James Hake reports news for The Jesse Lee Peterson Show, Mon-Fri 6-9am PT (Los Angeles)

The Hake Report

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A live call-in show with James Hake on Jesse Lee Peterson’s network

Trump Declares National Emergency; Rappers Trash Mayweather ("JLP News," Fri., Feb 15, 2019)

Friday, February 15, 2019 — Here’s the news:


  1. TODAY: The Fallen State’s scheduled to come out with a NEW man-on-the-street episode of the WOMEN’S MARCH — Jesse interviews “woke” feminists. TheFallenState.tv (we also have cool t-shirts)

  2. We also have a new OLD episode of Church on BOND: Rebuilding the Man: How do you recognize God’s Voice? From April 13, 2008!

  3. (Fox News) A source says President Trump is expected to declare a national emergency and allocate $8B to fund the border wall. The House approved $1.4B which Trump is also expected to sign. The White House Press Secretary confirmed both would happen in order to address the national security and humanitarian crisis at the border. In an unusual joint statement, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Maj. Ldr Chuck Schumer said it was “a lawless act, a gross abuse of the power of the presidency and a desperate attempt to distract” from when Trump said he’d pay for the wall. (NOTE: But during the campaign Trump never said Mexico would front the money, but rather that they’d pay indirectly by, for example, taxing the money that Mexican nationals working here send back home — it was laid out on his campaign website. Democrats and media are being deceptive and purposely dense.)

  4. Fox News Poll: Majority thinks Democrats have a chance to unseat Trump in 2020. After President Trump took office, many voters doubted he would finish his term, much less stand for re-election. In August 2017, only 58 percent of voters (31 percent of Dems) thought Trump would finish his term. Now 70 percent do (50 percent of Democrats). 23% of voters — 40 percent of delusional Dems — still think he won’t finish his 4 years. A 55-percent majority say there’s either an excellent (19 percent) or good (36 percent) chance Dems will defeat Trump in the election.

  5. (Fox News) Acting FBI Dir. Andrew McCabe & Dep. AG Rod Rosenstein must testify to explain the claim that the DOJ discussed removing Trump, GOP leaders in House & Senate Judiciary Committees say. McCabe said in an interview this week that senior Justice Department officials had considered removing President Trump using the 25th Amendment. He said Rosenstein offered to wear a wire to record the president, which Rosenstein denied. (NOTE: McCabe has a new book “The Threat” so he’s creating mess apparently, making himself sound important — he went on 60 Minutes saying this stuff.) The 25th Amendment governs the succession protocol if the president dies, resigns or becomes temporarily or permanently incapacitated — if the whole cabinet & VP agree he’s “unable” to perform his job. Trump quoted liberal Constitutional attorney Alan Dershowitz in a tweet: “Trying to use the 25th Amendment to try and circumvent the Election is a despicable act of unconstitutional power grabbing...which happens in third world countries. You have to obey the law. This is an attack on our system & Constitution.” Alan Dershowitz. (The Legal legend & Harvard law professor says the alleged FBI-DOJ plot described by McCabe was 'attempt at a coup d'etat' NOTE: This is where all that talk about Trump’s “Mental Health” comes from — an attempt at a coup.)


  1. Trump tweeted yesterday: “Disgraced FBI Acting Director Andrew McCabe pretends to be a “poor little Angel” when in fact he was a big part of the Crooked Hillary Scandal & the Russia Hoax - a puppet for Leakin’ James Comey. I.G. report on McCabe was devastating. Part of “insurance policy” in case I won....” Trump went on, tweeting: “....Many of the top FBI brass were fired, forced to leave, or left. McCabe’s wife received BIG DOLLARS from Clinton people for her campaign - he gave Hillary a pass. McCabe is a disgrace to the FBI and a disgrace to our Country. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”


  1. Jesse Lee Peterson t-shirts from Teespring! “Stop having sex out of wedlock.” Also “Never x7, Ever x7, But Never — Ever... Tell a Woman Your Problems.”  

  2. Sources told ABC 7 Chicago: Police investigating whether Jussie Smollett staged attack with help of others, allegedly being written off 'Empire.' They talked to two Nigerian brothers who grew up in a Chicago apartment, both persons of interest, at least one of whom appeared on the show “Empire,” and they go to the gym with Smollett on occasion. Police picked them up at Chicago O’Hare airport, as reportedly (CBS reporter) “the men left for #Nigeria the day of the attack.” Police also raided their apartment, busting the door off its frame, ransacked the place according to family, and asked family if they knew Smollett. Chicago police told ABC News, "Police are investigating whether the two individuals committed the attack - or whether the attack happened at all." But the police superintendent says they have no evidence that the attack was a hoax. Fox Entertainment said it was “ridiculous” to suggest black homosexual actor would be written out of the show “Empire” on which he plays a central figure. (CBS Chicago) An Attorney for the Two Men says they Could Be Charged Friday, but she says they have no idea why, and they like Smollett. (Real Clear Politics) Smollett says he’s “pissed” that people don’t believe him because he said the perps were white. He feels they’d support him if he said it were a Muslim or black or Mexican.

  3. (Fox News) YouTube star ‘Furry Potato’ is shot while live-streaming near L.A. synagogue; security guard arrested. A transgender YouTube personality Zhoie Perez (who goes by the name "Furry Potato"), age 45, calls himself a “1st Amendment auditor.” He live-streamed a confrontation with a security guard outside the Etz Jacob synagogue. Perez roamed around the synagogue for about 30 minutes while a security guard questioned her (HIM). The guard advises her (HIM) not “to do anything crazy over here.” After several minutes of the transgender furry standing outside on the other side of the gate from the guard who appeared more and more nervous and had pulled his firearm, the guard fired what he called a “warning shot.” The transgender said he’d been shot in the leg, he cussed and got away. Police responded just after noon and arrested the 44-y-o guard on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon. Perez films the exterior of businesses and government buildings, confronting people, security guards, and police officers. He was arrested last year after derogatory comments toward a black Marine Corps recruiter, and fined $100.

  4. OLD Church throwback Jesse 2008. How do you recognize God’s voice? Ppl say God told then this or that. Not true. BOND: Rebuilding the Man


  1. (CNBC) On Thursday, the Senate confirmed Trump's attorney general pick William Barr, who will now oversee Mueller probe. He previously served as AG 1991-1993 under “Bush the Daddy.” Democrat Sens. Joe Manchin of West Virginia, Doug Jones of Alabama, and Kyrsten Sinema of AZ voted for him. Of Republicans, only Sen. Rand Paul of KY opposed him. Remember Jeff Sessions recused himself from the Russia probe last March 2017 after reports about his contacts with Russia's ambassador, so Rod Rosenstein was in charge. Barr called Mueller a friend, but reportedly has criticized the Russia investigation. (Fox News) Barr vowed to focus on violent crime, enforce our immigration laws, and protect the right to vote.

  2. The Fallen State Women’s March


  1. (Fox News) Trump has been speaking from the White House Rose Garden this morning, talking about China having been taking advantage of us. He’s working with Kim Jong-Un of North Korea on a new summit. He also addressed the national security crisis at the border, and the market making records. He addressed the liars who say Walls Don’t Work. He said, “Walls work 100%.” He talked about El Paso and the murders on the other side of the wall 2000 murders in Mexico. He brought up Israel. He talked about the human trafficking going on. He accused Pelosi & Schumer of lying and playing a con game. He talked about us breaking up the Migrant Caravans. He announced he’s going to sign a National Emergency. He said other presidents sign national emergencies about much less important things, and no one cares. He talked about the invasion of drugs, human traffickers, and gangs coming in. He highlighted “angel moms” mothers of victims of illegal alien criminals, also fathers and families. The press doesn’t cover these stories, he said. Mothers showed photos of their children.

  2. (Fox News) Trump thanked MSNBC this week after report Senate panel found no evidence of Russia conspiracy. NBC News reported Tuesday morning that according to both unnamed Republicans and Democrats, the Senate Intelligence Committee has concluded that there is no direct evidence of conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia during the 2016 election after conducting 200 interviews over the course of two years. A reporter said, “Trump will claim vindication through this, and he’ll be partially right.” (The Senate Intel investigation is independent of the Mueller investigation.) But Trump shared a clip and tweeted: Thank you to @MSNBC!

  3. (CNN) Beto O'Rourke says he would 'take the wall down' separating El Paso and Mexico, which Trump says made El Paso a safer than average city, whereas it used to be dangerous. He told MSNBC’s Chris Hayes, "Yes, absolutely. I'd take the wall down." Beto claimed that the bollard fence construction in 2008 "didn't make us any safer." He said “It's hard to make a rational case for an emergency declaration or troops on the border or any amount of additional border walls or border fencing or steel slats.” He compared it to the “war on terror” or the “war on drugs” and claimed Trump is just stoking “fear and anxiety.” He said you make the US safer by "treating people with dignity and respect." O'Rourke shattered fundraising records just to lose to Sen. Ted Cruz. He led a march and rally against Trump & the in El Paso on Monday. O'Rourke said he'll decide this month whether he'll run for president.

  4. (Fox News) Floyd Mayweather blasts rapper T.I.'s call for Gucci boycott over blackface shirt. Floyd Mayweather responded to a diss track from rapper T.I. about his stance on the rapper's call to boycott Gucci by asking why people don't boycott rappers who promote drug use, murder and sexual promiscuity. Floyd responded hours after T.I. released a song castigating the former champion boxer for continuing to spend money on Gucci products in the face of an ongoing boycott against the luxury brand that started over a controversial sweater that looks like blackface. T.I. didn’t specifically name Mayweather but called him old and greedy, and the cover art shows a photoshopped image of Mayweather with the Gucci big lips “blackface” turtleneck sweater part over his mouth. Rapper 50 Cent put the same mocked-up image on his Instagram earlier.

50 Cent mocks Floyd Mayweather on Instagram for not boycotting Gucci over “blackface” sweater.

50 Cent mocks Floyd Mayweather on Instagram for not boycotting Gucci over “blackface” sweater.


  1. (Fox News) Fewer than 10 percent of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High students showed up for school on the anniversary of the shooting that left 17 dead.  The Broward County school district said 291 of the school's approximately 3,200 students attended school Thursday. The school was on a half-day schedule so students wouldn't be on campus at 2:20 p.m. when the shooting began last Valentine's Day.  Several students told The Associated Press that they skipped school because the day would be too emotional. More than a thousand people gathered at a South Florida park on the anniversary supposedly to honor the 17 victims (14 students & 3 staff members) killed by suspect Nikolas Cruz.

  2. JESSE COVERED THIS YESTERDAY: (Breitbart) Booker: ‘I’ll Be Looking to Women First’ to Be My Running Mate — Tuesday on MSNBC, lesbian host Rachel Maddow asked Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ), “If you got the (presidential) nomination, would you commit to choosing a woman as your vice presidential running mate?” Booker said that “you will rarely see a Democratic ticket anymore without gender diversity, race diversity. I think it’s something that we should have…. should I become it... I’ll be looking to women first.”

"Whiteface" Nick Cannon Attacks "Blackface" Comedians... and Other News

Thursday, February 14th, 2019 — Jesse says, “Happy Valentine’s Day, Ladies!”


  1. (Fox News) an 1159 page border security compromise was reached. Trump tweeted he’d be looking for land mines.

  2. (Drudge) TRUMP STARTS 6 MILES OF WALL IN TX (Wash. Examiner) Trump said in El Paso Monday, “We’ve actually started a big, big portion of the wall today at a very important location, and it’s going to go up pretty quickly over the next nine months.” A new border barrier announced last year is funded for six miles-worth of concrete and steel barrier of the sort that agents say is immensely successful in deterring illegal border crossings. The wall will be supplemented by "detection technology, lighting, video surveillance, and an all-weather patrol road parallel" to the wall. The $145 million for it was in U.S. Customs and Border Protection's budget for fiscal year 2018. THANK YOU!

  3. (Drudge) NETANYAHU said he had meetings with Arab Leaders for what was translated as 'War With Iran'..., later translated to “combatting Iran.”

  4. (Drudge) Suicide bomber targeting Revolutionary Guard kills 27… TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — A suicide car bomber claimed by an al-Qaida-linked group attacked a bus carrying members of Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guard paramilitary force Wednesday night, killing at least 27 people and wounding 13 others. A militant group called Jaish al-Adl claimed the attack, which largely operates across the border in nuclear-armed Pakistan. There is a lot of unrest in that southeastern area of Iran, including opium trafficking and assaults by Sunni extremist group Jaish al-Adl, or the “Army of Justice,” founded in 2012. They kidnapped 11 Iranian border guards in October. Five later were returned to Iran and six remained held. The Revolutionary Guard answers only to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and are known to retaliate with ballistic missiles as well as drone bombers in other countries like Iraq & Syria.

  5. (Drudge) US says ex-intel official defected to Tehran, revealed secrets… A former U.S. Air Force counterintelligence specialist who defected to Iran despite warnings from the FBI was charged with revealing classified information to the Tehran government, including the code name and secret mission of a Pentagon program. The DOJ accused Monica Elfriede Witt, 39, of betraying former colleagues in the U.S. intelligence community by feeding details about their personal and professional lives to Iran. She remains at large in Iran, as do the four hackers. The Texas native served in the Air Force between 1997 and 2008, where she was trained in Farsi. She defected to Iran in 2013, after invitations to two all-expense-paid conferences sponsored by New Horizon Organization, that supposedly promoted anti-Western propaganda and condemned American moral standards. (SIDE NOTE: The FBI lists her as “white” American. Is she “white Hispanic”? “White Arab”? Is she an anchor baby? Hard to find info.)  

  6. (Drudge) Ocasio-Cortez Living in DC Luxury Apartment Building? As a member of Congress she gets $174,000 annual salary. She told the New York Times she was concerned about how she would get an apartment before that salary kicked in. She ended up moving into a luxury apartment building with a wide array of amenities where rent for even a studio apartment exceeds $2,000 a month. Back home, she lived in a Bronx apartment purchased in 1986 by her father, who died from cancer at age 48 in 2008. The place was paid off in 2007, but she and the media pretended she had hard times. She lived there with her partner (BETA!) since graduating from Boston University in 2011. Now she lives in "one of the coolest neighborhoods in the world,” the go-to place to both live and socialize for Trump staffers.


  1. (Drudge) Anti-Wall Beto Used Fences, Barricades at Rally… (Breitbart) While railing against border walls at his El Paso, Texas, rally on Monday evening, Rep. Beto O’Rourke stood safely on a stage that walled off supporters behind barriers, fences, and barricades. He said, “Walls do not save lives. Walls end lives…. In the last ten years, more than 4,000 children, woman, and men, have died trying to come to this country to work jobs that no one will take, to be with a family member, to flee horrific brutality, violence, and death in their home countries,” O’Rourke said, falsely claiming that Americans are unwilling to take blue-collar U.S. jobs. The Center for Immigration Studies reported that there are no jobs that Americans won’t do. Breitbart News has chronicled anti-border wall lawmakers and donor elites readily used fences, walls, and barriers to protect themselves and their properties from the public. The Democrat National Convention (DNC) in 2016 used massive crowd control walls to keep protesters out off of the property.


  1. Give your girlfriend or wife an IOU for valentine’s day. Order a Stop Having Sex Out-of-Wedlock t-shirt, sweatshirt, tank-top, etc. — ladies’ t-shirts, tanks & sweatshirts also available. teespring.com/stores/jesseleepeterson … We also have BOND “Rebuilding the Family by Rebuilding the Man” t-shirts at the BOND store teespring.com/stores/rebuildingtheman — great designs on BOND: Rebuilding the Man, Jesse Lee Peterson, and The Fallen State teespring.com/stores/shopthefallenstate — 3 diff stores for 3 diff. Productions.

  2. (Drudge) PANERA BREAD 'Pay What You Want' Experiment Fails… (PJ Media) The chain opened its first donation-based community cafe in St. Louis, Missouri, in 2010. It’s closing its last one in Boston on Feb 15th, 2019. (AEI) At its peak they only had five, including in Dearborn, Michigan; Portland, Oregon; and Chicago. Championed by the company’s founder Ron Shaich, the restaurants operated like a typical Panera, but offered meals at a suggested donation price, with the goal of raising awareness about “food insecurity.” Shaich said in a TEDx talk after he opened the first one, that “this whole experiment is ultimately a test of humanity. Would people pay for it? Would people come in and value it?” (AEI & Eater) The Portland Panera Cares only recouped 60-70% of costs! — attributed to students who “mobbed” the restaurant and ate without paying, as well as homeless patrons who visited the restaurant for every meal of the week. The location eventually limited the homeless to “a few meals a week.”

  3. (Breitbart) Green Fail: CA Guv Newsom Cancels High-speed Rail: ‘Would Cost Too Much and Take Too Long’ Newsom announced Tuesday in his “State of the State” said the state would still build a portion of the system under construction in the rural Central Valley, denying that it would be a “train to nowhere.” He said the state would not send $3.5 billion back to the federal government to be spent by President Donald Trump. But the state couldn’t afford the total cost. His predecessor, Gov. Jerry Brown, a Democrat, championed the project during his third and fourth terms in office, calling it central to the fight against climate change. Estimated costs went from $37B in 2008 when voters approved it, to $100B last year. Newsom complained that Trump was “fear-mongering” over a “so-called border crisis.” (SIDE NOTE: Not sure he called climate alarmism or racism, sexism, or homophobic-ism “fear-mongering.”) Trump tweeted: California has been forced to cancel the massive bullet train project after having spent and wasted many billions of dollars. They owe the Federal Government three and a half billion dollars. We want that money back now. Whole project is a “green” disaster!

