It’s Our Fault: Terror Attacks and White Decline (Sun, Jul 28, 2019)
The Hake Report, Sunday, July 28, 2019, 9 AM PT live on Hake’s channels: YouTube, DLive, Periscope, Mixer, Twitch, but not Facebook due to my account being linked to Jesse’s so-called “hate speech.” Call-in: 888-775-3773. No audio-only stream for Sunday, I don’t think! Audio podcast goes up afterward on Apple, TuneIn, Spreaker, Stitcher, and SoundCloud.
(I’m also live 9 AM Mon-Fri on in the fourth hour of The Jesse Lee Peterson Show on Jesse’s video streams. Make sure to catch Church afterward Sunday at 11 AM PT on BOND: Rebuilding the Man channels.)
Quick News Updates (No Details)
President Trump has been railing on black Democrat Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD), and I love it. He called Baltimore a “rodent infested mess” and told Cummings to clean up his district. Jesse Lee Peterson tweeted about a black CNN anchor (Victor Blackwell) who cried on-air after detailing how Trump uses the word “infested” about black and Hispanic areas. LOL! Of course there’s fake Outrage and supposed Racial tensions, but thank God for Trump! He’s the man to address them.
Separately, I saw headlines that the Supreme Court has finally allowed President Trump to use military funds for building the wall.
Personal note: I’ve seen these phony doubters and Trump-haters, white conspiracy theorists and liars who pretend to love white people, claim Trump could do more than he’s done. I saw one claim recently that Trump could appropriate military funds, as if he didn’t try and was blocked, until just now! Another caller on my show claimed, attempting to predict the future, that Trump won’t be able to get the wall built. I called him stupid and a conspiracy theorist and he got offended, cried “ad hominem,” and called me rude. LOL!
BTW: (Drudge) There is a VIDEO: Border agents give illegals hand up hill, around wall -- into USA… See, I told you that President Trump is one man fighting the whole rest of the government.
America Brought 9/11 on Itself: Immigration, Visas, etc.
I saw a video about 9/11/01 from Conan O’Brien at the time. (Youtube algorithm)
Showing nothing but weakness.
Kissing up to all religions, Muslims specifically.
It’s our fault, and it only got worse. They stepped up certain so-called security practices, but only became more accepting of evil. Kiss-up cultural destruction has increased. Fear and anger have increased. Division has increased. (Thanks, Obama.)
Selfish Whites Don’t Make Babies (Whisper app)
Making white babies is not a push amongst the mainstream who encourage selfish degeneracy, but from Jesse Lee Peterson (“Make White Babies!”) and Rep. Steve King (R-IA) who fought against Obamacare covering birth control (“BC”).
Even Apple makes babies colored. Because if anybody’s mentioning babies, chances are it’s not a white baby being made. White babies and kids are ALREADY a minority.
I go on Whisper app and see this popular whisper that had 586 likes, and this morning somehow had 198, maybe it got so many likes that it flipped the counter! Like you can flip those old Atari games. Or it got demoted somehow and likes were removed. Who knows. But anyway the Whisper read, “I spent all of those years worrying about accidentally getting pregnant. Now I’m trying to get pregnant and I can’t.”
So I replied twice to this, whispering to be patient, that my friend’s sister messed up her body with birth control pills and he said it took her years, I think, of being off the pill before she could make a baby. (And she was Mexican btw!) Then I whispered, “This is feminism and the sexual revolution for you. Leaves women disappointed, trying for babies past their prime.”
And the first woman who made the post wasn’t the only one! Other replies:
“Found our that I’m infertile. When I think about all the money I wasted on expensive birth control during my lifetime, I get super pissed.” (Like the birth control didn’t possibly make her infertile.)
Another woman: “I have the same problem. Just have faith.”
Another, this one’s graphic: “It can take a while for your body to ovulate after being on certain forms of bc. It took over 18 months to get my period after getting off depo and that doesn’t guarantee ovulation.”
Here’s a beauty: “I’ll never for the life of me understand the people that actually try [to have children]. Parenthood sucks a—.”
