. (CNN) He spoke with the “family’s pastor” (the mother’s pastor), but he felt it was inappropriate that they wanted lawyers involved in his meeting. REMEMBER: THEIR ATTORNEY IS BLM LIAR BENJAMIN CRUMP, SCUM OF THE EARTH!
BTW: The Failing New York Slimes reports the only “black” guy on staff at a Kenosha paper, a digital editor named Daniel Thompson, quit over the headline: “Kenosha speaker says: ‘If you kill one of us, it’s time for us to kill one of yours.’” That was stated at a dumb “Justice for Jacob” rally the dummy attended, where the father Jacob Sr. supposedly called for a night of peace, no destruction, no riots. WOW, SO POWERFUL. Low standards for blacks.
Trump is scheduled to Visit Kenosha today to Survey Damage From Riots, and Speak to Business Owners
Collage showing extensive damage to cars and buildings in Kenosha, Wisconsin
(The Epoch Times) The President will tour the Emergency Operations Center before taking part in a roundtable on community safety in Wisconsin.
Trump told reporters on Monday night that the rioting in Kenosha ended because of the National Guard and federal forces that were sent there.
Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers and Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes, both Democrats, were among the officials who urged Trump to not visit Kenosha. (The Democrat mayor, too.)
Trump denounces BLM
Black Lives Matter is 'Discriminatory' and 'Bad for Black People' (as well as everybody else): says Trump (The Epoch Times).
Trump told Fox News’ Laura Ingraham companies that have donated money to the cause are “led by weak people” before describing Black Lives Matter as a Marxist organization.
Karl Marx’s theories formed the basis of communism, an ATHEIST, ANTI-CHRISTIAN, ANTI-AMERICAN, ANTI-HUMAN ideology that’s led to the deaths of hundreds of millions of people around the world.
Black Lives Matter Global Network co-founder Patrisse Cullors said in a 2015 interview that both she and Alicia Garza, another co-founder, are “trained Marxists.”
Cullors said in another interview that she received training from the Labor/Community Strategy Center, a “think/act tank” that leaders say has roots “in the new communist movement.”
NOT MENTIONED: Trump referenced a chant that is popular at Black Lives Matter events (according to The Epoch Times), “‘pigs in a blanket, fry ’em like bacon.'”
“That was the first time I ever heard of Black Lives Matter. I said, that’s a terrible name. It’s so discriminatory, it’s bad for black people, it’s bad for everybody,” he said.
“If you look at what’s going on with the bats and they’re a lot of thugs,” he said
“But Black Lives Matter came into existence walking down the street screaming, ‘pigs in a blanket, fry ’em like bacon.’ And that was about police officers, that was representing police,” he added.
NOTE: Prominent BLM agitators propped up by MSM and social media have repeatedly refused to condemn violence and looting, and even have celebrated the murder of a white Trump supporter in Portland.
After JLP, catch The Hake Report.