  4. (Breitbart) 1.4 Million Households Drop Off Food Stamps Under Trump in the past two years since February 2017, the president’s first full month in office, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) data on food stamp enrollment released Friday. In Feb 2017, shortly after Trump first took office, the number of households on SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) was 20.8M. The latest numbers are from 19.4M in Oct 2018. Last year, Trump brought the number on food stamps below 20M for the first time in 8 years. (SIDE NOTE: Remember, Obama was known as the “Food Stamps President.”)


  1. (Fox News) Actress Michelle Rodriguez apologizes for Liam Neeson defense, calls her choice of words 'insensitive.' Actor Liam Neeson was promoting a movie in an interview when he said he once roamed the streets with a cosh (bludgeon) thinking about killing a “black bastard” who might try to fight him — in revenge for a rape of someone close to him. Michelle Rodriguez, a bisexual (LESBIAN) said Neeson couldn’t be a racist because “racists don’t make out with the race that they hate,” and she graphically describes his kiss in the movie Widows with black actress Viola Davis. (Her choice of words was disgusting but that’s not what she’s apologizing about.) On Saturday, she posted on social media apologizing for a “terrible historical comparison” apparently referring to black women being supposedly raped by white slave-owners.

  2. SIDE NOTE: Left out of this conversation is that Neeson was seemingly responding to an alleged black-on-white rape, and the latest DOJ numbers show black-on-white rape is common, while white-on-black rape is nearly non-existent. (The Tennessean) In 2016 a former Vanderbilt University football player Cory Batey was sentenced to 15 years in the rape of a white woman, saying “That’s for 400 years of slavery you b----,” it was alleged that 4 men were involved in the rape, which involved other degrading things.


  1. (Breitbart) Rosie O’Donnell Pens Bizarre Anti-Trump Poem: ‘Ur Going Down Donald’ She tweeted: “a world of illusion and lies - bold faced shame free lies / ur going down donald who blocks me still / u cowardly fraud / i saw thru u always / that got to u / a woman with no fear / a con man - he / a bad one.” Last year, the 56-year-old called Trump a “madman” & said he should “rot in jail.” Guess whom she supports for president: Although she likes Amy Klobuchar (one of the worst bosses in Congress) and Elizabeth Warren (Pocahontas), she said “nothing would make me happier than Kamala Harris.” She told MSNBC that she got sick on election night 2016, and it took a year for her to compose herself  in public again. She took a year out of the spotlight.

  2. (Breitbart) Fairfax Accuser Says Former NBA Player Corey Maggette Raped Her in 1999 — one of the black women who accused Virginia’s black Dem Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax of rape back in 2000 at Duke U., Meredith Watson is now also also crying rape on a former NBA player & current Fox Sports West analyst who also attended Duke — back in 98-99 (20 years ago). She said the school declined to pursue her accusations, and a dean had “discouraged her from pursuing the claim further.” So now Duke and Fox Sports are looking into the allegation. 🙄 Corey Maggette denied it and said, “I have never sexually assaulted anyone in my life.” Watson is willing to testify at any impeachment hearing of Lt. Gov. Fairfax. Attorneys Debra Katz (of Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford fame) and Lisa Banks (a so-called “Civil Rights” lawyer) said Fairfax “baselessly and callously attempted to discredit these women,” calling them “credible claims of sexual assault.”

  3. (Breitbart) Actor Jussie Smollett Cries in His First Interview Since His Alleged Attack — the 36yo black homosexual “Empire” star talked to ABC’s Robin Roberts (a black LESBIAN who has a “partner”). She asked him if he feared for his life during the attack, and his face winced like he was going to tear up. (NOTE: He is an actor.) The interview is slated to air this morning (Thursday). RECALL: Smollett claimed whites in ski masks called him N-word F—got, poured bleach-like substance on him, bruised him up, and put a noose around his neck, which he kept on to show police after going to Subway 2am Jan 29th in an uppity black & gay area of Chicago. He barely released redacted phone records Monday, nearly two weeks after the attack. His manager who was supposedly on the phone with him still hasn’t released his phone records.

  4. (Breitbart) Nick Cannon (who wore whiteface) Calls Out Fallon, Kimmel, Sarah Silverman for Past Use of Blackface — Black actor-rapper-TV host, and ex-husband of singer Mariah Carey who’s older than him, Nick Cannon said, “Tell the Jimmys to holla at me!” He said “I feel there needs to be some ‘truth & reconciliation’ discussions and teachable moments amongst our communities.” Kimmel had dressed up like former NBA player Karl Malone, Fallon dressed up like Chris Rock, Silverman “switched” roles with a black man in a skit joking about whether it’s harder to be Jewish or black. Silverman said it was “totally racist out of context” and that she regrets it. Fallon & Kimmell were reportedly both silent on the Va. Gov. Northam controversy. Nick Cannon claimed, “I’m always on the side of the comedian and never pander to the sensitive.” (Hollywood Reporter, 2014) Cannon defended his use of whiteface, saying: 'I Was Doing a Character Impression; Blackface Is About Oppression.' He was promoting his “White People Party Music” album.

Nick Cannon’s Instagram pic in “whiteface” as his white alter ego (Hollywood Reporter)

Nick Cannon’s Instagram pic in “whiteface” as his white alter ego (Hollywood Reporter)


  1. (Daily Mail) An illegal immigrant ex-boyfriend of a 24-year-old New York woman whose dead body was found bound and stuffed in a suitcase was arrested in connection with her murder. The body of Valerie Reyes, a Barnes & Noble worker, was found bound at the wrists and ankles in a red suitcase on February 5. She was last seen alive Jan 29, and reportedly broke up with him the week before she disappeared. A day before she disappeared she called her mother Norma Sanchez, saying she was having anxiety attacks and feared she'd be murdered but claimed she wasn't worried about her ex-boyfriend. Venezuelan national Javier de Silva was caught using her ATM card. She was reportedly killed at her residence, then her body discovered by highway workers.

  2. (Drudge) Usher, Rich the Kid FLASHED CASH before armed robbery… (The Sun & TMZ) Rapper RICH THE KID’s ENTOURAGE MEMBERS ROBBED & PISTOL WHIPPED At a Hollywood Studio Where Singer Usher Was Recording. The attack happened in broad daylight when Rich the Kid was outside. One of his bodyguards was badly pistol-whipped. One suspect (unclear how many) fired shots behind himself as he ran away — he stole cash and jewelry. Just hours before the shooting, he shared a picture on Instagram of himself flaunting wads of cash and wearing expensive jewellery in front of a Lamborghini outside the Westlake Recording Studio.

Did Jussie LIE?? Covered Ariana Tattoos. Manslaughter by Text? ("JLP News," Weds., Feb 13, 2019)

Wednesday, February 13th, 2019


  1. (Pix11) Video from El Chapo’s arrival in NYC two years ago (Jan. 2017) shows the Mexican drug lord reportedly teary-eyed and scared. Joaquin Guzman Loera, now 61, (NY Post) found guilty on all counts at trial, involved in conspiracy to import cocaine, heroin, and marijuana. His wife, 29-year-old Emma Coronel Aispuro, gave him a thumbs up as her eyes welled with tears, but she said in Spanish she wouldn’t cry, no one has died. (Reuters) ‘El Chapo’ is likely heading for a Colorado prison where no one has escaped. The leader of the Sinaloa Cartel escaped twice from maximum-security Mexican prisons before his most recent capture in 2016.

  2. (Reuters) 'El Chapo' faces prison for life, being convicted of all 10 charges, but the Mexico drug trade persists. The Sinaloa Cartel still has the biggest U.S. distribution presence, followed by the fast-growing Jalisco New Generation Cartel, according to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration. Together, they are the biggest producers of drugs sold on U.S. streets, including heroin and methamphetamine. Over the last decade, drug seizures at the U.S. southern border multiplied more than nine times in volume, to at least 82,000 pounds in 2018. (Producer note: #BuildtheWall #FinishtheWall)

  3. (Houston Chronicle) Report says 380 Southern Baptist Church leaders and volunteers faced allegations of sexual misconduct in the last 20 years, 200 convicted, with reportedly 700 victims. They published a sort of Baptist “sex offender” database with names, pictures, and states. Lots of whites, some Hispanics, a few blacks, some women. The experts, including one effeminate prosecutor, secularists, a psychiatrist, and feminists are attacking church, purity culture, etc. Baptist leaders like SJW Trump hater Dr. Russell Moore (who won’t come on Jesse’s show) made melodramatic, politically correct tweets about how they’re grieved about this, how you shouldn’t Jesus to victimize the vulnerable, etc. (Producer note: Expect the “solutions” to be worse than the problem. I haven’t seen anybody good speaking sanity, just fake, PC mumbo-jumbo.)


  1. (PJ Media) Jussie Smollett finally, 2 weeks later, turned over “limited and redacted” cell phone records to Chicago police Monday. Last week the police Supt. said that #JussieSmollett is still being treated as the victim in this case but if the investigation does reveal he made a false report he will be held accountable. (Smollett had told police that attackers wearing "MAGA" hats screamed "MAGA country!" poured bleach-smelling liquid on him, put a noose around his neck, and yelled “racist and homophobic” slurs at him 2am Tues., Jan 29.) Locals don’t believe him, saying “half the people are gay and the other half are black.” Reportedly, as of Monday, “Smollett’s manager, Brandon Moore, has REFUSED to let police examine his phone.” BTW: Someone found an empty hot sauce bottle that smells like bleach after police had already swept the area where Jussie Smollett was supposedly attacked, who knows.


  1. (Variety) Hollywood actor Chris Pratt Responds to Hollywood actor (actress?) Ellen Page Saying His Church Is ‘Anti-LGBTQ.’ So last week (Variety) Pratt who was in “Guardians of the Galaxy” was talking Christian stuff with Stephen Colbert (who’s an anti-Trump late night host and liberal Christian), so this LESBIAN Ellen Page (the pregnant teen from 2007’s Juno, the boyish girl from 2010’s Inception, came out homosexual in 2014, did Viceland’s Gaycation, and cried on some late night show about the supposed “racist, homophobic” attack on “Empire” star Jussie Smollett, which may be a hoax, and blamed Vice President Mike Pence for it) — she goes on Twitter about Pratt’s “infamously anti-LGBTQ” Church, tweeting that he belongs “to an organization that hates a certain group of people… Being anti LGBTQ is wrong, there aren’t two sides. The damage it causes is severe. Full stop. Sending love to all.” Pratt attends Hillsong Church, which other celebrities also attend, like Kendall and Kylie Jenner in L.A., and Justin Bieber in NYC (with pro-BLM pastor Carl Lentz). Hillsong merely says homosexuality is wrong, that’s literally it. So Pratt, who’s divorced, getting remarried, but has a kid, said hate has no place in his or this world, Jesus commanded us to love, etc.

  2. (HuffPost) Pete Davidson Covers Tattoo That Matched Ariana Grande's With 'Cursed.’ The tattoo, which the "God Is A Woman" singer also got—on the back of their necks—initially read “mille tendresse,” a French phrase meaning “a thousand tendernesses.” (Their tattoo artist inadvertently posted a picture of it on IG while showing off a different tattoo in the middle of his back.) Over 5 months of dating they got a handful of tattoos dedicated to one another. On their extremities alone, they each have tiny clouds, the word “reborn” on their thumbs, the acronym “H2GKMO” (which means “Honest to God, knock me out”) and the numbers “8418” (Davidson’s late father’s FDNY badge number). Ariana too covered up her tattoos — Davidson’s name on her finger with a black heart, the badge number with a tribute to Mac Miller’s dog, and the word “Reborn” with a feather.

  3. (Drudge) NATIONAL DEBT TOPS $22,000,000,000,000 (USA Today) National debt tops $22 trillion for the first time as experts warn of ripple effects. (W. Bush doubled the debt from 6T to 10T. Obama increased it to nearly 20T. Under Trump it’s over 22T two years in… he’s spent on rebuilding the military which Obama depleted, Congress increased on domestic programs, and thankfully we had our $1.5T tax cut.) Trump said during the campaign that we’ll be able to bring it down.

Pete Davidson & Ariana Grande’s tattoo artist inadvertently captured Pete’s altered back-of-neck tattoo

Pete Davidson & Ariana Grande’s tattoo artist inadvertently captured Pete’s altered back-of-neck tattoo


  1. (Drudge) Explosive new book lifts lid on gay priests in Vatican… (The Tablet) The author conducted 1,500 interviews with dozens of cardinals, bishops, diplomatic officials, Swiss guards, priests. He claims (Guardian) four in five (80%) Vatican priests are “gay,” though not necessarily active. (Daily Mail) He says some use male prostitutes. It’s a 570-page book, by French journalist, sociologist and author Frédéric Martel who spent four years researching, to be published in eight languages across 20 countries next Wednesday.

  2. (Top of first hour I reported on a hit piece by Houston Chronicle and another outlet putting out a database of “sex offenders” over 20 years in the Southern Baptist Church. Trump hater Dr. Russell Moore made a show on Twitter of being “grieved” by the report. Secularists & feminists are attacking Christianity, morality, men, and spiritual authority. One “expert” called it “purity culture.”)

  3. REMEMBER: Jesse tells people: Don’t have leaders! Blacks went to hell because they have leaders. Don’t even have Jesse as your leader. Jesse says, “I’m not your leader.” Subscribe to BOND: Rebuilding the Man on YouTube, and like on FB, and keep up on Podcast, etc. rebuildingtheman.com/church)


  1. (CNN) Michelle Carter is going to jail nearly five years after she convinced her boyfriend via text to kill himself back in 2014. The Massachusetts woman was convicted of involuntary manslaughter after a judge determined that her texts to Conrad Roy III persuaded him to kill himself.  She was 17 at the time, he was 18. (Boston 25 News) Roy died of carbon monoxide poisoning from sitting in his truck with a running motor pump. She told friends, “I heard him die.” Carter sent a text to a friend saying, “His death is my fault like honestly I could have stopped him I was on the phone with him and he got out of the car because it was working and he got scared and I f—ing told him to get back in.” Judge Lawrence Moniz said that Roy “followed her instructions.” (CNN) She was sentenced to 15 months in jail, but was allowed to remain free while she appealed. But the court ruled that she "helped plan how, where, and when" he’d kill himself, “downplayed” his fears about how it’d affect his family, and "repeatedly chastised him for his indecision." The dead young man’s aunt says she feels “justice has been served.”

  2. (Big League Politics) Chase Bank Shuts Down Proud Boys Leader’s Personal Bank Account. Enrique Tarrio, who is the Chairman of the Proud Boys fraternal organization, had his personal Chase bank account shut down abruptly last week. The bank informed him in a letter that he must shut down all of his accounts by April 1st, 2019, without giving a reason. Days earlier, Chase Bank’s payment processor, Chase Paymentech, de-platformed him on a merchandise-selling & charity raising website, 1776.shop, most known for selling the famous “Roger Stone Did Nothing Wrong” shirts. Months earlier The Daily Beast asserted that people of color are joining white supremacist organizations. Tarrio is both Cuban and black, and was profiled in that article. He was banned from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, AirBNB, FirstData, Square, Stripe, & PayPal. Gavin McInnes, the group’s founder, is currently suing the SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center) over their hate group label.

  3. QUICK UPDATE on beta male husband who was killed by his prison nurse wife, who poisoned him with antifreeze, then burned down their home, taking their 11yo child & dogs to McDonalds. He was reportedly 3 years younger than she was! (Scallywag and Vagabond) Amy Murray, 40, was charged Friday with first-degree murder after her husband Joshua Murray, 37. (Tip from listener!)

  4. Teespring.com/stores/jesseleepeterson Teespring.com/stores/rebuildingtheman Teespring.com/stores/shopthefallenstate great designs unique to each one!

  5. (Daily Mail) Donald Trump Jr. is slammed by “educators” for claiming 'loser teachers' indoctrinate American children with 'socialism from birth. Don Jr. encouraged young conservatives to 'keep up' the fight against socialism in their schools at a Trump rally in El Paso, TX, Monday. But liberals and teachers on Twitter claimed they taught 'social responsibility' and 'civic duty.' One liberal female teacher claimed she sees teachers teaching “equality,” and “our right to vote for someone that’s not a complete idiot.” (Producer note: Kind of proving Don Jr’s point.) Another said, “those damn socialist teachers and their state jobs funded by taxpayer money. Only the socialist wall is to be funded by taxpayer money.” (Producer note: protecting us is the main role of gov’t, yes.) She went on about “socialist fire dept.” and “socialist roads,” seemingly endorsing socialism. (Producer note: TRIGGERED!)


