Central Park Five Lies; Angry Whites and Blacks Think the Same! (Tue, Jul 2, 2019)
The Hake Report for Tuesday, July 2, 2019 – fourth hour of The Jesse Lee Peterson Show stream. Watch hour-long video clip above, or listen to audio below…
Let Me Explain This Better:
(Drudge) Harry STYLES UP FOR 'ELVIS'... He’s the same guy who wore a very feminine black lace jumpsuit with his shoulders and back in see-through clothes, makes you want to throw up, standing alongside another long-haired male celebrity who looked like he wore a dress. This was all put together by a far-left fashion design company that I believe also made pro-abortion propaganda clothes that said “My Body My Choice” and celebrated Italy or France’s version of “Roe v. Wade,” the date or year that they legalized killing babies in the womb, known by euphemism as “abortion” or “terminating a pregnancy,” LOL. SMH. ANWYAY… (Hollywood Reporter) Harry Styles and four other guys are in the Running to Play Elvis Presley in Baz Luhrmann's Biopic.
Texts from Bible Go-to Guy about MLK:
The government made the FBI seal MLKs FBI file for 50 years. Why? Because King did have a substantial communist influence. He was a well known womanizer, especially known among black people.
MLK is proof that the communist influence in the black liberation movement of the 60s was very successful in garnering support among black preachers.
Communist influence in the 60s black liberation movement was a substantial force in converting blacks into Democrats.
Central Park Five Nonsense
Charles from Compton, CA, who’s called into my Sunday show a lot: He falsely claimed the Central Park Five were acquitted. They were never acquitted. They were never exonerated. They were convicted. He also falsely claimed their confessions were forced. But there’s no evidence that their confessions were forced. That’s another lie. The minors confessed in front of adult relatives. So he accused me of lying and spreading fake news because I’d said they were convicted of other assaults too, including beating a man with a pipe.
He said that was a group of 30 “rambunctious” kids, but they weren’t involved. Why do blacks always downplay the extent of black teen mob violence? For decades now!
Reminds me of people not wanting to call Trayvon Martin a thug even though he’d been suspended for fighting, arrested for graffiti, and suspected of burglary, having been found with 12 items of women’s jewelry in his bag and a screwdriver described by police as a “burglary tool.” He could have been alive today had cops and schools not had the policy of not jailing minors in school suspected of petty crimes. De facto Affirmative Action and low standards for blacks killed him. But instead people call the thug a troubled kid and accuse Jesse and me of “lying” by saying he was a thug! At worst you can call it a difference of opinion but one guy defined thug as being convicted of crimes. SMH.)
And today the Central Park Five support Black Lives Matter; I remembered one guy from the Central Park Five went on CNN or some fake news outlet like that after either the Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Tamir Rice, or some other incident in which the young black suspect got himself killed.
Who are you going to believe: Scumbags who go on CNN and Ava DuVernay Netflix propaganda series to lie about “racism” and spread false black victimhood and make a name for themselves? Or cops and professionals telling the straight truth the way it happened, defending the innocent, including female prosecutors who face death threats over a lie?
Charles also claimed DNA evidence proved the other rapist did it. But the victim’s injuries indicated that there was more than one perpetrator. The prosecutors had always thought there was one more suspect who got away. But this perpetrator, who already had a life sentence and was never tried nor punished for this rape, is not thought to be the only attacker. The going theory by investigators is that the Central Park Five did the beating, and may or may not have done the raping; but that this man may have come by later and raped her.
And why are we going over this nearly three decades since it passed? They’re exploiting the fact so few remember the truth about it, and they have liberal media and politicians including divisive, anti-black, anti-white Barack Obama on the side of lies. Obama works with Netflix now. Boycott the filthy company.
They only want to push this so they can promote and hold onto the lie of “racism.” Nothing about the story proves “racism.”
Whites Are Like Black Israelites Now
I was also thinking about another guy I talked to who believed that white men (not Asians, not blacks, not Hispanics) are the “image of God.” SMH. Not today, man. What does that even mean? God is Spirit. If white men were the image of God, why did whites surrender their countries, and why do we continue to surrender them?
