09/18/20 Fri. Trump's Truth vs Zinn's Lies; Another MeToo Smear, Ha!
Collage: President Trump handling the lies and smears against America and men like him him from people like the late commie sympathizer Howard Zinn and phony MeToo accuser Amy Dorris!
The Hake Report, Friday, September 18, 2020, TOPICS:
HOUR 1-2: Howard Zinn (info in blog post) and President Trump (Hake News, Hr 2).
HOUR 2: Predictable smear / #MeToo accusation against Trump.
The Bible says: Do not be surprised, dismayed, etc.
Other headlines: SF Mayor London Breed to give money to young black and Pacific Islander mothers; Mayan empire appears to have ended due to drought!
Bill from New York is a young boomer promoting conservative Catholic history and anise.
Skip from Augusta, GA on little known info regarding BLM and spirituality!
Gabriel has a great call toward the end — thank you!
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Howard Zinn - Wikipedia
President Trump called out this dead liar.
His son Jeff Zinn, a dumb actor, posted on Facebook a long statement (archive). The comments are silly as well.
Jeff Zinn the son tweeted yesterday 3pm: It was precisely the whitewashing of American history that Trump and his minions would have us return to that made it necessary for my dad to write "A People's History of the US." [and he tagged] @chrislhayes @DavidCornDC @NicolleDWallace
He also tweeted this morning: In 2013 Mitch Daniels, then Governor of Indiana, failed in an attempt to ban the teaching of #howardzinn . Stay tuned for a revival of that effort on the national level.
Years back I’d read Amazon reviews of Zinn’s book, and people talked like they were redpilled. But they weren’t. They were blue-pilled. Swallowed lies, and caricatures of America.
Jeff Zinn retweeted several lefties, enemies of America, including Morgan Freeman (NOT THE ACTOR!) who wrote: “Who wants to read it with me? The actual truth about how our country was founded, as opposed to the white-washed bulls— taught in our schools. #HowardZinn Oh, and f— Donald Trump.”
Hollywood is as dumb as Academia, and in bed with it.
The son Zinn retweeted some guy’s clip from that dumb Robin Williams movie with the action movie actor who’s also dumb; it got beat out by Titanic I think in the Oscars. That movie promoted Howard Zinn as a good historian, which is not true. (Reminds me of that Denzel movie sequel in which he’s reading sleazy Ta-Nehisi Coates’s Between the World and Me. And other dumb male actors read ACLU creep Michelle Alexander’s “The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness.”)
(They think they’re smart for reading this crap. Arrogant “educated fools” as Clarence Thomas’s grandpa called him when he was a black radical.)
He retweeted that NAACP-affiliated idiot Rev. Dr. William Barber II who wrote: It is never enough to remember our past evils. We learn from Howard Zinn that there is always a second narrative. A narrative of powerful people rising up with moral dissent and moral resistance. Thank you, Howard Zinn. #PoorPeoplesCampaign #MoralMovement ANYTHING BUT MORAL!
Ha! I knew it!—'nother dumb #MeToo claim!
(Drudge) Ex-model claims Trump forced tongue down throat...
'His grip became tighter'... ‘Felt like tentacles’ … HAHA! XD
This trash is from extreme-left anti-American, anti-man foreign outlet The Guardian (which is also seeking to destroy the UK utterly), as well as from their fellow tabloid The Sun.
“Investigative journalist” Lucy Osborne writes this piece (she did a Skype interview or something with this woman), with a fancy, forlorn photograph of the purported “victim” Amy Dorris looking still pretty for a 48-year-old, dirty blonde, probably not natural, wearing one of those weird suit-jackets that women who try to be business-like wear, but it’s open and she’s wearing this low-plunging shirt showing a lot of skin, sitting in a pretty nice house “in her home town in Florida” (Photograph: Mitchel Worley/The Guardian).
She doesn’t look like a happy woman — compared to all the women of his past who still love Donald Trump.
Sleazy Guardian Exclusive: Amy Dorris alleges Trump forced his tongue down her throat and groped her at 1997 US Open. (HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE OR DESIRABLE, TO DO THAT. PHONY WOMAN, PHONY JOURNALISM!)
About Amy Dorris
She was 24, and Trump was 51 at the time and married to his second wife, Marla Maples — WHO LOVES TRUMP TO THIS DAY! (Trump was married to Marla 1993 to 1999 — Tiffany Trump was born in ‘93.)
She didn’t come forward with her fake #MeToo claim like all the hellish females did in 2016. But now she is: “Now I feel like my girls are about to turn 13 years old and I want them to know that you don’t let anybody do anything to you that you don’t want,” she said. “And I’d rather be a role model. I want them to see that I didn’t stay quiet, that I stood up to somebody who did something that was unacceptable.”
This woman provided NO evidence. She just has a few pics together with him. Her then-boyfriend Jason Binn, the founder of several luxury fashion and lifestyle magazines, was a friend of Trump; in 1999 (AFTER THIS FAKE SUPPOSED INCIDENT), he reportedly described the real estate businessman as his “best friend.”
Dorris cannot recall if she told Binn the full details of the alleged assault. HAHA!
Trump’s lawyers say Binn told them he had no recollection of Dorris telling him that anything inappropriate had happened with Trump or that she felt uncomfortable around him.
The sleazy Guardian claims 26 females have accused Trump, without any evidence. Shows you how evil women are — and the fake news journalists!
The Bible repeatedly says...
The same thing that JLP says!
Be anxious for nothing (Philippians 4:6). Do not worry (-Jesus, Matthew 6:25+). Do not be surprised… (1 Peter 4:12). Do not be dismayed… (Isaiah 41:10).
(Revolver) San Francisco Mayor London Breed will give black women $1,000 a month if they get pregnant… SMH.
Climate Hype!
(Revolver) Climate change? Centuries before the combustion engine, drought killed Mayan empire… GOD’S JUDGMENT? HAHA. BUT HONESTLY, WERE THEY ON MORAL DECLINE AS AMERICA IS?
Thanks, all!