  1. (Daily Mail) Bill Cosby thinks prison is an 'amazing experience' as he works out in his cell every morning at 3:30am doing leg lifts and pushups, has eliminated bread and coffee and rinses all his food with water to cut back on sodium. Cosby's wife, Camille, and their children have not visited but he speaks to his wife three times a day for three minutes each. His spokesman Andrew Wyatt says the 81yo actor & comedian is down to 195lb, says he looks really amazing, and “the funny part about is Mrs Cosby's been trying to stop him from drinking coffee for 55 years and says it took this to stop him from drinking coffee.” (He was sentenced for 3-10 years by a judge with a feminist activist wife after a lesbian accused him of drugging and “sexually assaulting” her. About 60 other women had also accused him but without proof. He had admitted to giving a party drug to women to have sex with them but said it was consensual.)  

  2. (People) Justin Bieber is 'Receiving Treatment' for Depression — but It Has 'Nothing to Do' with Hailey. (People) He’s 'Uncovering Root Issues' in Therapy and 'Feeling Very Positive.' The 24yo Bieber secretly married 22yo Hailey Baldwin (now Bieber) last fall (as I previously reported, so that they could have sex — she’s a model and taking birth control, suffering skin breakouts as a result). (Yahoo News) It’s depression and anxiety. He told Vogue, “I got really depressed on tour,” he recalled of canceling the final 14 shows of his Purpose World Tour. Justin said, “I’m the emotionally unstable one. I struggle with finding peace. I just feel like I care so much and I want things to be so good and I want people to like me. Hailey’s very logical and structured, which I need. I’ve always wanted security — with my dad being gone sometimes when I was a kid, with being on the road. With the lifestyle I live, everything is so uncertain. I need one thing that’s certain. And that … is my baby boo.” (SMH)

Elected Muslim Female Democrats Hate Christians and Jews

Tuesday, February 12, 2018


  1. (Daily Mail) Trump uses Texas campaign rally to trash ‘young man’ Beto O'Rourke, who held a little rival speech a mile away last night. Trump ripped the “Green New Deal” backed by the far-left globalist socialist SJWs in Congress. “They want to take away your car, reduce the value of your home, and put millions of Americans out of work.” He said of Democrats, “They’re becoming the party of socialism, late term abortion, open borders and crime.” He laughed at Va. Gov. Ralph Northam: “He almost moonwalked. His wife stopped him!” (when a reporter asked if he could still do it, having dressed like Michael Jackson.) “His wife saved him. Darling this would be inappropriate. I think she was right.” Trump corrected the crowd chanting, “Build the wall!” by saying, “Finish the wall!” El Paso’s crime went down after they built a wall, even though they’re across the Rio Grande from Juarez, MX, which hosts drug-related gang violence.

  2. (Fox News) Lawmakers reach 'agreement in principle' in border security talks, with $1.3B for barrier. Lawmakers have until 11:59 p.m. Friday to get the agreement through both houses of Congress and signed by Trump to avert another shutdown. Talks nearly stalled this past weekend because Dems didn’t want ICE to arrest so many illegals, they wanted to limit the number of beds to 16,500.

  3. ICYMI: Trump’s tweet about Pocahontas… from Saturday: “Today Elizabeth Warren, sometimes referred to by me as Pocahontas, joined the race for President. Will she run as our first Native American presidential candidate, or has she decided that after 32 years, this is not playing so well anymore? See you on the campaign TRAIL, Liz!” … some thought it was a pun on the Trail of Tears — Elizabeth Warren said she was American Indian, but she’s not. Replying to Trump’s tweet, a former JLP guest Michael Malice tweeted: “The Native American genocide continues with another murder by the president,” referring to how Trump took out Warren. Don Jr. screenshotted Malice’s tweet & shared it on IG, saying: “Savage!!! Love my president.” To which far-left magazines and no-humor liberals like CNN’s Jake Tapper cried “blatant racism… against Native Americans,” as did Ted Cruz’s ex-comms director RINO Never Trumper Amanda Carpenter. Newsweek tweeted, “Donald Trump Jr. praises Native American genocide joke about Elizabeth Warren: 'savage!!!' https://trib.al/u5ZGGkr ….”  ABC headline: “Trump Jr. applauds racist Native American jokes, sarcastically calls father ‘savage.’ Far-left Esquire headline: Trump and Don Jr. Seem to Think That the Genocide of Native Americans is Funny.

  4. (Daily Mail) Trump at his rally: “You do love your dogs, don't you? I wouldn't mind having one honestly but I don't have any time. How would I look walking a dog on the White House lawn?,' he said. 'Right? I don't know. I don't feel. Feels a little phony, phony to me. A lot of people say oh, you should get a dog. Why? It's good politically. I said look, that's not the relationship I have. Obama had a dog.”


  1. (NY Times) Far-left pro-LGBTQ Somalian Muslim Refugee & SJW female Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), who wears a hijab inside the Capitol, tweeted yesterday, quote: “I unequivocally apologize,” but did not say what for… She said, quote, “Anti-semitism is real,” mentioning a “painful history of anti-semitic tropes,” and said: “...others attack me for my identity.” Along with her “apology” she attacked the NRA, which is merely made-up of we the people, and the fossil fuel industry, which employs thousands of Americans, lumping them together with the lobbying group AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee), and claimed politicians support support Israel for money. She did not attack far-left unions or Planned Parenthood. She reportedly pretended to be anti-BDS (boycott, divestment, and sanctions) against Israel, but she was for it.

  2. (Fox News) Trump says Omar 'should be ashamed of' over tweets suggesting that a powerful pro-Israel interest group paid members of Congress to support Israel. He told reporters on Air Force One: "I think it was a terrible statement, and I don't think her apology was adequate." She apologized only after Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats rebuked her. She equivocated in her “unequivocal” apology.

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) - Twitter profile pic

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) - Twitter profile pic


  1. (Fox News) Rashida Tlaib wrote column for Louis Farrakhan publication in 2006. She’s the one who told her son about Trump, “We’re gonna impeach the Motherf***er.” She wrote in Farrakhan’s Final Call magazine against deportations of non-citizens for “minor offenses.” Farrakhan hates white people, supported BLM riots, and lies to blacks about imaginary racism.

  2. (Fox News) Nancy Pelosi recreates 'sarcastic' clap with singer Katy Perry and actor Orlando Bloom at L.A. gala. She was at MusiCares Person of the Year gala Friday honoring Dolly Parton. She pretended it wasn’t sarcastic but her daughter said it was. Christine Pelosi tweeted: “Oh yes that clap took me back to the teen years. She knows. And she knows that you know. And frankly she’s disappointed that you thought this would work. But here’s a clap.”

  3. (Breitbart) Police: Prison Nurse Fatally Poisoned Husband to Marry Convicted Murderer. A Missouri prison nurse fatally poisoned her husband with antifreeze, according to police, and then allegedly set their home ablaze to hide the evidence as part of a plan to marry a convicted killer serving a life sentence in prison. 40yo Amy Murray was arrested Thursday and charged her with first-degree murder and armed criminal action. After killing Joshua Murray, she took her 11-year-old son and the family dogs to a McDonald’s. She was allegedly having an affair with Eugene Claypool, convicted of fatally stabbing a 72-year-old man who won $1.7 million in the lottery. She told him her husband was “out of the picture,” and she was fighting for his early release. The blaze started in the master bedroom, and she used an accelerant to get the whole house on fire. An autopsy determined Joshua died of antifreeze poisoning.

  4. (Fox News) A reportedly drunk man (whom media call a Trump supporter) accosted journalist at the El Paso Trump rally in a 'incredibly violent attack': according to a report. The man allegedly pushed BBC’s Ron Skeans and yelled at the rest of the crew. The cameraman said the push “came out of nowhere… I didn’t know what was going on.” Trump apparently saw the attack and … gave a thumbs up when he saw the crew was OK. Skeans returned the gesture – giving a green light to continue with the rally. Washington correspondent blamed Trump rallies for pitting Trump supporters against the media “This is a constant feature of these rallies - a goading of the crowds against the media.” (Producer note: Never mind the media are constantly attacking & maligning Trump and his supporters, putting us at-risk, calling white Christian kids racist, etc.)


  1. (Breitbart) Florida School Hires Armed Combat Vets to Protect Students, Teachers. At Palmetto, Florida’s Manatee School for the Arts, NY Times reports, that one of veterans will carry a Glock handgun in 9mm and the other will carry a semiautomatic rifle, a Kel-Tec RDB 17″. School principal Bill Jones said it’s “just a much more effective weapon than the handgun is.” He wants the vets to have “an overwhelming advantage.” And it wouldn’t be the first time the vets had someone shooting at them.

  2. (Breitbart) Kamala Harris Supports ‘Some Type of’ Slavery Reparations. She was on the “Breakfast Club,” a radio show on New York City’s Power 105.1, host Charlamagne tha God asked Kamala Harris where she stands on “some form of” reparations. At first she gave a long answer, talking about “the history of racism in America,” (what a joke) but Charlamagne pushed her on it, asking: “So you are for some type of reparations?” She said “Yes I am, yes I am.”

  3. (Drudge) Kamala Tried to Keep Inmates Locked Up for Cheap Labor… (Daily Beast) Kamala Harris’ A.G. Office Tried to Keep Inmates Locked Up for Cheap Labor Lawyers for California also argued that allowing certain inmates to be paroled early would deplete a program that allowed prisons to fight wildfires.


  1. (Drudge) California governor rebukes Trump in border troop withdrawal… Gov. Gavin Newsom said Monday he’s withdrawing most of the state’s National Guard troops on the Mexico border because he won’t participate in the Trump administration’s “absurd theatrics” on border security. He said, “I’m trying to acknowledge there are some legitimate concerns but I’m not going to play into the hype and the politics.” Former Gov. Jerry Brown agreed in April to deploy up to 400 troops down there. But Newsom said: “This whole thing is the theater of the absurd and California has had enough.”

  2. (Drudge) SURVEY: Three In Ten Parents Believe Flu Shot Is Conspiracy… (StudyFinds) Half Of Parents Worry Flu Shot Makes Children Sick; A Third Believe It Doesn’t Work At All. The 2017 flu season was one of the most severe on record in the United States, with 180 child deaths blamed on influenza. The consensus in the medical community is that flu shots are safe for use in adults and children, and that — hands down — it is the best way to prevent infection and combat the spread of the virus. (Producer note: BC they don’t want to talk about immigration & the illegal aliens disease. Remember: Consensus is not science!)

  3. (Fox News) Egyptian billionaire praises Trump for standing up to China on trade. Telecom billionaire Naguib Sawiris, the richest man in Egypt, told CNBC, “President Trump is right... This has been a long time where we closed eyes on China raping us. So, by the time you come and tell them, 'You need to change,' I mean, they just used to be so comfortable and do whatever they want. But I think the leadership is smart, so they will change what they can change. If you tell them, 'You need to change your whole system,' they won't be doing that. So we need to see what we can get without disrupting their system." The Trump administration has a Mar. 1 deadline to come up with a deal, otherwise it would slap on punitive import taxes on $200 billion in Chinese goods.

  4. (Drudge) TRUMP 52% APPROVAL JOLTS WASHINGTON… (Daily Mail) Trump's approval rating among likely voters soars to his best in 23 MONTHS at 52 percent after State of the Union. Rasmussen Reports poll showed an upswing since the gov’t shutdown low of 43%. Polling average is 42.4%, but that’s among all Americans (and illegals?), but Rasmussen polled only likely voters.

  5. (KVIA) Don Jr. praises young conservatives: Don't listen to 'loser teachers' who sell socialism. He told them from the El Paso rally Monday "to keep up that fight, bring it to your schools. You don't have to be indoctrinated by these loser teachers that are trying to sell you on socialism from birth." He said that if the protesters chanted "USA" at the O'Rourke rally, "I don't know what would happen to you, but it wouldn't be good."


  1. (Breitbart) A New York Times Op-Ed says: Open the Borders. Daniel Denvir writes that “the real problem is denial of immigrants’ rights,” not “border security…. “The time has come for the Democratic Party to push for concrete policies to make the border more open.” He says the border must be “demilitarized,” which means “demolishing the already-existing wall and dramatically downsizing the Border Patrol. Criminal sanctions on illegal entry and re-entry must be repealed.”

  2. (CNN) Actor Harrison Ford (producer note: who hasn’t had a good movie in over 25 years, since 1993) says: ‘Elect people who believe in science.’ Ford, who frequently crashes his private plane as an amature pilot here in Santa Monica, CA, criticized Trump, saying, “the current gov’t is bent on dismantling all of the gains we’ve made in protection of the environment.” He spoke to CNN from Dubai, where he’ll push ocean conservation at the World Government Summit, Harrison said climate is “probably the most pressing issue that we have on a global scale, and it’s a global problem that needs global solutions.”

  3. (CNN) Katy Perry is in trouble over a shoe design resembling “blackface.” They also report a third of Americans say blackface is ok for Halloween costumes. (Page 6) Katy Perry says she’s “saddened” by the backlash. The top of the shoes have blue eyes, and the toe of the shoes have big red lips and they’re on black leather (or pleather).

Virginia AG Admits "Blackface" 😱 🙄 ("JLP News," Thur., Feb 7, 2019)


  1. (Fox News) Virginia AG Mark Herring admits wearing blackface at 1980 college party. The Democrat released a lengthy statements saying he wore brown makeup and a wig in 1980 to look like a black rapper like Kurtis Blow. (This comes after rumors circulated that there was a photo of him in blackface.) He and some friends did it “because of our ignorance and glib attitudes – and because we did not have an appreciation for the experiences and perspectives of others…. This was a onetime occurrence and I accept full responsibility for my conduct.” Herring resigned Wednesday as co-chairman of the Democratic Attorneys General Association. Over the weekend, he’d called on Gov. Northam to resign for doing the same: “It is no longer possible for Governor Northam to lead our Commonwealth and it is time for him to step down.” (Politico reporter) A black AG Karl Racine from DC is filling in his place alongside a female AG Ellen Rosenblum from Oregon there now.

  2. (AP) AG Herring says he’s “deeply, deeply sorry” and the coming days “will make it clear whether I can or should continue to serve.” He’d made a name for himself nationally by playing a central role in bringing “gay marriage” to Virginia, he announced when he first took office that he would no longer defend the state’s ban on gay marriage, saying it was time for Virginia “to be on the right side of history.” Virginia began issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples in 2014, nearly a full year before the U.S. Supreme Court legalized gay marriage nationwide. He had been planning to run for governor in 2021.

  3. (AP) This is a different person from the Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, whose 1984 med school yearbook page featured what MSM keep calling a “racist” photo showing a guy dressed up as black, and another dressed up as a KKK member, both holding beers.

  4. (AP) Vanessa Tyson, a 42-year-old “political scientist” from Stanford U. in CA, put out a detailed statement on her “sexual assault” allegations against Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax, who she claims forced her to perform some gross sex act on him in a hotel room in 2004 during the Democratic National Convention in Boston. “I have no political motive. I am a proud Democrat. Mr. Fairfax has tried to brand me as a liar to a national audience, in service to his political ambitions.... Given his false assertions, I’m compelled to make clear what happened.” He said the encounter was consensual, and she never expressed discomfort or concern over the last 15 years. Tyson said she suffered “deep humiliation and shame” and stayed quiet about the allegations as she pursued her career, but by late 2017 seeing the #MeToo movement and his rise, she took her story to The Washington Post, which decided months later not to publish a story.

  5. Men’s Forum TONIGHT, first Thursday of the month, Feb 7th, 7pm at BOND in Los Angeles. rebuildingtheman.com/events or call 323-782-1980. NOT broadcast live, you have to be here.


  1. Men’s Forums are highly recommended. Check out past men’s forum reports by going to rebuildingtheman.com & check out our recent blog post (every now and then we do one.)

  2. (Fox News) Ex-ESPN host Jemele Hill made a State of the Union assassination reference in a now-deleted tweet. She jokingly referenced a phrase uttered by an assassin before Malcolm X was gunned down in 1965. Some black Jamaican Showtime comedian “Desus Nice” said AOC should interrupt Trump’s speech shouting, “Whose mans is this?” To which Jemele Hill (who now writes for far-left magazine The Atlantic) replied, “Nah, she gotta yell: GETCHO HAND OUT MY POCKET.” Newsbusters picked up on it, reporting: “That statement is a reference to what one of Malcolm X’s assassins yelled out before they killed the 1960s civil rights leader.” When Jemele was with ESPN, she called Trump a “white supremacist” which Sarah Sanders said at the time was a “fireable offense.” (Producer note: She wasn’t fired at that time, though, because she’s a black female.)


  1. GOOD NEWS! (Drudge) Covington Catholic teen threatens to sue 54 news outlets, lawmakers and celebrities… (Wash. Times) Kentucky’s Covington Catholic High School junior Nick Sandmann’s atty sent letters to 54 news outlets, lawmakers, celebrities, media figures and Catholic institutions who falsely maligned the white boy for smirking while wearing a MAGA hat as an American Indian activist got up in his face beating a drum and singing outside the Lincoln Memorial after a pro-life rally in D.C. (Producer note: The lively MAGA boys were called “racist” by liberals & RINOs, and thrown under the bus by their own cowardly school administration, but they were behaved perfectly, as opposed to the attention-seeking American Indian activists, and the vulgar cussing black Hebrew Israelites.)

