James Hake reports news for The Jesse Lee Peterson Show, Mon-Fri 6-9am PT (Los Angeles)

The Hake Report

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Live call-in show with James Anton Hake, a host on Jesse Lee Peterson’s network

HAKE NEWS Wed 7-17-24

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HAKE NEWS for The Jesse Lee Peterson Show, Wednesday, July 17, 2024 AD 

(CNN or theSkimm Wed 7-17-24) 

News Hr 1:  **World Emoji Day!  //  **Feds warn "retaliatory attacks"  //  *Biden targeting the Supreme Court  //  *NASA transmit a Missy Elliott song to Venus  //  

News Hr 2:  *Floods in IL, Asia  //   *Drake’s mansion flooded  //  **Elon Musk moving companies from CA to TX  //  **Copycat snacks with THC: Warning from FDA, FTC  //  

Human demons plant weeds, anger to choke your mind! | JLP Wed 7-17-24

JLP Wed 7-17-24  They want you angry! 

Hr 1  Warning to Trump supporters: Human demons tempt you to anger, weeds to choke you. Women sad the shooter missed.  

Hr 2  Calls: Julie jealous her husband and kids go to her mother-in-law! Colin's wife's bro problems. Supers. 

Hr 3  Manhood Hour: Happy b-day, Hake. Experts on Amber Rose at RNC. Call: Marisol's bf calming her! 

Biblical Question: Do you have hope? 


  • (0:00:00) Start 

  • (0:10:25) HOUR 1 

  • (0:16:10) JLP: Stop looking for love: Evil hearts. Human demons. 

  • (0:21:25) Demons want you angry. Seeds, weeds choke you in mind. 

  • (0:27:45) Wake up. Distracted, Nikki Haley. "Too hard!" Mama. Truly seek. 

  • (0:33:18) Women disappointed shooter missed Trump. Turn on Trump. 

  • (0:38:00) CNN: FBI, DHS warn "retaliatory attacks" after Trump attack 

  • (0:43:37) Milwaukee the last place RNC should be: black mayor, police chief 

  • (0:47:14) Woman: Shame he missed! Terrified of political violence. 

  • (0:56:57) Others: Too bad he missed. Don't miss next time. Oops wasn't me 

  • (1:05:25) NEWS Hr 1 … HOUR 2 

  • (1:13:20) JASON, NY: Love is not a feeling. Love to hate to love to hate. 

  • (1:14:20) JULIE, CT, jealous that husband's mother controls him 

  • (1:25:22) JULIE: "Hard" to watch thinking, feeling. Devil advice? Your world 

  • (1:31:14) JULIE: This Devil doesn't want kids with that Devil! 

  • (1:34:20) JAMEEL, Canada… loves misery, self-sabotage? BREAK 

  • (1:42:00) JLP brief message, announcements 

  • (1:45:15) JAMEEL saying it's hard. BQ: His hope is selfish. Happy WHM 

  • (1:49:00) COLIN, Canada, 1st, wife's bro's mean to her at in-law family functions 

  • (1:53:30) COLIN wants to shout from the rooftops … Health 

  • (1:58:36) Supers… 

  • (2:05:25) NEWS Hr 2 … HOUR 3 

  • (2:13:20) Manhood Hour … Happy bday Hake; Hug jewelry theft; RNC in the hood 

  • (2:28:28) Amber Rose at RNC on father, Trump: Experts react 

  • (2:36:48) JAMES, GA, 1st, nice call on Alabama 

  • (2:41:49) s/o Nick, announcements 

  • (2:43:09) MARISOL, TX, 1st, strong boyfriend, lib family, nervous system 

  • (3:05:49) Supers: To be continued… 

  • (3:07:59) Closing 

HAKE NEWS / NOTES | Wed 7-17-24


*Of mild Hake interest

**Of great Hake interest