“Omg I say this so much. It’s so hard to get pregnant when you want to. Keep practicing ;) Sending baby dust!”
“That’s how it goes sometimes. The drs will tell u, stressing or worrying over it or trying too hard, makes it harder to conceive.”
“Funny how life works sometimes.”
“Literally my biggest fear, but now idk if I even want kids.”
“I get you completely— I’ve been off contraceptives for nearly three years and we’re still no closer. It breaks my heart every time I get my period.”
“Girl same. Been trying for about 8 months now and nothin. If I knew that was the case I don’t think I needed to try so hard to use contraceptives 😒”
Another whisper reads, “Same..”
Interestingly, it gets worse, because there was another popular whisper, also from a woman apparently, calling herself “#UnpopularPrincess,” promoting vasectomies, saying, “Getting a vasectomy doesn’t make you less of a man. Just prevents unwanted pregnancies and are reversible. [Which isn’t necessarily true.] It shouldn’t just be solely on women to be responsible. #unpopularprincess”
And a lot of the whispered replies are a disgrace: Women whispering they wish their husband or fellow adulterer would.
Some idiot whispered, “Good for you. The planet is overpopulated enough.”
Some stupid woman (obviously it’s a woman) with liberal female so-called logic, saying, “Of course it doesn’t [make you less of a man], just like getting your tubes tied doesn’t make you less of a woman. Do people actually think this?”
This one here is ridiculous and it’s from an actual male, unless she’s trolling: “Loving & Obeying God made me king of my household. Getting a vasectomy helped prove how much I love my wife.”
“Swimmer free 4 u and me lol”
“Vasectomies are sexy AF!”
“Agreed. Top 10 best things I ever did.”
Here’s a nasty one, “It’s kinda hilarious, all these ‘bUt cAnCeR’ replies from dudes… and yet they still expect you to put out like your own health isn’t at risk lest they find someone else willing 🤷♀️ 🤦♀️”
A bunch of CRAP.
Caller Log, courtesy of Jesse’s producer, Nick
Stephen from North Carolina wants to know how James met Jesse. At the time James was checking out different churches until someone told him about BOND, a church where men were actually leading. James was seeking true Christianity, one where people actually overcome sin. Steven touches on how he found Jesse and he mentions how he just stumbled on Jesse after watching other podcasts like Joe Rogan and Gavin McInnes. He talks about his brother (in law?) and is surprised he is still pro-choice even after having a baby.
David from Australia wants to speak on contraception with James. He segues into the tragic use of welfare in Australia and the disrespect of the national anthem at sporting events. James criticizes the critics that like to lob the accusation at Jesse that he provides no solutions. James remarks on the PM of New Zealand. Society is ripe for people to commit evil acts like terrorist attacks; whites have responded to white weakness by becoming weak in another directions; violence to their enemies. Jesse has SOLUTIONS: Overcome anger. TRUMP has not given up on his promises.
SKIP MCBURNEY from Georgia almost choked on his grits when James didn’t say that 9/11 was an inside job. “I only believe what I saw” is James’ response. Skip asks about building 7, which is the smoking gun for the conspiracy theory. The attackers got what they wanted, James remarks, they got an emotional response from the public. Skip challenges James and says it was Bush who got what he wanted. They get into Christianity and Skip wonders what Judaism has to do with the Christians. Skip asks James a question he was saving for Jesse about the Jews. (I think this is where James calls Skip a snake!)
Watch CLIP: Too Far? James Calls Skip a SNAKE! (duration 8 min.)
Robert from Kansas continues the ball rolling on the 9/11 thing. James wonders why people are triggered by the mention of Jews. He wishes those people would first be triggered by the evil in their heart. Robert urges James to look at the Israeli flag maaannn… (James also calls Robert a snake here, but Robert insists he loves Jesse and James.)
Chessy from Texas is really hung up on the words “zionism” she mentions how the word is “eating her up.” James doesn’t care he is focused on what we know and today.
