Dare TPUSA to Kick Out Conservative Christians. (Thu 11/14/19)
The Hake Report, Thursday, November 14, 2019, Hour 4 of Jesse Lee Peterson’s stream (including YouTube, etc.)
Based Signs on So-called Impeachment
Based signs at the impeachment inquiry hearing: 93+ days since Adam Schiff knew the identity of the so-called whistleblower. Tweet from Mark Zaid, the pro-Deep State, anti-Trump attorney about a #coup. Quote from black Congressman Al Green that if Trump is not impeached, they fear he’ll get re-elected.
Dare TPUSA to kick out conservative Christians!
The Hake Report previously shared on social media (Twitter, IG, etc.) about Kansas state and Fresno, CA chapters of Turning Point USA dissolving. Well, last night I put this on Instagram…
Don’t quit TPUSA. Purify it.
Dare them to kick you out.
Charlie Kirk is misguided and brainwashed, not so evil.
Ok he’s evil. Aren’t most of us?
Overcome evil w/ good.
As with social media platforms, use TPUSA’s.
We’ve used evil Google/YouTube, FB, etc.
reaching people with a true message.
Use TPUSA the same way.
Stand for family, Christianity, and America.
If they kick you out, fine. If not, fine!
I got a comment on IG dissenting.
Caller Log, courtesy of Jesse’s producer, Nick
Donning Armour from California calls in to speak with his white brother James. Donning wants to speak on white ethno nationalism. Donning comments on a video he sent James and remarks on the importance of showing those videos. James has no problem with white ethno nationalism and remarks on people who identify with physical things such as color. He notices how anyone into the physical in that way seems corrupt. James wishes for America to remain majority white but more importantly he wants it to become RIGHT.
Mike from Kentucky wants to correct James on what he said about the Hong-Kong protests. Mike explains that the people protesting are the capitalist conservatives fighting the communist party of China in control of mainland China. James’ issue is with protestors throwing rocks at cops and getting themselves shot and claiming police brutality… BETA! Mike agrees with James that we shouldn’t get involved with what’s going on over there although he seems unsure about it.
Caroline from New York is a long time listener and is impressed by James’ show and how far he has come along. Caroline also has comments on the ex-couple that JLP had on his show yesterday. She noticed how the two were so excited about representing blacks in the “craft beer” community. Caroline also notices how black conservatives have to be “represented” and James calls it out as being shallow.
Kevin from Connecticut wants to call out TPUSA for being closet democrats. Kevin doesn’t believe you can be a born again Christiand and be gay. James agrees, qualifying that all Christians that sin are fake. James doesn’t like Kevin saying he’s colorblind.
TOMORROW: Review: United States of Trump (Bill O’Reilly)
As you know Jesse Lee Peterson interviewed Bill the other day.
Fair. Boomers. Old School Men. Real journalists.
Thanks, y’all!