Filthy Lying Democrats (and "Journalists") (Wed, Aug 28, 2019)
The Hake Report, 9 AM PT, Wednesday, August 28, 2019 – from the fourth hour of Jesse Lee Peterson’s video streams (including YouTube), findable via
More Quotes from Filthy Bernie
Real journalism, in the words of Joseph Pulitzer, will “fight for progress and reform, never tolerate injustice or corruption, [and] always fight demagogues.” Pulitzer said that journalism must “oppose privileged classes and public plunderers, never lack sympathy with the poor, always remain devoted to the public welfare, never be satisfied with merely printing news.” So journalism isn’t about dispassionate reporting, but leftist activism! Pulitzer says journalism must “always be drastically independent, never be afraid to attack wrong, whether by predatory plutocracy or predatory poverty.” (What do you mean “drastically independent”? Does the mainstream media seem independent to you? No, they’re leftist brainwashed NPC’s. They’re not independent thinkers whatsoever.)
Bernie says: “When we have had real journalism, we have seen crimes like Watergate exposed and confronted, leading to anti-corruption reforms. When we have lacked real journalism, we have seen crimes like mortgage fraud go unnoticed and unpunished, leading to a devastating financial crisis that destroyed millions of Americans’ lives. Real journalism requires significant resources.”
(I notice he didn’t mention ANY of Obama’s scandals, because the media refused to even look into anything. They into his birth certificate, college transcripts, or the reality he was very pro-same-sex marriage before he was ever elected, when he pretended otherwise. They refused to look into anything. They take libs word for it, and victims, blacks, women, etc. But they scrutinize and nitpick Trump, and falsely call him a liar.)
Bernie says: “We also know that Donald Trump is making things far worse. He is a pathological liar who has spent his presidency trying to demonize journalists when they dare to debunk his lies.” He hasn’t lied about anything. Bernie is the liar.
Beto Attacks the Free Press
SO… (Drudge) Beto ejects reporter from event -- after campaigning on free press… (Breitbart) Tuesday afternoon at an HBCU, Breitbart reporter Joel Pollak was standing in a room with about 200 students and college staff members. Other news outlets had set up cameras in the back of the room. A staff member with a Beto O’Rourke t-shirt looked at his press credential, then a campus police officer told him he had to leave. Another staff member told him he was ejected because he had been “disruptive” at past events.
Joel Pollak has covered two O’Rourke events. The first was at a protest outside a shelter for migrant teens in Homestead, Florida, in June; the second was at the College of Charleston “Bully Pulpit” lecture in Charleston, South Carolina, on Monday evening. He says, “At no point was there any disruption whatsoever.” He asked a question at the Monday event: He asked whether misquoting Trump’s comments on riots in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017 was consistent with O’Rourke’s pledge to “heal” and not “inflame” divisions in this country.
(That’s a reference to the “very fine people” hoax. Trump said there were good people on both sides of the Unite the Right rally, and violence on many sides. He told the truth the best he knew it, and didn’t back down.)
The staff member “Steven” reportedly threatened Joel Pollak with arrest.
This is Obama-style stuff.
Yet Beto tweeted in October, “The press is not the enemy of the people but the best defense against tyranny. We need to vigorously defend the freedom of the press. It’s essential for our democracy.” It’s ALL lip service
Tucker Attacked for Telling the Truth
(Drudge) Tucker Carlson Stands Strong Amid Controversy.. (Mediaite) The media are not defending Tucker, or “fiercely independent.” Tucker has lost advertisers following his recent comments dismissing white supremacy as “not a real problem in America” and saying the concern about it is a “hoax.”
(Mediaite) Following the El Paso shooting and the growing concern about domestic terrorism in the United States, Fox News host Tucker Carlson mocked the media concern and called white supremacy a “hoax” being used to divide the country. Tucker points out that Trump “never endorsed white supremacy or came close to endorsing white supremacy. That’s just a lie. But he condemned it anyway. Their response, ‘he didn’t really mean it.'”
He showed clips of Don Lemon saying Trump’s words “ring hollow when he coddles white supremacists” and CNN’s Kirsten Powers saying, “It’s the arsonist coming and saying they want to help put out the fire.”
Carlson went on to say “the whole thing is a lie” and said:
“If you were to assemble a list, a hierarchy of concerns, of problems this country faces, where would white supremacy be on the list? Right up there with Russia, probably. It’s actually not a real problem in America. The combined membership of every white supremacist organization in this country would be able to fit inside a college football stadium. I mean, seriously. This is a country where the average person is getting poorer, where the suicide rate is spiking. ‘White supremacy, that’s the problem.’ This is a hoax. Just like the Russia hoax. It’s a conspiracy theory used to divide the country and keep a hold on power. That’s exactly what’s going on.”
(NYTimes) Dozens of advertisers have “distanced themselves”: Pacific Life, Farmers Insurance, SodaStream, meditation app Calm, SoFi… listening to Media Matters, which is against America.
Caller Log, courtesy of Jesse’s producer, Nick
Chris from New Hampshire went undercover as a pretend-Biden supporter and at a rally he was urged to bodycheck people against them. Meanwhile at Trump rallies, Trump supporters usually encourage protestors to disagree. Chris also met Biden and is pretty sure it was easy because Biden rallies don’t get full like the Trump ones. Biden falsely accused Trump of not condemning the “white supremacists.” Chris went on camera and told Biden MAGA and KAG!
Josh from Chicago is pretty much sick of the RINOs. When you have TDS you will criticize and undermine all sorts of things. They touch on the fake news media and the lies they push. Josh is paying insane property tax and plans to move. They move on and speak about a tax regulation put in place by Trump. Josh can’t remember his neighborhood from back when it was safer. James reminds him to have hope.
Kevin from Connecticut answers the JLP biblical question and his response is whites are ignorant like the black man. Kevin recounts some history and explains that is the lack of knowing where we came from that causes this. James reminds him of the spiritual nature of the whole situation. The weakness of whites is spiritual.
Joe Biden Is Scum of the Earth
(Drudge) BIDEN: Racism in USA institutional, and a “white man's problem... visited on people of color.” (AP) Biden implied Trump’s words “appeal to the worst damn instincts of human nature.” Biden said, “White folks are the reason we have institutional racism. There has always been racism in America. White supremacists have always existed, they still exist.”
He’s running on a lie. Just like Obama’s Black Lives Matter was built on lies. Media lies that caused RIOTS and COP KILLINGS. The media know how blacks are, how riot-prone and violence-prone, and cop-hating that they are. And they stirred the pot, to undermine our system — just like they’re undermining our immigration system, exploiting loopholes, and encouraging corrupt people. The media and Democrats and RINOs and Never Trumpers like Joe Walsh are so dishonest.
Joe Walsh lied and said Trump didn’t build the wall, which he’s done. He said we’re facing a worse crisis now than ever, which is true, but it’s people like him undermining Trump making it that way.
Transgender Madness
Jesse Lee Peterson’s article 8/25/19 in WND: Straight pride vs. leftist haters
(Drudge) Trans Model New Face of CHANEL…
(InStyle) Quinlivan walked the runways for brands like Chanel, Louis Vuitton, and Gucci, to name a few, before coming out as transgender in 2017.
(Drudge) Idaho must pay for trans inmate's surgery, court rules…
(CBS News) A federal appeals court has ruled that the state of Idaho must pay for a transgender inmate's sex reassignment surgery.
Idaho Gov. Brad Little intends to appeal to the Supreme Court, saying, "The hardworking taxpayers of Idaho should not be forced to pay for a convicted sex offender's gender reassignment surgery...."
Biden, Beto, and Bernie…
Thanks, y’all!