James Hake reports news for The Jesse Lee Peterson Show, Mon-Fri 6-9am PT (Los Angeles)

The Hake Report

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A live call-in show with James Hake on Jesse Lee Peterson’s network

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| HAKE NEWS Fri. 5-5-23

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Hake News for The Jesse Lee Peterson Show, Friday, May 5, 2023 AD 

End of Hour 1: Meteor shower today/this wknd, and lunar eclipse for those overseas rn  //  Proud Boys guys “guilty” of sEdiTiOuS cOnSpiRaCy in J6, per DC “jury”  //  ANOTHER mass murder in Serbia  //  Ukraine propaganda: Wagner mercenaries to abandon Russia?  //  

End of Hour 2: Baby gets brain surgery in the womb!  //  Ed Sheeran did NOT steal tune from the late Marvin Gaye, jury says  //  Dem Senators going after Clarence Thomas over “ethics,” so fake  //  Kentucky Derby this wknd. Five horses have died recently?!  //  King Charles III coronation Saturday, going into a 260yo buggy or coach  //  Busy AZ race as Dems try to primary Kyrsten Sinema (sp)  //  

After JLP, The Hake Report 

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Louisville Mayor Calls for Violation of 2A in Kentucky Post-Shooting | HAKE NEWS Wed. 4-12-23

VIDEO  YouTube gets deleted  |  Rumble  |  Twitter  |  BitChute  |  Odysee  |  Podcast  jlptalk.com

Hake News for The Jesse Lee Peterson Show, Wednesday, April 12, 2023 AD 

End of Hour 1: DNC 2024 in corrupt Chi-town, fitting  //  Dirtbag unchristian Louisville mayor begs for more violations of the Second Amendment in Kentucky, after that bank mass murder  //  Recycling plant fire in Richmond, eastern IN (45-min from Dayton, OH): I thought recycling was supposed to be good for the environment!  //  Leaked Deep State documents on social media suggest US doesn’t think Ukraine can win, at least not quickly  //  

End of Hour 2: Cyclone Ilsa (like a Cat 4 or 5 hurricane) may hit Australia Thur-Fri!  //  Court fight over phony racism and perverted propaganda in libraries: nationwide media attention on a little rural county trying to protect their children from vulgar crap — may shut down their library/(ies)  //  NASCAR suspended a guy over alleged assault of a wOmAN  //  Famous ex-prisoner Brittney Griner (who went to Russia to play basketball loaded up with drugs [trace amounts of vape juice]) is writing a memoir after 10 months in custody (WNBA “star”)  //  Dominion tried to blame Fox News (suing them) for J6 mostly peaceful protest!  //  

After JLP, The Hake Report 

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