  2. (Drudge) SHOCK: Aborted babies' body parts fused with mice for 'Frankenstein' experiments… (The Sun) Abortion clinics have been supplying researchers in the United States with terminated fetuses, parts of which are then fused with rodents for scientific experiments. The claim is it’s to stamp out disease and save millions of lives. (Producer note: Yeah right.) They cut out glands and livers of unborn children and fuse them onto lab rodents, then test drugs. Shocking undercover footage from Center for Medical Progress led the Trump administration to reassess whether the practice should continue at all. Abortion clinics supply the fetal body parts, but they are not supposed to sell them. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is part of the US government & uses $98million in taxpayers’ money to use aborted babies in the name of science. The Association of American Medical Colleges also defends the practice, pretending it’s ethical.

  3. (Drudge) Conservative radio host Doc Thompson was killed by an AMTRAK train…  (Dallas News) Witnesses & train crew say Michael "Doc" Thompson, 49, was jogging along the tracks about 3:45 p.m. Tuesday near Dallas-Fort Worth, TX. The next day listeners called in to Doc Thompson's Daily MoJo show and shared memories of him with his surviving co-hosts. Last year he’d left Glenn Beck’s The Blaze radio.

  4. (Drudge) Trump is to hold his first rally of 2019 in El Paso… scheduled for Monday! He said at SOTU: "The border city of El Paso, Texas, used to have extremely high rates of violent crime — one of the highest in the country, and considered one of our nation's most dangerous cities. Now, with a powerful barrier in place, El Paso is one of our safest cities.” (BTW: El Paso is also the hometown of former Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-Texas), and immoral Democrat woman Rep. Veronica Escobar, who proudly performed so-called “same-sex weddings,” tweeting to Jesse that she’s very honored and happy to have done so. #LoveIsLove.


  1. (CNN) Chicago Cubs team chairman Tom Ricketts, apologizing for so-called “racist” statements against Muslims found in old emails written by his father, Joe Ricketts. Billionaire patriarch Joe Ricketts, 77, who founded TD Ameritrade, was the subject of a Splinter News story revealing old emails about Muslims with so-called “racist” jokes. "Christians and Jews can have a mutual respect for each other to create a civil society. As you know, Islam cannot do that. Therefore we cannot ever let Islam become a large part of our society. Muslims are naturally my (our) enemy due to their deep antagonism and bias against non-Muslims." The son Tom apologized and said “the language and views expressed in those emails have no place in our society." The father said in a statement, "I deeply regret and apologize for some of the exchanges I had in my emails. Sometimes I received emails that I should have condemned. Other times I've said things that don't reflect my value system. I strongly believe that bigoted ideas are wrong." (Producer note: WEAK!)

  2. (Drudge – Fort Worth Star Telegram) A Mexican musical tradition is now an official sanctioned high school event in Texas. The State Mariachi Festival is a fully sanctioned University Interscholastic League event for the first time this year. Mariachi (aka Mariachi) music features stringed instruments, trumpets and powerful Spanish-language vocals.

TOP OF THIRD HOUR: Jesse says James dressed in “blackface” in like 2006 for a Halloween party!


  1. (Fox News) Rep. Ilhan Omar asks Minnesota AG Keith Ellison to investigate USA Powerlifting for barring transgender “women” (men pretending to be women) from competing because testosterone is used in transitioning. The far-left Muslim female Democrat spoke out because the organization denied the application of JayCee Cooper, a trans male-to-wannabe-female, quote-unquote “woman,” to compete in a Minnesota event. Omar had the nerve to call the weightlifting org’s policy “unscientific” — saying: “The myth that trans women have a ‘direct competitive advantage’ is not supported by medical science, and it continues to stoke fear and violence against one of the most at-risk communities in the world.” This person JayCee Cooper (trying to be a woman and a competitive power-lifter) wrote on IG: “No one deserves to be excluded because of who they are. Their policy, and how I’m being treated. IS NOT OKAY. The time for trans inclusion is NOW.” (Producer note: It’s MA’AM!)

  2. (BTW: Somali Muslim SJW Ilhan Omar tweeted a screenshot of Jesse’s tweet about immoral democrat women back in January — we just came across it). She said: “Thank you for making a beautiful guide of representive of the American people we are, whether you intended or not. So proud of my sisters…”)

Liam Neeson Event Cancelled, Attacked by Killer Mike for "Racism" ("JLP News," Weds., Feb 6, 2019)


  1. (Drudge) A CNN poll found 59% had a “very positive” view of President Trump’s speech. A CBS poll found 76% approved of the speech!

  2. My notes: The president touted 5M lifted off food stamps, record low unemployment numbers, tax breaks to make babies, getting rid of the Obamacare individual mandate, and cutting regulations. He decried “ridiculous partisan investigations.” He went in on illegal immigration, pointing out the negative effects on Americans (some of the same Jesse points out, which liberals lie about and deny), & saying the politicians and open-borders supporters live behind “walls and gates and guards.” Ilhan Omar pretended to cry. Illegals have killed countless people including innocent great grandparents in Reno, NV. Trump will “get it built” — “walls work and walls save lives.” Democrat women danced and whooped when he acknowledged more women in Congress than ever. Trump called for school choice, and strongly condemned abortion and “socialism in our country.” He announced an upcoming meeting with Kim Jong-Un, and recognized an officer in the synagogue shooting, as well as WWII heroes and survivors, and a cute child cancer survivor.

  3. The Democrat women all wore white, prompting many KKK memes.

  4. The SOTU Democrat response was given by Stacey Abrams of GA wearing a smile, talking about fair-minded judges, fear-mongering about “voting rights,” “racism,” “reproductive justice,” and “marriage equality.”

  5. (Fox News) Liam Neeson event canned after the actor's comments. We reported yesterday he roamed around with a cosh (bludgeon) hoping a (air-quotes) “black bastard” would come up to him so that he could kill him — after someone close to him was allegedly raped by a black man. Lionsgate on Tuesday canned the red carpet for the New York City premiere of his new movie “Cold Pursuit.” Verified Blue-check-mark liberals on Twitter called him “racist.” Neeson appeared on “Good Morning America” Tuesday morning where he said his comments were taken out of context. He told interviewer Robin Roberts he is not a racist and moved past his desire for violence. Lionsgate has not commented but decided to pull the plug on the red carpet in the wake of Neeson’s controversy.

  6. Men’s Forum first Thursday of the month, tomorrow, Feb 7th, 7pm at BOND here in Los Angeles. rebuildingtheman.com/event — our office is 323-782-1980. Sign up for our email list go to rebuildingtheman.com/contact

  7. (Mediaite) Gladys Knight Defended Singing the National Anthem After Don Lemon Asked If She’s Concerned It Could Hurt Her Career. On Friday, Gladys told the CNN host, “I grew up with the national anthem. We used to sing it in school before school started. We used to say prayers in school before school started, and we just don’t have that anymore and I’m just — I’m just hoping that it will be about our country and how we treat each other and being the great country that we are.” Don pointed to some singer at Trump’s inauguration losing her career according to The Failing New York Times. Gladys responded: “For me, it’s just for me about respect. If we start denying the anthem, there are so many people that have died for our country…” going on to point out even family members are serving, and we’ve fought not just in wars.


  1. (Drudge) A man was Killed After a Vape Pen Exploded While He was Inhaling… (NY Post) A 24-year-old man was killed in Texas last week when the explosion of a vape pen he’d just bought cut his left internal carotid artery! His grandmother Alice Brown said, “He popped it and it exploded, and that’s when it shot across his mouth,” inside her car, launching bits of charred debris into his face and neck. He died at the hospital two days later. She said he suffered from asthma and was told that a specialized vape pen might help improve his breathing. He’s at least the second person in the United States to be killed by an exploding e-cigarette. US Fire Administration statistics from 2017 showed that 133 acute injuries from e-cigarettes, vaporizers and other similar devices were reported between 2009 and 2016. A 38yo Florida man was killed by an exploding e-cigarette last May.

  2. (Drudge) The Census Bureau projects: 75 million more immigrants by 2060; immigrants & their children will make up 95% of future growth… (Wash. Examiner) the US population will hit 404 million by 2060. Without immigration, the U.S. population would increase by just 3.7 million, the latest sign that the country is on a path to zero native population growth. (As Jesse says: Make more white babies!)


  1. (Drudge) TRUMP says: 'We will build a Human Wall if necessary'... (Breitbart) The Pentagon announced Sunday that they are sending 3,750 troops to help secure the border as additional caravans of migrants from Central American countries are making their way to the border. One caravan of mostly migrants from Honduras has already swelled to over 12,000 migrants.  Trump tweeted: Tremendous numbers of people are coming up through Mexico in the hopes of flooding our Southern Border. We have sent additional military. We will build a Human Wall if necessary. If we had a real Wall, this would be a non-event!

  2. (Mediaite) Cory Booker Tries to Pin Down Trump Judicial Nominee on LGBTQ Positions. The rabidly pro-gay Senator of NJ and presidential contender said: “LGTBQ Americans have faced a long history of discrimination, a long discrimination of bullying,” Booker began, while questioning D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals nominee Neomi Rao. “Young LGBTQ youth in America report not going to school because of fear for their own safety at rates that are unconscionable.” Cory suggested Trump doesn’t protect Trans people, but this lady said she’d uphold “civil rights and equal protection” if confirmed as judge. Cory asked: “Have you ever had an LGBTQ law clerk?” Rao replied, “I have not been a judge. So I don’t have any law clerks.” He corrected himself & asked if she ever had LGBTQ employees work for her. Rao responded that her employees’ sexual orientations were never something she knew or discriminated based on.

  3. (Mediaite) Howard Schultz says: Billionaires Should be Referred to as ‘People of Means.’ Presidential hopeful & former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz sat down with a CNBC host. They dealt with a heckler at one point. At another point someone asked: “do you agree that billionaires have too much power in American public life?” Schultz replied: “The moniker billionaire now has become the catchphrase. I would re-phrase that and I would say that people of means have been able to leverage their wealth and their interests in ways that are unfair.”

  4. Church with Jesse Lee Peterson this past Sunday, Feb 3rd, Jesse talked about out-of-control abortion. He says when men are weak, the women make bad decisions. But they’re acting more upset about Gov. Northam putting black stuff on his face — who cares about a black face? He also said no such thing as purpose. You’re just missing the love of God, which you get by loving your father. rebuildingtheman.com/church - YouTube, FB, Periscope, Stream.me/jesseleepeterson also on audio podcast on iTunes, TuneIn, Spreaker, and Stitcher.


  1. Men’s Forum first Thursday of the month, TOMORROW, Thur, Feb 7th, 7pm at BOND in Los Angeles. rebuildingtheman.com/events call 323-782-1980. Sign up for our email list and physical mailing list rebuildingtheman.com/contact

  2. Teespring stores — great designs. JesseLeePeterson.com (scroll down for T-shirts ad) Teespring.com/stores/jesseleepeterson “Stop having sex out-of-wedlock.” More designs to come. Great designs on TFS thefallenstate.tv of Teespring.com/stores/shopthefallenstate AMAZIN’. Our in-house designers, some of them are very talented.


  1. (Fox News) Sen. Elizabeth Warren (aka Pocahontas) listed her race as 'American Indian' in her handwritten TX State Bar card from 1986. A new report documented the presidential hopeful's efforts to identify as a minority during her earliest days as a law professor. Last week, Warren apologized to the Cherokee Nation for taking a DNA test trying to prove she had Native-American ancestry. Again on Tuesday she apologized for identifying as Native American "for almost two decades. An RNC spokesman said, “For the seven years this has been in the news, Elizabeth Warren has refused to apologize. Now, four days before her formal presidential launch, she’s issued a politically opportunistic apology… Warren pretended to be a minority to climb the Ivy League ladder…” Oddly, in 1981, 1985, and 1988, personnel forms at the University of Texas showed that Warren had called herself "white." She called herself Cherokee in an Oklahoma cookbook called " Pow Wow Chow" in 1984, and listed herself as a minority in the Association of American Law Schools Directory of Faculty from 1986 to 1995.

  2. Check out the Blog on rebuildingtheman.com — we have an Entrepreneur-Academy update including Joel’s report on the past year in his business The Gifted of Dance Academy. He realized that your business is a reflection of you, the work and time you put in, your attitude. He now understands he should ONLY do what he sees to do. It’s improved his personal and professional life, forgiving his parents, being honest with his students. Now he loves his responsibilities. He answers the question, “What is faith?”  In this new year he’s starting a reality series on his dance academy. Check out the blog post at rebuildingtheman.com/blog

  3. (Fox News) The runner who was mauled by the mountain lion reportedly choked the animal to death! He pummeled the animal with a rock before wrestling it to the ground and choking it to death, state wildlife officials said Tuesday. Drudge had reported that the Colorado man killed the cougar with his bare hands. The man in his 30s had facial bite wounds and lacerations to his body from the 80-lb juvenile cougar that was estimated less than a year old. (Producer note: Perhaps he would not have been attacked had he not been alone.)

  4. (Fox News) Meghan McCain calls Trump ‘pathetic’ over his reported dig at late father. Trump reportedly dug on the late Sen. John McCain (R-AZ)’s book sales. Meghan, who referenced Trump in her eulogy at her father’s funeral, said Trump’s "obsession with my father 6 months after his death is pathetic and telling." He’d said of McCain, “By the way, he wrote a book and the book bombed,” during a luncheon with TV news anchors. McCain’s last book was "The Restless Wave: Good Times, Just Causes, Great Fights and Other Appreciations." McCain died in August after being diagnosed with brain cancer. Meghan said “the greatness of my father’s life and legacy haunts you.”

  5. (TMZ) Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez suggests Trump got trolled when the female Democrat reps stood and cheered when he congratulated more women in Congress than ever. She suggested that they are actually there to keep him from ruining America — the women are almost all Democrats who are in a righteous battle against him. She found the speech "weird" and fantacized about America without him. (Producer note: Trump had said that if he were not president, we’d be in an all-out war with North Korea. I personally didn’t see Mazie Hirono stand up once.) AOC was also asked about 21 Savage’s arrest by ICE. She said the arrest is a symptom of a much larger problem.


  1. (TMZ) Atlanta actor/rapper & activist Killer Mike said Liam Neeson is a symptom of a bigger problem — that he's been dealing with people like Neeson all his life. He ripped Neeson for his "incredibly racist, bigoted and wrong" comments about wanting to kill a (air quotes) “black bastard” after someone close to him was allegedly raped by a black man. He said he doesn’t have a problem because he doesn’t have to work with Liam — the real problem is all the white people in America who think exactly like Neeson -- people African-Americans have to work shoulder to shoulder with every day. (Killer Mike famously apologized after a pro-gun NRA interview.)

  2. (TMZ) BETO O'ROURKE TO OPRAH I'LL DECIDE ON 2020 PRESIDENTIAL RUN 'Before End Of This Month.' He was interviewed Tuesday for Oprah’s show 'SuperSoul Sunday,' he said he talked to Barack Obama. He also said, “I'm so excited at the prospect of being able to play that role.” He got a ton of support when he challenged Sen. Ted Cruz of TX (producer note: from Hollywood types if I remember correctly). Robert Francis "Beto" O'Rourke served in Congress from 2013-2019. He was in the El Paso City Council from 2005 to 2011.

Mary Poppins Called "Racist" in Failing NY Times ("JLP News," Tue., Feb 5, 2019)

This is the “JLP News” for Tuesday, February 5, 2019

I’m James Hake of The Hake Report


  1. Be aware we have three separate Teespring stores associated with Jesse Lee Peterson, BOND, and The Fallen State. Go to each individual website and follow links to their respective Teespring pages. JesseLeePeterson.com (scroll down to the T-shirts ad), RebuildingtheMan.com (click on the BOND Store & click on the Teespring ad), and TheFallenState.tv (click on Store). We separate it out because each show has its themes and unique content.

    1. As you know, Jesse’s nonprofit BOND, the Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny, is dedicated to Rebuilding the Family by Rebuilding the Man. This month marks the 29th anniversary since starting BOND in February 1990! http://rebuildingtheman.com

    2. The Jesse Lee Peterson Show is “uniting the races with truth instead of dividing them with lies.” White people have a right to tell the truth to blacks, stop being scared, and love them enough to tell them the truth, so that the few will wake up! http://jesseleepeterson.com

    3. The Fallen State is pointing out the demoralization of society, and waking up people everywhere, including slutmakers! But if you don’t want to turn around, suffer and die! http://thefallenstate.tv

  2. (Drudge) Gov. Andrew Cuomo warns budget troubles as the wealthy flee New York… (Newsday) As revenue drops, concern about the proposed state budget rises. Cuomo says he will have to revise his proposed budget as personal income tax collections drop $2.8 billion. He says he’s going to reconsider spending on schools, health care and repairs to roads and bridges. He blames Trump’s federal tax plan capping deductions for state & local taxes to $10,000. Analysts called it a December surprise, and it’s lasted into January.

