Trump Is the Only One to Take on Hate. (Mon, Aug 26, 2019)
The Hake Report, 9 AM PT, Monday, August 26, 2019, live in the fourth hour of Jesse Lee Peterson’s video streams (including YouTube). Podcast goes up after the show — find podcasts via
Trump is the only one to deal with black anti-cop hate, but he’s falsely called a “divider” by pathetic RINOs and homosexual fake Christians!
Blacks Hate Cops...
(Drudge) Video shows NYPD struggling to arrest man as onlookers taunt them…
(Wash. Examiner) A Republican New York state assemblyman retweeted a video that depicts four New York Police Department officers struggling to arrest a man resisting to get into a police car.
Mike Reilly disseminated the video, which shows the officers calling for assistance as onlookers demand the cops call an ambulance for the man, who is under arrest.
According to the New York Post, the recorded incident surfaced hours after NYPD Commissioner James O’Neill claimed that a police slowdown when performing routine work would not occur in response to Officer Daniel Pantaleo’s termination from the force. Reilly, a former NYPD lieutenant, points to the video as proof that NYPD cops are slowing down their responses to routine calls in the wake of Pantaleo’s firing.
Reilly told the Washington Examiner, “In that video, you hear the public who were filming it. They actually said, ‘Call him an ambulance.’ They all realize that isn't what's supposed to be done there. He is physically resisting getting put into a police car. So the arrest has not been fully effective at that time. The person is in custody, but he can’t be transported from there.”
Alleged thief resists arrest while dumb blacks complain about how cops are treating him.
Following the firing of Pantaleo, the officer involved in the 2014 death of Eric Garner, the president of the Police Benevolent Association, Patrick Lynch, called on “all New York City police officers to proceed with the utmost caution in this new reality, in which they may be deemed 'reckless' just for doing their job."
Trump supports police, not BLM. BLM has faded since Trump came around. He gives them no play. That’s uniting the country. Obama divided the country by supporting BLM. (They were NOT “irrelevant,” despite what Charles of Compton falsely claimed.
Kamala Harris divides the country. But because she and Barack Obama are black liberal female-minded people, the media love them.
And scumbags like Scaramucci and Joe Walsh and homosexual Mayor Pete Buttigieg (who kissed up to blacks in his town) are dividing the country with white weakness.
Caller Log, courtesy of Jesse’s producer, Nick
Vicky AKA Spring Thyme calls in to talk about the straight pride parade. She was a lesbian pretty much her whole life but being surrounded by hateful women caused her to want to change.
Clifton from Toronto, Canada doesn’t know it’s men's history month. Clifton goes on to ask James if he forgave his parents. James has but realizes that he may not have truly forgiven them in his heart. He speaks on the fear and anger that comes out sometimes which makes him realize that he isn’t a son of God. Clifton wonders why James hasn’t overcome if Jesse is right? James reminds him that just hearing the words doesn’t do it.
Matt from Modesto, CA comments on the Straight Pride Parade and James remarks on how the opposition made it huge. If they didn’t have hateful hearts they would have left the straight pride goers alone and the event wouldn’t have made so much noise.
Maze from Dayton, OH heard Jesse talking to Allen West earlier. She has a question about whites that she asks James. Maze touches on the Dixiecrats but James lets her know that the current Democrats are way worse that the Dixiecrats. Maze swears that there’s just as many videos of white people acting out as there are blacks.
Robert from The Bronx, NY wants James stance on sex before marriage. James definitely doesn’t support it. James was raised that way so it comes naturally. Robert reveals he says dumb lies and wonders why he does it. He wonders if James lies and James admits he beta lies his way out of events and meetups with friends. Robert wishes James good luck on his journey to manhood
Mark from Brazil wants to touch on the Amazon forest fires. Mark wants viewers to know its a lot of fake news.
Wise from Connecticut wants to know if there’s something James doesn’t agree with Jesse on. James isn’t sure if it’s exactly a disagreement but he for sure doesn’t get a few things. Wise asks how can James say that everything that Jesse says is true and James corrects him, he has never heard Jesse say anything untrue.
Joe Walsh Has TDS and Is a RINO
(Drudge) Joe Walsh announces primary challenge from the right… (ABC News) Walsh said, "I'm running because he's unfit; somebody needs to step up and there needs to be an alternative. 'The country is sick of this guy's tantrum, he's a child'...." He said that “everybody believes that he's unfit. He lies every time he opens his mouth."
Walsh admits, “...I got personal and I got hateful. I said some ugly things about President Obama that I regret."
Stephanopoulos asked, "Did you really believe [Obama is] a Muslim?"
Walsh said, "God no. And I have apologized for that. I'm bearing my soul with you right now on national TV. We have a guy in the White House who's never apologized for anything he's done or said." (BECAUSE HE HASN’T BEEN WRONG!)
Walsh said invoking the 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office for being “unfit” should be "looked at" because "we've never had a situation like this. You can't believe a word he says."
Walsh called him "incompetent," "nuts," "erratic," "narcissist," "bully," "coward," "completely unfit," "disloyal," and "un-American."
Anthony Scaramucci Has TDS and Is a RINO
(Drudge) Scaramucci appears at Biden event… (Wash. Examiner) He says Trump will lose in 2020! The Blue Dream Gala, hosted by the Greek Orthodox Church of the Hamptons, for former vice president Joe Biden (Obama’s VP).
Scaramucci said, “I'm a registered Republican. I haven't switched my support to Vice President Biden, but I will be working to find a nominee to challenge Donald Trump because he's lost his mind and we've got to get someone here before we lose the election 2020.”
Scaramucci previously supported the president as recently as Aug. 8 on CNBC when he praised the trade war with China. But now he’s gone crazy.
Mayor Pete Is a Phony Christian
(Drudge) Mayor Pete making faith-based appeal to voters… (AP) South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg, who’s openly homosexual, invoked the Bible in Iowa about so-called “Climate Change.”
Buttigieg said, “There’s a lot about the stewardship of creation that is in Scripture that I don’t see being honored by the administration right now, not to mention the stuff about loving your neighbor and taking care of the least among us and feeding the poor.” THERE ARE NO POOR.
The crowd of about 250 at a Mississippi River park in southeastern Iowa this month erupted with cheers. (LAME!)
(AP) Republicans for a half century have built a loyal following among white evangelical Christians. But Buttigieg, like no other Democrat seeking the 2020 presidential nomination, is trying to demonstrate that there’s a strong religiosity among Democrats, too. Buttigieg’s father studied for the Roman Catholic priesthood but was not ordained.
Thanks, y’all!