Black Lives Matter MESS (Meme Debunk)
BLM Meme nonsense: So i came across this dumb Black Lives Matter meme with the names of supposed black victims of whites and cops. Some of them I knew to be phony cases, the most prominent ones were no victims but actually the evidence indicates they were perpetrators. Others were more questionable cases in which both parties could fairly be blamed for factors leading to the killings. One is ancient history and the victim was supposedly innocent. Not one was due to racism. Most are incidents that point to blacks being out of control and escalating situations unnecessarily.
They try to overwhelm you with all these names and stories, but their most famous victims are FAKE!
Stupid Black Lives Matter meme with various names of dead supposed black “victims.”
TRAYVON MARTIN: evidence points to him being a perpetrator who was shot in self-defense.
ERIC GARNER: was too out of shape to be resisting arrest.
JORDAN DAVIS: According to the story he should not have been killed, but also should not have made his friend turn up the music again after an angry white man asked them to turn it down.
Edited Black Lives Matter meme with real info (put by me) on the supposed black “victims.”
More Detailed Info on BLM Meme Nonsense:
Trayvon Martin jumped George Zimmerman and threatened his life, after appearing suspicious and being suspected of burglarizing and stealing jewelry in the area. Trayvon was a belligerent drug abusing 17-year-old suspended for fighting. Zimmerman killed Trayvon in self-defense. His mother and father, who weren’t married, exploited his death for publicity and profit along with Jay-Z, Beyonce, and Black Lives Matter. Black Panthers put a price on GZ’s head.
Eric Garner resisted arrest after allegedly selling loose cigarettes to dodge NYC taxes, and was morbidly obese. His friend said he couldn’t walk a block without getting winded. His daughter and mother supported Black Lives matter.
Jordan Davis told his friend to turn the loud cussing rap music back up after an angry white man had them turn it down, then got into a verbal altercation with the man, escalating the situation. His mother joined Black Lives Matter and supported Hillary Clinton, lying about black victimhood.
Amadou Diallo matched the description of a serial rapist or lookout, ran from cops, pulled an object (his wallet) as cops confronted him.
Emmett Till is old news. Ancient history. He was old enough to be attracted to a white woman, and two white men tortured and murdered him after a woman allegedly falsely accused him of sexual harassment.
Kimani Gray allegedly pointed a revolver at plainclothes officers after raising suspicion by adjusting his waistband in a suspicious manner. They fired 11 shots, 7 struck, three entered his back. Blacks claim, without evidence, that he was shot in the back, and rioted, resulting in officer injuries and arrests of blacks including the dead suspect’s sister.
Oscar Grant disobeyed police instructions and cursed at officers as other blacks surrounded and shouted at outnumbered police. The officer appeared to shoot him accidentally, perhaps attempting to taze him. Blacks rioted afterward. Officer and family received death threats.
Michael Brown stole cigarillos, walked in the middle of the street, got in a confrontation with former officer Darren Wilson, attempted to take the cop’s gun and murder the cop, and rushed the police officer. Many black false witnesses lied with the “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” false narrative, and blacks rioted afterward. Darren Wilson lost his career and had to go into hiding.
Jonathan Ferrell crashed and wrecked his fiancée’s car, then banged on the door of a woman’s home; the woman called police, saying he was trying to kick her door down before 3 AM. The burglar alarm was going off. The dispatcher said he’d “kicked through” the homeowner’s door. Jonathan ran at officers who arrived; officers missed him with a taser, then shot him. He had alcohol in his system, supposedly below the legal limit. A voluntary manslaughter charge resulted in a hung jury, mistrial, with no retrial. The city of Charlotte gave the family over $2 million.
Renisha McBride was 19, drunk and high, and discombobulated. She crashed into a parked car after speeding, and fled on foot, wandering the streets for hours, then banged on a white man’s door before 5 AM. The homeowner shot her with a shotgun, and somehow was convicted of second-degree murder, and sentenced to prison.
Square thumbnail from today’s show, Sunday, July 28, 2019, depicting a screenshot from a YouTube video of Conan O’Brien (sp?) in his first show monologue after the 9/11/01 terror attacks.
Thank you!