  3. (Drudge) GAVIN MCINNES SUES SOUTHERN POVERTY LAW CENTER... DEVELOPING… (InfoWars) SPLC listed Proud Boys as an extremist hate group and accused McInnes of promoting violence. An SPLC article entitled “Why are the Proud Boys so violent? Ask Gavin McInnes” asserts, “Violence is at the core of their ideology and their primary tool for silencing their political foes” (producer note: unlike Antifa, the NFL, and, it’s rumored, Hillary Clinton) and blames McInnes for “blatantly promoting violence and making threats.” McInnes is being represented by noted First Amendment attorney Ron D. Coleman. (PJ Media) SPLC also Hired a High-Powered Defamation Lawyer to Defend their 501(c)(3) Tax-Exempt Status in a RICO Lawsuit (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act). NOTE: The SPLC is infamous for making up their arbitrary anti-Christian, anti-white, anti-nationalist 'Hate maps' and 'hate groups'... which (Wash. Examiner) prompted a failed domestic terrorist attempt — a 2012 shooting at the headquarters of the Family Research Council that left a security guard injured. Rep. Steve Scalise’s shooter also supported the SPLC.

  4. (Drudge) The Mystery of Pelosi's Favorite Bible Verse: Not in Bible… (Slate) Nancy Pelosi addressed presidents of Christian colleges in Washington — she quoted: “To minister to the needs of God’s creation is an act of worship. To ignore those needs is to dishonor the God who made us…. I can’t find it in the Bible, but I quote it all the time. I keep reading and reading the Bible—I know it’s there someplace. It’s supposed to be in Isaiah. I heard a bishop say, ‘To minister to the needs of God’s creation … ’” But it’s not there anyplace. She’s been repeating this line since 2002 — it’s been entered into the Congressional record 12 times, and has mentioned it in speeches, etc. But she’s had very little pushback — producer note: because she’s a liberal woman. (One prof suggested Proverbs 14:31 as the closest thing: “Those who oppress the poor insult their Maker, but those who are kind to the needy honor him.”)


James gave Jesse advice on whether to button his second button on his polo shirt.


  1. (Drudge) Actor Liam Neeson says he wanted to kill a 'black b*st*rd' after a friend's rape… (Independent) “She handled the situation of the rape in the most extraordinary way… She said it was a black person. I went up and down areas with a cosh [that’s a bludgeon], hoping I’d be approached by somebody. I’m ashamed to say that, and I did it for maybe a week – hoping some [air quotes] ‘black bastard’ would come out of a pub and have a go at me about something, you know? So that I could kill him. It was horrible, horrible, … I’ve never admitted that.” But now he’s promoting a movie about revenge. **See new Liam Neeson film Cold Pursuit about a man whose son was killed by a drug gang. In theaters winter 2019.** (Fox News) Liam Neeson faces backlash from blue check mark verified liberals on Twitter calling him “racist.”

  2. (Drudge) NORTHAM WAS BEGGING FOR HIS POLITICAL LIFE, telling his cabinet (WTKR) that he won’t resign and be known as ‘a racist for life.’ Producer note: The media’s universally calling it a “racist” photo of a person in blackface next to a person dressed up in a mock KKK hood. 🙄 Many in his cabinet expressed concern that he would be unlikely to regain the confidence of Virginians. He met with his top administration officials of color on Sunday night, and not one told the governor that he should stay and fight. After he admitted to dressing up as a black version of Michael Jackson, Va. Sen. Tim Kaine (who wanted to be Hillary’s right-hand person in the White House) called for Northam to step down.

  3. (Drudge) Trump Era's Biggest Winner: Jeff Bezos, Presidential Nemesis! (Bloomberg) Bezos’s fortune has grown by $66.2 billion, making him the world’s richest man. His wealth doubled even as Trump threatened action against Amazon. Bezos’s wealth was valued at $135.4 billion, making his fortune a third bigger than Bill Gates’s, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. (Drudge) WASHPOST reporter rips owner… (Wash. Free Beacon) A Female Washington Post Reporter Challenges Bezos to Provide Paid for Paternal Leave, and Equal Pay “for Women.” 🙄

  4. (Evening Standard) Mary Poppins was branded “racist” by an academic crying 'blackface' over a scene where she gets covered in soot. Professor Daniel Pollack-Pelzner in The New York Times, sometimes called The Failing New York Times, writes that when Mary Poppins joins kids going up a “chimney, her face gets covered in soot, but instead of wiping it off, she gamely powders her nose and cheeks even blacker.”


  1. (WND) This prof Daniel Pollack-Pelzner wrote in The Failing New York Times that the Mary Poppins novel’s author associates a rambunctious crew of “chimney sweeps’ blackened faces (which included one-time Bernie fan Dick Van Dyke, age 93) with racial caricature. ‘Don’t touch me, you black heathen,’ a housemaid screams. Admiral Boom shouts, “We’re being attacked by Hottentots!” (Khoikhoi people from southwestern Africa). "We’re in on the joke, such as it is: These aren’t really black Africans; they’re grinning white dancers in blackface. It’s a parody of black menace; it’s even posted on a white nationalist website as evidence of the film’s racial hierarchy." The prof wanted Disney execs to read his article and not show the racism in a potential Dumbo remake, such as when the loitering black crows sing, “I be done seen about everything when I see an elephant fly!” (I learned that was a racial reference from an English prof. from Pasadena City College who won’t come on the show.)

  2. (Deadline) Super Bowl Viewership Falls To Lowest Since 2008 (or 2009) In Historically Low Scoring Game. CBS Sports said that 100.7M watched, some say it was really 98M, about what they got way back in 2009.


  1. (Daily Mail) At least TEN people were killed in a fire in paris, at least 34 others injured, including six firefighters. A woman was arrested after an 'arson attack sparked by a neighbour dispute' killed ten people including a baby at an eight-storey apartment block in trendy Paris district popular with tourists. Survivors had to climb across roofs to escape spreading inferno. 200 firefighters worked through the night and finally extinguished the fire this morning. The suspect in her 40s had been under treatment 'for psychological problems.' She “had been drinking heavily at the time of the fire.” ‘Her T-shirt was smouldering, but she was in the process of starting more fires.’ She had regular fights with neighbors, and people had often complained about her behavior.

  2. (Daily Caller) ‘DISGUST’ AND ‘DISBELIEF’ WITHIN WHITE HOUSE AFTER TRUMP’S SCHEDULE LEAKS. Axios published months of Trump’s private schedules Sunday evening, detailing how Trump spends nearly 60 percent of his time in unstructured “executive time.” People called the leak a malicious breach of trust, knowing the media would portray the president as not working hard. Director of Oval Office operations Madeline Westerhout said: “This POTUS is working harder for the American people than anyone in recent history.” Sarah Sanders said of Trump, “while he spends much of his average day in scheduled meetings, events, and calls, there is time to allow for a more creative environment that has helped make him the most productive President in modern history.”

  3. (AP) 85-year-old Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg made her 1st public appearance since her lung cancer surgery on December 21st. She missed arguments at the court in January, her first illness-related absence in more than 25 years as a justice. She attended a concert by her daughter-in-law singer Patrice Michaels (who apparently doesn’t go by her husband James Ginsburg’s last name). Michaels referenced her mother-in-law’s nickname of “notorious RBG” (a play on the late rapper Biggie Smalls known as the Notorious B.I.G.). Ginsburg had two previous bouts with cancer. She had colorectal cancer in 1999 and pancreatic cancer in 2009. Her son says she walks a mile a day and meets with her personal trainer twice a week.

  4. (ABC News) New York prosecutors seek records from Trump inauguration committee. Prosecutors want information on the donors, and attendees to events. Michael Cohen was interviewed extensively by prosecutors. This is separate from Bob Mueller’s investigation.

  5. (WSJ) Trump to Call for Bipartisanship and Unity at SOTU tonight as He Threatens to Declare Emergency to build the border wall.

  6. MEN’S FORUM the first Thursday of the month, this Thursday, Feb 7th, 7pm at BOND in Los Angeles. rebuildingtheman.com/events or call our office for any info 323-782-1980.

  7. (Fox News) Senate Democrats on Monday blocked a GOP effort to introduce a billl meant to protect abortion survivors, calling it a GOP stunt. Nebraska Republican Sen. Ben Sasse sought unanimous consent to pass the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which would have required that "any health care practitioner present" at the time of a birth "exercise the same degree of professional skill, care, and diligence to preserve the life and health of the child as a reasonably diligent and conscientious health care practitioner would render to any other child born alive at the same gestational age." But it exempted the mother from prosecution.


  1. (Fox News) Colorado man fights off, kills mountain lion during trail run, suffers serious injuries, including puncture bite wounds to his face, arms, legs and back. He was attacked from behind. Fortunately, the unnamed runner killed the estimated 80-lb cougar. He hiked out of the area and drove himself to the hospital. (Normally they attack the small, weak, and unsuspecting, the stragglers — and like the element of surprise. It’s wise to carry rocks if you’re in mountain lion country, make loud noise and be alert.)

  2. (Fox News) 'Green New Deal' details emerge, as Ocasio-Cortez preps big reveal of WW2-level mobilization costing $7 Trillion. Alexandria says it’d call for a "national, social, industrial and economic mobilization at a scale not seen since World War II." To raise awareness, Massachusetts Democratic Sen. Ed Markey said he’s invited Varshini Prakash, the co-founder of the Sunrise Movement environmentalist group, to be his guest at President Trump's State of the Union address tonight. Alexandria says it would also “promote justice and equity by preventing current and repairing historic oppression to frontline and vulnerable communities.”

  3. Again, check out Jesse Lee Peterson, BOND, and The Fallen State on Teespring. Go to the respective websites to find the different stores.

"Stars" Boycott NFL "Racist Treatment" of Kaepernick ("The News," Mon., Feb 4, 2019)


  1. (Fox News) Stars boycott Super Bowl over NFL's 'racist treatment' of Colin Kaepernick. "Selma" director Ava DuVernay (never thought of her as a “star”) tweeted Sunday. "I will not be a spectator, viewer or supporter of the #SuperBowl today in protest of the @NFL’s racist treatment of @Kaepernick7 and its ongoing disregard for the health + well-being of all its players. To watch the game is to compromise my beliefs. It’s not worth it. #ImWithKap" Resistance actress Rosanna Arquette (Patricia’s sister) tweeted “Me too.” (Ava did the same last year, posing with Kaepernick and tweeting, “The only football player I’m checking for this weekend. ‘Cause I cannot pretend that everything is okay with this enterprise.”) Black rapper & actor Common quoted far-left black feminist and former Communist Angela Davis who wore an #ImWithKap jersey. Black lesbian actress Lena Waithe (of Ready Player One) also posted the pic of Angela Davis on Instagram, along with a black power fist emoji. Mariah Carey’s young ex-husband and black comedian Nick Cannon posted a video reciting a poem about police brutality, slavery and oppression of minorities throughout history. He pushed for people to donate to Kapernick’s propaganda organization “Know Your Rights” something-or-other. Amy Schumer took credit for the entertainment world's boycott of the NFL and Super Bowl, while stars including Rihanna and Cardi B declined halftime performances in solidarity with Kaepernick. Maroon 5 performed, along with Travis Scott and Big Boi.

  2. (Fox News) Super Bowl Halftime Show: Maroon 5, Travis Scott, & Big Boi avoid politics and stick to hits. 39yo Maroon 5 singer Adam Levine, a married father of two & pro-LGBTQ activist whose brother is openly homosexual, took off his shirt in the performance. But he didn’t take a knee for Kaepernick. And they have a lot of hits. On Friday, he had said of their decision to perform: "No one thought about it more than I did. No one put more thought and love into this than I did. ... I spoke to many people, most importantly though, I silenced all the noise and listened to myself, and made my decision about how I felt." Kaepernick's attorney, Mark Geragos, slammed Levine and the band, calling their performance and Levine's comments a "cop-out."

  3. Watch Church with Jesse Lee Peterson from yesterday, Sunday, Feb 3, titled: Watch Your Wrong Motives in "Doing Good." They talked about tithing, whether you have a purpose (hint: no such thing, it’s a made-up word by the children of the lie), the Virginia abortion bill & so-called “blackface,” and other questions people had. Go to rebuildingtheman.com/church — we’re now streaming live on YouTube & Facebook (subscribe/like BOND: Rebuilding the Man), as well as Periscope (@JLPtalk) and stream.me/jesseleepeterson — Church with Jesse Lee Peterson is also available on audio podcast: iTunes, TuneIn, Spreaker, Stitcher, & SoundCloud. On our SoundCloud accounts you can find the Silent Prayer.

BOTTOM OF FIRST HOUR: Big Boi was in the rap duo Outkast (hey ya, sorry ms jackson)

  1. (National Review) More Strange Details in the Jussie Smollett Case: Jussie Smollett, the gay black actor who appears on the TV show Empire, did a concert Saturday night during which he addressed the alleged hate-crime assault he suffered early Tuesday morning near a Subway sandwich shop in downtown Chicago. He made “four points” including, quote: “I was bruised but my ribs were not cracked; they were not broken. I went to the doctor immediately. . . . I was not hospitalized. …  And above all: I fought the f*** back.” He said he was on the phone with his manager during the attack, and still had his Subway sandwich after the attack. NR says: Also he didn’t immediately call the police on that phone to describe the suspects and inform the police which way they had gone when they suddenly ran away from him, but instead waited about 40 minutes to inform the police.

  2. (CNN) ICE arrests rapper 21 Savage, says he's illegally present in US. Grammy-nominated rapper 21 Savage was arrested in Atlanta early Sunday by US Immigration and Customs Enforcement. ICE says that the rapper, whose real name is Shayaabin Abraham-Joseph, is a citizen of the United Kingdom. The agency alleges that he entered the US legally in July 2005, when he was a minor, but subsequently failed to depart under the terms of his nonimmigrant visa. ICE says Abraham-Joseph became unlawfully present when his visa expired in July 2006. A lawyer for the ex-boyfriend of Amber Rose says: "Mr. Abraham-Joseph is a role model to the young people in this country, especially in Atlanta, Georgia, and is actively working in the community leading programs to help underprivileged youths in financial literacy." Abraham-Joseph was also convicted on felony drug charges in October 2014 in Fulton County, Georgia, ICE said. 21 Savage features on the song "Rockstar" by Post Malone, which was nominated for Record of the Year and Best Rap Performance at the Grammys. Fans are shocked because he’s so closely associated with Atlanta. He has said the "21" in his name is a reference to a street gang in Decatur, and his songs often refer to his past in East Atlanta's Zone 6. In "Bank Account," for example, he raps that he is "straight up out the 6."


  1. (ABC 11) There’s a proposal to withhold pay from Congress and the president during government shutdowns. Three congressmen introduced a bill that would withhold pay from members of Congress (who also are veterans), the president and the vice president in the event of a government shutdown. Rep. Max Rose (D) of New York, Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R) of Texas and Rep. Jared Golden (D) of Maine introduced the "Solidarity in Salary Act" on the House floor Tuesday afternoon. Crenshaw said, "Federal employees should never have to carry the burden caused by a dysfunctional government. We should have to feel the very real effects of a shutdown, just as our fellow federal employees are forced to do.” The legislation comes days after the 35-day government shutdown, the longest in U.S. history, denied pay to 800,000 federal workers.  According to the bill, daily pay for the president, vice president and congressmen would be placed in escrow. That money would be released after the government reopens. Similar legislation, the "No Budget, No Pay" bill, has been proposed by Sen. Rick Scott of Florida and 11 other members of the Senate.

  2. (Hill Reporter) Christopher Cantwell Posts Picture of Himself With Dylann Roof Haircut (bowl cut) and the Word “Soon.”

  3. (The Hill) Christian university blocks Ben Shapiro from speaking. A private Christian university in Arizona has canceled a planned appearance by conservative writer Ben Shapiro, but said the decision is not "a reflection of his ideologies or the values he represents." Grand Canyon University (GCU) said in a statement on Saturday that members of the campus community indicated they were "disappointed and offended" by an initial decision to allow Shapiro to speak. "It was not our intent to disappoint or offend anyone," the Phoenix-based university said. "It was, rather, to use our position as a Christian university to bring unity to a community that sits amidst a country that is extremely divided and can't seem to find a path forward toward unity." The school pointed to its "unique and united community" on campus as an antidote to a "divided America," and called for a "focus on opportunities that bring people together." Shapiro, the editor of conservative website The Daily Wire, has been blocked from speaking on a number of college campuses, with several citing concerns about the potential for violent protests. Quoting the Bible, GCU suggested in its statement that officials are taking on the role of "peacemaker" by canceling Shapiro's appearance. "If you look at America's history, the Church has been at its best when it has worked to achieve the kind of peace that Jesus commended: 'Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God' (Matthew 5:9, ESV)," the statement read. "Making peace in a way that honors Christ is something we will continue to try to do."

  4. (Fox News) Michael Moore says Dems need to accept far-left Ocasio-Cortez as party leader: 'No middle ground anymore.' Documentary filmmaker Michael Moore declared U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez the new leader of the Democratic Party, urging political moderates to take a position because there “is no middle ground anymore.” “She is the leader. Everybody knows it. Everybody feels it,” he said during a Friday interview on MSNBC. Moore said the age requirement to run for president - 35 - should be constitutionally amended so that Ocasio-Cortez could run for president, citing a Fox News poll that showed voters favored her proposal to increase the tax rate to 70 percent for the richest Americans. “If you're being moderate, stop being moderate. Take a position,” Moore responded. “There's no middle ground anymore. There's no halfway point to should somebody be paid a living wage. 'Well, I'm a moderate so I think they could be paid half of that living wage.' You know, on the issue of choice, there is no halfway there. You're either for it or you're against it. Do you believe in equal rights for women? Do you believe we should have an Equal Rights Amendment? There's no middle ground. There's no time for moderation.”


