The False Compassion of Liberals... (Wed, Jul 10, 2019)
The Hake Report, live 9 AM PT Wednesday, July 10, 2019, in the fourth hour of The Jesse Lee Peterson Show’s video stream (thank you, Jesse!) — on YouTube, DLive, Mixer, Periscope. Call-in: 888-775-3773. Look out for hour-long video clip and audio podcast after the show.
Comments on Hake News
(Drudge) British Ambassador to America quits over leak storm… All who go up against him shall fail. Also, don’t talk trash behind people’s backs!
(Drudge) STUDY: Psychiatric Diagnoses Are 'Scientifically Meaningless'... You don’t need a study to tell you this!
(Drudge) Migrant kids in overcrowded Arizona border station allege sex assault, retaliation from agents… Does anybody believe these people? I know these people. They are blatant liars.
Caller Log, courtesy of Jesse’s producer, Nick
Richard from California was incarcerated as a juvenile. He recounts how in juvie they would separate the citizens from the illegals. These camps are now being shut down and Richard alludes to “dirty officials” closing these places so they don’t get caught for illegal activity. James is amazed that Richard was in juvie for so long for shoplifting. The days of being tough on crime are gone. James remarks on the corrupt parents that children are used to nowadays which contributes to the whole deal.
Richard from South Carolina comments on the video of the Walgreens looters. Richard observes that this is nothing new and recounts a video he saw of a white girl resisting arrest. They move on to homosexuality and Richard remembers professors in college that weren’t liberal and were not afraid to speak on heaven, God and the soul. Richard describes his thoughts on children and how they don’t know anything when born as opposed to animals that have instincts.
John from Chicago is a carpenter in Chicago and tells us how every house he works on has a gay flag. He wears his MAGA hat to and fro the work site and is waiting for someone to confront him. They touch on speaking up and being around the opposition.
Chris from Arizona speaks about the immigration issue. James criticizes these Catholic charities that are “helping” illegals but transporting, feeding and clothing them. There are some Christians who feel obligated to have them here. She describes a conversation she had with her kids where they believe racism exists and were taught this at school.
Chris from Kansas is celebrating white history month and isn't afraid to say it. He is happy that we celebrate it and James mentions we must return to that greatness. James mentions that whites are actually a small minority in the global population yet America’s enemies want it to be more diverse.
Charlie from Philadelphia has a question about the Silent Prayer. Charlie comments on how the prayer is similar to meditation and it doesn’t feel like its Christian.
False Compassion of Liberals
Jesse criticizes liberals as being all about free stuff. It’s not just greedy people wanting free stuff. It’s also the spoiling “mama spirit” of false compassion, supporting the worst in people, attacking the innocent and having mercy on the evil, being generous with other people’s money. That’s socialism.
Excerpt from Relevant Magazine, a liberal “Christian” outlet, headlined:
Study: White Evangelicals Least Likely to Say the U.S. Has a ‘Responsibility’ to Accept Refugees
Opening paragraph: “Another day, another study showing white evangelicals in the U.S. really don’t like immigrants. This isn’t exactly news, since white evangelicals have rapidly tilted away from any sense of concern for immigrants ever since 2016, but a Pew Research study on the issue is awfully stark.”
Pew Research Religion re-shared their May 2018 study (from last year) on Sunday, tweeting: % who say the U.S. has a responsibility to accept refugees: Religiously unaffiliated 65% Black Protestant 63% Catholic 50% White mainline Protestant 43% White evangelicals 25% (link:
Screenshot of Pew stats on suckers vs non-suckers for illegal aliens and so-called “refugees.”
Good news? Maybe, maybe not: “Since 2016 there’s been an 82 percent overall decline in the number of refugees accepted in the U.S., which includes a 70 percent drop in Christians feeling persecution overseas.” (An Iraqi Chaldean Christian from Michigan said this on Jesse’s show in a call before.)
None of these people want white Christians in South Africa as refugees, who are being targeted by black anti-white communists.
Wash. Post (owned by far-left Amazon-owner Jeff Bezos) had an article last year, it was stupid and trashing more sensible Christians, and praising wolves in sheep’s clothing. Headline:
Why many white evangelicals are not protesting family separations on the U.S. border
“At pulpits across the country, pastors, priests, rabbis and imams delivered impassioned sermons over the weekend, fiercely denouncing the morality of the U.S. government separating children from their parents at the U.S.-Mexico border.
“But one major faith community’s response is more muted, and more conflicted: white evangelical Christians.” That’s fake news: We are not conflicted!
I do not care about so-called “families” being separated. Nor do any liberals who pretend to care.
So basically, older, uneducated, white conservative Christians have the least amount of suckers for fake compassion for illegal aliens pretending to be “refugees.” We all know the refugee system has been abused for YEARS.
Look up Ann Corcoran @RefugeeWatcher on Twitter, her former blog was Refugee Resettlement Watch, which was a Wordpress site, that maybe violated their arbitrary liberal “terms of service.” Wordpress would not tell her why they removed her prior site, where she blogged for 12 years! Her new blog is called She’s been on Jesse’s show a couple of times. She used to be an environmentalist.
Thanks, y’all!