Independence Day and James's White Christian Family Traditions (Thu, July 4, 2019)
The Hake Report, Thursday, July 4, 2019 — in the fourth hour of The Jesse Lee Peterson Show video streams: Thank you, Jesse! … Call-in live 9am PT: 888-775-3773.
NOTE: James read part of the Declaration of Independence in the top of the first hour news segment of Jesse’s show today.
White Americans vs. American Indians
Quick note about the LIE that we genocided peaceful Indians. Idiot commies and brainwashed blacks say our nation was built on slavery and genocide. Please.
A couple of notes of complaints taken from the Dec. of Independence:
He has constrained our fellow Citizens taken Captive on the high Seas to bear Arms against their Country, to become the executioners of their friends and Brethren, or to fall themselves by their Hands.
He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.
So y’all were the least of their worries. You’re not that important!
I believe Spoiler Alert has said that the Indians got to take their black slaves with them on the Trail of Tears.
Independence Day
Happy Independence Day, to all Americans, and the world, anyone who appreciates or benefits from America. (“Enemies in War, in Peace Friends.”) Some say America does more harm than good in regards to other countries. In a sense, I wouldn’t be surprised. Our government certainly does more harm than good to the people. And the people do more and more harm than good, objectively, morally.
But I don’t go with the liberal “blame America” crap (sorry, language) that leaves no agency or responsibility with other countries. (I still like that point from Quillette writer Coleman Hughes, the young black liberal intellectual who’s anti-Reparations, anti-Affirmative Action, and critical of social justice movements because SJWs put all agency for whites and men, but none for POC’s and women. I’m gonna recommend him to the producer for the radio show. Him and Andy Ngo, fellow Quillette writer who was attacked by Antifa, who got a brain hemorrhage this past weekend thanks to idiot anti-racist communists. “Anti-racists” are worse than “racists.” [T-shirt idea!])
What do y’all do for Independence day? I always went to my grandma and grandpa’s on my mom’s side for barbecue hamburgers and hotdogs, homemade, hand-cranked ice cream, swimming, playing with cousins, lighting street fireworks, and looking at the nieces and nephews’ parade once they came along. I had a nice family, including extended family; everybody on my mother’s side stayed close. My uncle said my grandmother wouldn’t have any of her kids (or barely grandkids) leave the area. I can just imagine what Jesse’d say about that. Might give you insight into why I’m like this! White... Nice... “Christian”... 😀
Caller Log, courtesy of Jesse’s producer, Nick:
Michelle from South Dakota tells a story about how young boys in school are wearing scrunchies on their wrist. She reveals how the girls are giving boys stuff to wear instead of the other way around. She forbade her boy from wearing one of these scrunchies. She says “its almost like the girls are marking the boys.” It’s a shame that the roles are reversed the way they are. James asks why she let her son date at that age. She admits its due to weakness..
Kyle from Denver speaks on America, independence and the 4th of July. He remarks on the principles of America like free speech and innocent until proven guilty and how lucky we are to have them. Let’s keep them!
Brad from Texas calls in to speak about his family and their service in American military. They touch on American heroes and the 4th of July. He cites Audie Murphy as his White History Month hero. Brad is Snow Goose on YouTube!
Greg in Washington is sending pictures from the Salute to America Parade! He describes the military vehicles passing him.
David from Kentucky wishes James a happy fourth. Trump knows how to put on a show! David loves the HAKE report and will definitely catch church on Sundays. They get into Jesse and the way he calls out all hate whether its in whites blacks or anyone.
Isaac from Chicago wants to know if there was one Democrat he could nominate who would you pick. James would pick Tulsi Gabbard. Isaac wonders if she could beat Trump. James doesn’t really see it. They touch on free healthcare for illegals.
Ryan from Ohio is giving Marcus Jones (a YouTube faithful detractor) a big shout out! He asks Jake to ask Maze about the corrupted officials in Dayton. On Monday one such official was found guilty on something. Ryan is BlazenHawgs or something on YouTube!
Square thumbnail from Thursday, July 4, 2019 show: Independence Day!
Thanks, y’all!