  1. (Breitbart) San Francisco Eatery’s Owner Apologizes for Banning MAGA Hat Customers. J. Kenji Lopez-Alt, chef-partner at Wursthall restaurant in San Mateo, posted on Medium Friday apologizing: “Making a public statement without taking my team’s thoughts into consideration was disrespectful and reckless. ... Wursthall will continue... to serve all customer (sic) regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual preference, gender orientation, disability, or political opinion — so long as they leave hate, anger, and violence outside of the doors of our restaurant.” Lopez-Alt posted a tweet LAST Sunday comparing MAGA hats to wearing swastikas and white hoods from the Ku Klux Klan. “...if you come to my restaurant wearing a MAGA cap, you aren’t getting served, same as if you come in wearing a swastika, white hood, or any other symbol of intolerance and hate,” said a now-deleted tweet from Lopez-Alt that spurred a lot of backlash on the restaurant’s Yelp and Facebook pages with negative reviews.


  1. (L.A. Times) Three California men were granted French citizenship for thwarting train attack in 2015. Spencer Stone, Alek Skarlatos and Anthony Sadler were naturalized Thursday at a ceremony in Sacramento. They were honored by Emmanuel Lebrun-Damiens, consul general of France in San Francisco, and Guy Michelier, honorary consul of France in Sacramento. The three men were traveling from Amsterdam to Paris during a trip in Europe when they helped subdue a man who opened fire inside the train. Authorities say attacker, Ayoub El-Khazzani, had ties to radical Islam. Skarlatos is a former member of the Oregon National Guard, and Stone is a former Airman 1st Class in the United States Air Force. All three men are from the Sacramento area.

  2. (Radar) Bill Cosby Diagnosing Inmates Behind Bars As Dr. Cliff Huxtable of The Cosby Show. Prison ‘patients’ say they ‘just play along to make him feel better.’ Cosby reportedly says that medical officials at Pennsylvania’s SCI Phoenix state prison are “overeducated, unintelligent children with a clipboard. … He is accepting appointments from inmates to help diagnose anything from a cold to obesity. ...he wore a bedsheet like an ‘apron’ to get into character. He said his medical skills are ‘a tad rusty’ since he played Dr. Huxtable, but he’s still ‘hip’ to the ‘role.’” Cosby’s longtime publicist, Andrew Wyatt, confirmed Cosby “has regular and in-depth discussions about getting better nutrition for the residents … getting them on natural supplements because residents and officers have major health problems.” (A judge whose wife works with alleged college rape victims sentenced him to prison after a lesbian accused him of molesting her. 60 women accused him of similar things with no proof. He admitted to giving Quaaludes to women for sex, which was the most popular party drug in the ‘70s according to AP.)

  3. (TMZ) BLAC CHYNA'S EX-BF, KID BUU CHILD ABUSE CHARGE SURFACES, saying he Punched Baby Mama in Face. Blac Chyna's ex-boyfriend, rapper Kid Buu, was once charged and convicted of child abuse after cops say he punched his baby mama in front of their kid. Then-19-year-old Kid Buu (real name Markquez Santiago) was busted in Florida in 2008 after he got into a fight with his girlfriend the mother of his then-2yo child — the mother was a minor. He was charged with child abuse (without causing great bodily harm), intimidation, robbery by sudden snatching (he’d grabbed a check from her), and criminal mischief. He said he pled guilty "for my own convenience and to move on with life." (TMZ) Last week we reported Blac Chyna scratched Kid Buu after accusing him of cheating, and he supposedly slammed her against the wall several times and choked her. No one was reported seriously hurt. Rob Kardashian has a 2-y-o daughter named “Dream Renée Kardashian” with Blac Chyna who went MIA on him when she jetted to Hawaii with her then-BF Kid Buu without telling him — she was supposed to have Dream with her at the time.

  4. (Daily Mail) Man wants to sue his parents for giving birth to him 'without his consent' as part of 'anti-natalist' movement that says having children is morally wrong. Raphael Samuel, age 27, of India, compared having children to 'kidnapping and slavery.’ His Facebook page Childfree India shares anti-natalist posts to hundreds of followers. He intends to sue his parents despite having a 'great relationship' with them. 'I love my parents, and we have a great relationship, but they had me for their joy and their pleasure. My life has been amazing, but I don't see why I should put another life through the rigamarole of school and finding a career, especially when they didn't ask to exist.' He says: 'Isn't forcing a child into this world and then forcing it to have a career kidnapping and slavery?' And ‘Should we continue to bring more children in this world and accelerate the process of environmental and social degradation?’


  1. (Fox News) North Carolina man holds burglary suspects at gunpoint outside of home — caught on video. Accused burglars walking out of a North Carolina home they'd allegedly just robbed Sunday were met by a man pointing a gun at them. Stephen Routh headed to his parent's home after receiving a call about some unusual people seen on the property. He held 3 at gunpoint while on the phone with 911 dispatchers. “I had the gun and they were coming out, and as soon as they saw the big gun pointed at them, their hands went up. They know this is not their home. They know they had no business in here, and they mentioned they just thought they would just go in there and look around.” They’d allegedly ransacked the home and left broken glass everywhere. The suspects were 14, 15 and 17 years old. Police called the parents of the minors and took the 17-year-old into custody.

  2. (Fox News) Demi Lovato deactivates Twitter after mocking 21 Savage's ICE arrest. She’d tweeted: "So far 21 Savage memes have been my favorite part of the Super Bowl." There were memes about 21 Savage being a closet Brit. But people attacked her as though she was mocking his loss of freedom. Some rapper said: "Why is somebody freedom funny ... I don’t get the joke." So she said “F*** Twitter.”

  3. Check out Church.

Chinese Americans Busted for "Birth Tourism" ("The News," Fri., Feb 1, 2019)


The Jesse Lee Peterson Show is coming up shortly, I’m James Hake of The Hake Report with 5 minutes of news for you. Hang on, Jesse Lee Peterson is coming up soon!

  1. (Fox News) Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) jumps into the 2020 White House race. The high-profile Democrat announced in a tweet and email to supporters including a two-minute campaign-launch video. Quote: “I believe that we can build a country where no one is forgotten, no one is left behind; where parents can put food on the table; where there are good-paying jobs with good benefits in every neighborhood.” Fox News says he’s known for his oratory skills. The former mayor of Newark, NJ, said he envisions a country, quote, “where our criminal justice system keeps us safe, instead of shuffling more children into cages and coffins; where we see the faces of our leaders on television and feel pride, not shame.” … The field of Democrat candidates includes Sen. Kamala Harris of CA (who announced on MLK Day last week); former San Antonio mayor & former HUD secretary Julian Castro; Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of HI; former Rep. John Dalaney of MD; Sen.s Elizabeth Warren of MA & Kirsten Gillibrand of NY set up presidential exploratory committees, as has the mayor of South Bend, IN, Pete Buttigieg. … Booker told the story in his video of his parents’ struggle to move their family into a predominantly white neighborhood with great public schools. He bragged that he moved as an adult to Newark’s Central Ward, a low-income inner-city neighborhood where he continues to live. Back when he opposed Kavanaugh in a big show, he said, “This is the closest I’ll probably ever have in my life to an ‘I am Spartacus’ moment” — Spartacus being a gladiator and  rebel slave leading a rebellion against the Roman Empire. People made fun of him for that.

  2. Church with Jesse Lee Peterson is coming up THIS Sunday, Feb 3rd, at 11am Los Angeles time, 1pm CT / 2pm ET. Catch us on YouTube live, Facebook (BOND: Rebuilding the Man), Periscope (@JLPtalk), and last but not least Stream.me/JesseLeePeterson (shout out!). (You can also podcast Church audio as well as THIS show on audio via iTunes, TuneIn, Stitcher, & Spreaker afterward.) Go to rebuildingtheman.com/church for Church, and JLPtalk.com for Jesse’s radio show.

  3. The Fallen State episode with Hasán Piker came out last night, Thur, Jan 31st. Look out on YouTube, etc.

  4. (L.A. Times) Travel agents have been charged with bringing pregnant Chinese women to give birth on U.S. soil. Pregnant Chinese women would call “You Win USA Vacation Services” where employees allegedly coached women on lies they should write on bogus applications for tourist visas, and made sure the ladies travelled before their bellies swelled too much to conceal. They were told to fly first to Hawaii to blend in with tourists, list the Trump Int’l Hotel in Honolulu as their destination, then hop on a flight to Los Angeles. Federal authorities say the scheme went on for years. But Thursday the operator of YouWin USA of Irvine, and his wife, as well as the owners of another “Birth Tourism” company called USA Happy Baby in San Bernardino, CA, were arrested & charged with crimes including immigration fraud, money laundering and identity theft, according to indictments filed in US District court. They also indicted a 65-y-o woman, Wen Rui Deng who’s a US Citizen believed to be living in China, accused of running a Los Angeles agency called Star Baby Care. This was a long-running investigation by agents in DHS and IRS into three outfits operating for years out of L.A., the Inland Empire, and Orange County, CA. They charged as much as $100,000 for their services. (Producer note: Children born in the US are as a policy called “citizens” and are “anchor babies.”)


  1. Birth Tourism suspect org. You Win USA’s promotional materials said Chinese kids born in America would be of “the most attractive nationality.” Investigated by DHS, IRS.

  2. (CBS News) Trump says a time and location has been picked for his next North Korea summit. The White House has said a second summit with Kim Jong-Un will take place at the end of February.

  3. (Fox News) Trump accuses 'lame duck' Paul Ryan of breaking promise to fund border wall when GOP held Congress. President Trump lashed out against former House Speaker Paul Ryan in an interview published on Wednesday, saying he broke his word to fund the U.S.-Mexico border wall while Republicans controlled both the House and Senate if Trump signed the unpopular 2018 omnibus bill. The $1.3 trillion spending bill signed in March last year avoided a government shutdown, but didn’t live up to the president’s campaign promise of funding the border wall. (CNN) Trump told the Daily Caller, “Well, I was going to veto the omnibus bill and Paul told me in the strongest of language, ‘Please don’t do that, we’ll get you the wall.’ And I said, ‘I hope you mean that, because I don’t like this bill.’ Paul told me in the strongest of terms that, ‘Please sign this and if you sign this we will get you that wall.’ Which is desperately needed by our country. Humanitarian crisis, trafficking, drugs, you know, everything -- people, criminals, gangs, so, you know, we need the wall. And then he went lame duck. And once he went lame duck, it was just really an exercise in waving to people, and the power was gone so I was very disappointed in Paul because the wall was so desperately needed. And I’ll get the wall.’” Paul decided to retire instead of running for reelection in 2018.

  4. (CNN) In an interview with New York Times: Trump slams shutdown talks between Congressional lawmakers as “a waste of time,” saying he's 'set the stage' for taking action on wall. Quote: “I think Nancy Pelosi is hurting our country very badly by doing what she's doing and, ultimately, I think I've set the table very nicely. I've set the table. I've set the stage for doing what I'm going to do.” Trump temporarily ended the shutdown last Friday, but if Trump does not find the deal delivered to him by February 15 satisfactory, parts of the government may shut down again -- and he could declare a national emergency to fund the wall himself. He said of Pelosi, “I've actually always gotten along with her, but now I don't think I will any more.” He said she’s “doing a tremendous disservice to the country…. I'll continue to build the wall, and we'll get the wall finished," Trump added. "Now whether or not I declare a national emergency -- that you'll see." (CNBC) Pelosi told reporters Thursday morning, “There’s not going to be any wall money in the legislation.” Trump accused Pelosi of “just playing games,” and said if they don’t include adequate wall funding, “I don’t even want to waste my time reading what they have, because it’s a waste of time. Because the only thing that works for security and safety for our country is a wall.” Pelosi’s talking about “Normandy fencing,” movable metal bars arranged in an “X” pattern, which would block vehicles but not people. She said, “If the president wants to call that a wall, he can call that a wall. … Is there a place for enhanced fencing? Normandy fencing would work.”

  5. (CNN cont.) Trump also defended Roger Stone in his NY Times interview: asked whether he discussed WikiLeaks with Stone or directed anyone to coordinate with him on the matter, Trump told the Times "I never did." He called Stone "a character" who he's "always liked," and called the FBI's early morning raid on Stone's home "a very sad thing for this country."


  1. (Fox News) Bloomberg takes swipe at Ocasio-Cortez, suggests 'Green New Deal' not 'realistic.' Former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg on Tuesday went after both Trump and fellow Democrat potential rivals. Bloomberg criticized the "Green New Deal," a bill being pushed by Ocasio-Cortez and other progressive lawmakers that would eliminate much of the United States’ fossil-fuel consumption. “You have to have realistic things; we are not overnight going to change everything we do,” Bloomberg said. “People aren’t going to overnight give up their jobs if those jobs happen not to be on the side of the Green New Deal.” He’s contributed millions to the battle against climate change as well as the push for “gun safety.” He says, “One of the things my foundation has done: We’ve funded Sierra Club. They’ve already closed half of all the coal-fired power plants in the country. That’s reduced greenhouse gases by 18 percent.” He says, “I will work to ensure that fighting climate change, and spurring economic development in areas that have depended on fossil fuels, is a top priority for the Democratic nominee.” The 77-y-o Bloomberg is a Republican-turned-independent who returned to the Democratic Party just last year. He criticized Kamala Harris’s “medicare for all” idea, and Elizabeth Warren’s wealth tax for the super rich. He also criticized Bernie Sanders’ idea of free tuition for community colleges. He also criticized fellow billionaire Howard Schultz for running independent.


  1. (Fox News, cont.) Mike Bloomberg also attacked President Trump, claiming he “failed at business and now I think it’s fair to say he’s failing at governing.” He says “The government shutdown was an utter failure of executive leadership, and I think it’s an example of just totally incompetent management that needlessly hurt millions of people. I’m glad the shutdown is over for now, but the American people will continue paying a steep cost for White House incompetence, because the president is fixated on a wall we don’t need instead of real challenges we face.” Bloomberg said, ““his own administration produced a damaging report showing that we face what they called ‘substantial damage to the U.S. economy, environment, and human health from climate change.’ And you know what the president said in response? ‘I don’t believe it.’ the president’s EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has been waging an assault on clean air and water protections.”

  2. (Fox News) Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) was awarded over $580,000 in damages by a Kentucky jury on Wednesday after he was attacked by his neighbor in the fall of 2017. That included $375,000 in punitive damages and $200,000 for pain and suffering, plus $7,834 for medical expenses. The lawmaker was violently attacked by his neighbor, Rene Boucher, in November 2017 while he was mowing his lawn. Paul was tackled from behind and suffered six broken ribs, including three displaced fractures. His recovery was complicated by fluid and blood around the lungs and recurrent pneumonia. Boucher pleaded guilty in March to a federal charge of assaulting a member of Congress and had asked for probation. He was sentenced in June to 30 days in federal prison for the assault. He was also ordered to one year of supervised release, a $10,000 fine, 100 hours of community service, and ordered to have no contact with Paul's family. Paul says he should have gotten a longer sentence. Boucher’s lawyer claims it had nothing to do with politics but with a dispute over something trivial, leaves being blown on his property, piles of brush on Paul’s property — but Paul says there were never words of dispute exchanged, and no quote-unquote “longstanding dispute.”

  3. (TMZ) Jussie Smollett’s family called the alleged attack on him “Domestic Terrorism.” (Producer note: I also heard he wouldn’t give his phone to police.)

  4. (NY Times) At least 21 are believed dead as the bitter cold spreads east. The latest developments as of yesterday were that at least 21 deaths are believed to be related to the bitter weather system, including an 18yo U. of Iowa pre-med student Gerald Belz who was found behind an academic hall after 2am, several hours before dawn on Weds. A weather observer in Mount Carroll, IL, recorded a temp of minus 38 Thursday morning, which if confirmed by officials would beat Illinois’s record low of minus 36. The cold-taxed energy systems led to some power failures and calls to customers to reduce heat in their homes. Schools, businesses and restaurants remained shuttered Thursday, although some offices reopened and more are expected to open today Friday. Airlines had cancelled more than 2,300 flights by Thursday evening for the day. On Weds. cancellations topped 2,700. Temps in NYC barely broke into double digits Thursday.


  1. (CNN) Measles outbreaks in Washington state and New York are challenging public health systems. An official said Weds. the current measles outbreak in Wash. state has tallied the highest number of infections since 1996. One case in Oregon is linked to the outbreak. Two patients have been hospitalized. Hawaii reported two cases of measles in travelers who were infected in Wash. before their visit to the Big Island. (Measles is a contagious virus spread through the air thru coughing & sneezing. High fever, rash all over the body and reddened eyes are typical measles symptoms, which usually disappear with treatment over 2-3 weeks. 1 or 2 in 1000 children who get measles die from complications, says the CDC — US Centers for Disease Control & Prevention.) The first case was traced to an international traveler who had contact with “community groups” with low vaccination rates. Wash. Dept. of Health identified 11 healthcare facilities, 13 schools & childcare centers, & over 100 public places including stores where people may have been exposed to the virus. They say vaccination rates are low in “certain communities” with as few as 60% of children getting vaccinated with MMR (Measles, Mumps, & Rubella) vaccine. As a result of a 2014 Disneyland outbreak, California Democrats passed SB 277 removing “personal belief” exemptions from mandatory vaccinations for entry into private OR public schools & day care centers. (Noticeably the media don’t get very specific about the communities who don’t vaccinate, and they don’t cite the concerns such as symptoms of autism, etc., that many people say are linked with some vaccinations.)