Yes, white males vote for sanity more than any other demographic, currently. Although some of us voted for RINOs, so even that’s flawed. We’re conservatives and Christians in name only. Yes, we don’t outwardly embrace evil the way most of the others do. But that means nothing as long as we’re angry, afraid, on drugs, alcohol, sex… you can blame the people in power for subverting civilization all you want, but you’re still a degenerate nobody.
Honestly, this reminds me of the black Hebrew Israelite stuff, they think the same thing—that they’re God’s chosen people, and that they’ve fallen away from God, so they have to suffer under “racism” andwhite supremacy.” Lots of blacks believe that nonblacks are not even fully human. You heard Young Pharaoh. We’re Neanderthals! LoL! (Neanderthals with a “th” sound or just a “t” sound?)
And they’re so full of empty, boring, meaningless knowledge, and excuses, and looking outside, that you can’t get through to them that they’re crazy! It’s hard for intellectuals to enter the kingdom of heaven, the wise in their own minds. Jesus said it’s hard for the rich to enter, because they don’t want to let go of their stuff. So with the knowledgeable, the intellectuals, they can’t think of any other solution but by intellect: no spirit. Their own wit.
But I think Jesse is onto something when he points out that white males are under attack, and so they’re retreating into these comfortable conspiracy theories: In the Flat Earth debate on The Fallen State, the two white guys didn’t seem to get what Jesse was saying. Maybe they did but hadn’t thought of it: The world is so intent on marginalizing and alienating white males that they have to fall into something in the margins to feel they belong.
Caller Log, courtesy of Jesse’s producer Nick:
Scott from Colorado calls in speaking on AOC insanity and Nike pulling the Betsy Ross sneakers. Scott is super appreciative of the show and the team!
Justin from Florida first speaks on the Central Park Five. He points out that the guy that commited the rape.... Call cut off!
Joe from Phoenix calls in to correct James on Trayvon. While Joe ignores that women lie James corrects him back. Trayvon Martin had a “thug” past and was beating up George Zimmerman according to a witness that Joe either doesn’t know or conveniently forgot. You seem to be kissing up ot these women says James.
Pat from California wonders if the races are being divided on purpose. James mentions Kamala Harris and how the media played up the moment with Biden.
KT from D.C appreciates HAKE going daily.
Jason starts off combative, calling James a ginger...but like rude. No surprise Jason goes off on a tirade against James.
Pro-Vaccination Propaganda Is Draconian, Orwellian
Recent news: (Drudge) Democrat presidential candidate Marianne Williamson apologizes for calling vaccine mandates 'draconian' and 'Orwellian'... PROVING HER POINT!! I didn’t know this was a presidential candidate! LOL!
(Yahoo News, June 20th) Presidential candidate and longtime Oprah Winfrey collaborator Marianne Williamson is backtracking after her comments about mandatory vaccinations sparked outcry. “To me, it’s no different than the abortion debate,” Williamson reportedly told supporters. “The U.S. government doesn’t tell any citizen, in my book, what they have to do with their body or their child.” The author and spiritual adviser also reportedly called mandatory vaccinations “draconian and Orwellian.”
Like Jessica Biel — who last week received backlash after voicing opposition to a California bill which would limit medical exemptions for vaccinations — Williamson has been criticized for her remarks. Many critics, including comedian Kathy Griffin, accused her of endangering public health, as anti-vaccination views have been blamed for outbreaks of measles and chicken pox.
“I understand that many vaccines are important and save lives,” Williamson told the paper. “I also understand some of the skepticism that abounds today about drugs which are rushed to market by Big Pharma. I am sorry that I made comments which sounded as though I question the validity of life-saving vaccines. That is not my feeling and I realize that I misspoke.” Speaking through a spokeswoman, she added, “I support vaccines. Public safety must be carefully balanced with the right of individuals to make their own decisions.”
Also speaking of White History: Taylor Swift 'Sad and Grossed Out' by Scooter Braun's Acquisition of Her Catalog… TBH, she’s gross, and disappointing. I can’t even watch her new video, all pro-gay and evil. Something I never hear is that pro-gay crap is an absolute disservice to homosexuals. But they should know better than to accept the lies of those kissing up to the worst in them…. SMH.
Email from Daniel: I love your show, I would like to call you but Church starts for me at 9:30 am so I can't. but anyways keep up the good work…..
Square thumbnail from today’s show, Tuesday, July 2, 2019: “Central Park Five Lies; Angry Whites and Blacks Think the Same!”