Contributions to White History, and the Reason for U.S. Decline (Wed, Jul 3, 2019)
The Hake Report, Wednesday, July 3, 2019, 9am PT, live in the fourth hour of The Jesse Lee Peterson Show (thank you, Jesse!)... GREAT CALLS, especially a heartfelt contribution to White History told by KT from D.C. (caller log below). Watch video above, or listen to audio (below).
GREAT NEWS! Correction on a prior news report by me, first hour. Trump tweeted: “The News Reports about the Department of Commerce dropping its quest to put the Citizenship Question on the Census is incorrect or, to state it differently, FAKE! We are absolutely moving forward, as we must, because of the importance of the answer to this question.”
Any questions, comments, or contributions to White History that you wanna share, please call-in: 888-775-3773
Was the Civil War About Slavery?
I got a comment from someone who referred to Honest Abe Lincoln as a “murderous tyrant” or something. He said Abraham Lincoln didn’t invade the South to free the black slaves, but even pretending that was the reason, that would still be wrong. He compares it to if California tried to secede in order to keep committing abortions (killing babies in the mothers’ wombs, depriving men of their reproductive rights, s/o Mark!) — he thinks that would be wrong to coerce and invade California to stop them from their continued mass murder and human rights atrocities committed by liberal women and beta males and so-called doctors in the form of abortions.
Caller Log, courtesy of Jesse’s producer Nick:
Mark from Brazil speaks about immigration and the vetting process in Brazil. James mentions some countries are so strict that even a DUI won’t let you in meanwhile Americans are letting in all manner of people. He mentions all the terrorists being trained in South America. He speaks about William Penn and his philosophy that all men are equal.
Anomic from Washington, D.C., congratulates James on his show. He mentions how it's illegal what ANTIFA is doing. He wonders why people do so much for dogs while watching others getting hurt.
Scott from Colorado has an inspiring message about white heritage.
Ryan from California wonders how we got to this point where so many people in America hate the country. As people became more spoiled because of good times, the country becomes more corrupt.
Matt from Indiana calls in talking about the civil war. They speak on Lincoln and how the civil war was never about slavery. To the people who want reparations… “do you really think a slave owner would buy some ‘tools’ (slaves) and mistreat them.
Maze from Dayton, Ohio, asks James, “aren’t you supposed to not like talking about the past?” She asks James a few things about Jesse. It’s not her body it’s the baby’s body… speaking on abortion. James urges Maze to get to know herself.
KT from Washington, D.C., calls in to talk about the homosexual caller from the JLP show named Markel. KT mentions how homosexuals love to turn straight men gay. He speaks on the spirit in gay men that's very dominating, and imposing… like mothers! They touch on homosexuals corrupting children.
KT also gives a great contribution to White History about a high school teacher who helped him gain confidence to be smart and go on to learn high-level math.
Email from Daniel: WWJD re: Diversity?
I love your show, I would like to call you but Church starts for me at 9:30 am so I can't. but anyways keep up the good work. I really think America is too far gone to turn it around. Only God can. I'am a rare born and raised in California, my hometown of Riverbank had a population of about 2000 or less, now because of mass immigration legal or illegal Riverbank now has a population of forty thousand. When I go to the bank, or home depot, or target we have central americans selling fruit on hand carts just like latin america. what would Jesus do? Thanks Daniel.
My answer in short: I don’t know! But I would like to elaborate, as both my father and I grew up in California too, born and raised. Jesse’s talked about the transformation as well. SMH.
Speaking of the Decline of White History...
I was reading about Antifa, Black Bloc, DSA, and Skinheads (both RASH and SHARPs) in coverage of Portland riots against the rights of Proud Boys, Patriot Prayer, etc. Many of these far-lefties, so-called anti-racists, and anti-American communists are whites! And some of the pro-white people likewise are losing their religion, families, and loyalty to God and country. That’s part of the punk culture — that moral decline.
Square thumbnail from Wednesday, July 3: “Contributions to White History”