Liberals Protecting the POC's from the Truth (Thu, Aug 29, 2019)
The Hake Report, 9 AM PT, Thursday, August 29, 2019 – live in the fourth hour of Jesse Lee Peterson’s video streams (including YouTube) and audio on Audio podcast goes up after the show under The Hake Report.
We’ll answer your Streamlabs Super Chats and DLive
Be careful out in Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, east Texas, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina!
Joel Pollak’s Prior Correction of Beto O’Rourke
(Breitbart) Joel Pollak vs. Beto on a recent Monday: The exchange went as follows:
Breitbart News: The president, Trump, after Charlottesville, said that he condemned the white supremacists and the neo-Nazis “totally.” Are you aware that you are misquoting him, or partially quoting him — not quoting the full extent of his remarks in Charlottesville? Are you concerned that that might inflame tensions rather than heal divisions?
Beto O’Rourke: No. I believe in the truth, and in being honest about what the president was doing. And it’s not just that he referred to Klansmen as “very fine people,” it’s that he attempted to ban all people of one religion from this country. We’re constantly warned of an “invasion” of killers, and rapists, and animals, from Central America and Mexico, though we know that they commit crimes at a far lower rate than those who are born in this country. This is a very coordinated attack on minorities in this country, on the most vulnerable and the defenseless, for political gain for the president. And he knows full well that it not only offends our sensibilities as a country, it is leading to violence and the taking of lives, as we saw in El Paso.
Breitbart News: But he said that he wasn’t referring to the neo-Nazis and the Klansman — just a clarification — he said he wasn’t referring to the Klansmen as “very fine people,” that he was referring to non-violent protesters, left and right.
Beto O’Rourke: He has openly courted the support of white supremacists and that’s a matter of fact and a matter of record. He has repeatedly, though given the opportunity, refused to disavow their support. I reference — and you can check the tape on this one — at a rally in Florida in May, when someone says, “Shoot them!”, referring to immigrants, he laughs and smiles and he joked about that. If that is not a total failure of leadership, and a total inducement to violence and hatred, I don’t know what is. And you can also check a rise in hate crimes in this country, every single year that he’s been a candidate, or in office, and in fact in those counties that hosted a Trump rally, you saw a more than 200% increase in hate crimes there. He is very much responsible for much of the violence, the hatred, and the racism that you see in this country.
Beto Wanted to 'Protect' Blacks from Breitbart
Democrats protecting the blacks from the truth! Beto O’Rourke’s press secretary, Aleigha Cavalier, claimed that Breitbart “walks the line between being news and a perpetrator of hate speech.” (There’s no such thing as “hate speech.” So telling the truth makes you a perpetrator of a made-up fake crime.)
The statement added, “Given this particular Breitbart employee’s previous hateful reporting (!) and the sensitivity of the topics being discussed with students at an HBCU, a campaign staffer made the call to ask him to leave to ensure that the students attending the event felt comfortable and safe while sharing their experiences as young people of color.”
A Breitbart spokesperson hit back shortly after the O’Rourke campaign’s statement: “The false accusation that Breitbart is racist, or that its award-winning reporter — an Orthodox Jew, married to a black woman who serves in the military — is either racist or would make anyone at a black university uncomfortable is absurd. The irony of Mr. O’Rourke — who has stated himself that he is the beneficiary of ‘white privilege’ — purporting to decide for black students who should be banned from events that are open to the press, or what they should feel, is not lost on us.” In an UPDATE yesterday evening, the O’Rourke campaign told CNN it will not block Breitbart News from the candidate’s future events.
Caller Log, courtesy of Jesse’s producer, Nick
Chris from Arizona has a story about her great grandparents that immigrated legally from Lithuania but they were criminals. She illustrates how legal immigrants come in and cause trouble too. James remarks on how the Irish and Italians were legal immigrants that weren’t accepted easily due to the criminal element they brought with them. They touch on how many immigrants don’t learn English and their kids get brainwashed into voting liberal.
Heather from Los Angeles, CA remarks how black conservatives are sticking up for whites and white liberals are sticking up for blacks.
LP from Texas wants people to stop being victims and James remarks on how weak people protect the most evil parts of people thinking they are fighting against hate.
Tino from New Jersey
Steven from Washington calls about Kosha Dillz and touches on how he was against America’s wall vs being for Israel’s wall. James doesn’t think he is subversive, just brainwashed.
Maze from Dayton, OH asks if James is concerned about the huge storm hitting Puerto Rico and Florida. They touch on race and America with James telling Maze to “look in the mirror”.
Charles from St. Louis, MO doesn’t understand why the border issue is about race. More than hispanics come through illegally. They move on to the differences between the races and for James it's fun to point it out not offensive. James wonders if all these single mothers that are getting abortions just stopped they would be better people. His example is Alyssa Milano and she writes about being proud that she got two abortions when she was younger. Now she is this hateful nasty person who plays God. James wonders had she not gotten those abortions she might have been at least somewhat nicer. Charles wants men to stop mating with sluts
Democrats Disruptive at the Border
(Drudge) DHS bars Dems from visiting border facilities after 'rude', 'disruptive' behavior…
I totally believe this. They’re on a mission to SMEAR the CBP and ICE. Interviews, photographs of detainees, etc.
They don’t tell the truth about this though: (Drudge) Extreme acts of violence in Mexico on rise... 27 burned to death at strip club…
Background image: Breitbart reporter Joel Pollak at a Historically Black College, where he got kicked out of a Beto O’Rourke campaign event, under the pretense that they wanted to “protect” the “people of color” from him.
Thanks, y’all!