Beta Establishment! (Politicians, Christians, Judges, Sports...) Wed 11/13/19
The Hake Report, Wednesday, November 13, 2019 - 9 AM PT, Hour 4 of JLP’s stream (YouTube, etc.)
The so-called impeachment inquiry hearings are live on TV now. Just a big show. Boring! Only a few members of Congress worth listening to, maybe.
#ChurchToo MESS…
(HuffPost) Women accuse Evangelical pastor of abuse years after being told to keep silent. The accused pastor is now a top candidate to be senior pastor of a Southern Baptist church. This all happened 17 years ago, in 2002. The man under attack is Wes Feltner. The women attacking him are Megan Frey and Jo Anna Hendrickson (Joel doesn’t think they were cute). (Wes told one of them he felt the Lord leading him to date her — she went to him for counseling after a breakup. They got parents’ permission, they were 18.) They accuse him of “pastoral abuse.”
James’s board operator Joel thinks these young ladies, pictured in 2002, were “not that cute,” particularly the darker-skinned one.
Jo Anna claims it’s not about them, but the bigger problem in the church. RME.
Southern Baptist Convention (BETA CHURCH) said they’re addressing sexual abuse was a top priority after “multiple scandals” in recent years.
Some apparently feminist activist Amy Smith, “advocate for sexual abuse *survivors*,” said in 13 states it’s a crime for clergy to have sex with people they’re counseling. She accused him of “preying” on the teens, and he disqualified himself for ministry. SHE’S NOT THE JUDGE! She said sex between a pastor and congregant is never consensual due to imbalanace of power.
Brought to the Light mess
The two have this dumb website where they have JoAnna’s Story and Megan’s Story. JoAnna Hendrickson claims Wes broke up with another woman Stephanie he was dating. She said their relationship needed to stay secret so she’d meet at his house and state late. She said he got physical and she’d express concerns but he’d answer all her questions dismiss her concerns and “make me feel childish…”
Megan Frey says: I am 35 years old and am ready to tell my story—not for sympathy, not for attention, not for revenge, not to join the #metoo or #churchtoo crusade, but to bring the darkness to the light… Until recently, I didn’t know there was a term for it: ‘pastoral abuse’. Instead, I’ve known it as shame and guilt because I blamed myself for what my youth pastor, Wesley Feltner, did to me.
BETA Supreme Court!
(Drudge / AP) SCOTUS ruled that “victims and families” can sue gunmakers, accusing them of irresponsible marketing and having their weapons be shown in violent video games. SMH, RME.
Judges are corrupt, so is the ACLU
(Reuters) ACLU and some stupid Obama judge, a black female, pretends they care about the Fourth Amendment.
BETA NFL - caving to SJWs
Establishment sports-related orgs (NBA, NFL, ESPN, etc.) get pushed around and shamed by SJWs like pro-abortion Komen for the Cure of breast cancer (they don’t care about the ABC link, Abortion-Breast Cancer link), and like Colin Kaepernick. Did his play decline as he got that girlfriend? “Women weaken the legs.” - Mick from Rocky.
Caller Log, courtesy of Jesse’s producer, Nick
Rick from Maine remarks on the women and their accusations of men. He was prompted by the story James covers on some women coming out with accusations against a pastor years later after they dated.
Maze from Dayton, OH, is prompted to ask about men’s prostate cancer after James reports on a story of breast cancer (James cited the ABC link, which she thinks is ridiculous). Maze describes why she stopped being a Christian it was due to fake people pretending they were Christians. Maze heard the brewery owner guests that JLP had on his show and she didn’t like one of the callers commenting about malt liquor and black people. James has to have a question answered: what is a (k)night rider?
TOMORROW? BETA “Journalists” - with their worthless jobs.
People pay for what they see value in.
Thanks, y’all!