Mulvaney Pointed to Media-involved Corruption Exposed by #DNCLeak (Fri 10/18/19)
Friday, October 18, 2019, The Hake Report, 9 AM PT, Hour 4 of Jesse Lee Peterson’s stream on YouTube, Periscope, DLive, Mixer, and live audio via Podcast afterward via
I saw more footage and Kathy Griffin is still a liar.
MINOR CLARIFICATION: I saw the original fight scene from Kingsman: The Secret Service with Colin Firth. In that movie that character does swing an ax at a woman. But the moment was apparently CUT from the edited scene that shows Trump and the liberals. So she falsely stated that she’s shown being “murdered.”
DNC Leaks - see no evil
Wasn’t the DNC Leak from Wikileaks showing how corrupt the media and Democrats are? How did they turn it around to make everybody pretend Russia was so influential? They don’t see Trump’s wisdom and power. They think Trump supporters are as idiotic as Democrat supporters and RINOs.
Screenshot from Wash. Post-edited video of acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney who explained normal diplomatic process which media and liberals purposely misconstrue as “quid pro quo” corruption. He pointed to the DNC server and the corruption there as part of the investigation we needed form Ukraine.
Caller Log, courtesy of Jesse’s producer, Nick
Earl from Michigan wonders what more JLP needs? He called Jesse’s show earlier and Jesse hung up but James doesn’t recall. Earl says James is scared and that he has to go around defending Jesse. James hits Earl with a “baby Farrakhan” and that makes him chuckle a bit. Earl moves on to the Fort Worth shooting. Earl also has issues with Mulvaney’s comments. James admits he’s a fool for Trump. Earl can’t find peace and lists off things he has issues with including the famous swamp Trump said he would get rid of.
Samuel from Sweden calls in talking about the women having the first all-female spacewalk. Samuel made a comment at work about the story after everyone was praising these women. He was reprimanded at work and told to treat women equally. It’s clear as day to Samuel; men have made women their Gods.
Russ from Virginia has heard Jesse say that black people want free stuff so he wonders if James thinks the same and if he considers a black man that collects disability such as himself to be someone that just “wants free stuff.” Take it if you need it says James just try to rehabilitate because those kinds of things spoil you.
Scott from Chicago wants James take on the headlines “Trump Impeach Blockade is Falling Apart.” James knows what that headline means, they are just referring to backstabbers that are talking. Scott is outraged considering the Ukraine transcript was already released. Scott is sure that the Democrats are just going crazy trying to cover up for the criminals in their own camp.
Daniel from Phoenix wants to comment on what JLP touched on about being mindful. Daniel remarks on the New Age people and how they take prayer and take out God and turn it into yoga or meditation. He touches on these four young guys that showed up to his workplace and he describes them as a “microcosm of today’s America.”
Maze from Dayton, OH fires back at James saying “I don’t care if you call me negro.” Maze also fires back at a viewer, Blaze n’ Hawgs who asked Maze to spell Caucasian, and so she does.
Also that caller who had a brain tumor!
Hack Cummings
I want to point out very clearly: Elijah Cummings “passionately” spoke out against the investigation into Obama’s Sec. of State Hillary Clinton’s Benghazi failure. He protected evil Hillary. Everybody knows she’s evil. Pro-abortion. Lying. Feminist. Horrible at foreign policy. Co-founder of ISIS. Fake with the blacks. Pandering. Evil. BUT, Elijah Cummings endlessly went after Trump.