  2. Church with Jesse Lee Peterson is coming up THIS Sunday, Feb 3rd, at 11am Los Angeles time, 1pm CT / 2pm ET. Catch us on YouTube live, Facebook (BOND: Rebuilding the Man), Periscope (@JLPtalk), and last but not least Stream.me/JesseLeePeterson (shout out!).

Congressional Black Caucus: Booker or Harris? ("The News," Thur., Jan. 31, 2019)


  1. (The Hill) The Congressional Black Caucus faces a tough decision on Harris and Booker. Sen. Kamala Harris, D-CA, won several Capitol Hill with her star power, but fellow Congressional Black Caucus members are hesitant to come out and support her. They praised her “awesome” campaign rollout, a 20,000-person rally in Oakland, $1.6M raised in 24 hours, a televised CNN town hall in Iowa, but they’re torn between backing Harris and another popular “African American” Democratic senator expected to launch a White House bid: Cory Booker of NJ. The new CBC chairwoman Karen Bass (D-CA whom Jesse debated at Politicon a recent year) thought Harris’s buzz was “amazing,” she said, “I am excited, but I have not endorsed anyone yet. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) thought Harris’s campaign was “outstanding,” but she’s one of at least a dozen CBC members who told The Hill Weds they weren’t taking sides yet. Rep. Terri Sewell (black female D-AL) said, “I think it’s awesome we have so many amazing choices.” Rep. Danny Davis (D-IL) said Harris’s Oakland rally evoked “shades of Barack,” but he said “it would give me pause” if and when Booker jumps in. JLP has been saying Cory Booker & Kamala Harris were both bucking to run for president….

  2. (Fox News) Ranking Judiciary Committee Republican wants FBI to explain use of force in Stone arrest. Rep. Doug Collins, R-Ga., sent a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray on Wednesday, questioning the bureau's tactics when arresting Roger Stone, last week at his Florida home. On Hannity, Lindsey Graham also questioned the amount of force used to arrest the 66-year-old Stone at his home, given that he was not deemed a flight risk and had already publicly stated that he expected to be indicted. Collins pointed out that when Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., was indicted in 2015 on 14 charges, his lawyers were allowed to discuss how the lawmaker would voluntarily surrender. Collins also wanted to know if the FBi spoke to any media prior. A CNN commentator was near the scene during the time of the raid on Stone’s house and overheard his conversation with FBI agents.

  3. (AP) Roger Stone pleaded not guilty to mueller’s charges on Tuesday in court in DC. The longtime Trump advisor and GOP political operative was arraigned on a seven-count indictment brought by special counsel Robert Mueller. The 24-page indictment of Stone, laid out charges of witness tampering, obstruction of justice and lying to Congress (CBS News) protestors were flying Russian flags as reporters mobbed Stone. Loudspeakers were playing the Beatles’ Back in the USSR. Still no actual allegations of Russian collusion by Trump or anyone in the campaign.


  1. Quick reminder on WikiLeaks which is Stone just told the Trump campaign about new WikiLeaks releases from DNC emails which revealed collusion between Democrats and media figures such as NBC’s Chuck Todd, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, and others.

  2. (AP) An official says a mystery volunteer cleaned and maintained bathrooms at a national monument in New Mexico. Dennis Vasquez, The superintendent for Petroglyph National Monument expressed his gratitude for the “mystery person” who cleaned bathrooms during the government shutdown and kept them stocked with toilet paper. People who bisited the site during the 35-day shutdown were respectful of the the National Park overall. President Donald Trump on Friday agreed to end the shutdown for three weeks. The National Park Service said then that it was preparing to resume regular operations nationwide. Petroglyph National Monument is a protected site with carved symbols and designs dating back centuries.

  3. Follow Jesse Lee Peterson on Stream.me/JesseLeePeterson — it’s his official Stream.me page where you can catch this radio show live M-F 6-9am Los Angeles time, and Church on Sundays 11am L.A. time.


  1. Shoutout to Periscope, Facebook live, YouTube live, & Stream.me/jesseleepeterson

  2. (Politico) Sarah Sanders: God wanted Trump to become president. Sanders said during an interview with Christian Broadcast Network News, “I think God calls all of us to fill different roles at different times, and I think that he wanted Donald Trump to become president. And that’s why he’s there, and I think he has done a tremendous job in supporting a lot of the things that people of faith really care about.” Politico says that the president has long touted his Christian faith, and white evangelical voters have overwhelmingly supported his presidency. Trump admin. supports issues backed by evangelicals, such as restricting abortion rights, eliminating a birth control mandate, and expanding school choice and voucher programs. Recently, Trump in a tweet endorsed what Politico is calling a controversial campaign to introduce Bible literacy classes to public schools. Politico seems confused, citing what they call several gaffes, such as when he mispronounced “Second Corinthians" during the 2016 campaign. They also say he was criticized for not saying the Apostle’s Creed or singing some of the hymns during George H.W. Bush’s funeral in December. And of course they classlessly cite his past: Trump's multiple divorces and alleged affairs have also not significantly affected the president’s popularity among white evangelical voters.

  3. (Politico needs to start watching Jesse Lee Peterson live M-F 9-noon ET & Church Sun. 2pm ET! On Stream.me/jesseleepeterson or FB The Jesse Lee Peterson Show — or Periscope.tv/jlptalk which blue check journalists can find on Twitter by following @JLPtalk)

  4. (The Hill) Ocasio-Cortez on Schultz: Why are billionaires who want to run for president never told to ‘work their way up’? Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) on Wednesday ripped former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz over his possible independent presidential bid, suggesting his lack of political experience pointed to a double standard. "Why don't people ever tell billionaires who want to run for President that they need to 'work their way up' or that 'maybe they should start with city council first'?" the 29-year-old congresswoman tweeted. She quote-tweeted a Daily Beast article saying “Howard Schultz blames Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for his decision to run as an Independent and it has to do with her plan to tax the rich.” Schultz, the son of a truck driver who lived in a housing project, became a billionaire from his time at the helm of Starbucks. He said Tuesday morning, "It's far two extremes on both sides and the silent majority of America does not have a voice, and that's the voice I want to give." (Question: Is he the one who pushed same-sex marriage and homosexuality in America’s face? And told investors to find another company to invest in if they don’t like it?) But he attacked Ocasio-Cortez's proposal to impose a 70 percent marginal tax rate on income above $10 million, slammed Sen. Kamala Harris's (D-Calif.) plan for "Medicare for all" as "not American" and said Sen. Elizabeth Warren's (D-Mass.) plan for a special 2 percent annual tax on Americans whose net worth exceeds $50 billion was "ridiculous."


  1. (Fox News) Mexico confirms it’s ending a fast-track visa program for Central American caravan. (But it’s not clear they’re willing to be effective in stopping these caravans.) Mexico’s Institute of National Migration confirmed that their temporary asylum visa fast-track program is suspended, and no more of those visas will be given for now. The Wall Street Journal first reported Tuesday that some 12,600 migrants, mostly from Honduras, applied for humanitarian visas since Jan. 16, and 4,000 have received them. Mexico is talking about making new migrants to apply in the Mexican Embassy in their native countries. But it’s unclear if officials will enforce Mexico’s southern border more aggressively. A caravan of nearly 2,000 left from San Pedro Sula, Honduras' most violent city, on Jan. 14. Upon arrival in Mexico, new migrants must fill out a form indicating their country of origin, gender and age — but are not required to give their name. They have the option — but are not required — to officially register in Mexico and seek temporary asylum for up to one year.


  1. Stream.me/jesseleepeterson now has payed subscribers shout out to furred Reich and Brandie Rose 1979.

  2. (NY Times) “Undocumented Immigrant who worked for Trump will attend his State of the Union.” An “undocumented immigrant” who worked at a Trump golf club in NJ for years and recently spoke out about her experience was invited by “her Democratic congresswoman,” according to the woman’s lawyer and the Congresswoman’s office. Victorina Morales had worked as a housekeeper at Trump Nat’l Golf Club in Bedminster, NJ, since 2013, & spoke to NY Times last month. On the advice of her lawyer Anibal Romero, she stopped going to work Dec. 4, two-days before the Times published the article. Morales is from Guatemala and since ditching her job has campaigned for rights & fair treatment of “undocumented immigrants.” She said she’s “very proud because I am going to raise my voice for all of us immigrants.” She said in Spanish, “I’m not scared to show my face. I am not speaking for me, I’m speaking on behalf of millions of undocumented immigrants who live in the United States.” The congresswoman is Bonnie Watson Coleman, representing the district where this woman Morales lives. Watson Coleman said, “Immigrants by and large are hardworking, trustworthy and skilled people who simply want to work and build better lives here. For years these kinds of people were loyal and dedicated enough to be Trump Organization employees. I hope that in his State of the Union Address, Donald Trump will finally acknowledge the real face of immigrants in this country — women and children fleeing violence; law-abiding, taxpaying people who would do almost anything to be Americans. And if he can’t, I’ve invited Victorina so that he may look her in her eyes and tell his lies to a familiar face.”

  3. Be sure to check out Jesse’s playlist on YouTube — Build the Wall and Send the Illegals Back!


  1. Trump tweeted a couple hours ago: Republicans on the Homeland Security Committee are wasting their time. Democrats, despite all of the evidence, proof and Caravans coming, are not going to give money to build the DESPERATELY needed WALL. I’ve got you covered. Wall is already being built, I don’t expect much help! … He then tweeted: Democrats are becoming the Party of late term abortion, high taxes, Open Borders and Crime! ... Trump also tweeted this morning: More troops being sent to the Southern Border to stop the attempted Invasion of Illegals, through large Caravans, into our Country. We have stopped the previous Caravans, and we will stop these also. With a Wall it would be soooo much easier and less expensive. Being Built!

  2. (Wash. Post) An extreme freeze was linked to several deaths, with emergencies declared across the Midwest — where millions experienced a freeze normally only seen in the Arctic Circle on Weds. Officials in Mich., Wisc., and Minn. linked six deaths to the weather as of Weds. night, including some who likely froze to death. Gov’ers in Wisc. & Mich. declared states of emergency & closed all state gov’t offices. Some agencies were closed in Illinois as well.

Jussie Smollett Cries "Hate Crime" ("The News," Weds., Jan 30, 2019)


  1. (Las Vegas Review Journal) FBI says the Las Vegas gunman may have sought infamy, and been influenced by his father’s memory — but they failed to determine any specific motive in the 10-minute shooting attack on Route 91 Harvest festival by 64-y-o Stephen Paddock on Oct 1st, 2017, which left 58 concertgoers dead and more than 800 injured. Las Vegas police released a similar report last August, finding no motive. The killer was positioned in the Mandalay Bay and reportedly shot himself with a revolver. They said his physical and mental health was declining as he aged, and kept his thoughts private, leaving no “suicide note.” His father was a convicted bank robber who escaped from federal prison in 1968 and landed on the FBI’s Ten Most Wanted Fugitives list. He was arrested nearly a decade later, largely absent from Paddock’s life, and died in 1998. Paddock had no known grievance with Mandalay Bay, Route 91, or the concert goers. Police found 50lb of explosives in his car the night of the attack. He’d sealed the stairwell door outside his suite with an L-bracket that police broke by hand. He’d set-up cameras to give him warning of anyone approaching. Paddock reportedly used a bump-stock in order to fire more rapidly, allegedly wanting maximum casualties. The FBI claim he acted alone.


  1. (TMZ) Black male actor Jussie Smollett of the Fox series ‘Empire’ says he was attacked by two white males wearing ski masks in Chicago early Tuesday morning around 2AM. Sources claim he arrived from New York late Monday night, was hungry and had gone for Subway when the alleged attackers shouted, “Aren’t you that f—got ‘Empire’ N-word?” The story goes that they beat him up, shouting “MAGA country!” (This was not mentioned in the initial police report but in a subsequent police interview with Smollett) as he fought back, poured a substance believed to be bleach on him, and left a noose around his neck, which he was still wearing at 2:42 AM when he made contact with police. He reportedly suffered a fractured rib, some scrapes and bruises. He was discharged from the hospital later that morning. Police are working with the FBI — investigating it as a possible “hate crime.” ‘Empire’ director Lee Daniels called it Just another f—in’ day in America.” Days earlier he received a death threat letter sent to Empire. CA Sen. & presidential hopeful Kamala Harris tweeted, “This was an attempted modern day lynching. No one should have to fear for their life because of their sexuality or color of their skin. We must confront this hate.” (ET) The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (better known as GLAAD) released a statement: "GLAAD condemns these despicable acts as well as the racism and homophobia that drove them. Law enforcement needs to...be transparent with Chicago’s Black and LGBTQ communities who may be experiencing heightened fears of violence. Jussie’s experience is sadly not unique in today’s America. Countless LGBTQ and people of color, as well as those who belong to both communities, are faced with hate-motivated violence on a near daily basis. We stand with Black and racial justice leaders to combat hate violence in all of its forms.” Back in 2015, Jussie had come out as homosexual on the (lesbian) Ellen Degeneres show. He also plays a homosexual character imagined after director Lee Daniels’s own experience.

  2. Tips from Travis the Savage co-producer on The Fallen State: On celebrities talking politics: (lesbian) Rosie O'Donnell reportedly said, "Nothing would make me happier than President Kamala Harris." Batman & 90s Disney movie Newsies star Christian Bale allegedly said, "Trump is a clown, but clowns can do a lot of damage." Hollywood stars are also celebrating that Trump quote-unquote “caved” on the gov’t shutdown, and they’re celebrating Roger Stone being arrested & charged.

  3. Roger Stone said it’s unconscionable how they treated him — worse than major drug-lords and terrorist masterminds.

  4. (CNBC) Michael Cohen, the former Trump lawyer whom the president called a “rat,” hired new attorneys as he heads to prison for his 3-year sentence. He agreed to testify in a closed hearing before Congress next Friday, February 8. His legal advisor Lanny Davis (a Democrat political operative) says the new team will work with Robert Mueller (whose team Trump calls the Angry Democrats).

  5. At Church Jan 27, “Bad Marriages & Family Relationships” — we talked about Iyanla Vanzant of the TV show “Iyanla, Fix My Life!” in which Iyanla gave bad advice to a messed up family in which the mother told her three daughters that their father raped them when they were children — she took a lie detector test and the results showed the mother lied! But she still wouldn’t admit to having lied, nor that she was wrong, and she refused to apologize. Iyanla told the father he didn’t have to forgive her, but Iyanla also went easy on the mother. Jesse said the father (and daughters) should forgive the mother and then have nothing to do with the evil woman. We had other AMAZING conversations about sex at 63, and tension between fiancées over sex and unforgiveness problems with the man’s father and mother.


  1. (Yahoo News) Chris Christie says he told President Trump to stop tweeting about the Russia probe, saying: 'You're making this worse.' Christie said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” on Tuesday, “I must’ve said this to him two dozen times over the last two years. You need to stop. You’re making this worse.’” The Republican former New Jersey governor, who was succeeded by current Democrat Governor Phil Murphy, has a new book out titled “Let Me Finish.” He claims that on Feb 14, 2017, Trump and Jared Kushner thought the Russia controversy was over because Trump fired Michael Flynn who met with some Russians and allegedly lied to VP Mike Pence about it. Christie wanted Trump NOT to tweet about the “Russia” investigation because, but he’s tweeted at least 92 times about it in less than 2 years, frequently calling it a “WITCH HUNT!” Christie also criticized Trump’s lawyers as a “C-level legal team.” Christie himself went through a controversy with “Bridgegate,” when a political appointee allegedly colluded to close lanes and create traffic jams during rush hour, and some suggest there were political motivations. Christie also famously hugged then-President Obama during the fallen messiah’s 2012 re-election campaign during a natural disaster, which some say


  1. (CNN) Stacey Abrams will give the State of the Union rebuttal on Feb 5, the Democrat response to Trump’s address, according to Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer. She’s the far-left Georgia Democratic gubernatorial candidate who wouldn’t concede the election and kept saying there was voter suppression. She made headlines appearing on-stage with Oprah at a campaign event. She would have been the first “African American” female governor of GA and was endorsed by Barack Obama. Abrams was the GA state house minority leader. She’s pro-abortion, Pro-gun control, anti-voter ID, and opposes religious liberty bills. She wants to increase Medicaid and education spending, and to get rid of money bail for criminal defendents. In April 2018, Abrams wrote an op-ed for Fortune revealing that she owes $50,000 in back taxes and holds $170,000 in credit card and student loan debt.