He was a partisan hack, and he was partisan for evil. The evil party is the Democrats, and unfortunately most of the good party has nobody good for the most part. Except Trump, Jesse, Allen West, Joe Arpaio,
Syria - Democrats are just as bad as RINOs
(Drudge) Erdogan threw Trump's Syria letter in trash… (BBC) Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan put US President Donald Trump's letter "in the bin", the BBC has been told. In the letter dated 9 October, and sent after US troops were pulled out of Syria, Mr Trump told Mr Erdogan: "Don't be a tough guy. Don't be a fool!" I’D THROW THAT AWAY TOO! President Trump was urging Turkey not to launch a military offensive against Kurdish-led forces in northern Syria, but Mr Erdogan ignored this request. US Vice President Mike Pence is now in Ankara to push for a ceasefire. WHICH I THINK THEY GOT BUT DUNNO IF EVERYONE IS COMPLYING. The US has faced intense criticism for the withdrawal of troops, which critics say gave Turkey the green light to launch the military attack. SO WHAT! In recent years, the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) alliance has SUPPOSEDLY been a critical ally to the US in the fight against the Islamic State (IS) group in Syria. SOME PROBABLY HELPED OUT.
In his letter to President Erdogan, Mr Trump wrote: "Let's work out a good deal! You don't want to be responsible for slaughtering thousands of people, and I don't want to be responsible for destroying the Turkish economy - and I will. History will look upon you favourably if you get this done the right and humane way. It will look upon you forever as the devil if good things don't happen. Don't be a tough guy. Don't be a fool! I will call you later." SOOO, "President Erdogan received the letter, thoroughly rejected it and put it in the bin." LOL
In a rare bipartisan (RINO) rebuke, 129 members of the president's Republican Party in the House of Representatives joined Democrats to formally denounce Trump’s move in a vote on Wednesday. The joint resolution also called on President Erdogan to immediately cease military operations against Kurdish-led forces, and was voted in by 354-60.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi also held an apparently explosive meeting with President Trump on the issue, which led to her and Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer walking out of the room. Republican leaders said Ms Pelosi's behaviour was "unbecoming", and criticised her for "storming out". Ms Pelosi and Mr Trump also each accused the other of having a "meltdown", with the president later tweeting a photo of their confrontation. The image has been praised by Democrats (kissing up to women), who said it was "iconic" and showed Ms Pelosi's "finest moment". Ms Pelosi made the photo her top image on Twitter. Trump also tweeted the photo saying: “Nervous Nancy's unhinged meltdown!” DON’T WORRY YOUR PRETTY LITTLE HEAD, LIBERAL WOMAN.
Earlier on Wednesday, President Trump said the US should not be intervening in Turkey's military operation in Syria because it is "not our border", and called the former US allies the Kurds "no angels". "They have a problem at a border," he told reporters at the White House. "It's not our border. We shouldn't be losing lives over it." The president also said he thought the situation on the Turkey-Syria border was "strategically brilliant" for the US. "Our soldiers are out of there. Our soldiers are totally safe. They've got to work it out. Maybe they can do it without fighting," he said. On the Kurds, he added: "They fought with us. We made a lot of money for them to fight with us, and that's okay. They did well when they fought with us. They didn't do so well when they didn't fight with us."
(Drudge) Kurds accuse Turkey of using napalm, white phosphorus… (France 24) Ankara denies it. It has not been independently corroborated.
(Drudge) '5 Day Ceasefire'... (Daily Mail) Donald Trump hails five-day ceasefire deal in Syria as 'a great day for civilization' and boasts of 'incredible outcome' claiming 'great leader' Erdogan and the Kurds are happy - but Turkey hits back that they have only agreed to a PAUSE
Vice President Mike Pence announced the United States and Turkey have reached a deal to suspend Ankara's operations in northern Syria for five days
'It's really a great day for civilization,' Trump said of the agreement
Pence and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo spent more than four hours meeting with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in order to get a deal
Ceasefire will reportedly last for 120 hours to allow a withdrawal
Turkey will also get a 20 mile buffer on its border that Kurds much avoid
Kurds were not part of the negotiations but Pence said they signed on
'They couldn't get it without a little rough love,' Trump said of the agreement. 'This is an incredible outcome'
But Turkish officials downplayed agreement and said it's 'not a ceasefire'
In WND, Pat BUCHANAN writes: Is Putin the new king of Middle East? He says Russia's influence in Syria does not imperil the United States.
Thanks, y’all!