  2. (Bloody Elbow) MMA fighter Khabib Nurmagomedov received a nine-month suspension (counted from October 2018), and a $500,000 fine from Nevada Commission for brawling after UFC 229, in which he dove into the crowd to attack Dillon Danis, the training partner of Conor McGregor, after Khabib defeated McGregor in a UFC fight. Khabib’s two teammates got physical with McGregor amid the chaos, they were each banned 1 year and fined $25,000. Khabib’s 9-month suspension could be reduced to 6 months if he records an anti-bullying message for UFC. (Mirror) McGregor was also banned 6 months for his part, counted from Oct 6, and fined 50,000 pounds — he remained in the cage but he hit someone in Khabib’s crew and himself was hit. A riot broke out at T-mobile arena in Las Vegas, and the two were escorted out amid the chaos without the official fight result being announced, and Khabib’s $2M purse was withheld.

  3. Look out for The Fallen State’s latest episode scheduled for Thursday evening, Jan 31st — Jesse interviewed The Youngest Turk Hasan Piker. TheFallenState.tv

  4. Do Jesse’s Silent Prayer - go to SilentPrayer.video (shout out, Spoiler Alert!) or find it via rebuildingtheman.com/church

  5. (TMZ) R&B legend James Ingram died at age 66 of brain cancer. (The Guardian) Ingram had two No 1 singles on the US Billboard Hot 100 chart: Baby, Come to Me with Patti Austin in 1982, and I Don’t Have the Heart in 1990. He co-wrote with frequent collaborator Quincy Jones the song PYT (Pretty Young Thing), included on Michael Jackson’s 1982 album Thriller. At one point he played keyboards for Ray Charles. (Wikipedia) He was a two-time Grammy Award-winner and a two-time Academy Award nominee for Best Original Song. Since beginning his career in 1973, Ingram had charted eight Top 40 hits on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 chart from the early 1980s until the early 1990s, as well as thirteen top 40 hits on the Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs chart.


  1. (AP) An appeals court was set to hear the case of independent reporter Sharyl Attkisson (a longtime investigative reporter for CBS News) who alleges surveillance of her phone and computer by the Obama administration. She heard clicking sounds on her phone and her computers turned on and off by themselves in the middle of the night and thought it was just a glitch. Attkisson alleged in a 2015 lawsuit that former Attorney General Eric Holder, former Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe, and unnamed federal agents conducted unauthorized surveillance of her home and electronic devices in an attempt to determine who was leaking confidential information to her. A federal judge has dismissed the case as overstepping his courts authority because it “would require inquiry into sensitive Executive Branch discussions and decisions.” Attkisson’s appeal was to be heard by the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. She said that she, her husband and daughter first noticed unusual activity with their electronic devices in 2011, after she did a story on Operation Fast and Furious, a failed sting operation in which federal agents allowed firearms dealers to sell weapons to straw purchasers in an attempt to trace the guns back to Mexican drug cartels, which resulted in a US border agent being killed.

Kamala Harris Tribute to Black Feminist ("The News" Tues., Jan 29)

Good morning, thanks for tuning in to The Jesse Lee Peterson Show, I’m James Hake of The Hake Report

  1. (CBS News) Kamala Harris kicked off her campaign rally in Oakland. She called Trump's push for a wall a “medieval vanity project.” She said, quote, “Folks, on the subject of transnational gangs, let's be perfectly clear: The president's medieval vanity project is not going to stop them.” She also said, “When we have children in cages, crying for their mothers and fathers, don't you dare call that border security," she added later. "That's a human rights abuse.”

  2. (CBS News) Kamala Harris' campaign launch pays tribute to Shirley Chisholm's 1972 run — Chisholm was the first black woman elected to Congress, and reportedly the first black woman ever to run for president 47 years ago — under the Feminist Party. Both Kamala Harris & Shirley Chisolm are the daughters of immigrants, & both started their campaigns January 25th. Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA), said she was about to flunk out of a college government class at Mills College that required campaign work, since she was uninspired by the other Democrats in the 1972 race. But Lee said that Chisholm quote “talked about all the issues that were resonating with me as a young African-American single mom on public assistance.” Kamala Harris is the second “African American” woman to serve in the Senate, and chose MLK Jr. Day to launch her candidacy. Harris is the 4th woman to launch a presidential campaign this year.

  3. (Breitbart) 84-y-o ex-San Francisco mayor Willie Brown confirmed his past relationship with Dem Senator & presidential hopeful Kamala Harris (who’s nearly 30 years his junior at 54 today). Brown in an op-ed this past weekend in the San Francisco Chronicle titled, “Sure I dated Kamala Harris. So what?” The relationship was over 20 years ago. He was married but separated from his wife at the time. He also confirms he appointed her to two state jobs during his time as Assembly speaker. About a year ago, Willie Brown criticized Harris in a prior column, saying she cared more about energizing the base and recruiting more constituencies as than being practical and looking for a spot in the middle to help Dreamers.

  4. Read Jesse Lee Peterson’s WND article: There is no such thing as ‘Reproductive Rights.’ He says that Hillary Clinton was right in calling black killers “super predators,” but these killers come from communities filled with mothers who abort their children at a higher rate than the rest of the country. Jesse calls on men, especially white men, to take over the pro-life movement and lead on this and all issues, instead of backing down when called racist or sexist. Jesse will post the article on his website JesseLeePeterson.com and it’s already linked on Twitter @JLPtalk and his Facebook. Jesse Lee Peterson: “There is no such thing as ‘Reproductive Rights.’”

I’m James Hake of The Hake Report, and newsman for The Jesse Lee Peterson Show

BOTTOM OF FIRST HOUR: Don’t go away! Jesse Lee Peterson will be right back.

  1. (ABC 13) Four officers were shot and 1 suffered a knee injury while serving a warrant late Monday afternoon in southeast in Houston, TX. Two police officers are in critical but stable condition after being shot in the neck. They face a potentially long and difficult recovery. One officer was shot in the shoulder. Three of the officers shot are experienced cops in their 50s — the injured were ages 33-54, with the oldest having been shot several times previously (Fox News). Two suspects are dead, shot and killed in exchanging fire with police. At about 4:15 p.m. local time, a group of about a dozen officers with the Houston Police's narcotics unit responded to a residence they suspected was a hub for drug dealing, particularly the sale of "street-level narcotics" like "black tar heroin," the two suspects had opened fire on the cops.

  2. If you’re not already aware, Jesse put out a fresh man-on-the-street video on TheFallenState YouTube channel last week, dealing with the homeless. You probably know that California cities like San Francisco, Los Angeles, and elsewhere on the West Coast face a homelessness crisis that’s spread noticeably over recent years. Go to TheFallenState and look for the video titled “Jesse Lee Peterson Investigates L.A. HOMELESS PROBLEM in Venice Beach, California!” (Heads up: You can also find The Fallen State TV on Bitchute.)

TOP OF SECOND HOUR: Stay tuned! Jesse Lee Peterson will return! We’re streaming live on YouTube, Facebook, Periscope, and Stream.me

  1. (Newsweek) MEGHAN MCCAIN NO LONGER CALLS HERSELF A REPUBLICAN, SAYS THE GOP'S CHARACTER 'SEEMS TO BE GONE.' The co-host of The View and daughter of late Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) said in an interview with CNN’s Van Jones said that she’s “sad every single day,” and quote, “As an American, I hate this country without him in it. I know that sounds awful. I don’t hate America but I just hate it without his leadership.” She said now she calls herself a “Conservative” (instead of Republican) because of Trump, yet says she’s not a Never-Trumper, and he didn’t melt her brain. Last year she made headlines jabbing at Trump while eulogizing her father. She said at her father’s funeral, "The America of John McCain has no need to be made great again, because America was always great."

  2. (HuffPost) Stephen King Has 1 Burning Question For Every Trump Supporter. The bestselling horror-fiction author tweeted: “Another Trump insider appears bound for the old (Roger)stone hotel. How long before Trump supporters realize that you don’t surround yourself with dirty guys unless you’re dirty yourself?” Roger Stone was charged with seven counts including lying, obstruction of an official proceeding and witness tampering. No evidence has been presented, however. Trump tweeted “WITCH HUNT!” over the weekend, to which King retorted, “Yes! And you're the witch!” Last November HuffPost reported that Stephen King stopped Talking Politics On Twitter With One Final Donald Trump Takedown. King tweeted: “Last tweet on politics for awhile. Trump has successfully channeled America's id: the hatred, the prejudice, the dishonesty, the willing ignorance and turning away from facts. Most of all, the fear. Turn away from these things. #VoteBlue. Be courageous.”

BOTTOM OF SECOND HOUR: Stay tuned, Jesse Lee Peterson will be right back.

  1. (HuffPost) Twitter Erupted After Melania Trump Vows To ‘Continue’ Fighting For Children Everywhere. The First Lady tweeted, “Our work in the East wing continues into 2019 with online safety, fighting opioid abuse & supporting the well-being of children everywhere! #BeBest,” to which one anti-Trump twitter user responded, “Except for the brown ones at the border, right? Those, we cage,” another said, “Locking them up in cages is how you "support the well-being of children"?” One asked, “Well where is the fight for children dying in ICE custody?” Another said outrageously, “What about the children that have been separated from their families and placed in internment camps - these are crimes against humanity and should be prosecuted.” Yet one more tweeted, “And what about the children of federal workers? The shutdown was very damaging !”

  2. (HuffPost) British Paper The Telegraph To Pay Melania Trump ‘Substantial’ Damages For Erroneous Story. The Telegraph apologized to Melania Saturday, admitting that she was a successful model in her own right, and made other corrections on false statements in an article they released. The outlet pledged to pay “substantial damages” over a story they admit should not have been published. Titled “The secret life of Melania Trump: White House insiders, Slovenian school friends and photographers reveal all,” the story by journalist Nina Burleigh was removed from the site, and a long list of corrections given. They’d falsely said that Melania’s father was a fearsome presence who controlled the family, and that Melania left university because of an exam, instead of to pursue a modeling career. The paper also falsely claimed that Melania cried on election night. The journalist has not commented.


  1. (TMZ) Blac Chyna and boyfriend Kid Buu got in a violent fight in Hawaii. The cops AND paramedics were called. Blac Chyna is a professional model & makeup brand creator, partly famous for dating rapper Tyga, then reality family star Rob Kardashian, who over a year ago posted explicit photos of her on social media. About 5am Monday, Blac Chyna and her NEW boyfriend Kid Buu were in their hotel room getting into a heated argument. TMZ says they were told Chyna accused Kid Buu of cheating, and just before 7 AM it turned violent. TMZ says they were told Chyna scratched Kid Buu, and our sources say he then slammed her against the wall several times and choked her. Someone called 911, and cops and paramedics arrived on scene. Chyna was not taken to the hospital and, as far as TMZ knows, no one was seriously hurt. Kid Buu left the hotel & posted in Spanish, "Don't f**k with me, I'm a grown man." And he wrote a homosexual slur.

  2. We have some awesome T-shirt designs on three separate Teespring stores, The Fallen State, Jesse Lee Peterson, and BOND: Rebuilding the Man. Each store has unique, exclusive designs you won’t find on the other two stores. So check out all three Teespring stores online. With all the designs, colors, and styles of clothing (t-shirts, long sleeves, tank tops, hoodies…) you probably have a year’s worth of clothing that will never go out of style. To find each corresponding Teespring store go to TheFallenState.tv, JesseLeePeterson.com, and RebuildingtheMan.com

  3. (AFP) M. Night Shyamalan’s new movie Glass dominated North American box offices for a second straight weekend, taking an estimated $19 million. “Glass” is a sequel to Unbreakable (2000) and Split (2016), starring Bruce Willis as a superhuman locked in a psych ward with a mass murderer named Mr. Glass, played by Samuel L. Jackson (who I personally find hard to watch). Second and third spots were taken by The Upside (with Kevin Hart) and Aquaman (with Jason Mamoa). "The Upside" stars Bryan Cranston as a wealthy quadriplegic who hires ex-convict Kevin Hart as his caretaker. It’s a remake of a French film. Aquaman has now generated $1.09 billion in global box office revenues, making it the largest DC Comics adaptation of all time.

  4. We are streaming live on Stream.me/JesseLeePeterson so be sure to follow. We’re also on Jesse Lee Peterson on YouTube, on our Facebook page The Jesse Lee Peterson Show, and on Periscope @JLPtalk. Thank you, guys!

  5. Again, remember to check out rebuildingtheman.com/church and look for our most recent service from Sunday, Jan 27, in which Jesse answered last week’s Biblical Question: Is there a way to overcome your issues without suffering? Jesse urges everyone to come with questions for church, and not to have leaders; don’t put Jesse or anyone else as your “leader.” Live quietly, be quick to listen, and slow to speak. After Church, don’t talk about it, but just live it. We also talked about the amazing story of the girls in Wisconsin who at 12 years-old attempted to murder their friend in the name of a fictional character they read about online called Slender Man. Psychologists and lawyers attempted to say the girls did it because of a biological condition in their brains, and wanted to give them medication. Jesse said they’re possessed and it’s a spiritual issue.

  6. Do the Silent Prayer - Go to http://silentprayer.video

BOTTOM OF THIRD HOUR: News tips courtesy of SAVAGE TRAVIS, The Fallen State producer.

  1. Rapper/Singer, Cardi B "Brings down the house" at AVN (Porn) Awards. TMZ reported it was a pretty spectacular and racy performance that did not disappoint. -Cadi B is the first female entertainer ever to perform at the Adult Video Awards. (Travis: She really broke the glass ceiling.)

  2. (Breitbart) Famous Actress, Kate Hudson raising daughter genderless. In an interview with AOL she said: "I think you just raise your kids individually regardless - like a genderless approach." "Says she and her partner are raising their daughter to be "genderless" and they intend to let the child choose her gender." (Travis: Doesn't realize she is already "gendering" her baby.)

  3. (Fox News) Bill Maher attacks 'smirk-face' Covington Catholic HS student during "Real Time" late night show. -"I don't blame the kid, the smirk face kid. I blame lead poisoning and bad parenting. And, oh yeah, I blame the f-ing kid, Maher said, referring to Nicholas Sandman. He went on to add "This smirking kid says he was just trying to defuse the situation. Really? Next time you get into a fight...try that." Finally, after even more insults, he ended with "I do not spend a lot of time around Catholic schoolchildren, but I do not get what Catholic priests see in these kids." (Travis: Bill Maher's production company is called "Kid Love" productions. - 1991 Pizza Man, look it up)

Kimmel's Hermosa Beach Rental Drama ("The News" Mon., Jan 28, 2019)


  1. Make sure you catch Church with Jesse Lee Peterson, from Sun, Jan 27, 2019. Titled: “Bad Marriages & Family Relationships.” We streamed live video on YouTube, Facebook (BOND: Rebuilding the Man FB page), Periscope (@JLPtalk), and Stream.me/JesseLeePeterson - Audio only podcast recordings also available on SoundCloud, iTunes, TuneIn, Spreaker, and Stitcher. Go to rebuildingtheman.com/church — we dealt with a 63yo man going through a divorce who wants sex, a woman not on the same page with her fiancé, last week’s Biblical Question: Is there a way to overcome your issues without suffering? Also Slender Man, Iyanla Fix My Life, NY abortion law, Covington Kids, BLEXIT, it’s (not) ok to be white, and Women’s March. Amazing. Subscribe to BOND: Rebuilding the Man on YouTube.

  2. (TMZ) A Hermosa Beach, CA rental home owned by late night host Jimmy Kimmel reportedly had bomb threats called on it. No mention of politics in the reports. Early reports suggested it was a case of swatting, but a friend of Jimmy’s who was supposedly sleeping in the house was arrested— Adam Perry Lang, a chef & bestselling author. A large police presence appeared before midnight. TMZ says police tell them they tried for several hours to establish contact with Lang. A male reportedly called 911 saying he had two explosives in the home and had assaulted his girlfriend with a rifle. Police reportedly found no firearms or explosives in the home, and no one was injured in the incident. Jimmy reportedly arrived at noon to bail out his friend from jail. DRAMA!

I’m James Hake, host of The Hake Report, and The Jesse Lee Peterson Show newsman. Follow me at The Hake Report everywhere and keep up by going to TheHakeReport.com


Don’t go away, Jesse Lee Peterson will be right back!

  1. (Associated Press) Trump is willing to shutdown the government again in order to fund the wall, so said White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney on CBS’s Face the Nation on Sunday. The president signed a spending bill Friday to fund the government agencies that had been shutdown but only until Feb 15th, ending the record 35-day shutdown. Styxhexenhammer666 I believe said those who went without pay received their back pay for the time they’d worked for free. Democrat Rep. Hakeem Jeffries of New York told NBC’s Meet the Press that a wall is a “5th century solution to a 21st century problem. What we want to support over the next few weeks is 21st century border security." But Mulvaney told Fox News Sunday that Democrats have expressed willingness to split with Pelosi and Schumer to work with Trump on his plan for border security if he opened up the government, which he’s now done.  

  2. Make sure to read Jesse’s latest article in WND: There is no such thing as ‘reproductive rights.’ In it, Jesse tells the story of offering to take care of the baby of a young teen at an abortion clinic, but the girl had already had a saline solution injected that would eventually kill the baby after days of the child kicking and struggling for life.

I’m James Hake of The Hake Report, stay tuned for more of The Jesse Lee Peterson Show, live M-F 6-9am Los Angeles time, (8-11 CT / 9-noon ET). Remember JesseLeePeterson.com in case anything happens to us on your preferred platform.